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    1、期末新世纪大学英语综合教程4课后翻译答案P25 Unit 1 1、这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。 The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy. 2、这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国。 In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power. 3、这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的

    2、化工生产基地之一。 The company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region. 4、鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值(devalue)是不可避免的。 Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollor will be further devalued. 5、政府号召市民就控制水污染问题献计献策,但响应却不强烈。 The governments call for suggest

    3、ions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens. 6 天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。 The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods. 7、科学家曾一度认为没有比原子更小的东西了,但现在大多数人都知道原子是由更小的粒子(particle)构成的。 At one time sci

    4、entists thought there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles. 8、这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播。 The students are all very much concerned about the World Cup. Speaking at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV. 9、因为

    5、得不到贷款,无法按时开业,这家百货商店损失惨重。 The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time. 10、我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入。 We cant to there for a walk because there is a navy base there, which is off limits to tourists. P85 Unit 3 1、大多数人都坚信法庭一定会严惩那些银行抢劫犯

    6、。 Most people strongly believe that the court will no doubt punish the bank robbers severely. 2、在为治疗这种疾病而进行的长期探索中(医疗工作者克服了一个又一个困难。 The medical workers overcame one difficulty after another in their long-term quest for a cure for the disease. 3、根据所获得的情报(警察封锁了街道并且抓获了抢劫银行的罪犯。 Acting on the information

    7、they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the bank robbers. 4、听说这家刚建成的电视机厂第一年就能生产50万台电视机,我们都感到惊讶。 We were amazed at learning that the newly-built TV factory can produce 500,000 TV sets in the first year. 5、政府正在调查这么多人下岗的原因,并设法帮助下岗工人就业。 The government is looking into the causes of so

    8、 many layoffs and is trying to help the laid-off workers to be re-employed. 6、为了扩大产品的销售,这家公司采取多种措施,开拓市场,改进业务。 To expand the sales of its product, the company has taken up various measures to open up new markets and to improve its services. 7、他的学习荒废(neglect)到如此程度,要在一个月赶上别的同学恐怕是不可能的。 He has neglected

    9、his studies to such an extent that I am afraid it is impossible for him to catch up with the other students in a month. 8那家烟花爆竹厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例上个月关门了。 The fireworks factory was closed last month for failing to comply with the government safety regulations. 9、我们的足球队能否战胜对手,好药等到比赛结束后才知道。 It remains to be

    10、 seen whether our football team can beat its opponent. 10、史密斯先生预言,新近发现的石油储藏再加上新技术的利用,会让原油的价格降下来。 Mr. Smith predicted that the recent oil discoveries, together with the use of new technologies, would lead to a decline in the price of crude oil. P113 Unit 4 1、随着她个人生活的细节越来越多地被媒体披露出来,她不得不辞去公司总经理的职务。 As

    11、more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she was compelled to resign her post as general manager (or: resign as general manager / resign from毫没有意义。 He is as mean as Shylock. When it comes to money,all the promises hes made to his friends count for nothing. 4、自去年以来,这家公司的

    12、产品就一直滞销,但加速其倒闭的却是最近的一笔不成功的外贸生意。 Since last year , the company has been unable to sell its products , but it was the recent unsuccessful foreign trade deal that has tened its bankruptcy. 5、他提前半个月订票,以确保能够按时回家和家人一起过春节。 He booked his ticket half a month in advance to assure himself of going back home on

    13、 time to spend the Spring Festival with his family. 6、开始时,她对讲出真相有顾虑,但最后她还是说出了藏在自己心底好几年的秘密。 At first , she had some worries about telling the truth. However, at length, she spoke out the secret that she had kept in her heart for several years. 7、海伦极力控制住自己的情绪,可她颤抖的双手还是暴露了内心的紧张. Hellen tried to control

    14、 her mood , but her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness. 8、安妮获得了奖学金。在向父母报告这个喜讯时,尽管她说这没什么了不起,可还是隐藏不住急于得到父母夸奖的心情。 Annie was awarded a scholarship at school . When she told her parents the good news , she could not conceal her eagerness for praise from them though she claimed that it was nothing s

    15、pecial at all. 9、营救队队长压低声音对我说,他对从矿难中救出更多幸存者已经不抱太大的希望。 The leader of the rescue team told me under his breath that he had little hope of finding more survivors from the mine accident. 10、二战前期,德国潜艇(submarines)在大西洋横冲直撞,但英国发明了雷达之后,他们就开始遭受沉重损失。 In the early days of World War II , the German submarines ra

    16、n riot in the Atlantic Ocean . However , when radar was invented in Britain , the Germans began to suffer heavy lossesU1 P19 A 1. disaster 2. compelled 3. historical 4. disciplined 5. destruction 6. output 7. retreat 8. abandoned 9. trace 10. eternal 11. investment 12. transfer 13. justify 14. nonet

    17、heless 15. contributions 16. accelerate 17. threatenB 1. show signs of 2. called upon 3. off limits 4. in fear of 5. slow down 6. cut down 7. from head to foot 8. come by 9. lost out 10. As yet 11. reside inU3 A 1.quest 2.remained 3.consume 4.likewise 5.vessel 6.qualify 7.stiff 8.collapsed 9.predict

    18、 10.nevitably 11.absorbed 12.sheer 13.refining 14.paralyzed 15.exchange B 1.In a way 2.act on 3.to such an extent that 4.opens up 5.close off 6.look into U41.mass2.gambled3.voluntary4.hunted5.classified6.abolished7.division8.senseless9.fashions10.coordination11.declarations12.spanned13.recommends/re

    19、commended14.moderately15.slightest 1.stands a chance/stood a chance2.ruled out3.worthy of4.gone through5.in the strict sense6.At a guess7.earns a living8.coincide with9.gone in for10.got their teeth into U 5 A 1 fortune 2)dull 3)chased 4)launched 5)finance 6)reputation 7)liberty 8publicity 9)suffici

    20、ently 10)sympathy 11)target 12)educate 13)commerce 14 alike 15)bored 16)audiences 17)regard 18)assure1)thrown out 2)and so on 3)for dear life 4)dedicate himself to 5)was tired of 6turn away 7)hang on 8)for the sake of U7 1Furnish 2)resolve 3)maintaining 4)discard 5)sanction 6)raise 7)strip 8bare 9)b

    21、argain 10)simplified 11)trade 12)downsize 13)numerous 14 fraction 15)plain 16)thereby 17)rollingU71)Furnish 2)resolve 3)maintaining 4)discard 5)sanction 6)raise 7)strip8)bare 9)bargain 10)simplified 11)trade 12)downsize 13)numerous 14fraction 15)plain 16)thereby 17)rolling 1 keeps track of 2)it turn

    22、ed out that 3)strip down to 4)take an interest in5)in return 6)is all of a piece 7)for good 8)write out 9)eat out 10 look back 11)cut outUnit 81)reflections 2)hastened 3)solitary 4)mystery 5)fancy 6)expenses 7)slender8)purchase 9)admission 10)subtle 11)betrayed 12)significance 13)possession14)proces

    23、sion 15)hints 16)conceal1)put off 2)was down to her last 3)at length 4)all the way 5)counted for6)under his breath 7)ran riot 8)spent itself 9)beat back 10)drinking in 11out of work 12)on a full scholarship 13)There is no way“MATLAB程序设计”课程复习提纲第一章1、MATLAB的英文及其中文名称?有那些主要功能、特点?其系统集成环境有那些窗口?第二章1、变量的命名规则

    24、,赋值语句,常用的预定义变量,内存变量的显示与删除,数据的输出格式。2、MATLAB矩阵的各种建立方法3、MATLAB的运算规则,重点是算术运算及常用的数学函数。4、字符串的规则第四章(重点)1、什么是M文件,分那两类,扩展名是什么,M文件的建立、打开。2、熟练地应用顺序、选择、循环语句设计程序(重点)3、熟练应用函数文件第五章 5.1 二维图像1、plot函数的使用2、绘制图形的辅助操作3、其他函数第七章 符号计算1、计算基础2、符号函数及其应用3、符号积分仿真实验设计一个数字钟移位60进制计数器实验器件:函数发生器、两个七段共阴数码管显示器、排阻(500x2)、CC4511X2、74LS20X1、74LS192X2。实验设计图:


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