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    1、托福写作答案解析4月23日托福写作答案解析4月23日托福综合写作 Topic 议题:feeders are bad for birds Reading Listening Sub-point 1分论点1 Birds gather easily, thus spreading diseases. The diseases that spread in Hinch are always group-by-group. It has nothing to do with humans. Sub-point2分论点2 Birds are exposed to predators. If humans

    2、feed birds, extra nutrition will make them stronger and healthier,enhancing the speed of reproduction. The number of new-born birds will be larger than the number of dead birds. Sub-point3分论点3 It 眀椀氀氀 influence birds migration pattern. It will not disturb the pattern of natural migration, because bi

    3、rds will depend on shortened sunlight to decide the migration time. Sample answer: The writer and the speaker have a debate on feeding bird during the winter. The writer believes it has negative influences on birds, which is opposed by the following lecture. First, the writer claims that birds gathe

    4、r easily, thus spreading diseases. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him/her, the diseases that spread in Hinch are always group-by-group. It has nothing to do with humans. Secondly, the passage states that bad weather results in shortage of food supply. However

    5、, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that if humans feed birds, extra nutrition will make them stronger and healthier, enhancing the speed of reproduction. The number of new-born birds will be larger than the number of dead birds. Last, the writer argues that it will influence birds m

    6、igration pattern. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. It will not disturb the pattern of natural migration, because birds will depend on shortened sunlight to decide the migration time. 4月23日托福独立写作: 作文题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

    7、 Playing sports teaches people more important lessons about life. 题型类别: 同不同意类 题材类别: 事实类 相关旧题: 2010.12.19ML/2015.6.14ML 写作思路: 这道题是比较典型的事实类题目。可以采取拆分的方法比较好解题。 可以拆不同的sports或者lessons都可以。我们可以说篮球教会我们团队合作精神,长跑教会我们坚持不懈的毅力以及蹦极教会我们勇气。当然还有很多其他方面,比如运动教会我们乐观的心态,教会我们竞争意识,领导能力等等。想到思路之后还要注意细节的展开,充分论证。 写作指导: Agree: 单

    8、边:(任选三点即可) 做运动可以叫我们如何与他人合作。(cooperate with/ 甀渀椀琀礀/teamwork spirit)很多运动需要我们组队完成,比如篮球比赛,需要六个人协调配合,如果一个人只关注自己,和不懂得如何和他人进行搭配,那么肯定会输。 教会了我们做事情要坚持(never give up)。比如马拉松Marathon,需要长时间和强嫩的毅力(persistence、perseverance)很多体育活动都是比较累,比较辛苦的,如果要想在体育上有所建树的话,必须付出很多艰辛的努力。我们生活也是一样的,很多时候,生活并不是这么如意和一帆风顺,需要我们有一颗坚强的心。 运动教会我

    9、们学则合适的东西。选择自己合适的运动就好比选择好的动作一样,短跑需要运动员有较强的爆发力(explosive power)。有些疾病的人需要选一些稍微温和项目(light 猀瀀漀爀琀猀 / walking swimming)。 竞争意识。体育活动,如果你要取胜的话那么就必须要有竞争意识。生活中很多方面,如果想胜人一筹,也得有竞争意识。 运动可以提高一个能的领导能力,一个人曾经领导一个团队进行比赛。他可能需要引导队员,可能会鼓励队员们去的胜利 运动还可以教会人们在激烈的比赛中如何保持乐观(optimistic)的心态。不管成功和失败,大家都能很好的对待。每场比赛都是特别紧张和激烈,因为大家都希望

    10、能够在比赛中获得胜利。 4月23日托福独立写作真题重现: Getting advice from people who are older than you is more valuable than from people of your age. 4月23日托福独立写作题目分析: 题目大意:从年长的人获得建议要比从同龄人获得建议更有价值。此题目重复2014年11月8日B卷原题,解题思路和老年人的建议有没有价值是一样的。波波建议选择同意,对advice 进行拆分,拆分成工作和教育两个角度,分别证明年长人的意见的作用。 参考范文: Since any individual, whether y

    11、oung or old, will encounter various problems and troubles throughout the whole life, it is certainly necessary to consult others for suggestions and solutions. Nowadays many young people hold that advice from their peers is usually more valuable than that from people of older age, because people at

    12、the same age are more likely to understand their situation. However, as far as I am concerned, it is a wise move to listen to the older peoples suggestions, because rich experience and profound knowledge accumulated by older people will offer us a proper guidance in many ways, especially in the aspe

    13、cts of receiving education and hunting for a job. First of all, consider the educational issue. Obviously, students are constantly faced with various upcoming problems and puzzles in the course of furthering their study. As for high school students, the would-be undergraduates, how to successful app

    14、ly for an ideal university and choose a promosing major usually matters a lot. In order to unravel the above puzzels, they had better consult those people of older age who will give advices such as passing TOEFL with top score and participating various extracurricular activities. In fact, the above

    15、experience is exclusive to those who have undergone the whole process of applying for university. Also, as newcomers entering college or universities, the freshmen are usually confronted with various troubles while embarking on the brandnew campus life. To be specific, some students from disadvantag

    16、ed families may be concerned about how to gain scholarship from school. The sophermores and junior students are likely to provide practical instructions instead of their classmates. Furthermore, the same logic can apply to job-hunting. After leaving schools, graduates will enter the highly competiti

    17、ve job market. Due to the lack of knowledge of the real working environment, they are in great need of instructions and suggestions from senior employees. To be specific, senior employees can hold a interview training, in which students will be informed of how to dress up, how to write a resume and

    18、how to respond to the questions from interviewers. Also, the skills of communicating efficiently with the employers and the ability to get along well with co-workers will be imparted to potential employees. On the contrary, people at the same age with us are also still feel confused about how to see

    19、k an ideal job, thus reducing the value of the suggestion given by them. Admittedly, the generation gap between us and people of older age may poses an obstruction to communication between them. However, the above claim is far from the truth. With the improvement of educational background on the part of the elder, they are able to guide yongsters in a more acceptable way and thus the gap between the younger and the older can be well bridged. In conclusion, the advice from the elder is of greater value than that from the peers, especially when we meet problems in education and career.


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