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    1、非限制性定语从句教案非限制性定语从句教案【篇一:非限制性定语从句优秀教案】 non-restrictive attributive clauses step1 review finish the attributive clauses below: 1. the lesson _ we studied yesterday was interesting. 2.do you know the girl_ is a dancer. 3. dont4. the girl _you saw at the meeting is a well-known swimmer. 5. he has a sist

    2、er _ name i cant remember. 6. i never really understand the reason _ he made such a serious mistake. 7. i still remember the days _ we studied together. 8. people like to live in a place _ theres fresh air and little noise. 总结:关系代词: ;关系副词: . step2 while-grammar example1: compare the two sentences in

    3、 the same group and find out the differences between them. 1).the old man has a son ,who is in the army. 2).the old man has a son who is in the army. 1)中的从句是翻译:.(隐含的意思: ). 2)中的从句是翻译:.(隐含的意思: ). practice: (translation) in the class, there are 36 students who are interested in pop music. in the class,

    4、 there are 36 students,who are interested in pop music. conclusion 1 1.限制性定语从句与先行词关系缺少)的部分, 去掉它,主句意思(a:不明确;b: 明确.)翻译时,从句先译,“的” 2.非限制性定语从句是对先行词的补充说明,去掉翻译时,主句先译,从句单独成句 总结: 注意: 和 不能引导非限制性定语从句。( 可用 来代替,eg:i have told i didnt attend the meeting.) 能变成限制性定语从句吗?answer .(yes,no) conclusion 2 “介词+关系代词”在句中的用法:

    5、 1.名词 2.数词(含基数词,序数词,分数和百分数) 3.代词(代词有many/all/both/none/neither/either/some/any/ a few4. the+adj最高级, the last 此时先行词在其后的定语从句中作介词的宾语,关系代词不可用. practice: 2,i got three gifts on christmas day, the biggest of 3,im doing various exercises, all of step3 complement 引导非限制性定语从句时as与which的异同: 观察: 1). as we all kn

    6、ow, light travels much faster than sound. 2). light, as we all know, travels much faster than sound. 3). light travels much faster than sound, as we all know. 4). he changed his mind, which made me very angry. 5).as is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress. ;

    7、 或 .而which引导的从句只可放在2.as有之意,而which没有.as和which的区别 1as含有正如、按照、正像之意,as一般用在肯定句中,而which则可以用于含否定意义的句子中,如: 1).he failed in the exam again,as was expected 2).he failed in the exam again,which was unexpected 2.当说明主句的事件引起的结果时用which,如: 1).he saw the girl,which delighted him 2).he didnt pass the exam,which made

    8、his mother angry 3下列固定结构,一般不能用which,如: as has been said before as often happens as is well knownas will be shown as may be imaginedas we know as follows as we expected as he pointed out as is given as we have seenas is said about as we all can see 多数已成固定结构 4. as常用于the same.as, such. as , as. as和so.a

    9、s 结构中。如: 1)i have never seen such a lazy man as you (are ). 2)let children read such books as will make them better and wiser. 3) take as many as you want. (作宾语) 4) here is so big a stone as no man can lift. (作宾语) 注意:the same.后既可以用that 也可以用as来引导定语从句,that“同一的”即指同一事物;而后者引导定语从句时, as“相似”即指同类事物。如: 1) thi

    10、s is the same pen that i lost yesterday. (this sentence means: this pen is mine. i lost it yesterday.) 2) this is the same (kind of)pen as i lost yesterday. (this sentence means: this pen is very much like mine that i lost yesterday. in fact, it isnt mine.)、非限制性定语从句关系词的选用 、as和which引导非限制性定语从句中的用法 、介词

    11、+关系代词在非限制性定语从句中的用法 、that和why不能引导非限制性定语从句 envy him. (2004, 天津卷) a. who b. thatc. whatd. which 2.i have many friends, some _ are businessmen. (2005,全国ii卷) a. why b. from which c. who of d. of whom 3i walked in our garden, _ tom and jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees. (2005,辽宁卷) a. whichb.

    12、 when c. where d. that 4. great changes have taken place in that school. it is no longer what it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped. (2005,安徽卷) a. when b. which c. what d. that 5. jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office. (2005,浙江卷) a. whichb. that c. this d. it st

    13、ep5 homework 1. go over the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses. 2. finish the exercises on the paper . 1).the factory _well visit next week is not far from here. a. where b. to which c. which d. in which 2).that is the day _ill never forget. a. whichb. on which c. in whichd. when 3)

    14、.the pen _he is writing is mine. a. with whichb. in which c. on which d. by which 4).he is good at english, _we all know. a. thatb. as c. whom d. what 5).in our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of _are women. a. them b. which c. whom d. who 6).i lost a book, _i cant remember now. a. whose

    15、 title b. its titlec. the title of it d. the title of that 7).i have bought such a watch _ was advertised on tv. a. that b. whichc. as d. it 8).the way _he looks at problems is wrong. a. which b. whosec. what d./ 9).this is the reason _he didnt come to the meeting. a. in which b. with which c. thatd

    16、. for which 10).i have two grammars, _are of great use. a. all of which b. either of which c. both of that d. both of which 11).i can never forget the day _ we worked together and the day _ we spent together. a. when; whichb. which; when c. what; that d. on which; when【篇二:高中非限定性定语从句教案】 教学过程 一、 复习预习

    17、定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,相当于形容词,所以又称为形容词性从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。定语从句又分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的含义更具体,更明确。限制性定语从句不能被省略,否则句意就不完整。非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,只是对其作一些附加说明,不起限定制约作用。如果将非限制性定语从句省去,主句的意义仍然完整。 本节我们着重研究限定性定语从句。 二、 知识讲解 非限制性定语从句:从句和先行词关系不密切,去掉定从句,意思仍然完整。形式上用逗号隔开,不能that用

    18、引导。 e.g. toms father, who is over sixty, still works hard day and night.(who引导非限 制性定语从句,整个句子可分成两句来翻译) 考点/易错点1 非限定性定语从句中which和as均可使用,一般情况下,逗号后which表示预料之外的事情,而逗号后的as则表示预料之内的事情,e.g. he didnt come, which surprised us.他没有来,我们非常吃惊; he didnt come, as we had expected.他没有来,正如我们所料。考点/易错点2 which可以在特殊定语从句中作定语,修

    19、饰fact, matter, thing 等名词。这些名词代表先行成分表达的意义,有时将其略去句义仍然完整。as不能作定语。如: i was told to go not by train but bus, which advice i followed. 考点/易错点3 同时注意一个问题,限定性和非限定性定语从句在语义上有时略有差别: there are 5 people, who were injured in the accident. (表示共5个人) there are 5 people who were injured in the accident. (表示人很多,但受伤的只有5

    20、个) he didnt wear clothes which will distinguish him from others. 他不穿那些会把他和别人分开的衣服。(他不穿奇装异服) he didnt wear clothes,which will distinguish him from others. 他不穿衣服,这把他和别人分开。 造成这样歧义的原因就在于逗号的which课表示前文整句话。 考点/易错点4 as引导定语从句时的用法 as引导限制性定语从句通常用于the same as, such as结构中。 my friends. 我要一件跟我朋友一样的衬衫。 我们车间使用的这种机器是

    21、中国制造的。 as引导非限制性定语从句既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子。通常用下列句型:as is known to all, as is said, as is reported, as is announced, as we all know, as i expect 等。 正如我所预料的那样,他在这次期中考试中又获得了第一名。 3)as 引导非限制性定语从句时与which的区别 当主句和从句语义一致时,用as;反之,用which来引导非限制性定语从句。 当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用which引导。 his wife doesnt like at all. 三、例题精

    22、析 【例题1】 【题干】 _ is known to everybody, the noon travels around the earth once every month.(nmet 2001) a.itb.asc.that d.what 解析:答案为b。本题考查as引导的非限制定语从句。as作“正如”解时,引导的非限制性定语从句来修饰整个句子。当as在从句中作主语时,常用于下列短语:as is known、as is said、as is reported、as is announced等。要注意掌握作关系代词引导定语从句的用法。【答案】b 【解析】 本题考查as引导的非限制定语从句。

    23、as作“正如”解时,引导的非限制性定语从句来修饰整个句子。当as在从句中作主语时,常用于下列短语:as is known、as is said、as is reported、as is announced等。要注意掌握作关系代词引导定语从句的用法。 【例题2】 【题干】3. _ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. a. it b. asc. that d. what 【答案】b 【解析】【容易误选 a,认为此处应填一个形式主语。 【分析】最佳答案是 b。as 引导的是一个非限制性定语

    24、从句。比较下面一题: _ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month. a. it b. as c. that d. what 此题答案选 a,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that 从句 【例题3】 【题干】 he had thousands of students, many of _ gained great success in their own field. a. whomb. themc. whichd. who 【答案】a 【解析】【陷阱】容易误选 b,用 th

    25、em 代指 students. 【分析】最佳答案是a,many of whom gained great success in their own field 为非限制性定语从句。假若在many of. 的前面加上连词and,则选答案b。 四、课堂运用 【基础】 on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents seated together joking. a. their b. whose c. which d. that答案 a 容易误选b,认为这是非限制性定语从句。 解析 their paren

    26、ts seated together joking 不是非限制性定语从句,而是一个独立主格结构,因为空格后的动词 seated 不是谓语,而是一个过去分词,因为 seat 作动词用时,是及物动词。比较以下相似题: (1) on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents were seated together joking. a. theirb. whosec. whichd. that 选b.whose parents were seated together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为

    27、其后有完整的谓语 were seated. (2) on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, and _ parents were seated together joking. a. theirb. whosec. whichd. that 选a.因为句中有并列连词and,整个句子为并列句。 (3) on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents sitting together joking. a. theirb. w

    28、hosec. whichd. that 选a.their parents sitting together joking 为独立主格结构。 (4) on sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, _ parents sat together joking. a. theirb. whosec. whichd. that 选b.whose parents sat together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 sat. (5) on sundays there were a lot of chil

    29、dren playing in the park, _ parents were sitting together joking. a. theirb. whosec. whichd. that 选b.whose parents were sitting together joking 为非限制性定语从句,因为句中有完整的谓语 were sitting. 【巩固】 if the man is only interested in your looks, _ just shows how shallow he is. a. as b. which c. whatd. that 【陷阱】容易误选a

    30、或b,误这是非限制性定语从句。 【分析】正确答案为d,注意逗号前是一个条件状语从句,逗号后是该状语从句的主句,that 在此代表前文所述的情况,用作主句的主语。 【拔高】the buses, most of _ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd. a. that b. it c. them d. which 【陷阱】容易误选 c,用 them 代指 the buses. 【分析】最佳答案是d。most of which were already full 为非限制性定语从句,修饰 the buses 课程小结 定语从句学习

    31、容易出错的几方面 1、在定语从句中加了多余的或缺少宾语成分。 some of the boys i invited the didnt come. she told the wrongs had been done to her by the boss. 2、 把定语从句的主谓一致问题。those who has finished may go now. 3、 当先行词为表示时间、地点的名词时,分不清关系词在定语从句中所作的句子成分。 is this the school where mr. white visited last month? the naughty boy often knocked at the wangs door, that made the family4、 分不清限制性


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