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    1、comfortcomfortable 舒适的almusicmusical 音乐的originoriginal 最初的fulforgetforgetful 健忘的peacepeaceful 和平的iveeffecteffective 有效的;生效的attractattractive 有吸引力的sometiretiresome 令人厌倦的troubletroublesome 麻烦的yhealthhealthy 健康的wealthwealthy 富裕的;丰富的erneasteastern 东方的;向东的westwestern 西方的;向西的ishfoolfoolish 愚蠢的;可笑的selfself

    2、ish 自私的aryimagineimaginary 想象中的secondsecondary第二的;次要的(三)动词变名词的后缀及例词anceenceperformperformance 表演;节目existexistence 存在;生存iontionitionationattractattraction 吸引introduceintroduction 介绍competecompetition 比赛;竞争expectexpectation 期待;期望siondiscussdiscussion 讨论;辩论decidedecision 决定inghearhearing 听力;听觉beginbegi

    3、nning 开始mentachieveachievement 功绩;成就argueargument 辩论;论据treattreatment 对待;治疗urefailfailure 失败;没做到departdeparture 离开;出发presspressure 压力recoverrecovery 恢复;痊愈discoverdiscovery 发现(四)形容词变名词的后缀及例词ageshortshortage 不足;短缺cyfluentfluency 流利;流畅accurateaccuracy 准确性domfreefreedom 自由;自在wisewisdom 明智;智慧nesskindkind

    4、ness 仁慈;好意carelesscarelessness 粗心大意thgrowgrowth 成长;发展strongstrength 力气;强项tyityabilityibilitydifficultdifficulty 困难cruelcruelty 残酷;残暴realreality 现实;真实disabledisability 无能;伤残responsibleresponsibility 责任(五)常表示人的后缀及例词erteachteacher 老师villagevillager 村民strangestranger 陌生人arlieliar 说谎者begbeggar 乞丐eeemploy

    5、employee 受雇者;雇员interviewinterviewee 被面试者oractactor 男演员educateeducator 教育家;教师essactactress 女演员godgoddess 女神hosthostess 女主人;女主持人eseChinaChinese 中国人JapanJapanese 日本人ianmusicmusician 音乐家historyhistorian 历史学家politicspolitician 政治家;政客istnovelnovelist 小说家specialspecialist 专家tourtourist 旅行者;观光者antserveserva

    6、nt 仆人participateparticipant 参加者assistassistant 助手;图书管理员(六)表示否定或相反意义的前缀、后缀及例词前/后缀前缀disagreedisagree 不同意advantagedisadvantage 缺点illegalillegal 不合法的logicalillogical 不合逻辑的impoliteimpolite 无礼的patientimpatient 不耐烦的informalinformal 非正式的convenientinconvenient 不方便的irregularirregular 不规则的responsibleirresponsi

    7、ble 不负责任的misleadmislead 误导understandmisunderstand 误解nonnonsmoker 不吸烟者nonstop 直达的unusualunusual 不寻常的willingunwilling 不愿意的lesshopehopeless 绝望的endendless 没完没了的(七)构成动词的前缀和后缀enableenable 使能够largeenlarge 扩大richenrich 使充实broadbroaden (使)变宽riperipen (使)成熟sharpsharpen 使尖锐widewiden 加宽ifyclassclassify 把分类justj

    8、ustify 证明正确simplesimplify 简化izeapologyapologize 道歉emphasisemphasize 强调考点二合成法和转化法(一)合成法合成词是由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词的构词方式(有的合成词写在一起,有的中间需加连字符,有的是分开写的两个)。合成词的词义可以根据各个组成部分的意思加以推断。构成合成词的几个词可以是词性相同的词也可以是词性不同的词。高中阶段常见的合成形式有:合成名词notebook 笔记本;classroom 教室;blackboard 黑板;teamwork 协力;second language第二语言合成形容词lifelong 毕生

    9、的;secondhand 二手的;manmade 人工的;widespread 广泛的合成动词underline 画底线标出;whitewash 粉饰;broadcast 广播;download 下载(二)转化法不增加任何成分,不改变词形,把一个单词由一种词性转化为另外一种词性的构词法叫转化法。高中阶段常见的转化形式有:名词动词button纽扣button扣上纽扣形容词动词correct正确的correct改正动词名词feed喂养feed一餐;一顿形容词名词native本地的native本地人副词动词up在上面up提高核心考点针对练.单句语法填空1(2016全国甲卷语法填空)Then,hand

    10、le the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of (achieve)2(2016语法填空)Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks (regular)3(2016全国乙卷语法填空)But for tourists like me,pandas are its top (attract)4(2016全国丙卷语法填空)Some people think that the great Chinese

    11、 scholar Confucius,who lived from roughly 551 to 479 BC.,influenced the (develop) of chopsticks.5(2017河北石家庄高三调研)Like university students,the US high school students have the (free)to choose the courses that most interest them.6Her preparation course is helping her to get used to (academy) requiremen

    12、ts of a Western university. 【导学号:34802183】7A fireman (accidental)discovered the cause of the fire.8It cost (approximate)$300I cant remember it exactly.9 (beg)cant be choosers.10Other disabled people find the website (benefit)because they can read about people with similar difficulties to their own.【

    13、答案】1.achievement2.regularly3.attraction4.development5.freedom6.academic7.accidentally8.approximately9.Beggars10.beneficial .单句改错短文改错)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. 短文改错)Instead he hopes that his business will grow steady.3The man was so careful that he missed his train.4Do

    14、you know the deep of the river?5“Whats that?”the father shouted angry.【答案】1.honesthonesty2.steadysteadily3.carefulcareless4.deepdepth5.angryangrily高考题型综合练.语法填空There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard(果园)He was very hardworking,and the farm was always going well in 1 care.When the farmer

    15、felt that he 2 (have) a limited life,he called his 3 (son) to him and said,“There is a pot of gold 4 (hide)in the olive orchard.Dig for it,if you wish for it.”After the farmer was 5 (die),his three sons went to find the pot of gold;since they did not know 6 the hidingplace was,they agreed to dig unt

    16、il one of them found the gold.They dug until they had turned the soil up 7 one end of the orchard to the other.But no pot of gold was found.The three sons were 8 (extreme)disappointed to have all their work for nothing.The next olive season,the olive trees there bore 9 (much)fruit than they had ever

    17、 given;when it 10 (sell),it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.They suddenly understood what the wise father had meant.【语篇解读】一个农民在临终前告诉他的儿子们在橄榄园中有一罐金子,他的三个儿子并没有在果园里挖到金子,不过他们从中悟出了父亲的用意。1his考查物主代词。本句主语为He,其对应的形容词性物主代词为his。2had考查时态。本文的主体时态是一般过去时,故此处用一般过去时。3sons考查名词的数。根据下文中的“his three sons”可知这个农民有三个儿子,故此


    19、e。10was sold考查动词时态和语态。sell在此为及物动词,空前的it指代fruit,fruit与sell之间为动宾关系,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故用was sold。.短文改错 Smog has covered large areas of Beijing recently,that has had lots of influence to our life.Its not convenience for us to go out due to the heavy smog.In order to take in less than poisonous air,whenever

    20、 we go out,we have to wear mask.Given such a serious problem,some measures must be taken to solve it.As for our government,some laws should be passed to ban factories from giving off poisonous waste.At same time,we are supposed not to drive to work but ride their bicycles.Now I appeal to all people

    21、to take action against smog but protect our world from be polluted.Only in the way could we live in a green world.【答案】Smog has covered large areas of Beijing recently, has had lots of influence our life.Its not for us to go out due to the heavy smog.In order to take in less poisonous air,whenever we

    22、 go out,we have to wear.Given such a serious problem,some measures must be taken to solve it.As for our government,some laws should be passed to ban factories from giving off poisonous waste.At same time,we are supposed not to drive to work but ride bicycles.Now I appeal to all people to take action against smog protect our world from polluted.Only in the way we live in a green world. 【导学号:34802184】


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