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    1、最新坚守耕地红线的重大意义及现存问题浅析 The Significance of Stick to The Cultivated Land Red Line and Analysis of Existing Problems Rural land system about the rural basic stability which concerns the long-term development of China, its core is to protect the property rights and interests of farmers; the bottom line i

    2、s that adherence to 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land red line.-From 2013, the government work report, premier Wen JiabaoSince March 2007 when in the government work report, premier Wen Jiabao proposed must hold not less than 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land- the red line- throughout the country ,

    3、the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line often enter our vision in two sessions this year the government work report, premier Wen Jiabao also mentioned 1.8 billion mu of arable land, bottom line, then, set the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line . Whereas, what is the meaning of that?In recent

    4、years, the cultivated land in our country every year was cut millions or even tens of millions of acres. Issued by the ministry of land and resources, according to the 2007 China gazette of land and resources to October 31, 2006, Chinas cultivated land area of 1.827 billion mu, and in 1996 a decade

    5、ago, Chinas cultivated land quantity also maintain in 1.951 billion mu, 10 years of Chinas arable land 124 million mu, the area is also reduced by 159 million mu to 159 million mu of cultivated land per capita. Facing the reality, we have to worry as according to the reduced speed, Chinas cultivated

    6、 land can not support Chinese?In response, the Chinese government replied: 1.8 billion mu of arable land is a red line that can no longer lower than 1.8 billion mu of arable land quantity.Here, we have to see the fact that Chinas arable land in the world fourth place, but per capita arable land area

    7、 of less than 1.2 acres, less than 30% of the worlds average per capita. Stick to 1.8 billion mu of arable land, therefore, red line, hold on to 1.3 billion people jobs are particularly important.Some people, however, questioned on 1.8 billion acres of this data: why not 1.9 billion acres or 2 billi

    8、on mu, wouldnt it be safer? Obviously, 1.8 billion mu of the data set is not very well understood. 1.8 billion mu, in fact, this data is based on per capita grain use standard, its self-sufficiency rate of grain, grain yield, multiple crop index, grain demand forecasts, and cultivated land demand pr

    9、ediction, etc., and is made after comprehensive and mature consideration.There is a rough estimate: currently, 1.3 billion people, plus industrial USES such as eating, food consumption should be around 450 million tons every year. There is also an increase of millions of people every year. According

    10、 to Chinas grain consumption standards proposed by the national bureau of statistics and the department of agriculture research, relevant departments such as food demand should be 420 kg per capita in 2010, the total demand for 588 million tons; Food demand should be 440 kg per capita in 2030, the t

    11、otal demand of 704 million tons.So much food, when can we make it out? Experts said the ministry of agriculture; food production depends on the total cultivated land quantity, seeding surface and the ratio of the area sown to grain yield, grain output, multiple crop indexes, and the weather.A accord

    12、ing to the ministry of agriculture official said: five-year period in our country is only 8.2 kg per year, per unit area yield of grain growth 0.6 kg per year, in the period of 15 during each year for 10.1 kg, yield less than 1.8% average annual growth.Of farmland multiple cropping indexes in China

    13、increased year by year, from 131% in 1952 to 158% in 2000, continue to improve the space is limited. Although they can further reduce the ratio of, estimates that by 2010 and 2030 the ratio will fall to 70% and 70% respectively, but still higher than the current world average of 46%.On September 6,

    14、2006, at the 149th executive meeting of the state council, the ministry of land and resources of the national land use planning outline is not approved. Conference the decision to a moratorium on the approval of the outline, the leadership of the state council required take a long-term view, strengt

    15、hening study and continue to push forward, the preparation of historic, crisis and strategic land use planning and stressed that the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line resolute cant breakthrough, not only to pipe to 2010, and pipe to 2020 years or longer.Visible, the Chinese government to 1.8 bi

    16、llion mu this data set is very serious.Hold 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line, in order to ensure not only the Chinese eat the problem, also in order to ensure the sound and rapid development of economy. Since 2003, the warning is heard about Chinas overheating economy. With hot zone, real esta

    17、te hot and highlighted industry overcapacity is typical of a new round of economic overheating and unbalance phenomenon, which causes loss of arable land; The control of land is lax and gives economy overheating, blind investment and land.Holding on the 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line means s

    18、trictly controls of the conversion of cultivated land into construction land, to prevent the excessive expansion of construction land, constraint blind construction, has erected on the project, the overheating of investment in fixed assets of capacities and low-quality growth, behavior, and ensure t

    19、he healthy development of the economy.However, there is also existing some problems to be solved.First, the alert indicator of dynamic balance into a breeding ground for corruption.Cultivated land as land administration law of dynamic balance to determine the important system a protect arable land,

    20、has implemented since 1999, the relieve pressure caused by engineering construction takes up land, safeguard national food security, thanks. But in practice, some local indicators of dynamic balance of arable land changed into securities, even as business to business, must attach importance to it an

    21、d alert for this case.Second, the land, mountain, land, sea, damage is the quality of arable land.Some provinces have issued after land consolidation indicators allow for fluid replacement policy, the developed areas in less developed regions such as XiangShanOu buy index, mountainous areas through

    22、deforestation stretched way so as to obtain the economic benefits of the chain has common occurrences. Trade in Zhejiang has a history of such indicators. In 2001, Ryan has spent more than 6000, ten thousand yuan from the north of Dongxiang city, sea salt, bought more than 4000 mu of land consolidat

    23、ion as the index, at a time when Ryan transfer of construction land price has nearly 100000 yuan per mu. That same year, Ryan first of several of the key industrial park is located township of basic farmland XiangShanOu and mid-levels district, and buying indicators from the mountainous area of Taiz

    24、hong county belong to Wenzhou, paid by their generations, 9000 mu of basic farmland. Only one year time, Ryan, new construction land index is more than 37050 acres. Over the years, through continuous surround from land created by the index of land use, coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang have succ

    25、essful replacement land occupied and cultivated a large number of high-quality original. While the new cultivated land, because of excessive salt composition, often after years or even nearly 10 years of work, in order to achieve the original quality of cultivated land.From my point of view, stick t

    26、o 1.8 billion mu of arable land, red bottom each of us need to work hard. First of all, the department should made scientifically evaluation standard, strict supervision field trips every detail. Dont let outlaws organic be used. Second, local governments should actively respond to a nation called o

    27、n, and do a good job of protecting the cultivated land, and resolutely put an end to seek personal gain by taking advantage of cultivated land. Finally, of course, we also need to actively cooperate with the masses of peasants, found that the unreasonable phenomenon of the cultivated land, should ac

    28、tively be reported and must not tolerate. Is a matter of farmers vital interests, not blindly follow.Worth remembering: hold on, 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line means strictly controls the conversion of cultivated land into construction land, to prevent the excessive expansion of construction

    29、 land, constraint blind construction, has erected on the project, the overheating of investment in fixed assets of capacities and low-quality growth, behavior, and ensure the healthy development of the economy. So, protecting arable land, the fundamental way out is to accelerate the formation of rev

    30、ersed transmission mechanism of economical and intensive land use, promote the land use mode and change the way of economic growth.All in all, we should be fully aware of the significance of 1.8 billion mu of arable land red line, it is not only related to national food security, to the countrys fin

    31、ancial security, ecology security and social security, the survival and development of future generations, but is also related to the long-term development of the country in the future and national survival foundation. All over the country, therefore, should start from the overall situation, form a

    32、consensus on this issue, must change concept, strict with ourselves, from the political height, global perspective to look at this task.坚守耕地红线的重大意义及现存问题浅析农村土地制度关乎农村的根本稳定,也关乎中国的长远发展,其核心是要保障农民的财产权益,底线是严守18亿亩耕地红线。摘自温家宝总理2013年政府工作报告自2007年3月温家宝总理在作政府工作报告时提出“一定要守住全国耕地不少于亿亩这条红线”后,这“18亿亩的耕地红线”便时常进入我们的视野之中,今年在两会政府工作报告中,温家宝总理也同样提到了“18亿亩耕地底线”,那么,制定这“18亿亩耕地红线”到底意义何在呢?近几年来,我国耕地每年要减少几百万、甚至上千万亩。国土资源部发布的2007年中国国土资源公报显示:到2006年10月31日,中国的耕地面积为18.27亿亩,而在10年前的1996年,中国的耕地数量还维持在19.51亿亩,10年间中国的耕地少了1.24亿亩,人均耕地面积也由1.59亿亩降到1.39亿亩。面对现实,人们有理由担心,按照这样的减少速度,中国的耕地还能不能养活中国人?对此,中国政府是这样回答的:18亿亩耕地是条红线,耕地数量再也不能低于18亿亩


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