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    1、Globalwarming单元测试新人教版高中英语选修6unit4Global warming单元测试(新人教版高中英语选修6 unit 4)第一部分 听力与词汇(满分35分)第三节 词汇(5分)1. Their opinions are completely o_. 2. The nurse skilfully t_ the soldiers wounds. 3.Is _ to English Coaching Paper? 4. It rained yesterday and in _ (结果) the match was cancelled.5. Darwin _ (阐明) that t

    2、he species originate by descent.第二部分 同步语法(满分25分)第一节 单项填空(5分)1. Jack is ill. Have you heard about _?A. him B. it C. this D. that2. Whats this? _ a flag.A. Its B. Thats C. This is D. Its3. Whose exercise book is that? _ hers.A. That is B. This is C. Its D. Its4. _ wont take long to get to Shanghai by

    3、air.A. That B. He C. It D. This5. _ being Sunday, the library was closed.A. What B. It C. That D. This第二节 根据汉语完成下列句子,每空一词(20分)1. 我没有钢笔,我想借一支。I havent got any pens, and _ _ _ _ _. 2. 我有一支钢笔,我可以把它借给你。I have a pen, and I can _ _ _ _. 3. 他们说他已离开了小镇,但我不相信。They say he has left the town, but I _ _ _.4. 昨天我

    4、们看到了一颗大树,足有20米高。Yesterday we saw a big tree. _ _ fully twenty metres high.5. 这个婴儿哭个不停,因为它饿了。The baby cried because _ _ _.6. 尽管我们看不到,但我们周围到处是空气。Although we _ _ _, there is air all around us.7. 他们住在繁华地段,肯定非常吵闹。They live on a busy main road. _ _ _ _ _.8. 你可以指望他及时出现。You may _ _ _ _ he will turn up in ti

    5、me.9. 实验室的灯还亮着,肯定是三年级的学生在做试验。The light is still on in the lab. _ must be the third-year students doing experiments.10. 彼得,有人在敲门。肯定是史密斯先生。 Someone is knocking at the door, Peter._ _ _ _ _.第三部分 课本要点(满分15分)1. The food was cold and the guests quarrelled the whole dinner was a(n) _.A. accident B. inciden

    6、t C. matter D. catastrophe2. There _ quantities of apples in the basket and there was _ milk in the bucket.A. were; a number of B. was; quantities of C. was; a good many D. were; a quantity of3. _ you promise to come to help me, I dont mind what time tomorrow you arrive at my place.A. So long as B.

    7、So as to C. As good as D. As well as4. There can be no doubt that the _ were associated.A. phenomenon B. phenomena C. phenomenons D. phenomenas5. More and more academic books are generated electronically and _ many students are using computers to study.A. in consequence B. as consequence C. to conse

    8、quence D. on consequence6. The period from 1980 to 1990 saw a(n)_ increase in the number of cars in Australia.A. steady B. illegal C. unfit D. embarrassing7. _ the teacher is showing the video, students have to _ the video to match what they have heard. A. As; mind B. While; glance C. As; observe D.

    9、 While; watch8. Many hair problems _ what you eat.A. result in B. result from C. make of D. make from9. You have made a few mistakes but _ you have done well.A. on the whole B. on a wholeC. in the whole D. in a whole10. She wont leave the TV set _ suppers on the table. A. as if B. even if C. now tha

    10、t D. as though11. I will stop _ if you _ interrupting me.A. speaking; keep up with B. to speak; keep upC. speaking; keep on D. to speak; keep on12. How did it _? I lost consciousness and didnt know anything at all.A. come about B. come out C. come over D. come down13. I found _ very easy to learn th

    11、e rules in my life. A. it B. that C. what D. it14. What is the _ rainfall for July? A. average B. usual C. normal D. common15. _ Michael Jackson, one of the most outstanding pop stars in the world, died this morning.A. It is believed what B. Its reported thatC. People thought that D. They are report

    12、ed that第四部分 综合能力训练(满分75分)第一节 完形填空(20分)Once upon a time a family of crows lived in a huge banyan tree (榕树). There was a Father Crow, a Mother Crow, and many baby crows. One day a huge snake came to live in the hole at the 1 of the tree. The crows were 2 about this, but could do nothing. Soon Mother C

    13、row 3 a few more eggs and some more baby crows were born. When the crows flew out in search of 4 , the snake ate the babies. Father Crow thought of asking a 5 old fox for help. The old fox 6 a brilliant plan. He told them to go to the river bank the next morning where the ladies of the 7 family woul

    14、d be bathing. Their clothes and valuables would be kept on the river bank 8 the servants would be watching over them from a distance. The fox asked the crows to 9 a necklace and make a loud 10 while flying away. This would make the servants 11 them to the tree where the crows would 12 the necklace i

    15、nto the snakes hole. So the next morning when the crows 13 to the river bank, Mother Crow picked up a pearl necklace and flew off as Father Crow cawed (呱呱叫) loudly to attract the servants 14 . The servants ran after Mother Crow and 15 the banyan tree where they saw she drop the 16 into the snakes ho

    16、le. As the servants were 17 to take the necklace out, the snake came out of the hole and 18 them. The servants beat the snake to 19 . And so the crows lived 20 ever after in the banyan tree.1. A. leaf B. top C. bottom D. branch2. A. happy B. unhappy C. curious D. particular3. A. hatched B. ate C. pl

    17、aced D. put4. A. pleasure B. food C. babies D. business5. A. strong B. big C. wise D. beautiful6. A. came up with B. came up C. put up with D. put up7. A. poor B. royal C. familiar D. similar8. A. although B. if C. unless D. while9. A. pick up B. look up C. look out D. pick out10. A. sound B. voice

    18、C. noise D. clap11. A. choose B. chase C. beat D. charge12. A. fall B. land C. dive D. drop13. A. flew B. ran C. rushed D. jumped14. A. attempt B. appreciation C. attention D. organization15. A. arrived B. reached C. got D. returned16. A. pearl B. clothes C. shoes D. necklace17. A. trying B. managin

    19、g C. moving D. pretending18. A. attracted B. defeated C. attacked D. struggled19. A. failure B. death C. promise D. movement20. A. sadly B. fortunately C. directly D. happily第二节 阅读理解(20分)AThe Earth wants your vote. And the way you cast it is by using your light switch. On Saturday, March 28, from 8:

    20、30 pm to 9:30 pm, kids and adults around the world observed Earth Hour with one hour of darkness. By turning off their lights, they were voting for the planet.The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) began Earth Hour in Sydney, Australia, in 2007 as a way to raise awareness about global warming. By turning off

    21、 their lights for one hour, Sydneysiders conserved energy and showed that they support action against global warming.At first the event was held only in Sydney. But interest spread around the world, and in 2008, between 50 million and 100 million people across the planet observed Earth Hour. This ye

    22、ar, the WWF hoped that 1 billion people would turn off their lights for Earth Hour.The WWF has announced that 1,189 cities in 80 countries have already committed to observing Earth Hour. One of these cities is Paris, the City of Lights, which will turn off the lights on the Eiffel Tower. Another is

    23、Egypts Giza, where the lights will be switched off at the Sphinx and Great Pyramids. China and India, two of the worlds fastest developing nations, have also promised to participate in Earth Hour 2009. If you want to participate in Earth Hour, all you have to do is turn your lights off between 8:309

    24、:30 pm on Saturday. But there are also community events happening for Earth Hour in cities across the United States of America.1. People around the world plan to support the planet by _.A. cutting their work one hour shortB. founding the World Wildlife FundC. passing a vote at an international confe

    25、renceD. switching off the lights for Earth Hour2. Earth Hour is a way _.A. to bring all the citizens of the world togetherB. for the world to send a clear message that they want actions on climate change C. for the world to realize the importance of electricity D. for humans to solve the energy cris

    26、is 3. How many continents have been specifically mentioned in the passage to observe Earth Hour?A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7.4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. In 2009, 1,189 cities in 80 countries announced they would observe Earth Hour with one hour of darkness.B. A

    27、bout 1 billion people around the world have observed it since Earth Hour started.C. All over China turned off lights for Earth Hour.D. Turning off the lights is the only activity to observe Earth Hour in cities across the world. BThe fate of polar bears could be even worse than estimated (估计), becau

    28、se sea ice in the Arctic might be melting faster, the geological survey said in a report aimed at determining whether the big white bear should be listed as a threatened species.“There is a definite link between changes in sea ice and the fate of polar bears,” said Steve Amstrup, who led the researc

    29、h team. Arctic sea ice is already at an all-time low this year and is expected to decrease farther this month, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre. That means that polar bears some 16,000 of them will disappear by 2050 from parts of the Arctic where sea ice is melting most rapidly,

    30、 along the north coasts of Alaska and Russia, researchers said. Other polar bear populations could survive beyond that date but many of those could be gone by 2100, Amstrup said. By the centurys end, the only polar bears left might live in the Canadian Arctic islands and along the west coast of Greenland.“Changes in future sea ice conditions will resu


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