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    1、酒店餐饮服务常用英语酒店餐饮服务常用英语一、Receiving a Guest in Restaurant 餐厅款客服务1. Good afternoon,sir. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?下午好先生,欢迎光临我们餐厅,请问您有预订吗?2. How many people are there in your party?你们一共几个人?3. Would you please come with me?请您跟我来,好吗?4. Please step this way.这边请。5. Will this table b

    2、e all right?这张桌子可以吗?6. Would you like to sit near the windows?您是否喜欢靠窗坐?7. Where would you like to sit?您希望坐在哪?8. You can sit where you like.您可以随便坐。9. Im sorry,that table is already reserved.对不起,那张桌子已经预订出去了。10. Your table is ready now,sir. Thank you for waiting.先生,您的桌子已准备好了,谢谢您久等了。11. We can seat your

    3、 party now,sorry to have kept you waiting.我们现在可以安排你们就座了,对不起让你们久等了。12. Heres the menu.这是菜单。13. Im sorry,the restaurant is full now. We can seat you in 20 minutes.对不起,现在餐厅已坐满,20分钟候我们可以安排您入座。14. You can wait in the bar if you like and well call you when we have a table.如果您愿意,可以在酒吧等一等,我们有了桌子会去请你的。15. Im

    4、 sorry,there isnt a table right now. there will be a wait of about 20 minutes. May I have your name,please?对不起,现在没有空桌了,恐怕要请您等20分钟,请问您姓名?16. Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?well accommodate your party as soon as possible.您是否愿意边等边在休息处喝喝饮料?我们会尽快安排你们入座。17. Please wait a momen

    5、t,Ill arrange it for you.请稍等,我马上给您安排。18. Please wait a moment,your table will be ready right away.请稍等,您的桌子马上就会准备好。19. Excuse me,would you share the table with that lady?对不起,您与那位小姐合用一张台好吗?20. Would you like to try todays specials?请尝尝今天的特色菜好吗?21. Please wait a minute,Ill arrange it for you.请稍等,我马上为您安排

    6、。22. Please look at the menu first. Would you like try todays special?请先看看菜单,您想尝尝今天的特色菜吗?23. Excuse me,may I take your order now?对不起,现在可以点菜了吗?24. Would you like some dessert?您喜欢吃点甜点吗?25. Sorry,it takes some time for this dish,could you wait a bit longer?真对不起,这道菜需要一些时间,您能多等一会吗?二、Taking Orders 点菜服务1.

    7、Good morning,are you ready to order now,sir?晚上好先生,您现在点菜吗?2. Would you like something to drink before your meal?用餐前您是否想要点饮料?3. What brand of gin would you prefer?您喜欢哪种牌子的金酒?4. Are you like to order now,sir?先生,您想现在点菜吗?5. Would you like to order now?您现在点菜吗?6. Have you decided on anything?您决定吃什么了吗?7. Wo

    8、uld you like something to drink?你想喝点什么?8. Would you like some appetizer before lunch?午饭前您想吃点开胃的东西吗?9. Weve got today.我们今天有10. Todays special is今天的特色菜是11. Everything is a la carte.这里只能点菜,没有套餐。12. We have a buffet. You can have all you want for $10.我们有自主餐,您交10美元可以吃所有食物。13. Thats served with a roll and

    9、 pickle.还有面包和泡菜。14. Im sorry,there are no chops left.对不起,没有排骨了。15. Im sorry,we havent got any more lobster today. May be you would like to have it tomorrow.对不起,今天的大虾已经卖完了,也许您明天愿意再来吃。16. Im afraid that this vegetable is not in season. Would you like to try something else?抱歉,恐怕现在不是生长这种菜的季节,您是不是吃点别的什么?

    10、17. How would you like the eggs?您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋?18. How would you like the steak done,well done、medium or rare?您喜欢几成熟的牛排?熟透的、还是适中的、还是半生的?19. Perhaps you would like some B.B.Q.也许您想吃点烤肉。20. I would recommend this dish to you。 It is very good.我愿意向您推荐这道菜,味道非常好。21. How about trying some,perhaps you will like i

    11、t?您是不是尝一尝,这道菜味道很好。22. May I suggest?Its very tasty.我建议您吃这道菜味道很好。23. Im sure you will enjoy it.我肯定您会喜欢它的。24. I hear it is very good,perhaps you would like to try some.我听说很好吃,也许您想来点尝尝。25. If I were you, Id have the veal,Its our specialty.如果是我的话,我就要小牛肉,因为是我们这里的特色菜。26. What would you like with veal?小牛肉您

    12、喜欢配点什么?27. Mao Tai is well-known in the world. Its produced in Guizhou province. You might be interested.茅台酒誉满全球,是贵州生产的,您可能会感兴趣的。28. Im sorry,there arent any vacant tables. I can arrange for you if you dont mind sharing a table with the ladies.对不起,已经没有空桌了,如果您不介意的话,我可以安排您与那边的女士同坐一桌。29. Do you mind if

    13、 other share the table with you?您是否介意别人和您同坐一桌?30. Would you please write down your room number?I will give you a ring when we have a vacant table.请写下您的房号,有了空桌我马上给您打电话。31. The ice-water here is safe to drink. What would you like to order,madam?这里的冰水饮用是安全的,夫人,您想订些什么?32. Do you want cooked or dry cerea

    14、l?你是要热的粥还是现成的粥?33. We have reserved three tables for your group from table No.16 to 18.我们为您的旅游团预订了三张桌子,从16号桌到18号桌。34. How much will you pay for each person?每个人准备花多少钱?35. Is there anything that needs improvement?有什么需要改进的吗?36. Can you tell me something about the food served here?你能给我介绍一下这里的风味吗?37. Wil

    15、l you look at the menu for the party to see whether you want to add or change something?请您看看这个团队的菜单,看还需要添点什么或调换些什么吗?38. Would you like Chinese food or Western food?你们喜欢中餐还是西餐?39. Sorry,it takes some time for this dish. Could you wait a little bit longer?对不起,这道菜需要一段时间,你能多等一会吗?40. Im sorry. That dish

    16、is not available now.真对不起,这个品种刚卖完。41. All right,Ill contact the cook and make you satisfied.好的,我跟厨师联系一下,会使您满意的。42. Can I arrange a snack for you if time is pressing for you?如果您赶时间的话,我给您安排一些快餐饭菜好吗?43. Would you mind serving now?现在上菜好吗?44. Pardon me,Ive made a mistake about your dish.请原谅,我把您的菜搞错了。45.

    17、Sorry,Ill let you know when I make sure.对不起,我问清楚马上就告诉您。46. Anything else would you like?您想再要点别的吗?47. Would you like to have some fruit?您喜欢吃点水果吗?48. What kind of vegetable would you like?We have a choice of fresh asparagus,green beans、spinach and grilled tomatoes.您想要哪种蔬菜?我们有新鲜的芦笋、豆角、菠菜和烤熟的西红柿供您选择。49.

    18、 We offer European breakfast,American breakfast,which one do you prefer?我们这提供欧路式早餐,美式早餐,您喜欢哪一种?50. A variety of fruit juices are served here,we have tomato juice、orange juice、grapefruit juice and pineapple juice.这里供应各种水果汁,有番茄汁、橙汁、葡萄汁、菠萝汁。三、Settling the Bills 结帐服务1. Can I have my bill,please?我可以结帐吗?2

    19、. Whats this for?这是什么?3. Would you like to sign for it,sir?先生,请问您愿意签单吗?4. Thank you,I hope you enjoyed your dinner.谢谢您,希望您用餐愉快。5. How would you like to pay for your bill,sir?先生,请问您想怎样付帐?6. We accept American Express,Master card,Visa card and Euro card. What kind have you got?我们接受美国运通卡,大来卡,维萨卡和欧洲卡,您用

    20、哪一种.7. Do you accept travelers cheque?你们收旅行支票吗?8. Is everything all right during your dinner,sir?先生,请问您用餐期间都还好吧?9. Have you found everything satisfactory?您还都满意吧?10. How was the food,sir?先生,请问您的饭菜还好吗?11. Would you like anything else?您还要点别的什么吗?12. Could I serve you anything else?您还需要我给您上点别的什么吗?13. Do

    21、you care for a dessert?您是否想吃甜食?14. Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?您准备将这笔费用寄到您饭店的总帐上吗?15. Could you sign here your name and room number,please?请您在这签上您的姓名和房号。16. I need your signature and room number,please.我需要您的签名和房号。17. May I also have your room number,please?请把您的房号也告诉我好吗?18. All the bi

    22、lls are subject to 10% service charge,sir.先生,多有的帐单都需要另加10%的服务费。19. Sorry,you cant sign the bill here,cash only,please.对不起,我们这里不能签单,请付现款。20. Thank you,we dont accept tips.谢谢,我们这里不收消费。21. Excuse me,we forgot to make out the bill for 有yesterday,would you please pay it now?对不起,我们昨天忘了跟您结帐,您现在付钱可以吗?22. Th

    23、ank you,and heres your change.谢谢,这是找您的钱。四、Handling Complaints 处理投诉1. Whats problem,sir?Can I be of assistance?先生,出了什么问题?我能为您做些什么?2. This is quite unusual. I will look into the matter.这是很少有的,我会调查此事的。3. I will get you another one.我再去给您重端一份上来。4. I will have them prepare another one. Would you like some

    24、 drinks while you are waiting?我去让他们重做一份,您是不是愿意边喝饮料边等?5. Shall I have the dish cooked again?要不要我去把这道菜再重做一遍?6. I will take to the chef and see what he can do.我去和厨师长商量一下,看看他是否能给予补救。7. Im terrible sorry. I can give you something else if youd like. That will be on the house,of course.非常抱歉,如果您愿意,我可以给您上点别的

    25、菜,这当然是本店免费赠送的。8. Would you like to try something else?with our compliments, of course.您是不是想吃点别的什么,这当然是餐厅的一点敬意。9. I will see about your order. Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting?我会去看看您点的菜做的怎么样了,您是不是可以先吃点开胃的东西?10. Im sorry,sir. Please excuse her. We are very busy today.对不起,先生,请您原谅她,我们

    26、今天实在太忙了。11. I am sorry,sir. We are short of hands today. Would you please have a drink fires.先生对不起,我们今天人手少,您是不是先喝点什么?12. Im sure everything will be right again next time you come.相信您下次来时一切都会是您称心如意。13. Im sorry to hear it . please be assured that we will look into the matter. Out chef is very particular.很抱歉听您这么说,请相信我们一定会调查此事,我们的厨师长也是很挑剔的。14. How about a delicious dessert then,with our compliments?那么,给你送一份美味的甜点,如何?当然是免费的。15. I have every confidence in our chef. Just give us another chance,and you will find this restaurant really lives up to its name.我对我们的厨师有信心,请再给我们一次机会,您会发现我们餐厅确实是名副其实。


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