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    1、abominable b:mnblADJ. /讨厌的,令人憎恶的;极坏的/detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad.abscond bsk:ndV. /潜逃/depart secretly and hide.abjurebdrV. /发誓放弃,公开放弃/renounce upon oath.abdicate bdketV. /正式放弃(职责、权利等)/renounce; give up.abstemious bstimisADJ. /饮食有节制的,适度的/sparing in eating and drinking; temperate.absorb

    2、 bs:rb V. /同化;吸收;使全神贯注/assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; wholly engage.abstruse bstrusADJ. /难以理解的,深奥的/obscure; profound; difficult to understand.abut btV. /邻接,毗邻/border upon; adjoin.abysmal bizml ADJ. /深不可测的,无底的/bottomless.abeyance bens N. /中止,搁置/suspended action.abolish b:lV. /取消,废止/canc

    3、el; put an end to.abusive bjusvADJ. /辱骂的;虐待的/coarsely insulting; physically harmful.abortive brtvADJ. /失败的;夭折的/unsuccessful; fruitless.abstain bstenV. /自制,戒除/refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice.abbreviatebriviet V. /缩短,缩略/shorten.abundant bndnt ADJ. /丰富的,充裕的/plentiful;

    4、possessing riches or resources.abridge brdV. /删节,削减,精简/condense or shorten.accede ksidV. /同意/agree.absolute bslutADJ. /完全的,无限制的,绝对的/complete; totally unlimited; certain.2acute kjut adj. 敏锐的;急性的,剧烈的quickly perceptive;keen;brief and severeactuarial ,ktjeril adj. (保险)精算的 calculating; pertaining to insu

    5、rance statisticsactuary ktr n. (保险)计算员academic kdemk adj. 学院的;学术的,理论的 related to a school; not practical or directlyacrophobia ,krfbi n. 恐高症fears of heightsacme kmi N. /顶峰/top; pinnacle.acclivity klvti N. /向上的陡坡/sharp upslope of a hill.accommodate k:mdet V. /帮助;调节,使适应/oblige or help someone;adjust o

    6、r bring into harmony; adapt.adapt dpt V. /使适应,顺应;改写/alter; modifyadroit drtADJ. /熟练的,机敏的/skillfulaccord krd N. /一致,符合/agreementaddress dres V. /对。发表演说;集中讨论,设法处理/direct a speech to; deal with or discussacknowledgeknlid V. /认可,承认/recognize; admit.accretion krin N. /增长/growth; increaseaddle dlV. /使糊涂,腐

    7、坏/muddle; drive crazy; become rottenacumen kjmnN. /敏锐,聪明/mental keennessaddendum dendmN. /附录,补遗/an addition or supplementadjunct dktN. /附件,辅助物/something added on or attached (generally nonessential or inferior)acquire kwarV. /获得/obtain; getadheredhr V. /黏附/stick fastadherentdhrnt N. /拥护者,追随者/support

    8、er; followeracidulous sdlsADJ. /有酸味的,尖刻的/slightly sour; sharp, causticacetic setkADJ. /醋的,乙酸的/vinegaryacrimonious ,krmnsADJ. /(言辞、态度等)尖刻的/bitter in words or manneracrid krdADJ. /尖刻的,辛辣的/sharp; bitterly pungentacerbity srbtiN. /尖酸,刻薄/bitterness of speech and temperacquiesce ,kwiesV. /默许,默认/assent; ag

    9、ree without protestingadamant dmntADJ. /坚硬的,不屈不挠的/hard; inflexibleacuity kjutiN. /尖锐,敏锐/sharpnessadmonition ,dmnnN. /警告,告诫/warningadmonish dm:nV. /警告,告诫/warn; reproveadorn drnV. /装饰/decorateadage ddN. /格言,谚语/wise saying; proverbactuate ktetV. / 激励,促使/motivateaccolade kledN. /荣誉/award of meritaccost

    10、kstV. /搭讪,攀谈/approach and speak first to a personaccessible ksesblADJ. /易接近的,易得到的/easy to approach; obtainable.Accrete accrue kruV. /自然增加/come about by additionaccessory ksesrN. /附件,附属物,配饰/additional object; useful but not essential thingacoustics kustksN. /声学,音响效果/science of sound; quality that mak

    11、es a room easy or hard to hear inadjacent desntADJ. /临近的,接近的/adjoining; neighboring; close byacclaim klemV. /喝彩,称赞/applaud; announce with great approvalaccelerate kselretV. /加速/move fasteraccomplice kmplsN. /同谋,帮凶/partner in crimeacquittal kwtlN. /宣判无罪/deliverance from a charge3aerie erN. /猛禽的巢,(尤指)

    12、鹰巢/nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk).aesthetic isetk ADJ. /艺术的,悦目的/artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful.alias elisN. /别名,化名/an assumed name.affable fblADJ. /和蔼的,亲切友善的/easily approachable; warmly friendly.allege ledV. /宣称,断言/state without proof.alloy l N. /合金/a

    13、mixture as of metals.lV. /将。铸成合金;降级成色;使缓和/mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate.allure lrV. /引诱,吸引/entice; attract.amass ms V. /收集,积聚/collect.aloft lft ADV. /在高处,在上空/upward.Aloofnessalchemy lkmiN. /炼金术/medieval chemistry.agility dltiN. /敏捷,灵活/nimbleness.adventitious ,dvntsADJ. /偶然的/accidental; cas

    14、ual.affidavit ,fdevtN. /宣誓书/written statement made under oath.allocate lket V. /分配,分派/assign.agentednt N. /媒介;代理人;执行官/means or instrument; personal representative; person acting in an official capacity.affirmationfrmen N. /断言,肯定;(法庭)证词/positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refus

    15、es to take an oath.adversary dvserN. /敌手,对手/opponent.adverse dv:rsADJ. /不利的,敌对的/unfavorable; hostile.affliction flkn N. /痛苦,折磨/state of distress; cause of suffering.agenda dend N. /议事日程/items of business at a meeting.alienate elinetV. /使孤立;离间/make hostile; separate.amenable minblADJ. /顺从的;服从领导的/read

    16、ily managed; willingto be led.aghast gstADJ. /惊骇的,吓呆的/horrified.altruistic ltrstkADJ. /无私心的,利他的/unselfishly generous; concerned for others.ambidextrous ,mbdekstrsADJ. /两手都善用的/capable of using either hand with equal ease.agnostic gnstkN. /不可知论者/one who is skeptical of the existence or Know ability of

    17、 a god or any ultimate reality.aggregate reit V. /使聚集,积聚/gather; accumulate.alleviate livet V. /减轻/relieve.ambiguous mbgjsADJ. /暧昧的,含糊其辞的/unclear or doubtful in meaning.ambivalence bvlnsN. /矛盾情绪或态度/the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes.allay le V. /减轻 ,使 冷 静 /calm; pac

    18、ify.advocacy dvksiN. /支持,拥护/support; active pleading on somethings Behalf.agitate dtetV. /煽动,使不安/stir up; disturb.allusion ln N. /提及,暗示/indirect reference.allude lud V. /暗指,间接提到/refer indirectly.altercation :ltken N. /激烈的争论,争吵/noisy quarrel; heated dispute.aftermathftrm N. /后果,结果/consequences; outco

    19、me; upshot.affront frnt N. /公开侮辱,冒犯/insult; offense; intentional act of Disrespect.agglomeration glmren N. /集合;结块,成团/collection; heap.affix fks V. /使附于,粘贴;添加/fasten; attach; add on.adulterate dltret V. /掺杂/make impure by adding inferior or tainted Substances.alcove lkov N. /凹室,壁/nook; small, recesse

    20、d section of a room.alliteration ltrenN. /头韵/repetition of beginning sound in poetry.ambulatory mbjlt:r ADJ. /能够走动的,不需卧床的/able to walk; not bedridden.alacrity lkrtiN. /敏捷,轻快;爽快,乐意/cheerful promptness.amble mbl N. /漫步,缓行/moving at an easy pace.ambience mbins N. /周围环境,气氛/environment; atmosphere.afflue

    21、nce flnsN. /富足,富裕/abundance; wealth.alimony lmoni N. /(离婚后的)生活费,赡养费/payments made to an ex-spouse after divorceameliorate milret V. /改善,改进/improve.alimentarylmentr ADJ. /提供营养的,消化的/supplying nourishment.amend mendV. /修正,改进/correct; change, generally for the better.aggrandizegrndaz V. /增强,扩大/increase

    22、or intensify.agrarian grern ADJ. /耕 地的 ,土地 的/pertaining to land or its cultivation.allegiance lidnsN. /忠贞,效忠/loyalty.allegory lg:rN. /寓言/story in which characters are used as symbols; fable.4angular gjlrADJ. /有角的;固执的,死板的/sharp-cornered; stiff in manner.amulet mjltN. /护身符/charm; talisman.amiable embl

    23、ADJ. /和蔼可亲的,友好的,亲切的/agreeable; lovable;anarchistnrkst N. /无政府主义者;主张废弃权威者/person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority.anecdote nkdotN. /轶事,趣闻/short account of an amusing or interesting Event.amicable mkblADJ. /温和的,友善的/politely friendly; not Quarrelsome.an

    24、esthetic ,nsetN. /麻醉剂,麻药/substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness.annotate ntetV. /评注,注释/comment; make explanatory notes.annals nlzN. /历史记载,历史/records; history.anemia nimiN. /贫血/condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles.analgesic nldizkADJ. /止痛的/causing insensitivit

    25、y to pain.animated nmetdADJ. /活生生的,活泼的/lively; spirited.amnesia nizN. /失忆,健忘/loss of memory.dizkADJ. /止痛的/causing insensitivity to pain.animatednmetd ADJ. /活跃的,有生气的/lively;nizN. /失忆缺失,健忘症/loss of memory.amphitheater ,mftN. /圆形(露天)剧院,阶梯式座位区/oval building with tiers of Seats.ancillary nslrADJ. /辅助的,补充的/serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary.anguishgw N. /剧痛,极度的痛苦/acute pain; extreme suffering.amorphous mfsADJ. / 无组织的,无定型的/formless; lacking shape or definition.anathema nmN. /诅咒;受诅咒


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