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    四年级上册英语教案Unit 4 My home C Story time 人教PEP版.docx

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    四年级上册英语教案Unit 4 My home C Story time 人教PEP版.docx

    1、四年级上册英语教案Unit 4 My home C Story time 人教PEP版优质资料-欢迎下载Unit4 C Story time教案课题Unit Four My home课型Story time教学目标语言技能听:学生能够在录音的帮助下听懂故事的大意;说:学生能用Where are my? Are they on the.?来向别人询问自己丢失的物品;读:学生能够用正确的语音语调朗读故事;玩演:学生能够在教师的帮助下进行简单的角色表演。语言知识词汇:学生能够正确认读单词glasses, fridge, table, bed等单词;语音:学生能够感知故事的语音语调以及一般疑问句Are

    2、 they on the fridge?的声调;功能:学生能够在适当的情境中运用句型My are on the来表示自己的物体所处的位置。语法:学生能够掌握一般疑问句的用法。如Do you see my glasses? Are they on the fridge?情感态度学生能够积极参与各种课堂学习和表演活动,增强英语学习的信心,在表演中增强语言的真实交流。学习策略1. 学生能够在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考;2. 学生能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。文化意识学生能够主动收拾物品并摆放整齐,养成良好的生活习惯。教学重点难点重点1. 学生能够用My are on the 来表示自己的

    3、物体所处的位置;2. 学生能够听、说、认读单词welcome, photo, taxi, baseball player和family。难点学生能够在不同语境中使用句型Where are my ? Are they on the ? 向别人询问自己丢失的物品。教学准备教师教学图片,词卡,PPT,句卡,学生习题,教学视频,PPT学生课本Teaching ProgressTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposesWarm up & Lead in5 mins1. Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls. Welc

    4、ome to Stevens English class.What is the weather like today?2. Lets sing an English song:T: Lets sing an English song “Hello song” and do the actions together.3. Lets play a game:“Bomb”: Lets play a game. When you see it, you see “Bomb!”This class we will study a story about Zip.4. Free Talk:Now let

    5、s begin our class. Please open your English book. Oh, where is my book?I am sorry. I lost my English book. Is it on the floor? Is it on the desk? Oh, where is my English book? Its here. Its on the table. Thank you so much! I am very careless. So boys and girls, after doing your homework, you should

    6、put away your things. I am very careless. And my friend is careless too. Now listen to the video and answer my question.Say hello to teachers.Sing and do together.Play a game.Talk to the teachers.通过歌曲和动作活跃课堂气氛,激发求知欲。通过游戏,帮助学会复习已有的单词,并导入新课。在轻松的Free talk中进入英语课堂。激活孩子们语言。鼓励孩子用英语表达。Presentation10mins1. L

    7、isten to the video and answer the questions.How many people are there in the story?What are they looking for?2. Watch the video and answer the questions.This time I have some questions for you. Please watch the video carefully and find the answers. What are they looking for?How many glasses can you

    8、see from the video?Where are the glasses?3. Find the words.You can see many things from the video. Can you find these things on the blackboard?Can you put them together? 示范。4. Introduce the competition:This group, you are Zooms grandfather. And this group, you are Zooms grandpa.5. Read after the vid

    9、eo.6. Lets act the story.This time lets read the story picture by picture and try to imitate.Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, emotion and expression! Lets try to imitate the story. Can you read? Boys.(Picture one)Boys lets read it together. Are they on the fridge? This sentenc

    10、e, you should be rising tone.(Picture two)Boys who can read it? Who wants to have a try?出示PPTThat is not my toy. Those are not my toy.That is not my book. Those are not my books.That is not my pen. Those are not my pens.(Picture three)Who wants to read it? (Picture four)Girls together. Who wants to

    11、read it?(Picture five)What does Zooms grandfather say? Oh, my my head or my eyes? They feel dizzy. Why? They wear the wrong glasses. Lets help them. Lets change their glasses. Lets have a change. Who wants to be Zooms father and grandfather?(Picture six)Who wants to read it?7. Read the story togethe

    12、r.8. Lets judge:Do you understand the story? Now lets judge.Listen to the video and answer the questions.Watch the video and answer the questions.Pupils match words with the pictures.Read the story sentence by sentence with pronunciation, intonation and emotion.Study the new words and phrases.Read t

    13、ogether.Judge the sentences.学生带着疑问听录音从中获取有效信息,了解故事中的人物数量及细节内容。学生带着问题观看视频,了解故事的细节内容。通过再次观看视频,找出视频中的所看到的物体,并匹配相应的单词,可以检测学生对文本的理解程度。听读是小学英语中低段学习中最重要的方式,地道的语音是学生模仿及学习的主要对象,学生在跟读中熟悉课文,为复述及表演做好铺垫。在模仿对话的过程中处理文本中的难点,并逐一突破。通过齐读检测学生阅读的掌握程度。通过做判断题检测孩子的掌握程度。Practice10 mins1. Can you number the pictures?Now ther

    14、e are six pictures. Can you number the pictures on the blackboard? 2. Read the story in groups.Please pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and emotion!This group, you can act like, girls, this group you can act like Lets act it together. 3. Can you stick the sentences to the pictures?Plea

    15、se take out your paper. Lets do some exercises. Please write the numbers in the blanks.4. Role play the story. (1 times)Let some students read the story. Who wants to be Zooms father or Zooms grandpa? (1 times)5. Act the story:Let student role play the story. Can you act this conversation with your

    16、partner?When you are acting, you should pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and emotion.Number the pictures and stick the sentences to the blackboard.Practice under Ts instruction.Read in groups.Stick the sentences to the pictures.Students role play in groups.Practice in pairs and show t

    17、heir conversations.通过给图片排序,给图片添加对话内容,检测学生对故事的掌握程度。学生在准确朗读的基础上开展分组读,通过带动作读,有感情地读,激发学生角色感。通过让学生给图片匹配句子,检测学生对文本的掌握情况。学生在模仿故事的过程中理解并解决本课难点词汇,进一步熟读故事。故事表演是四年级学生非常喜欢的一种形式,能够很积极地参与,更能够为学生学好外语并输出语言打下良好的基础。Production12 minsMake a new dialogue:You know Zooms father and grandfather wear the wrong glasses. Beca

    18、use they are careless. After school, do you want to see our classroom? Look at the video. The classroom is not clean and tidy. Next morning some students will lost their things. Maybe its hat, gloves.Please make a new dialogue with your partner. You can use these sentences.After that, I will invite

    19、some of you to role play your conversation.Are you happy this class? I am afraid its time to finish now. See you next time, my good friends.Make a new dialogue and show their conversations.在拓展环节鼓励学生利用所学知识在模拟日常生活的场景中创编对话,将所学内容活学活用,让每一个孩子都能亲身体验并参与其中,培养学生创造性思维和口头表达能力,让学生在互助互学中共同进步,乐于展示,感受英语故事学习的乐趣。Homework23minsHomework:Role play this story with your partner after class.Make a new story.Write it on the paper.课堂上的学习和课后的预习应紧密结合,通过作业的形式将所学知识延伸到课外。课时板书Unit 4 My home


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