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    1、汉英翻译基础知识新编汉英翻译教程陈宏薇文化(culture)物质文化(material culture )制度文化(institutional culture )心理文化(也称观念文化) (mental culture)咖啡(coffee)、巧克力(chocolate)、色拉(salad)、三明治(sandwich)、歇斯底里(hysteria)、休克(shock)、基因(gene)、钙(calcium)、维他命(vitamin )、奥林匹克(Olympic )、雷达(radar)、先令(shilling )、夹克(jacket)、电视 t television )、激光(laser)、飞机(

    2、aeroplane)、火车(train)、交响乐(symphony)、基督徒(Christian )、面包(bread)、盲文(brail)、圣诞老人(Santa Claus)、圣经(Bible )、马海毛(mahair)、贝雷帽(beret)、革命(revolution )、营养(nourish )解放(liberate )民主(democracy) 科学(science) 独裁(dictatorship )、心理学(psychology)、形而上学(metaphysics)、图书馆(library )、想象(imagination )、暗示(hint)、投资(investment)磁卡电话

    3、(card phone)、立交桥(overpass)、隐形眼镜(contact lenses) 下拉菜单(pulldown)、软驱(floppy drive )、光驱(CD drive )、鼠标 m mouse)、电月商 C computer)、内存条(RAM chip )、复印机(xerox machine)、安乐死(euthanasia)、艾滋病(AIDS )、香波(shampoo)、连锁店(chain store)、热狗(hot dog)、自助餐(buffet)、牛仔服(cowboy suit)、T 恤衫(T-shirt)意合(parataxis)隐性(covertness)显性(ove

    4、rtness)形合(hypotaxis)伦理(ethics)认知(cognition)顺其自然(Let nature take its course in accordance with its natural tendency)、听其自然(leave the matter as it is; take the world as it is)、听天安命(accept the situation) 听天由命(be at the mercy of nature; be left to Gods mercy; let fate have its way; submit the will of Hea

    5、ven; wait for ones fate)。individualism (不管别人怎样做)只按个人方法行事的感觉或行为;我行我素个体主义”。整体(integrity)综合性(synthetic)个体(individuality)、分析性(analytic)直觉(intuition)实证(evidence)天人合一” (The Unity of Man and Heaven形象思维(figurative thinking) 逻辑思维(logical thinking)表象(presentation)天亮(daybreak; dawn明枪易躲, 暗箭难防 (It is easy to dod

    6、ge a spear thrust in the open, but difficult to guardagainst an arrow shot from hiding)、脚踩两只船(比喻因为对事物认识不清或存心投机取巧而跟两方面都保持联系, straddletwo boats; have a foot in either camp)、脚踏实地 (have a down-to-earth manner) 胆小如鼠 (as timid as a mouse; chicken-hearted) 顶天立地 (dauntless; of gigantic stature; of indomitab

    7、le spirit; giant)、调虎离山 (1ure the tiger out of the mountains; lure the enemy away from his base)、丢盔弃 甲 (throw away everything in headlong flight)、哭笑不得(形容处境尴尬,不知如何是好,not know whether to laugh or to cry; find sth. both funny and annoying)、枯木逢春(比喻重获生机,get a new lease of life)、居高临下(处在高处,俯视下面,形容处于有利的地位, o

    8、ccupy a commanding position) 蒙在鼓里(be kept in the dark)。英美人也用具体形象词语比喻抽象的事物,但常常喜欢用抽 象名词指代具体事物。棍子 stick)、锅wok汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan Family印欧语系(Indo-European Family)文字(script)书面语言(system of writing表意文字(ideographic script音节文字(ideographic-oriented syllabic script)字(character词(word偏旁部首(radical语素 (morpheme)拼音文字(

    9、alphabetic script象形字(pictagraph指事字(indicative character会意字 (associative character形声字(morpheme-phonetic character首素(phoneme韵母(final声母(initial兀首 (vowel辅音(consonant)汉语拼音字母 (pinyin国际音标(international transcription声调语言(tonal language重读音节(stressed syllable语调语言(intonation language第一音节(scholar, family倒数第三个音节

    10、 (psychology主重音(primary stress次重音 (secondary stress) (magazine双重音(double stress)实词(content words虚词(form words音节文字(ideographic-oriented syllabic script)拼音文字(alphabetic script合成法(compounding缀合法(affixation)音变法(sound-changing缩略法(abbreviation重叠法(reduplication转换法(conversion逆构 t法(back-formation截短法 (clippin

    11、g超短波ultrashort waves超短裙Miniskirt超标准Superstandard超语言符号extralinguistic signs超代数Hyperalgebra超大气压Overpressure超高频ultra-high frequency 。命根子(lifeblood 胖子(fatty 矮子Shorty垫叶子cushion, mat W子(duster 骗子(swindler)。doom (n.毁灭、末日deem (v.认为)house (n.房屋 house (v.留宿)。北大Beida (Peking University)清华Tsinghua (Tsinghua Uni

    12、versity央视CCTV (Central China Television Station华中师大CCNU (Central China Normal University 安琪儿(angel 桑巴(samba 马拉松 (marathon 扑克(poker 幽默(humour 卡路里(calorie) 康乃馨(carnation) 篮球(basketball 交响乐 (symphony 工会(trade union 智商(IQ) 冰淇淋 (ice cream 咖哩粉(curry 汉堡包(hamburger) 爵士乐 (jazz 绷带(bandage 嘉年华会 (carnivallitchi

    13、 (荔枝loquat (枇杷kaoliang (高粱jiaozi (饺子ginseng (人参sampan (触板kowtow (叩头kung fu (功夫makjong (麻将mu (亩yuan (元jin (斤panda (熊猫moon cake (月饼China rose (月季mandarin duck (鸳鸯tael (银两empty word (虚词gold fish (金鱼Peking Opera (京剧brick tea (醇茶医生(仔仔细细)给病人作了检查。The doctor examined the patient very, very carefully.一眼望去,(疏

    14、疏的)林,(淡淡的)月,衬着蔚蓝的天,颇像荒江野渡光景;As one looked into the distance, the sparse trees and pale moon set off by the blue sky offered a view like that at a deserted ferry on a desolate river .(朱自清桨声灯影里的秦淮河,胡士光译)他很听话,我的话(句句)听。He was very obedient and always did as I told him.“句句在这里强调“听话的程度,用“ always did as I t

    15、old him ”译出了原文强调的 程度。警察监视着犯罪嫌疑人的(一举一动)。The police kept close watch on the man under suspicion.“一举一动”在下例中,便换了一种译法。我们是新雇员,得注意自己的 (一举一动)。As new employees we must be careful about what we do.果品fresh and dried fruitsstrawberry (草莓blackberry (黑莓blueberry (蓝莓raspberry (钩子holly berries (泡叶枸子模糊词(fuzzy words中

    16、国古代气论 (theory of vitality兀工primordial Qi气虚Qi deficiency 。做家务do the housework、do the house chore做大扫除do general cleaning扫地洗碗洗衣服擦玻璃做饭擦皮鞋倒垃圾sweep the floor、do the dishes、wash clothes、clean glasses cook meals、shine leather shoes、 dump rubbish。搽药 apply lotion (or ointment)搽粉 powder ones face搽雪花膏 put on va

    17、nishing cream(1)探春笑道:“只恐又是你的杜撰。”宝玉笑道:“除四书外,杜撰的太多, 偏只我是杜撰不成?”Youre making that up, Im afraid,“ teased Tan Chun. Most works, apart from the FOUR BOOKS, are made up; am I the only one who made things up? ” he retorted with a grin. (杨宪益、戴乃迭译)(2)贾母笑道:“你不认得他,他是我们这里有名的一个泼皮破落户儿,南省俗谓作 辣子,你只叫他凤辣子就是了。”“You don

    18、t know her, “ said Grandmother Jia merrily. Shes a holy terror this one. What we used to call in Nanking a peppercorn . You just call her Peppercorn Feng . Shell know who you mean! (David Hawkes 译)(3)贾母笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded, “Fancy changing your cloth

    19、es beforegreeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your respects to your cousin.”(杨宪益、 戴乃迭译 )(4)贾母笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他 ?”“Youre talking nonsense again,“ said his grandmother, laughing. How could you possibly have met her?(杨宪益、戴乃迭译 )词义相符(semantic correspondence)沙漠(desert蔬菜 (vegetabl工厂(factory历史博物馆 (his

    20、tory museum历史遗产(historical heritage温室效应(greenhouse effect环境保护(environmental protection狐狸(fox(1)他是只狡猾的老狐狸。He is an old fox .(2)他们的拉车姿势,讲价时的那随机应变,走路时的抄近绕远,都足以使他们想起过 去的光荣,而且用鼻翅扇着那些后起之辈。”(老舍骆驼祥子)Their pulling posture, their adroit bargaining, their shrewd use of short-cuts or circuitous routes are enoug

    21、h to make them relive past glories and turn up their noses at the younger generation.(3)那本书的作者似乎没有自己的观点,书里都是人云亦云的东西。That book, whose author doesnt seem to have his own viewpoints, is full of parrot-learned knowledge.(4)岛之西南海边,有一块巨大的岩石, (中空),人可穿行其间(5) At the southwest end of the islet, there is a hug

    22、e rock with a big hole in the center through Which people Can walk to and fro .(5)全岛6300户(人家),共有200多架钢琴。(同上)Of 6300 households on the islet, more than 200 have a piano at home .词义相异(semantic non-correspondence)三羊开泰” (Three Rams Bring Bliss形容凶悍强暴的人,尤指悍妇或母夜叉 (fierce person, esp a woman OALED长生鸟” (myth

    23、ical bird of the Arabian desert, said to live for several hundred years before burning itself and then rising born again from its ashes OALED龙凤呈祥” (Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity文化休克(culture shock词义空缺(semantic zero)糖葫芦 Tanghulu, a sugar-coated fruit on the stick which is a kind of childrens

    24、favourite food in winter文房四宝 the four treasures of the study (writing brush, inkstick, inkstone and paper)文明礼貌月 Socialist Ethics and Courtesy Month章草 zhangcao (a cursive hand formerly used in memoria1s to the throne)站票 standing-room-only tickets特困生 the most needy students三八红旗手 a woman pace-setter三八式

    25、干部 a thirty-eighter (a person who joined the revolution in l938)三教九流 people in various trades (derog.)一日之长 a slight superiority一穷二白 poor and blank乌纱帽 an official post五星红旗 the Five-Starred Red Flag (the national flag of the Peoples Republic of China)五岳 The Five Sacred Mountains (Taishan, the Eastern

    26、Mountain in Shangdong Province; Hengshan, the Southern Mountain in Hunan Province; Huashan, the Western Mountain in Shaanxi Province; Hengshan, the Northern Mountain in Shanxi Province; Songshan, the Central Mountain in Henan Province)五经 The Five Classics (The Book of Poetry, The Book of History, Th

    27、e Book of Changes, The Book of Rites, and The Spring and Autumn Annals)小句(clause单句(simple sentence简单句(simple sentence复杂句(multiple sentence并歹峋(compound sentence复合句(complex sentence主语(subject谓语(verb宾语(object补足语(complement状语(adverbial间宾(indirect object 直宾(direct object息合(parataxis形合(hypotaxis我常见许多青年的朋友

    28、,聪明用功, 成绩优异,而语文程度不足以达意, 甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面。 (梁实秋学问与趣味)I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends (who) have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. (They) cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. (When I) asked them why, (they) sai

    29、d they were not interested in the Chinese language.篇章(text信息Z构(information structure)位位题题题主述主述主(theme)(rheme(topic(comment:著(topic-prominent意念主轴(thought-pivot 主语显著(subject-prominent 主谓主轴(subject-predicate-pivot 衔接手段(cohesive devices)照应(co-reference anaphora)。夕卜指(exophoric内指(endophoric回指(anaphoric下指(

    30、cataphoric(4)爸爸妈妈, 你们 也买个钱罐存钱吧。你们没钱用了罐子就会把肚肚里的钱掏出 来给你们的。Daddy, Mummy, please buy a piggie for yourselves. When you have no more money, the piggie will open its tummy and give you money.(童心,居祖纯译)(5)这幅画是一部用思考和修养完成的杰作,它既有历史感又有现代艺术语言的独特 性。The painting is a masterpiece reflecting deep insight and artistic attainments; it expresses a sense of history by using specific modern artistic vocabulary.(6)稍稍能安慰我们的,是在 那石上有一个不大不小的坑凹儿,雨天就盛满了水。The only thing had interested us in the ugly stone was a little pit on top of it , which was filled with water on rainy days.(贾平凹丑石,刘荣跃译)(7)这种 力,使一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这


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