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    1、贵阳中考英语真题卷含答案解析352012年贵阳市初中毕业生学业考试试题卷英语35A(满分:150分时间:120分钟)第卷(选择题,共100分).听力测试(本大题共30分,每小题1分)(略).单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分)根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最佳选项。31.Victor can playpiano.He can join the music club.A.a B.an C.the32.Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passed the examthe help of her classmates.A.with B.under C.w

    2、ithout33.It􀆳s polite to takeflowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend.A.little B.any C.some34.“What do we need for the salad?”“We need two apples and three.”A.orange B.tomatoes C.broccoli35.“delicious the ice cream is!Could you give me one more?”“Sure.”A.What B.How C.What a36.“Have yo

    3、u ever been to Tokyo?”“Yes.Ithere twice.It􀆳s a modern city.”A.have gone B.have been C.had gone37.“What do you think of the school uniforms?”“Very good.I like clothesmake me feel comfortable.”A.that B.what C.who38.When you leave the reading room,you should remember tothe lights.A.turn on B.t

    4、urn down C.turn off39.In order to make our hometown more beautiful,treesaround the city every year.A.plant B.are planted C.will plant40.“Henry,youtell the teacher if you want to go out of the classroom.”“Sorry,sir.”A.are supposed to B.are surprised to C.are afraid to41.If Bobaway from the junk food,

    5、he will be in good health.A.stay B.will stay C.stays42.Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes toand give away to kids who don􀆳t have bikes.A.fix up B.set up C.put up43.Teresa isnervousshe can􀆳t talk in front of the class.A.such,that B.too,to C.so,that44.It took Janet three hoursreading thi

    6、s interesting story.A.to finish B.finished C.finishing45.“Whose notebook is this?”“ItJim􀆳s.It has his name on it.”A.can􀆳t be B.must be C.can be.情景交际(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A.从右栏句子中找出左栏各句的正确应答。46.Nice to meet you!47.Thank you for your help,Jane.48.What do you think of soap operas?49.I will g

    7、o to Kunming for summer vacation.50.I want to join the chess club.A.Oh,can you play chess?B.Nice to meet you,too!C.Have a good trip!D.I can􀆳t stand them.E.Sorry to hear that.F.You􀆳re welcome.B.补全对话从所给的选项中选择五个选项填空,使对话完整。A:You look worried,Paul.B:I am,Ms Gao.I􀆳m having troub

    8、le learning English.A:You said you liked English.51B:I can􀆳t get the pronunciation right.A:Well,listening can help.52You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.B:That􀆳s a good idea.But what about the new words?53A:You can always write the new

    9、 words in your notebook and study them at home.You can even study on the way to school.B:That might really help!And sometimes I don􀆳t understand what people are saying.A:Why don􀆳t you join an English club to practice speaking English?54B:Maybe I will go.The only other problem I hav

    10、e is that I don􀆳t get much writing practice.A:Maybe you should find a pen pal.B:55Thanks,Ms Gao.A.Do you learn English by watching videos?B.Why don􀆳t you borrow the teacher􀆳s tapes?C.That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.D.I really have learnt a lot from you,Ms Ga

    11、o.E.I forget a lot of new words.F.The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.G.What􀆳s the problem?.完形填空(本大题共15分,每小题1分)通读短文,理解大意,从各题所给的选项中选择可填入短文的最佳选项。ADid you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world(after water),was invented by accident?Although56wasn􀆳t

    12、 brought to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According to an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he57drinking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a nearby bush58the water and remained there for some time

    13、.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a59smell.Later he decided to60the hot mixture.It was quite delicious.And in this way,one of the world􀆳s favorite drinks was invented.56.A.coffee B.water C.tea57.A.was boiling B.was looking for C.was carrying58.A.fell off B.fell into

    14、 C.fell down59.A.terrible B.unpleasant C.pleasant60.A.smell B.taste C.lookBJohn Smith had wanted to be a pilot since he was a child,so when he won the lottery and had a lot of money,he decided to buy his own plane.Then he61flying lessons.Unfortunately,he wasn􀆳t a very good student.But at la

    15、st he62his pilot􀆳s exam,and had his license.He was allowed to63without an instructor.For a while he was happy taking the plane on his own.But he soon felt64in the plane,so he decided to ask friends to come with him.But his friends65because they had all seen how he drove his car.He was not t

    16、he safest driver on the road.At last,having no one else to ask,he invited his66to join him on a short flight.The dentist,who did not know John well and had never been in a plane before,accepted his67.John wanted to show his dentist what a good pilot he was.68the plane took off,John put the plane int

    17、o a deep dive.He turned it on its back.He rolled it over and over.He did all kinds of things with the plane.During the flight,the dentist just kept saying to69,“What am I doing here?I must be crazy.”Finally,John landed the plane safely,though very roughly.The dentist70and looked up at him.“Thanks fo

    18、r both flights,”he said to John.“Both flights?”John said,surprised.“But you􀆳ve only had one flight.”“Oh,no,”his dentist said.“I􀆳ve had two:my first and my last.”61.A.takes B.took C.take62.A.passed B.failed C.forgot63.A.drive a car B.take flying lessons C.fly a plane64.A.lonely B.sa

    19、d C.surprised65.A.agreed B.refused C.answered66.A.friend B.driver C.dentist67.A.invitation B.gift C.idea68.A.Before B.After C.Ago69.A.John B.Smith C.himself70.A.got in B.got on C.got out.阅读理解(本大题共30分,每小题2分)A.阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(A)Kim Bogue,a keeper in California,worked overtime to save money for a t

    20、rip to Thailand to visit her family and friends.She saved over 900 dollars and was planning to buy a ticket,but she lost her purse with all her money and credit cards.Kim looked through the garbage and all the buildings where she worked but came up empty-handed.She went home heartbroken.She believed

    21、 that she had lost her money forever.While Kim was at home,sad and depressed,a homeless man was searching through the garbage looking for things to sell.As he was looking through a garbage bag,he found something wrapped in a plastic bag.The homeless man,who did not want to be identified,took the pur

    22、se to Sherry Wesley,because Sherry Wesley knew him from her volunteer work at a homeless shelter.The homeless man came to Sherry Wesley with the wad of money and said,“This probably belongs to someone that you work with,can you find the owner?”Sherry Wesley works in one of the buildings that Kim cle

    23、ans and she knew Kim had lost her purse.Kim was amazed when she heard the good news.“I couldn􀆳t believe it when they called me,”she said.“He has a very big heart.If someone else had found the purse,the money would be gone.”As a reward,Kim gave the man 100 dollars.The homeless man gave half

    24、of the money to Sherry Wesley and asked her to donate it to charity for him.71.Kim worked overtime to save money forher family and friends in Thailand.A.helping B.visiting C.giving72.While Kim was at home,sad and depressed,a homeless man foundby accident.A.the garbage bag B.something to sell C.the p

    25、urse Kim lost73.From Paragraph 3,Sherry Wesley was awho worked at a homeless shelter.A.volunteer worker B.homeless man C.building cleaner74.At the end of the story,the homeless man gavedollars to charity.A.900 B.100 C.5075.The sentence in the last paragraph“He has a very big heart.”meansin Chinese.A

    26、.他很贪心。 B.他有野心。 C.他很高尚。(B)Scientists have helped people understand the dangers facing the earth.As people live on the earth,we should be fully ready to deal with the dangers.If we do not pay more attention to the problems caused by air pollution,our earth may no longer be a healthy place for plants,a

    27、nimals,and people to live.Cleaning up the air is a job that all countries must work on.The problems caused by air pollution can be solved,but a lot of work needs to be done.Governments around the world are beginning to work together to lower the levels of dangerous gases in the atmosphere(大气层).If th

    28、is can be done well,the ozone layer(臭氧层)can rebuild itself,global warming can be controlled,and acid rain can be reduced.In 1967,the government of the United States passed the Clean Air Act.More parts were added to the act in 1970,1977 and 1990.As a result of these laws,cars now must reduce the amou

    29、nts of harmful gases.Power factories must use “clean coal” methods to reduce acid-rain gases they produce.35BIn 1970,the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)was set up.The EPA􀆳s job is to make sure that environmental laws are being followed and to find out new dangers and offer solutions.Th

    30、e first Earth Day was also celebrated in 1970.While it is very important to address with air pollution on a global scale,each person can also do something to protect the Earth.Here are some things you can do every day:Turn down the heat and air conditioning.Use the dishwasher only when they are full

    31、 of dishes.Practice the 3Rs:recycle,reuse,and reduce.Plant a tree.Walk or ride your bike.76.If we don􀆳t care aboutproblems,our earth may no longer be a healthy place.A.air pollution B.water pollution C.noise pollution77.Every country shouldto solve the problems caused by air pollution.A.reb

    32、uild the ozone layerB.clean up the airC.produce harmful gases78.All the things the EPA can do is to.A.make more lawsB.find out new dangersC.protect the environment79.The Clean Air Act was passedby the American government.A.in 1967 B.in 1970 C.in 197780.In our daily life,we can do something to protect the earth by.A.using more cars B.riding the bikes C.cutting down treesB.句子还原阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给选项中


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