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So you agree,hes nuts.没他的室友那么疯Well,not as nuts as the guy who chooses to live with him.信不信由你 我刚认识他时他更疯Bel,生活大爆炸第10季第22集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Were pi


1、So you agree,hes nuts.没他的室友那么疯Well,not as nuts as the guy who chooses to live with him.信不信由你 我刚认识他时他更疯Bel。

2、生活大爆炸第10季第22集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Were pinned down 被敌人包围We cant get through 我们冲不出去了Sheldon, get over here and help 谢尔。

3、生活大爆炸第10季第9集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版That is unbelievable. 真是太棒了Good for Bert. 恭喜伯特Damn, the MacArthur Genius Grant. 靠 。

4、ll have nerds fawning all over you. 会有各种宅男对你摇尾乞怜啊If you dont love that, this marriage is in trouble. 如果你不喜欢这感觉 。

5、Dont take it personally. 别往心里去, 这不是针对你spare key 备用钥匙(老外经常会把自己家的钥匙备份一份给邻居,或者是在家门口的某个位置藏一把sapre key,门框上或花盆下等。

6、Well, I dont like it. 我讨厌这样Mm, if it makes you feel better, you still dress like a child. 有句安慰的话不知该不该讲 你穿着还像小孩。

7、And he doesnt have to use it for research, 而且这个奖金没规定得用在研究上he can do whatever he wants with it. 他可以任意支配Oh, goo。

8、生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第7集哇 谢尔顿 真不敢相信你居然自创了游戏Wow, Sheldon, I cannot believe you made up your own game.研究实验室可不仅。

Interestingly, they dont actually put the fork in their mouth-interestingly:有趣的是 actual。

10、佩妮Penny?事实上 我要去机场接我的朋友贾斯汀Actually, I have to pick up my friend Justin from the airport.听到了吧 她必须去机场接她的朋友贾斯汀Ther。

11、生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第6集风筝嗬Kites,ho风筝嗬Kites,ho不好意思Excuse me.你们误用了嗬这个词Youre misusing the word ho.这是用于引起目标注意的感。

12、生活大爆炸第11季第11集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要Want to grab some lunch 想去吃午饭吗You know 。

13、生活大爆炸第10季第11集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要Hey, Stuart. What are you doing here 。

14、生活大爆炸第12季第10集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要Actually, II need to talk to both of you 。

15、生活大爆炸第10季第18集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Aw, man, did you see this post from Raj 你看到拉杰刚才发的状态了吗What Is it another video of 。

16、生活大爆炸第10季第16集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Go 开始Come on, Raj 拉杰 加油You can do this 你可以的Theres no way. 绝对不可能What is happening 。

17、生活大爆炸第10季第21集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版All right, were about to go live. 好啦 节目马上开始直播Everyone on their Agame 大家拿出最佳表现Good e。

18、生活大爆炸第10季第17集美剧字幕对白台词中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要My father thinks the reason I cant ma。

19、生活大爆炸第11季第4集美剧字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版It feels like it wasnt that long agowe were here doing this for Halley.Cause it wasnt。

20、生活大爆炸第11季第4集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版It feels like it wasnt that long ago 感觉没多久之前we were here doing this for Halley. 我们才来。

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