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    english studymovieWord文件下载.docx

    1、走到大厅,我找到了出口,再也没有见到Eric。 I checked the stairwell. I left the building. I didnstairwell: 楼梯井 check:我检查了楼梯井,然后就离开了大楼.再也没有见到Eric。-Loker: Their stories were consistent. consistent: 始终如一的,一致的 他们说的很一致。-Foster: They were. 的确一致。Can you pull up there response latency analysis?pull up: 拉起 latency: 潜伏,潜在 analys

    2、is: 分析 你能计算一下他们的回应等待时间么?-Adams: Response latency?latency: 潜伏 回应等待时间? Its the time between when a question is asked and the answer is given between: 在中间 指的是问与答间隔的时间。Clayton: Tell us about the fire Alarm went off at 3:00 A.M. alarm: 警报 凌晨3点 响起警报。 We got the call around 3:我们凌晨3点接到火警。-Donovan: Must have

    3、 been about 3:00 in the morning. 大约是凌晨3点。 Response time is under a second. response: 反应 回应时间不足1秒。 If they were lying, theyd be longer, right?如果他们在说谎会思考一下,对吧? A lot of people think you take longer to respond if youre lying, 作答, 回答 很多人以为说谎得思考一阵才回应, but thats just if the lie is spontaneous. spontaneous

    4、: 自发的,自然发生的 但那只是在临时想要说谎的前提下。 If a lie is prepared ahead of time, youre eager to get it over with. eager: 渴望的 prepared: 有准备得 get over with: 一劳永逸地做完 如果事先编好谎话你就会脱口而出了。 So, which one of them is lying?所以,他们谁在说谎? They all are. 他们都撒谎了。Something happened in that fire, and from the looks of it, every one of

    5、them was involved. involved: 涉及 肯定事有蹊跷,目前看来他们都身涉其中。-Goldin: This was the second attempt on Manny Trillos life this month. attempt: 企图,试图 袭击Manny Trillo的事件,这已经是这个月第二次了。Tensions between La Salva and Trillos old gang have escalated. escalate: 扩大,升级 La Salva与Trillo旧部的紧张局面逐步升级, Trillos been speaking out.

    6、 A lot of guys want him dead. speak out: 大声讲 guy: 家伙 dead: 死亡 Trillo口无遮拦,很多人想置他于死地。The only thing worse than the street violence well see if Trillo is killed in prison is the violence well see if he takes over el Punio again. violence: 暴力 take over: 接管,接任一旦Trillo死在狱中会出现街头暴力,但如果他重新掌管El Punio ,那将更为可怕。

    7、The governor believes Trillos changed. 总督相信Trillo已经洗心革面。He thinks he could do some real good on the outside, outside: 外面 他相信他出狱之后会重新做人。but we need to know hes telling the truth, that hes not going back to gang life. gang: 一群,恶少帮 但得确认他并未撒谎,他已经金盆洗手。-Cal: All right. More than happy to put my reputation

    8、 on the line. put on the line: 付款(冒险)reputation: 名誉 好的,此举甚为冒险但非常荣幸。-Trillo: First couple of years here, I was angry, so I took on the other prisoners. prisoner: 囚犯 刚来这里时我很愤怒,跟其他狱友较量, I took on the guards. I did a lot of solitary. take on: 承担,接受 solitary: 孤独的,唯一的,隐士 跟狱警较量,独来独往。Got so bad, I started s

    9、tealing books from the prison library and carrying them around. library: 图书馆 carry around: 随身带来带去 堕入深渊后我开始从监狱图书馆偷书,然后招摇过市。 I wouldnt have picked you for a bookworm. bookworm: 书呆子 你完全不像个书呆子。 That much time in the hole. in the hole: 短少,负债,有财政困难 身处牢狱之中,整日无所事事. I read anything I could got my hands on. g

    10、et hand: 得手 我看到什么书就读什么, Gardening manual economic textbooks, Spanish poetry. economic: 经济的gardening: 园艺 manual: 手册,指南 textbook: 课本 Spanish: 西班牙的 poetry: 诗歌 园艺手工,经济学课本,西班牙诗集, There is no cry of pain without, at its end, an echo of joy.echo: 回声 joy: 愉悦 没有痛苦的哭泣,也就没有喜悦的回响。Ram de campoamor. 西班牙诗人,雷蒙 甘布亚摩

    11、 I read that and. 我读到此句. I dont know. 难以说清 I caused so much pain. 我造成了那么多痛苦。What joy could come from that?其中的喜悦又是什么呢?And then, Id realized. 那个时候我忽然醒悟. I had to be the joy. 我要成为喜悦之源。 Thats a charming story. charming: 迷人的 听起来引人入胜。Would you mind? I missed lunch. miss: 错过 你不介意吧? 我还没有吃午饭 -Ria: So, youre

    12、saying that you regret what you did. regret: 遗憾,后悔 你说你对自己所作之事感到懊悔。 All I cared about was the power, the money. 我过去只在乎权力,金钱 And I took a life. 我夺走了一条性命。 Just the one?只有一条性命? I ruined the lives of many young Latinos, kids who could have had a chance. ruin: 毁坏,破灭 我毁了很多年轻拉丁人的生活,他们本可以有大好人生的。 do you have

    13、any. plans, you know, for after prison?prison: 监狱 对于出狱后的生活你有什么规划么? I have a plan for street peace. plan: 计划 我想致力于街头和平。We need a social agenda for the barrio. agenda: 议程 barrio: 地方行政区域 我们得为城区制定社会议程。I ve been stabbed twice the last month. stab: 刺,戳 上个月我被刺杀两次, 15 stitches this morning. stitch: 一针,疼痛 今早

    14、又缝了15针。My life is in your hands. 我的性命掌握在你手中。 I couldnt agree more. 的确如此。 Do you think it might be helpful to clue me into your little experiments?clue: 提示 experiment: 实验 给我点提示,让我融入你的实验之中不是会更有效么? Nope. nope: 不, 不是 不会的。 Gang leaders like Trillo learn easy that respect is key to survival. leader: 领导者 s

    15、urvival: 生存 像Trillo这样的黑帮老大很快就会发现要活下去就必须尊重别人。They need to respond to perceived disrespect, perceived: 察觉,感觉,认知 disrespect: 不敬,失礼 他们发现了无礼就得作出回应。and it becomes what we call emotional trigger. emotional: 感情的,情绪的 trigger: 触发器 然后就成了这样,我们称之为情感激发点。 He needs me to believe that hes reformed, reformed: 改革过的 他要

    16、我相信他已改过自新。but when I talk to him with my mouth full, this is what we get. 可当我满嘴食物同他说话的时候他就成了这样, Nostrils flared. Lips tightened. nostril: 鼻孔 flare: 闪光 tighten: 勒紧,坚固 鼻孔张大,嘴唇紧闭。 Anger. He cant control himself. control: 控制 愤怒,他没法控制自己。Disrespect is still a trigger. disrespect: 不敬 无礼仍旧是个激发点。 Youre sayin

    17、g Trillo hasnt changed. 你是说Trillo并未改变。 Not necessarily. When he talks about his past, he shows us something else. talk about: 谈论 并非如此,当他提及往事他向我们展示了另一面。 And I took a life. 我杀了一个人。 Shame. shame: 羞耻 羞愧 Hes truly ashamed for what hes done. 他是真的为自己的所作所为感到羞愧。 yeah, but the anger trigger. trigger.: 触发 没错,可

    18、愤怒激发点. No. 不是这样。Thats a survival trigger, and theyre really hard to turn off. turn off: 关掉 那是生存激发点,很难控制得了的。Doesnt mean he hasn并非说明他未改变。 You need to compare this to an emotional baseline-old videos. compare to: 与比较 baseline: 基线 baseline: 底线 你得找个情感参照点可以和以前的录像加以比较。Call the governors office and see if t

    19、hey have anything they can send over. send over: 播送 给典狱长打电话问问有没有以前的录像。 Preferably before someone sticks another fork in Mr. Trillo. preferably: 宁可,宁愿 stick: 插于,刺入 fork: 叉 最好是在Trillo先生被刺之前 Yeah. No problem. 好,没问题。 You see that?瞧见没?You think you made the right call putting her on this case?case: 案件 你觉

    20、得让她参与这件案子没问题? Well, who wouldnt want to be on this case?谁不想参与这件案子?Evolution generally takes millennia, evolution: 进化 millennia: millennium的复数,千年 进化需要成千上万年的时间, but change in a lifetime, now. lifetime: 一生 不过一生中的变化,比如这个. thats something to see. 有待进一步考证。 All the naturals that we have seen, they share tw

    21、o traits. natural: 自然的 trait: 特征,特点 自然界里的一切事物都有两个共同特点。They are uneducated and. uneducated: 没有受过教育的 它们没受过教育. and the other trait should have nothing to do with the scientific question of whether a man can evolve. have nothing to do with: 与无关 evolve: 进展,进化 另一个特点同一个人能否进化这一科学命题并无任何关系。 Yes, but psycholog

    22、ically, if she has dealt with a history of. psychologically: 心理学上 deal with: 处理 没错,但从心理学角度而言,如果她过去有过 hey, if she has strong feelings about Trillo, then s has to learn to put them aside. put aside: 储存,保留 aside: 到旁边 嘿,如果她对Trillo带有强烈的感情那她就该学着把它们暂时放一边去。 Oh, so I guess, if someones got to teach her how t

    23、o avoid her feelings, then youre the most qualified.someone: 有人feeling: 感觉,感受 avoid: 避免 qualified: 有资格的 噢,那我想要是得找个人来教教她,你肯定是最有资格的了。 Anything else I can do for you?还有什么要帮忙的吗? I do need some help with my, uh, my firefighters. help with: 帮助某人做 firefighter: 消防队员 我倒确实需要你来帮我看看。 well, all three firemen sho

    24、wed increased manipulators, manipulator: 操作者 呃. 那些个消防员,三个消防员都有说谎的痕迹。but only two of them showed micro expressions of fear. micro: 微小的 expression: 表情 fear: 畏惧 不过只有两个的微表情里带有恐惧。 Well, take me through the one that didnt show fear. through: 从.直至 让我看看那个没有表现出恐惧的家伙。 Uh, I thought we were looking for the guy

    25、 most likely to tell us what happened. look for: 寻找 likely: 有可能的 呃. 我觉得我们该找出那个最有可能告诉我们真相的人。 We are. 不正是嘛。 Okay. Doug Donovan. 好的,Doug Donovan No increased anxiety, no notable signs of anxiety: 焦虑 notable: 值得注意之事物 焦虑并未显著增加没有值得注意的迹象 oh, stop it there. Take it three seconds back. second: 片刻 噢,停下,倒回三秒钟。

    26、Freeze it there. freeze: 冻住 定格。Cheeks raised, lip corners depressed. cheek: 脸颊 depressed: 沮丧的 lip: 嘴唇 面颊上扬,嘴角下垂。 remorse. remorse: 懊悔,悔恨 自责。Maybe he knows something. 也许他知道内情。Maybe the group is forcing him to lie. force: 强迫 也许其他人在逼着他说谎。 Well, hes the one you want to focus on. focus: 使聚焦 好了,你们该好好注意这个家伙。Monkey with the interview conditions. condition: 情况,条件 interview: 面谈 换换询问的环境, Keep hi


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