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    1、最新上海牛津英语4b语法上海牛津英语4b语法一、划线提问 (一)划线提问四大步骤1. 确定疑问词2. 找六大元素(is, am, are, have, has, can), 没有找do, does帮忙; 如果主语是三单,用does3. 抄剩余的,遇到some变any, 你我要交换4. 句号变问号(二)划线提问的基本句型1. 划名词,用What来提问例:The dog likes bones. (划线提问)What does the dog like? 2. 划颜色,用What colour来提问例:The tree is green. (划线提问) What colour is the tre

    2、e? 3.划具体食物,用What food来提问例:Ginger likes cat food. (划线提问)What food does Ginger like? 4.划具体动物,用What animals来提问例:Peter likes dogs. (划线提问)What animals does Peter like? 5. 划动作 先补do,再按划线提问四大步骤 do例:My mother cooks dinner in the kitchen. (划线提问) What does your mother do in the kitchen?6. 划现在分词 先补doing,再按划线提问四

    3、大步骤例1: doingMy mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.(划线提问) What is your mother doing in the kitchen?例2: doing Peter likes eating fish. (划线提问) What does Peter like doing?7. 划地点, 用Where来提问例:Peter is cooking in the kitchen. (划线提问) Where is Peter cooking?8. 划谁,用Who来提问例:Peter is cooking in the kitchen

    4、. (划线提问)Who is cooking in the kitchen? 9. 划谁的,用Whose+名词来提问例:That big football is Peters. Whose big football is that?10. 划感觉, 用How来提问例:She is hungry. (划线提问) How does she feel? = How is she? 11. 划数量,可数用How many+名词复数,不可数用How much+不可数来提问例1:There is one apple on the table. (划线提问)How many apples are there

    5、 on the table? 例2:There is some food on the table. (划线提问)How much food is there on the table?12. 划钱,用How much来提问例:These apples are four yuan. (划线提问)How much are these apples? 13. 划年龄,用How old来提问例:Peter is one year old. (划线提问)How old is Peter? 14. 划时间,用When/ What time 来提问例:It is seven oclock. (划线提问)

    6、What time is it? 二改成一般疑问句(一)一般疑问句基本步骤 (比划线提问少确定疑问词这一步)1. 找六大元素(is, am, are, have, has, can),没有找do/does, 如果主语是三单,用does2. 抄剩余的, 遇到some变any, 你我要交换3. 句号变问号例1:Peter has got a new car. (改成一般疑问句)Has Peter got a new car?例2:Peter is washing hair in the bathroom. (改成一般疑问句) Is Peter washing hair in the bathroo

    7、m?例3:Peter can cook dinner. (改成一般疑问句) Can Peter cook dinner?例4:Peter likes eating oranges. (改成一般疑问句) Does Peter like eating oranges?三改否定句1. 在六大元素后面加not或nt,没有六大元素在动词前面加dont或doesnt, 动词变原形2. 遇到some 变any,and变or例1:There is some food on the table. (改成否定句)There isnt any food on the table. 例2:Peter likes ea

    8、ting oranges. (改成否定句)Peter doesnt like eating oranges. 例3:Please taste some cherries. (改成否定句) Please dont taste any cherries. 四第三人称单数(三单)(一) 三单除了I和you 之外的所有单数都是第三人称单数,其后面的动词用三单形式,加s或es(二) 三单形式1. 一般情况下,动词+s , 如:plays, swims, cooks, 2. 以s, x, sh, ch, o 结尾的动词加es, 如: guesses, washes, watches, goes, does

    9、3. 以辅音+y 结尾,去y加ies,如 flyflies, studystudies4. 不规则:havehas 例1:Peter plays (play)badminton in the badminton club.例2:Peters mother washes (wash) her hair in the bathroom.Peters father watches (watch) TV in the living room.例3:The butterfly flies (fly) in the park. 例4:Peter has (have) a cat. 五. 动词ing(一)

    10、动词ing的形式1. 一般情况下动词后面直接加ing 2. 以不发音e结尾,去e加ing如:dancedancing,havehaving,makemaking,writewriting3. 最后只有一个辅音,中间只有一个元音,且元音不发自己的音,双写加ing。如:running,swimming,hopping,skipping,stopping, chatting,sitting,getting,putting, cutting, (二)动词ing的位置1. like后面加动词ing,like doingbe 动词后加动词ing,be doinggo 后面加动词ing, go swimmi

    11、ng2. 放在句首当主语,作为动名词如:Swimming is fun.3. 放在名词前,作为动名词,表示性质或用途, 如:a swimming class, a swimming pool, swimming goggles六时态现在进行时:be+动词ing ,表示正在进行的动作 (有now)一般现在时:动词 (有usually, often, sometimes, never)例:Peter is cooking dinner now. (现在进行时) Peter cooks dinner. (一般现在时)七动词的适当形式时态,三单,动词ing, 原形,to do 1. 时态 现在进行时:

    12、be+动词ing 一般现在时:动词2. 三单(主语是除I和you 之外的所有单数)3. 动词ing (like,be,go后加动词ing)4. 原形 (祈使句,lets,please,can,do/ does 后用原形)5. to do (want to do , would like to do)八There be 句型(一)there be 句型的单复数,由第一个名词决定。就近原则 例:There is a lot of food on the table. There are some biscuits and food on the table. There is some food

    13、and biscuits on the table.(二)there be 句型的划线提问 1. 划名词, 用“Whats+介词词组”来提问例:There are many people on the beach. (划线提问) Whats on the beach? 2. 划数量, 用How many 或How much 来提问如果数量后面是可数名词,用“How many+名复+are+剩余的”来提问如果数量后是不可数名词,用“How much+不可数+is+剩余的”来提问例1:There is some milk on the table. (划线提问)How much milk is t

    14、here on the table?例2:There are some apples on the table. (划线提问)How many apples are there on the table? 九名词的适当形式(一)名词的单复数1. 一般情况+s2. 以s, x, sh, ch结尾加es ,如:watches, buses, 3. 以辅音+y结尾,去y加ies ,如:familyfamilies, babybabies, 以元音+y 结尾,直接加s,如:monkeymonkeys, toytoys, boyboys,4. 以fe, fe 结尾,去f, fe加ves 如:knifek

    15、nives, leafleaves5. 以o结尾,有生命加es, 无生命加s 如:photophotos , tomatotomatoes 6. 单复数同形 sheep, deer7. 复数名词 people, shorts, glasses, googles, 8. 不规则 childchildren, manmen, policemanpolicemen, mousemice, footfeet, toothteeth(二)主格、宾格、所有格、反身代词主格宾格所有格 反身代词I me my myself you you your yourself he him his himself sh

    16、e her her herself it it its itself we us our ourself you you your yourselves they them their themsleves1. 句子主语用主格 ( I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they )2. 动词后面用宾格(动宾结构),介词后面用宾格(介宾结构) in, on, under, in front of, behind, between, beside, with, for, of, 3. 名词前面的名词用所有格 人smy, your, his, her, its, our, yo

    17、ur, their,十. 感叹句1. What+名词!例:What a beautil beach!What nice flowers!2. How + 形容词!例:How happy!十一like 的用法like doing(长期的爱好) like to do (偶尔一次的爱好) like是动词,还可以作介词,表示“像” You are like me. (你像我) You like me. (你喜欢我)十二do 的用法do 动词,“做” 助动词,放在动词前面,没实际意义 例: What do you do? 助动词 动词十三. 频度副词always 一直 usually 通常often 经

    18、常 sometimes 有时 never 从不 放在is, am, are, do, does 后面,动词前面 如:I usually play badminton. I am always here. 十四. How much 和 How manyHow much 多少 + 不可数名词 金钱How many 多少 + 可数名词复数十五. a lot of 和 a lota lot of 修饰名词 +可数复数, 如:a lot of oranges +不可数, 如:a lot of juice a lot 修饰动词,如: tell me a lot 十六. some 和 any some +

    19、可数复数, 如:some oranges + 不可数, 如:some milk疑问句和否定句中,some 变any 固定搭配:a glass of 一杯a pair of 一副,一双a bowl of 一碗 how about = what about 怎么样 not at all 一点也不not any more 不再 go to school 去上学 sit around 围坐在一起 sit by 坐在旁边 sit at the desk/ table坐在桌旁边 put in. 把放入 on the beach 在沙滩上 on the wall在墙上 on the floor 在地板上 o

    20、n the lawn 在草坪上 on the path在小径上of course 当然take off 脱下 put on 穿上taketo 把带到 want to do =would like to do 想要干什么 would love to do = d love to 乐意干什么 over there 在那里 grow long/ short/ 变长/短 in the morning 在早上 in the evening在傍晚 (六点到十点) at night 在晚上 (十点到午夜) at noon 在中午 at seven oclock 在七点钟 go with 和谁一起去 go o

    21、ff 消失 turn off 关(电器) turn on 开(电器) in front of 在前面 behind 在后面 walk down 走下来 look back 回头看 look at 看 be like 像 (like作介词) play with 和一起玩 play +球类 play badminton, play basketball, play table tennis, play volleyball, play football, play beach ball,fall into 掉进fall down 掉下来 cry in fear 害怕地哭 burst into te

    22、ars 嚎啕大哭 have tea 喝茶 join the club 参加俱乐部 like doing 喜欢做某事(长期或习惯) like to do喜欢做某事(偶尔) talk with 谈话 chat with 聊天get in 进 get into 进入 enjoy oneself 玩得开心 (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,themselves) for a swimming class 准备一节游泳课 in the swimming class 在游泳课上 make you healt

    23、hy and strong 使你健康强壮 in my spare time 空闲的时候 putin a line 排成一条直线 climb onto 爬上 jump off 跳下来 run away 逃跑 go back to 回到go swimming 去游泳 want to be 想要成为 how to add 怎么加 do homework 做作业 make a model plane 做模型飞机 cook dinner 做晚饭 wash hair 洗头 come and help 来帮忙 have a look 看一看 watch TV 看电视 tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. sth. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事的某事 have a holiday 度假 make no noise 不发出任何噪音 = dont make any noise in the sand 在沙子里


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