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    1、专升本翻译词类转换 153一英语名词译成汉语动词1. Some of my friends are good dancers.2. I think your little sister is a better drawer than you.3. She is a lover of cartoon.4. She gave the strange man a quick glance.二英语名词译成汉语形容词1.The comfort and warmth of the room were wonderful.2. The concert of u2 was a great success.3.

    2、 The beauty of the lake is attractive.4. Credit is an absolute necessity in ones life.三英语介词译成汉语动词1. Are you for or against the proposal.2. The government is behind this company.3. As the soldier ran out, he forgot to have his hat on.四英语动词译成汉语名词1. His speech impressed the audience deeply.2. The elect

    3、ronic computer is mainly characterized by its accurate and rapid computations.3. Green symbolizes the hope of the future.4. Success is closely related to hard work.五英语形容词译成汉语名词1. They did their best to help the disabled.2. Both the compounds are acids. The former is string, the latter weak.Exercise:

    4、 1551. The successful completion of the book is the result of the cooperation and confidence of many people.2. The increase in international business has created a need for managers with skills in cross-culture communication.3. His ignorance of the companys financial situation resulted in his failur

    5、e to take effective measures.词义引申一 将词义做抽象化的引申1. Every life has its roses and thorns.2. John can be relies on. He eats no fish and plays the game.3. The brain drain problem has become more and more serious.二 将词义做具体化的引申1. She respects him for what he is, not for what he has.2. The great wall is a must

    6、 for everyone to visit Beijing.3. The car in front of me stopped and I missed the green.Exercise:1561. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth.2. Will you need an experienced desk clerk for your hotel next summer?3. We admire him for his ambiti

    7、on to become a first-rate scholar in American studies.4. Given ATMs small number in the country, Chinas banks, major investors in ATM technologies. Will continue purchasing ATMs正说反译和反说正译 157一 正说反译1. wet paint 2. Admission by invitation only!3. She was more frightened than hurt.4. It was beyond my ab

    8、ility to finish the project.二 反说正译1. She is envied by all her friends that she can eat what she likes and gets fatter.2. I cant agree with you more.3. The train coming from Beijing will arrive in no time.4. It is no less than wasting money to invest in such a program.Exercise: 1581. In the last 500

    9、years, nothing about people-not their clothes, ideas, or languages-has changed as much as what they eat.2. The beauty of the scenery in our hometown passes all power of description.增词和省词 158一 增词1. Id like to know something about your exam.2. After all preparations were made, we started our journey.3

    10、. Instead of kilometers, we have light-years.4. It is as much your honor as mine.5. Avoid using this equipment in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.二 省词三 1. While reading, do not allow yourself to regress, but keep reading ahead in every sentence, even when you come across a new word.2. The earth

    11、 moves around the sun.3. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?4. Smoking is prohibited in public places.5. There was no snow, but the leaves were gone from the tree, and the grass was dead.Exercise: 1601. There are 37 million visitors annually, but there are signs that the area is getting more

    12、tourism than it can handle.2. You can insure all your property against lost by theft or fire during your stay in Canada.3. They were so behaved in the debate that we find it difficult not to admire them.4. Any academic breakthrough, brilliant as it may be, does not automatically ensure can be applie

    13、d to practice.被动语态一 译成汉语的主动句The money will be used to deal with the environment pollution in this area.二 译成汉语的无主动句It is well known that most matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas.三 把英语被动结构的句子译成汉语的被动句1. All the buildings were destroyed in a big earthquake.2. My wallet had been taken away fro

    14、m me.3. He was threatened by the death everyday.Exercise: 1611. The standards and reputations of this organization are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is be here.2. The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school, al

    15、ong whit science courses.长句拆分162一 单句拆译Incidentally, I suggest that you have the telephone moved to the sitting room.二 短句拆译He continued his education throughout his life, learning from human as well as from books.三 句子拆译1. 顺拆法He has left a note of welcome for me, as sunny as his face.2. 逆拆法There was l

    16、ittle hope of continuing my inquires after dark to any useful purpose in an area that was strange to me.3. 综合法Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand by, signed the emancipation proclamation.Exercise: 1631. Hhe book is divided into sixteen units that deals with topi

    17、cs of everyday conversation.2. It is still unusual to get a job without a face-to face contact with your boss-to-be.3. With increasing awareness of the environment, people have realized that the way coal is used is critical and new approaches have to be sought.4. Libraries other than those listed ab

    18、ove required additional registration before you can access their collections段落翻译164一 商务信函Dear Mark, New York is finally getting a real sales manager. Congratulations on your new promotion. Your marketing ability has put you well above everyone else in the company, and probably everyone else in the i

    19、ndustry. The company will benefit from the enthusiasm and intelligence youve always shown, and I imagine that before long youll be moving the firm into the number-one position.二 说明指南If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service we provide or feel you have been treated unfairly, you may cal

    20、l the Branch Office. They will handle the matter. If you are still not satisfied and wish to make a formal complain, you should contact the Head Office. The contact details are listed on the back the cover of this handbook.三 报刊评论According to Shanghai Daily on February 19, Shanghai Telecom(上海电信公司) st

    21、arted to supply the 2004 version of its “Shanghai Yellow Pages” yesterday for free to its subscribers(用户). The 1700-page directory(电话簿), which has an English index, offered discount coupons(折扣券) for dining and beauty-care services. It also offers a “Working Guide” and “Life Guide” column. The compan

    22、y estimated more than 700,000 copies of the yellow pages will be distributed. 四 商业广告Helsinki Card enables the tourist to travel free in the buses, trains and subway Holders of the card enjoy a 70% discount in the sightseeing tour and special benefits at restaurants, theatres and concerts, as well as a mall fits at department stores. The validity of Helsinki Card is 1,2 or 3 days. The card is sold at the hotel Booking Centre, and travel agencies.


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