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    1、Table Reservation 预订餐台,How to receive table reservations 如何接受餐桌预订How to decline table reservations 如何婉拒餐桌预订,Aims of Studying,Content,Dialogues,餐厅简介通常包括下面几方面的内容:name of the restaurant 餐厅的名字location of the restaurant 餐厅的位置size and setting capacity 大小及餐位数decoration and furnishings 装潢及布置type of food and

    2、 drinks served 餐饮质量type of guests 顾客定位price of food and drinks 餐饮价位service and atmosphere 服务及环境summary and recommendation 总结及推荐,一 餐厅简介 The Introduction of the Restaurant,Dialogues,二 预订登记要素,1.客户基本信息guest name客人姓名code登记编号telephone number 联系电话address联系地址number of guests就餐人数sit-down time预订就餐时间,2.客户要求tab

    3、le所需餐位private room 包房type&number 饭菜种类和数量price 价格标准menu 菜单decoration 餐厅布置,Dialogues,3.餐厅政策说明discount 折扣优惠payment 付款方式cut-off time 餐位保留时间reservation amendment policy预订变更的政策cancellation policy 取消预订的规定,Dialogues,J:Good morning.Tiantian Restaurant.May I help you?S:Id like to reserve a table for two.J:Yes

    4、,sir.What time would you like your table?S:Around 6:30 p.m.J:Fine.Ill reserve a table for two at 6:30,sir.We shall keep your table until 7:00.May I have your name and telephone number,please?S:Stephen Nobel.And my number is 2255 6688.J:Could you tell me how to spell your name?S:Yes.N-O-B-E-L,Nobel.J

    5、:Thank you,Mr.Nobel.By the way,as at the peak hour,we can only keep your table for half an hour.That means you should come before 7:00.We look forward to having you with us tonight.S:OK.,Table Reservation 预订餐台,J=Jane(Receptionist)S=Stephen Nobel(Guest),Dialogues,J:This is Tiantian Chinese Restaurant

    6、.Good afternoon.S:Hello,Id like to reserve a table for four.J:Yes,sir.When would you like to have a table?S;Let me see.at about 7:00,oh,no,perhaps around 7:30.J:Where do you want to have the table,on the first floor or on the second floor?S:Can I have a table on the second floor?J:Yes,sir.You would

    7、like to reserve a table for four at about 7:30 on the second floor.Am I correct,sir?S:Yes,thats right.J:May I have your name,please?S;Stephen Nobel.,A Reservation Call 电话预订,J=Jane(Receptionist)S=Stephen Nobel(Guest),Dialogues,J:Thank you,Mr.Nobel.S:Oh,by the way,is there any chance of a table by the

    8、 window?My wife loves it.J:I understand that,sir,but,as you know,we have already received many bookings,so Ill have to check first.I cannot guarantee anything,please be assured that well try our best.S:I would appreciate if it could be arranged.J:Ill do my best.We are looking forward to having you w

    9、ith us tonight,Mr.Nobel.Thank you for calling us.S:Thank you.By the way,how late does your restaurant open?J:We normally close at 11 p.m.,but usually we wait until the last guest leaves.S:Fine,thanks.J:You are welcome.,Dialogues,S:Hello,is that the Tiantian Coffee Shop?J:May I help you?S:Id like a t

    10、able for four at 7:00 this evening.Can you arrange it for us?J:Just a minute.Ill check if there is any availability.Im sorry,sir.It has been fully booked at that time.Would you mind changing it to 8:30 p.m.?And our drinks are at half price after 8:30 p.m.S:Fine,Ill change the time to 8:30.J:Thank yo

    11、u very much.,Can Not Satisfy the Reservation 无法满足预订需要,J=Jane(Receptionist)S=Stephen Nobel(Guest),Dialogues,高峰期,the peak hour,向保证,担保,使确定,assure v.,正规地,正常地,通常地,recommend v.,有效,可利用性,availability n.,保证,guarantee v.,期待,look forward to,安排,arrange v.,半价,at half price,Useful Drills,(注:表示此话为客户所说),请问您一共几位?,Ho

    12、w many people are there in your party?,一共四位,A party of four.,请问您几点钟光临,先生?,When should we expect you,sir?,您想订什么时间的餐位?,At what time would you like your table?,我想订一个靠窗的座位,Id like a table by the window.,请您告诉我您的姓名好吗?,May I have your name,please?,请问这个预订记在谁的名下,先生?,Under what name is this booking made,sir?,

    13、Useful Drills,(注:表示此话为客户所说),请您拼一下姓名,先生,Would you please spell it for me,sir?,请问您的联系电话是多少?,May I have your contact number,please?,我再为您重复一下好吗?,May I repeat it for you?,您是否还有其他特殊的要求?,Is there anything special?,您希望订大厅的位置还是单独的包房?,Do you like the table in the hall or a private room?,Useful Drills,我们全天营业,W

    14、ere open around the clock.,我们从早上9点钟营业到第二天凌晨2点,Were open from 900 a.m.until 2:00 a.m.,我们全天(24小时)营业,Were open 24 hours.,自带酒水是不收开瓶费的,There is no corkage fee for brought in liquors.,下午1点半至4点包房不设最低消费,There isnt a minimum charge for a private room from 13:30 to 16:00.,Useful Drills,我想确认一下明天晚上的订座,Id like t

    15、o confirm my reservation for tomorrow night,please.,您今晚7点钟预订了本餐厅的玫瑰房,请问是否有什么变更?,Your reservation is for the Rose Room at 7:00 this evening.What else may I help you with?,您的预订已经得到确认,Your room is confirmed.,您什么时候预订的呢?,When did you make the reservation?,这次预订是用谁的名字呢?,In whose name was the reservation ma

    16、de?,我想把我的预订从晚上7点钟改到7点半,Id like to change my reservation from 7:00 p.m.to 7:30 p.m.,我们会为您更改预订的,Well change the reservation for you.,我要更改/取消一项预订,Id like to change/cancel a reservation.,Useful Drills,对不起,我们餐厅在那个时间段的座位都已经订满了,Im sorry.Our restaurant is fully booked at that time.,对不起,靠近窗户的桌子全都有人订了,Im sorr

    17、y.The tables by the windows are all occupied.,对不起,因为承接了晚上的宴会服务,我们今天不对外预订,Sorry,we do not have reservation service today,because we have a banquet tonight.,对不起,早茶不设预订服务,Sorry,we do not have reservation service for morning tea.,对不起,但是只有一张六人桌了,Sorry,but there is only one table left that seats six peopl

    18、e.,Tips,介绍自己或者单位的时候用“This is Pearl Restaurant.”“This is Jane.”或者“It is Pearl Restaurant.”“Its Jane speaking.”也可以直接说“Pearl Restaurant.”“Jane speaking.”而不是说“Here is the Pearl Restaurant.”“Im Jane.”问对方是谁时,可以用“Whos that”来表达,而不是“Who are you?”,在询问“您找哪位?”的时候,不要说“Who do you want?”因为这是很粗鲁不耐烦的说法正确的做法是自报家门,然后问

    19、“May I help you?”等对方说出他们需要与谁通电话,Tips,1)英文的时间都可以直接用数字读出2)整点也可以读成“时间数字+oclock”3)半点钟也可以读为“half past+时间数字”4)一刻钟为“quarter”5)超过整点(半小时内)可以读为“时间数字+past+时间数字”6)接近整点(半小时内)可以读为“时间数字+to+时间数字”,Tips,Exercises,J=Jane(Receptionist)S=Stephen Nobel(Guest),J:Good morning,sir.(请问您有预订吗?)S:No,we havent.Just we two.J:(对不起

    20、,现在餐厅客满,您愿意等一下吗?)S:How long do you think well have to wait?J:(大概15分钟)S:Oh,thatll be all right.(我们还不太饿)J:(请问您贵姓?)S:Stephen Nobel.J:Thank you,Mr.Nobel.(请到那边坐一下,稍等片刻一有空桌子我们就会请您入座)S:Thank you.,Exercises,现在是下午4点,你是餐厅主管,接到一个订餐电话客人询问营业时间,并要求预订今晚的一张桌子,供4人就餐,客人名字叫斯蒂芬诺贝尔请就以上内容和同学准备一个对话,并在班上表演,Exercises,J=Jane

    21、(Receptionist)S=Stephen Nobel(Guest),J:Good afternoon.Tiantian Restaurant.May I help you?S:Good afternoon.Id like to reserve a table this evening.Can you tell me your service hours?J:Certainly,sir.We are open from 5:00 p.m.to 11:00 p.m.in the evening.S:Good.Please give me a table.J:How many people are there in your party,sir?S:Four.J:May I have your name,sir?S:Stephen Nobel.J:Fine.A table for four people this evening for Mr.Nobel.Am I correct,sir?S:Thats right.J:Thank you,Mr.Smith.We look forward to serving you this evening.,


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