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    1、up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their life was poor. 68岁的吴政说,尽管家境并不富裕,但他很久以前就下定决心要为老伴买架钢琴。My wife enjoys music and loves piano very much, Wu said. I dreamed of buying her a piano as early as 38 years ago when we fell in love with each other.“我老伴特别热爱音乐,喜欢钢琴。”吴政说。“早在38年前我们

    2、谈恋爱的时候,我就梦想着给她买一架钢琴。”Yet the cost of the piano - at 22,550 yuan ($3,500) - was a big sum for the family. His wife suffered from backbone problems for years and Wus salary at the rural credit cooperative could only cover the basic expenses of food and medicine for the whole family.然而一架22550元的钢琴对这个家庭来

    3、讲是笔不小的支出。吴政的妻子常年饱受脊椎病的折磨,而吴政在城关信用社的收入仅仅能够支撑整个家庭食品和药品的基本支出。To make more money to support the family, Wu decided to pick up recyclable waste after work in the early 1990s.It was a hard decision because there were lots of prejudices toward waste recyclers at that time, he said. Most people thought that

    4、 collecting recyclable stuff from the dustbins was shameful. 为了多挣些钱养家,吴政从上世纪90年代初就决定利用业余时间捡破烂。“这是个艰难的决定,因为当时人们对拾荒者持有偏见。”他说,“大多数人觉得从垃圾桶里捡破烂是件丢脸的事。”By collecting all kinds of wastes including rubber shoes, plastic bottles, glasses and newspapers, Wu could earn about 4,000 yuan per year and save about

    5、1,000 of that.通过回收胶鞋、塑料瓶、玻璃和报纸等各种废品,吴政每年能有4000元的收入,从中能存下1000元。Some young men would rather break the glass bottles in front of me on purpose, and it felt like breaking my heart, he said. “有的年轻人甚至故意当着我的面把玻璃瓶摔破,当时我特别痛心。”他说。He had to travel around the city twice every day for more than 10 kilometers to

    6、find as much stuff as possible. 为了尽可能多地回收废品,他每天要在城里走上两圈,能走10多公里的路。Since Wu has fulfilled the dream of buying his wife a piano, he does not go out to pick up waste any more, though he still keeps the habit of saving his familys recyclable waste. 如今吴政已经实现了给老伴买钢琴的梦想,不用再出门拾荒了。但他仍旧保留着收集家中废品的习惯。There are

    7、no differences between so-called noble or humble jobs, said Wu Yuanhong, the couples 36-year-old daughter, adding that she felt proud of her parents. “工作没有所谓的高贵、低贱之分。”两位老人36岁的女儿吴艳红(音译)说,她为自己的父母感到自豪。People deserve to be respected if they are dedicated to their dreams and dont rely on others. For Xie,

    8、 the piano was a surprising gift - she had never played the piano before and she is trying hard to study how to play.“不依赖别人,为自己的梦想而奋斗的人,理应得到尊重。”对谢桂枝来说,这架钢琴是一份令人惊喜的礼物。之前从未弹过钢琴的她目前正在努力学习。The most romantic thing I can imagine is to get older slowly with you, Wu sang to the melody of the piano. 吴政老人随着钢琴

    9、的美妙旋律唱道:“我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。” Cuisine documentary offers food for thought舌尖上的中国不只是美味 There are many TV programs on Chinese cuisines, but few are like A Bite of China. The latest seven-part high-definition documentary offers insights into the geographical, historical and cultural dimensions of what

    10、 Chinese eat.关于中国美食的电视节目数不胜数,但很少有像舌尖上的中国这样的节目。这部最新的七集高清纪录片,从地域、历史以及文化这几个方面深入探讨了中国人的饮食。Helmed by award-winning documentary maker Chen Xiaoqing, A Bite of China is filled with mouthwatering images of food ranging from haute cuisine to local delicacies, the documentary captures the beautiful and refine

    11、d process of food-making. The program is sure to attract both food buffs and ordinary audiences.舌尖上的中国由曾拿过大奖的纪录片制作人陈晓卿执导,从珍馐佳肴到地方小吃,用影像为观众呈现出各种令人垂涎欲滴的食物,同时该纪录片也用镜头记录下各种菜肴精致悦目的制作过程,理所当然地会吸引美食家以及普通观众的关注。Television is filled with food these days, especially introductions by top-notch chefs and close lo

    12、oks at the complicated and refined cooking processes of haute cuisine, Chen says.陈晓卿表示,如今电视上充斥着各色美食,尤其是一些顶级大厨的推荐菜式和近距离观察高级菜肴复杂精细的烹饪过程。We have some appetite-boosting shots of food-making, but how to create dishes is only one aspect of food culture, Chen says.“如今有许多令人食欲大增的美食节目,但如何做菜只是我们饮食文化中的一方面。”陈晓卿说

    13、。The program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements related to dishes, such as eating habits and the ethics of eating.“我们的节目则别出心裁,试图呈现出更多有关菜肴的文化元素,如饮食习惯和饮食道德。”The bonus is, the show is not only about dishes. Every episode will highlight different people, who will tell stor

    14、ies about their adventures with food.这部纪录片带给我们的额外惊喜是,它并不仅仅展现美食。每一集都聚焦于不同的人群,讲述着人们和食物的美食奇遇。To get enough good stories, the production team spent three months doing research and interviews in about 60 cities before they started shooting last July. Filming lasted about nine months.为了获取足够的优秀素材,制作团队于去年七月

    15、开始拍摄之前,花了三个月时间,走遍大约60座城市进行调查采访。拍摄过程长达9个月。An episode about pickles, for instance, revolves around a white-collar woman in Beijing, who returns to her hometown in Jilin province and makes pickles for the first time for her lonely mother.例如,在讲述腌制食品的一集中,故事围绕一位北京白领女性展开。女孩回到吉林老家,第一次为孤单的母亲腌制泡菜。A Bite of Ch

    16、ina captures social transformations while presenting food cultures, such as showing the dispersion of extended families that leave the elderly in their hometowns while other members work outside - cases in which food serves as reminders of happy times and centerpieces of reunions. 舌尖上的中国在展现美食文化的同时,也

    17、捕捉到了社会的变革,例如大家庭中成员分散在各处,大家都在外工作,留下空巢老人在家乡生活。这种情况下,美食可以提醒人们去追忆美好时光,也成为家庭团聚时的餐桌佳品。 One in seven thinks end of world is coming全球1/7人相信世界末日将至 Nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime and 10 percent think the Mayan calendar could signify it will happen in 201

    18、2, according to a new poll. 根据一项新调查,全世界有近15%的人相信世界末日将在自己有生之年到来,10%的人认为玛雅日历预示着世界将在2012年终结。The end of the Mayan calendar, which spans about 5,125 years, on December 21, 2012 has sparked interpretations and suggestions that it marks the end of the world. 跨越5125年的玛雅日历终止于2012年12月21日,这引发了各种关于世界末日的解读和联想。Wh

    19、ether they think it will come to an end through the hands of God, or a natural disaster or a political event, whatever the reason, one in seven thinks the end of the world is coming, said Keren Gottfried, research manager at Ipsos Global Public Affairs which conducted the poll for Reuters.益普索全球公共事务部

    20、为路透社开展了这一调查。该部门的调研主管凯伦戈特弗里德说:“或是认为世界会在上帝手里终结,或是认为世界将因自然灾害或政治事件毁灭,不论是何种原因,全球有七分之一的人认为世界末日即将来临。”Perhaps it is because of the media attention coming from one interpretation of the Mayan prophecy that states the world ends in our calendar year 2012, Gottfried said, adding that some Mayan scholars have d

    21、isputed the interpretation. 戈特弗里德说:“也许是因为媒体高度关注对玛雅预言的一种解读,认为世界将在公历2012年终结。”她补充说,一些玛雅学者对这种解读提出了质疑。Responses to the international poll of 16,262 people in more than 20 countries varied widely with only six percent of French residents believing in an impending Armageddon in their lifetime, compared to

    22、22 percent in Turkey and the United States and slightly less in South Africa and Argentina.这一跨国调查涵盖了20多个国家的16262个人,各国受访者的应答有很大差别。只有6%的法国人认为有生之年将会见到世界末日,与此同时,有22%的土耳其人和美国人,以及比例略低的南非人和阿根廷人相信末日将至。But only seven percent in Belgium and eight percent in Great Britain feared an end to the world during thei

    23、r lives.只有7%的比利时人和8%的英国人担心世界会在自己有生之年终结。About one in 10 people globally also said they were experiencing fear or anxiety about the impending end of the world in 2012. The greatest numbers were in Russia and Poland, the fewest in Great Britain.此外,全球约有十分之一的人称自己为2012年即将到来的世界末日而感到恐惧或焦虑。有这种担忧的俄罗斯人和波兰人最多,英

    24、国人最少。Gottfried also said that people with lower education or household income levels, as well as those under 35 years old, were more likely to believe in an apocalypse during their lifetime or in 2012, or have anxiety over the prospect.戈特弗里德还说,教育程度或家庭收入低的人,以及那些35岁以下的人,更倾向于认为有生之年或2012年世界末日会来临,更容易因“末日

    25、”将至感到焦虑。Classic costume becoming chic for graduates那些年,我们一起拍过的毕业照 College graduates posing for photos in baccalaureate gowns are always a sight on campuses in early summer in China.大学毕业生们身着学士服拍照永远是校园初夏的一道靓丽风景。Perhaps even more eye-catching than them, though, are their classmates in traditional costu

    26、me. 而那些身着传统服饰拍照的同学或许比他们更抓人眼球。Zhou Jing, a female student who will receive a diploma from Ginling College of Nanjing Normal University this summer, decided to pose for her graduation photos wearing a costume students often wore between 1911 and 1949. 这个夏天,周静(音译)就要拿到南京师范大学金陵女子学院的学士学位了,她决定穿一身1911-1949年

    27、时的学生装拍毕业照。I saw a picture online of that time and I thought the costumes were very beautiful and represented knowledge and wisdom, Zhou said. So I planned to pose for my graduation photos in that costume.“我在网上看过一张那个时代的照片,觉得那时的衣服很漂亮,代表了知性与智慧。”周静说,“所以我打算穿着这种衣服拍毕业照。”They rented 36 costumes from her col

    28、lege for 20 yuan ($3) each a day. Before donning them and stepping in front of the cameras, they had already had photos taken of themselves in baccalaureate gowns.于是她们以每套每天20元的价格从学校里租来了36套服装。在拍摄民国学生照之前,她们已经拍下了学士服毕业照。The photos they posed for on May 26 were the subject of praise and admiration and ev

    29、en attracted the medias notice.而这些她们拍摄于5月26日的照片广受好评,甚至引起了媒体的注意。I just wanted to have a good way to remember wearing the costume, and had never thought our pictures would become popular, Zhou said.“之所以选择这套服装,我只是想找到一个更好的方式来合影留念,没想到照片竟如此受欢迎。”周静说。The female students in traditional costume have become th

    30、e most beautiful and refreshing sights on campus, Chen said.“这些身着传统服饰的女生已成为校园里最靓丽的风景线。”陈婧说。Male students have also taken to wearing a traditional outfit, the Zhongshan suit, which was introduced to the country by Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the 1911 Revolution in China. Chen, though, said she thinks female students are more likely than male to wear traditional costumes.男生也开始迷恋上了传统的中山装,这种服饰由辛亥革命领导者孙中山先生引入中国。然而,陈靖认为与男生相比,女生更


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