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    1、山西省应县第一中学学年高二英语下学期线上考试试题山西省应县第一中学2019-2020学年高二英语下学期线上考试试题时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe worlds best underwater hotels Atlantis The Palm, DubaiThe underwater rooms at Atlantis The Palm really are fit for the king of the se

    2、as. Set alongside a huge aquarium(水族馆), they are pretty much the most romantic place you could ever dream of, as long as you dont have nightmares about sharks! This unusual hotel room costs around $7,000 a night.Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, MaldivesThe Conrad Maldives Rangali Island doesnt have a

    3、n underwater room, but you can still have dinner below the waves, without having to wear a diving suit. The Ithaa Undersea Restaurant is located sixteen feet below sea level and while you eat happily, sharks and fishes swirl( 旋转) above your head. Set menus cost upwards of $300 per person. Book at le

    4、ast a couple of weeks ahead.Utter Inn, Vasteras, SwedenThe Utter Inn was designed by local artist Mikael Genberg and is one of the cheapest underwater hotels out there, floating on Lake Malaren, near Stockholm. From $250 a night, this is more like an unusual ships cabin than luxury(奢侈的) accommodatio

    5、n, but as an appealing twist on traditional Swedish living, its now a very fashionable place to spend the weekend.Jules Undersea Lodge, Key Largo, FloridaJules Undersea Lodge is named after the author of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and is the oldest underwater hotel, surrounded by angelfis

    6、h and other species off the coast of Florida. Getting there is somewhat of a challenge-its located 21 feet beneath the surface of the sea. Brave couples can stay the night here for $800.21. What should you do before visiting the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island?A. Book in advance. B. Buy a diving suit

    7、.C. Get enough oxygen. D. Prepare your own meals.22. Which hotel is the cheapest?A. Utter Inn. B. Atlantis The Palm.C. Jules Undersea Lodge. D. Conrad Maldives Rangali Island.23. Where does JulesUndersea Lodges name come from?A. A sea. B. A coast. C. A kind of fish. D. A famous writer.BHigh school i

    8、s the time you discover who you are. Friends leave you and relationships break up. It is terrible. Im not going to lie, my senior year was the worst year of all. I lost a lot of my friends and started to become really unhappy about the lack of social interactions(交往) until suddenly an amazing person

    9、 came into my life.It was the second semester(学期) of my senior year. Tension(紧张) was high for mewith applying to colleges and trying to get perfect grades. I had lost people who had been my friends for years. One day, our school posted names of students who were going into the military, and I saw a

    10、girl named Dominique C. It was super unusual to see another Dominique. I knew I had to meet her. One day, I noticed a guy I talked to on a daily basis was talking with her. He saw me and introduced me to Dominique C. She was the complete opposite of me, with short black hair and big green eyes. But

    11、somehow, we just clicked at once.Many people never understood how we became friends. We both had very different social circles, but we were basically the same person. We both loved literature. Studying Greek together, we understood each others thoughts. We reacted to everything in the same way. We o

    12、nly knew each other for a few months, but we acted as if we were friends for years.This year has been hard on our friendship. Due to Dominique C joining the military and me studying in and out of state college, Dominique C and I have hardly talked. Together we communicate as much as we can during br

    13、eaks. Still our friendship is strong.I am lucky to have Dominique in my life. Every time we cried together and held hands down the hallways, it actually made my day. And fighting for French fries and hamburgers always had me in tears. I cannot wait to spend the summer with Dominique C.24. What did t

    14、he author try to do in the second semester of her senior year?A. Get high scores. B. Drop out of schoolC. Visit different colleges. D. Learn to become positive.25. What does the underlined word“clicked”in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Learned a lot. B. Became friends.C. Completed the task. D. Joined the milit

    15、ary.26. What did the author tell us about Dominique C?A. She had a different character from the author.B. She had many common friends with the author.C. She looked completely different from the author.D. She spent too much time in learning Greek.27. What can we learn about the author and Dominique C

    16、?A. They study in the same college.B. They have a strong relationship.C. They often fight over some big things.D. They hardly communicate during breaks.CSocotra, a small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, is one of the most isolated(孤零零的) places on Earth. It is located some 240 kilometers east of

    17、 the Horn of Africa and 380 kilometers south of the Arabian Peninsula.So why visit Socotra? Because of Socotras isolation from the rest of the world, it has developed its own special ecosystem( 生态系统) free from any outside influence. One good example of this special plant life is the dragons blood tr

    18、ee, with its branches and leaves that grow at a strange angle from a thick trunk. Scientists found that up to 37% of the plant life found on the islands is not found anywhere else on Earth. The island group also has many unique(独特的) birds. These birds have different appearance from other species. Sc

    19、ientists still do not fully understand these birds and each year, they stay in the islands to study them.The natives of Socotra are of Arab, Somali, and South Asian origins. Hundreds of years of isolation have resulted in many special cultural traditions among the Socotri people. Traditional fishing

    20、 methods still survive among the people living there. People on Socotra also practice their own conservation techniques, such as alternating(轮流安排) between herding and fishing. This way of life has helped to conserve the resources on and around the islands for hundreds of years.The things that make S

    21、ocotra special are now beginning to disappear. More and more tourists have been visiting the islands recently and this has destroyed Socotras ecosystem. Cats have been brought to the islands and they are hunting Socotras unique bird population so successfully that some bird species are now close to

    22、dying out. It is difficult to know whether Socotras special standing in the world will survive the 21st century.28. What is the primary cause of Socotras unique ecosystem?A. Its tradition. B. Its wildlife. C. Its population. D. Its location.29. What can we infer about the people on Socotra from Para

    23、graph 3?A. They look forward to traveling abroad.B. They have destroyed Socotras ecosystem.C. They have given up their cultural traditions.D. They make efforts to preserve the environment.30. How does the author sound when writing the last paragraph?A. Cautious. B. Ambitious. C. Anxious. D. Curious.

    24、31. What would be the best title for the text?A. The secrets of Socotra B. The travelers guide to SocotraC. The happiest place on the planet D. The unique culture of the Socotri peopleDThis years flu season is shaping up to be a bad one. The new type of flu virus is more severe(严重)than most. In addi

    25、tion many people find the vaccine(疫苗) this year to be less effective,and others are wondering if they should still get a flu shot. The answer is yes.Each summer, scientists try to make a best guess on which variants(变体) are going to be more common in the coming year. They look at data from other cou

    26、ntries, and then they make the shot to match. Sometimes a vaccine doesnt work well because some variants change too much. Thats why in any year, even when youre vaccinated, you can get the flu. The shot is about reducing your risk, not getting rid of it.“Less” and “more” effective are relative terms

    27、, so we need to focus more on absolute risks. In 2010, researchers published an in-depth analysis of all flu shot studies. They showed that when a vaccine was considered effective, 1.2 percent of vaccinated people had the flu, while 3.9 percent of unvaccinated people had the flu. Thats an absolute r

    28、isk reduction (ARR) of 2.7 percentage points. In studies in which the flu shot was considered ineffective, 1.1 percent of vaccinated people had the flu compared with 2.4 percent of unvaccinated people. The ARR was 1.3 percentage points.Lets say this years flu vaccine is even worse than we think. May

    29、be the ARR will be as low as 1 percentage point. Thats still not that bad. Given the millions who are likely to suffer from flu and the thousands of deaths each year, this is a big payoff in public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 9 million to 36 million people

    30、become ill with the flu each year in the United States. Somewhere between 140,000 and 710.000 of them require hospitalization, and 12,000 to 56,000 die each year.No vaccine is perfectly protective in any year. But to minimize(最小化) your chances of illness, yes, you should still get the flu shot this

    31、year, and any year.32. What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. Why some vaccines are ineffective. B. Why people should get vaccines.C. How a new vaccine is developed. D. How people survive flu in summer.33. What can the ARR tell us according to the text?A. How flu spreads. B. The risk of a vacc

    32、ine.C. How dangerous flu could be. D. The effectiveness of a flu vaccine.34. Why does the author provide the CDCs figures?A. To show many people suffer from serious diseases each year.B. To show flu vaccines are sometimes ineffective.C. To show flu is a major cause of human death.D. To show vaccines can still save many people.35. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To give an introduction to this years vaccine.B. To persuade people to receive flu vaccines.C. To report a threatening type of fl


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