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    生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第6集.docx

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    生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第6集.docx

    1、生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory 第三季中英剧本 第6集风筝嗬Kites,ho!风筝嗬Kites,ho!不好意思Excuse me.你们误用了嗬这个词Youre misusing the word ho.这是用于引起目标注意的感叹词Its an interjection used to call attention而不是物体 例如停下嗬to a destination,not an object,as in,uh,Land,ho!或者向西嗬Or,uh,Westward,ho!风筝嗬Kites,ho!各位好 在忙什么Hey,guys. Whatcha doin?出去发现电的存在吗

    2、Going out to discover electricity?如果你说的是本杰明富兰克林的成果If youre referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin,他没有发现电的存在he did not discover electricity,他只是利用风筝证明he merely used a kite to determine闪电带电that lightning consists of electricity.他还发明了富兰克林壁炉式取暖炉He also invented the Franklin stove,双光眼镜和灵活导尿管bifocals a

    3、nd the flexible urinary catheter.风筝嗬Kites,ho.我们准备去斗风筝Were heading out for some kite fighting.-斗风筝 -对- Kite fighting? - Oh,yeah.一项极具竞争性和激烈性的运动Its an extremely competitive,cutthroat sport.其实 割到喉咙的风险很低Well,actually,the risk of throat cutting is very low.另外 严重被线擦伤才是真实On the other hand,severe string burn

    4、 is a real且经常发生的危险and ever-present danger.你想来观战吗You want to come watch?天啊Oh,gee.听着很不错Sounds amazing.不过 我有些朋友会过来But,um,Ive got some friends coming over.没什么大事Not a big thing- were just只是聚在一起看内布拉斯加比赛gonna watch the Nebraska game.橄榄球 行Oh. Football,sure.猜得好Good guess.我本想叫上你 但我知道你不是球迷I wouldve invited you

    5、,but I know youre not a football fan.对 当然 很好No,no,Im not,so. great.你能做自己喜欢的事Youve got plans我也能做自己喜欢的事doing something you like,Ive got plans这样很好doing something I like,so its good.我们能迟些再聚Well,maybe well hang out later-等大家都走了you know,after everybodys gone.行 可以Yeah,great.再见See ya.太逊了Well,this sucks.抱歉 我

    6、觉得无聊 开小差了Im sorry,I got bored and drifted off.什么东西很逊Where exactly in the interaction did the sucking lie?莱纳德刚发现佩妮不想带他见朋友Leonard just realized that Pennys been hiding him因为莱纳德是个身材矮小from her friends because hes a tiny,little man又喜欢放风筝的人who flies kites.这当然会很逊Oh,that certainly would suck.沃罗威茨想侧翼包围咱们Wolo

    7、witz is trying to outflank us.你放线 飞高点Let out some string,add altitude我从下方偷袭割他的线and Ill go under and cut his line.为什么佩妮不想让她朋友认识我Why wouldnt Penny want her friends to meet me?集中精神比赛 莱纳德Focus,Leonard,focus!战斗的热浪迎面而来The heat of battle is upon us.战争的恶犬已被释放The dogs of war are unleashed.或许库萨帕里说得对Maybe Koot

    8、hrappalis right.也许我让她囧了Maybe I embarrass her.你现在就让我囧了Youre embarrassing me right now.一个大男人在放风筝的时候A grown man worrying about such nonsense居然担心这种无聊东西when in the middle of flying kites.对不起Sorry.道歉可打不下对方的风筝Sorry wont bring their kites down.被线擦伤 痛痛String burn! String burn!他们以为我们想侧翼包围Oh,they think were fl

    9、anking.正中我们下怀Theyre playing right into our hands.我数到三 使出绝杀飞剪On the count of three,we execute the flying scissor.一 二One,two.哇Whoa!-看到没 -什么- Did you see that? - See what?那个小妞 她冲我笑That chick- she smiled at me.-没有 -有- No,she didnt. - Yes,she did.快 飞剪 飞剪Come on,scissors,scissors!-帮我拿着 -等等- Hold my line.

    10、- Wait.你去干什么What are you doing?我没法单独使出飞剪I cant scissors by myself!霍华德 回来Howard! Come back!胜利Victory!狗娘养的Son of a bitch.你真是垃圾朋友 知道吗Youre a sucky friend,you know that?比垃圾还垃圾的朋友A sucky,sucky friend.我能怎样What was supposed to do?她冲我那么诱惑一笑She gave me that come-hither look.就算她冲你笑 那也是笑你很逊If she gave you any

    11、look at all. it was a you suck look.如果没有拉伤大腿 我就能追上她I wouldve caught up to her if I hadnt pulled a hammy.拜托 你才80磅重Oh,please,you weigh 80 pounds.哪有什么大腿肌肉You dont have a hammy.佩妮不想带我见朋友So,Penny doesnt want me around her friends.我让她囧了 有其他可能吗I embarrass her. What else could it be?她的行为Well,her actions能理解为

    12、顾及你的感受could be out of concern for your feelings也许她不让你参加聚会Perhaps shes excluded you from these gatherings是因为她想物色新配偶because shes scouting for a new mate但不想让你看到and dont want to do it in front of you.她真贴心Oh. how kind of her.同意Agreed.大多数灵长类动物没有这种判断力Most primates dont show that sort of discretion.雌性倭黑猩猩会在

    13、前配偶面前A female bonobo will copulate with a new male与新配偶交配in front of the old one根本不会想你怎么样without so much as a how do you do?你老是这样 知道吗You always do this,you know?抛下我去追没有机会追到的女人You ditch me for a woman you dont have a shot with.我完全有机会I totally had a shot. With a woman在公园追逐一名女子you were chasing through a

    14、 park-这不叫机会 这叫重罪thats not a shot,thats a felony.搭上我赢回来的帕唐风筝更罪加一等Whats worse,it cost me my prized Patang fighting kite.谢尔顿 能不能行行好Sheldon,I dont suppose theres any chance把风筝还给我you could give me my kite back?对不起 拉杰 空战的规则Im sorry,Raj,but the rules of aerial warfare规定战败的风筝归胜者dictate at the fallen kite go

    15、 to the victor.没有规则 比赛就没有意义And without rules,the competition has no meaning.没有比赛意义And without meaning,下面的动作就只会是个空洞的姿态the following would be an empty gesture.你的风筝归我了I have your kite.你的橄榄球派对如何How was your football party?-很不错 我们赢了 -哇- It was pretty good. We won. - Oh,wow.太棒了Thats excellent.你不觉得这个比喻很怪吗I

    16、ts a weird figure of speech,isnt it不是我们在玩 却说我们赢了We won when you werent actually playing.当我们看星球大战的时候When we watch Star Wars,我们不会说我们打败了帝国we dont say,We defeated the Empire.很高兴听你这么说Im glad to hear it.对了 还有个相关问题Oh,hey,on a related subject,我跟你朋友在一起会让你觉得有失颜面吗Are you embarrassed to have me around your frie

    17、nds?天呐 当然不会Oh,my god,no.为什么要这么问Why would you ask that?我才发现Well,you know,I just noticed我还没见过他们呢I havent really met any of them.你肯定见过Sure you have.对 我见过你那高大的前男友Yeah,no,I met the huge ex-boyfriend还有小一点但还是比我高大的前男友and the smaller yet still larger than me ex-boyfriend顺便问一下 他们今天来了吗By the way,were they here

    18、 today?-当然没有 -当然没有- Of course not. - Of course not.为什么要来 为什么我会问Why would they be? Why would I ask?为什么我这么无厘头 为什么你不制止我Why am I rambling? Why dont you stop me?莱纳德Leonard,look,如果你想见我的朋友 当然很好啦if you want to meet my friends,that would be great.我只是 不想让你觉得太无聊I just,you know,I didnt want you to be bored.我才不会

    19、觉得无聊呢I wouldnt be bored.为什么我会无聊Why would I be bored?因为他们不是天才科学家啊Well,cause theyre not genius scientists.佩妮 我喜欢各种各样的人Penny,I like all sorts of people.事实上 我最好的一些朋友并不是天才In fact,some of my best friends arent geniuses.比如说Like who?好吧 我的某些Facebook朋友不是天才Okay,some of my Facebook friends arent geniuses.重点在于 如

    20、果我们要成为一对My point is,if were going to be a couple,我应该是你朋友的朋友I should be friends with your friends.好啊 太棒了 那你下周六Okay,great. Well,then why dont you跟我们一起看橄榄球比赛吧come over next Saturday and watch the game with us.又有橄榄球赛吗Another football game?橄榄球赛每周都有的They have them every week.不知道这回事Did not know that.-你想见我的

    21、朋友 -当然- You wanted to meet my friends. - Sure.当然 但是我对橄榄球不大了解Sure,just I dont know much about football.那没关系 很多男生的Oh,thats okay- a lot of the guys女朋友完全不懂橄榄球girlfriends dont know football.她们就只在厨房边喝酒边聊天They just kind of drink and talk in the kitchen.真不错Great.好的 成功的传球Okay,a complete pass.一档 新英格兰First dow

    22、n,New England.我觉得我开始有点明白了I think Im starting to get this.真的吗Really?过去两小时中我唯一学到的The only thing Ive learned in the last two hours就是美国男人喜欢喝啤酒is that American men love drinking beer,尿太多导致勃起障碍pee too often and have trouble getting erections.把精力放比赛上 而不是广告 拉杰Focus on the game,not the commercials,Raj.我只是说 如

    23、果人们能减少啤酒摄入Im just saying,maybe if you people cut back on the beer,就可以从厕所中解脱出来you could get out of the bathroom在不使用医药帮助的情况下满足他的女人and satisfy your women without pharmaceutical help.拉杰 你在这儿干嘛呢Raj,what are you doing here?你本该帮我改装我的小摩托You were supposed to help me pimp out my Vespa.对不起Im sorry,你还沉浸在我们仍是朋友的

    24、印象中吗are you under the impression that were still friends?别这样Oh,come on.你不会还在纠结风筝的事情吧Youre not still grinding on the kite thing,are you?这不仅仅是风筝的事情Its not just the kite thing.每次我们出去玩 你都认为你可以随时Every time we go some place,you think you can just把我丢下去追路过的漂亮美眉dump me whenever someone prettier comes along,尽

    25、管你跟她们完全没可能even though you dont have a shot with them.我跟那个跑步的有可能成的I had a shot with that jogger.行啊 那找她与你一起往你的小绵羊上画绿焰去Fine. Paint green flames on your little scooter with her.那不是小绵羊Its not a little scooter.那是他们造的第二大小摩托Its the second biggest Vespa they make!你在看橄榄球Are you watching football?没跟你开玩笑Theres

    26、no fooling you.屏幕上的sacks数据又是什么Now,what is this sacks statistic they put up there?我只知道我妈经常去Sacks商店买东西All I know about Sacks is,my mother shops there.Sacks sacksSacks,sacks.这是个橄榄球术语 用于四分卫Its football nom for when a quarterback is tackled在启球线之后被擒倒behind the line of scrimmage.启球Scrimmage.启球线是一条假想的横截线The

    27、 line of scrimmage is the imaginary transverse line用于区分进攻方与防守方separating the offense from the defense.谢尔顿懂橄榄球Sheldon knows football?很显然他懂Apparently.魁地奇他肯定懂 橄榄球他也懂?I mean,Quidditch,sure. But football?谢尔顿 你怎么知道这个Sheldon,how do you know this stuff?我可是在德克萨斯长大的I grew up in Texas.橄榄球在德克萨斯无处不在Football is u

    28、biquitous in Texas:职业橄榄球 大学橄榄球Pro football,college football,高中橄榄球 初中橄榄球high school football,peewee football.事实上 所有种类的橄榄球都有除了最原始的In fact,every form of football except the original-欧式橄榄球European football.而大部分德克萨斯人认为这是共产党阴谋Which most Texans believe to be a Commie plot.真难以置信Unbelivable.如果你感兴趣 我还知道所有If y

    29、oure interested,I also know all about frying meat似鸡非鸡的炸肉排的相关知识that isnt chicken as if it were chicken.那你能教我吗So you could teach me?橄榄球还是炸肉排Football or chicken-fried meats?橄榄球Football.我周日要去佩妮家Im going to Pennys on Saturday跟她的朋友们看比赛to watch a game with her friends我不想自己看上去像个白痴 我想融入进去and I dont want to look lik an idiot. I want to blend in.如果你想融入佩妮的朋友圈If you want to blend in with Pennys friends,我觉得扮作个白痴Id think looking like an idiot会是完美的伪装would be the perfect camouflage.别这样 谢尔顿 教我橄榄球吧Come on,Sheldon,please teach me about football.会很有趣的Itll be fun.这跟我爸说的完全一样Thats exactly what my fa


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