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    1、Making good use of campus resources is also of great importance to college success. The school libraryhas many resources for the growth of the students mind. With computers and copy-machines for individualuse, computer labs and writing labs are there not just for learning purposes but also for actua

    2、l help withwriting papers. The “office hours” ” will help the students build a close relationship with their professors andgive them access to the professors mind. From the professors the students can acquire possible extrainformation that may put them ahead of their study. All these resources are f

    3、ree, since they are funded bystudent tuitions. So taking good advantage of the resources can only make the students education moreattainable.Finally, any students who want to assure success must establish school as the top priority. Personally Ihave watched some students slowly loosen up; I have see

    4、n a pattern of partying and a lack of motivation.Many of the freshmen have no idea why they are in college, and their “eyes” often tell it all. This world is sorich in distractions that it is hard to keep a strong focus, especially if one is just starting his or her academiccareer. It is said that t

    5、he first semester is often the most “unsuccessful” one. This certainly rings true for me.I made mistakes in this regard and eventually learned that, to achieve success, school must always be placedabove other things.In my college experience, I have observed and learned how to achieve success. I wish

    6、 someone had toldme earlier the importance of having that smart classroom conduct, of fully utilizing the school resources, andof making college my top priority. Then, my college beginnings would not have been so rocky and tough.2 / 31II. Write an outline (20 points)Read the following passage carefu

    7、lly and compose a “topic outline” for it.SmellSmell, as a means of nonverbal communication, is important. Odor communicates not only when we areface to face with another person, but also when the other person is not present. People from differentcultures may have different attitudes toward body odor

    8、s.Most people in the West respond negatively to what they consider bad odors such as body odor, breathodor, or clothes that emit unpleasant smells such as sweat. They work hard to cover up their body odor andview those with body odor as dirty and unsanitary. However, people usually are not comfortab

    9、le indiscussing the topic, and generally will not tell another that his or her body odor is offensive. They willsimply avoid being close to the person and will end the conversation as quickly as possible.Other cultures have quite different concepts of natural odors; they consider them as normal and

    10、believethat it is an act of friendship to “breathe the breath” of the person with whom they converse and to feel theirpresence by smelling. For example, Arabs dont seem to feel comfortable unless they can smell each other.When Arabs talk, they virtually envelop each other in their breath. Smelling t

    11、he natural body odors of onesfriend is desirable; denying him or her this privilege is to act ashamedly. In other cultures smell also plays animportant role. In Japan, young girls will often play a game involving the placing of five fragrances in tinyboxes. The girl who identifies the most aromas wi

    12、ns the game. In Bali, Indonesia, when lovers greet oneanother, they often breathe deeply in a kind of friendly sniffing. It is not uncommon for young lovers in thePhilippines to trade small pieces of clothing on parting so that the smell of the other person will evoke theiraffection for each other.N

    13、ot knowing cultural variations in attitude toward smell can create uncertainty and even ill feeling. Forexample, a medical doctor from Saudi Arabia once worked in a hospital in the southern United States.Problems arose when patients refused to have the Saudi doctor examine them. Interviews with pati

    14、entsrevealed two problems: He “smelled bad” and he breathed on the patients. The doctors training hadapparently failed to include the difference between Arabic and American attitudes and practices relating tosmell. Clearly, encounters between people with such widely differing attitudes could lead to

    15、 seriousmiscommunication. To maintain harmonious intercultural business relationships, one should rememberthese diverse attitudes toward smell.III. Compose an essay (60 points)In China, old people are usually taken care of by their family members, but now some people send theiraging parents to nursi

    16、ng homes. What is your opinion on this? Write a 300-word expository essay statingyour views.3 / 314 / 315 / 316 / 312008 年10 月. Supply the missing paragraph (20 points)The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefullyand write the missing paragraph in a

    17、bout 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unitywith the passage provided.Different Types of ParentsIt is universally true that all parents in the world love their children. However, as parents views of lifevary, they love their children in different ways. Generally speaking, in ter

    18、ms of how they treat theirchildren, parents fall into three basic types: autocratic, democratic, and permissive.The autocratic parents word is the law. He always sets rules, expecting complete obedience from hischildren. He assumes that he knows what is best for his children and that they will learn

    19、 discipline andrespect for authority from his orders. He does not realize that he may not know best and that ruleswithout mercy may breed contempt for authority. If the child came home late from a party because amajor accident on the highway tied up traffic for miles, this parent would not allow the

    20、 child to explainhis reasons for being late. The child would be immediately punished. This kind of parent probably hasgood intentions, wanting his child to grow up “right,” but his approach to the task may lead to conflicts.The democratic parent is not so strict. He is willing to discuss rules with

    21、his children and listen to theirside of an argument. If his child came home an hour late from a party, he would listen to theexplanation instead of punishing the child immediately. In general, the democratic parent lays downfewer rules than his autocratic counterpart because he realizes children mus

    22、t learn certain things in lifeon their own. He prefers to play the role of an advisor and is always available when his children needhelp.7 / 31Too few people with children are democratic parents, which is the best of the three types. Too much ortoo little authority often breeds disrespect and resent

    23、ment. A good parent should offer guidance and advice; he should not try to rule his children or disregard his children completely. Write an outline (20 points)The Human BrainFor centuries, people wondered about how the human brain works. Researchers were particularlyconcerned about its structure and

    24、 functions. It was not long ago that scientists made the remarkablediscovery that our brains are divided into two halvesleft brain and right brain, and that each half hasseparate features and roles.The left brain is said to be the logical brain. It is the left brain that we use to solve mathematical

    25、problems and go think logically. For example, if you are asked how to make coffee, this is what happens.Your left brain begins to work; it searches its files for information on coffee making. If it finds the files,it begins relating what to do step by step. If it does not find any record, it says it

    26、 does not know.The right brain is often called the creative brain. It has the function of thinking creatively. This containsall the artistic functions, including art and music appreciation. When you want to draw a picture orcompose a piece of music or write poetry, it is the right brain that is in o

    27、peration. When you comeacross a new situation in your life, your right brain gives ideas on how to tackle it.To some people, the left brain is dominant and to others, the right brain is. Of people who are good inmathematics and language expressionthat is, putting into practice what they have learnt,

    28、 we say thatthey are more left-brained. They are not very sensitive and believe in doing everything only afterreasoning. They are very sharp at arguments. They are the type who will not believe in anything untilthey see it. Right-brained people are more artistic and have a good sense of music apprec

    29、iation. Theyare also more sensitive and tend to be emotional. They are more open to new ideas and are willing toaccept radical positions.Is the left brain better or the right brain? Both sides of the brain are equally important. In an idealsituation, a person should be exactly equal in both sides of the brain. However, as in most things, theideal never happens. People are dominated by one or the other side of their brains. In order tofunction effectively in the world, we must learn to use both sides of the brain. In many situations that8 / 31


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