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    1、新目标复习备课九U13新目标复习备课九U13-15教学设计 2010-12-04 10:41:46 阅读25 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 九Units 13-15教学目标:1. 复习Units 13-15 单词,短语,语言点及语法。2. 能够灵活运用复习内容,解决实际问题。3. 培养学生良好的自学习惯,指导学生科学的学习方法。教学方法:小组合作互助学习。教学过程:Step 1 WordsAsk students to review the words of Units 13-15 by themselves, then check up the following words in class:

    2、n.- truth,purse,society,thought,poem,purpose,villager,government,ancester,expressionv.-serve,pull,appear,hit, weigh,urgeadj.-scientific,pink,hard,fair,endangered,shiny,southern,spare,home-made,overseasadv.-therefore,strongly,recently,anywayStep 2 Phrases Let students write the following phrases by t

    3、hemselves, then check up the answers in pairs and memorize them:瞄准aim at 例如for instance/ for example 有时at times 首先to start with 清除clearn out 过一会再与某人通话get back to sb 离开be off 到目前为止so far 幸亏thanks to 盼望look forward to关心care for 等待wait for 阻挡keep out 向某人告别say goodbye to sb. 轮到某人干某事了 its ones turn to do

    4、 sth. 忘记去做某事forget to do sth. 去过have been to 10英尺长10 feet long 停止做某事stop doing sth. 为某人提供某物provide sth. for sb./provide sb. with sth.Step 3 Language points and grammarTell students to work in groups, find out the language points and grammer in Units1-3. Then do the following exercises:1. Rainy days

    5、make me_.A. sad B. sadly C. sadness 2. It was so sad that it made me _.A. cry B.to cry C. crying 3. -Have you packed _?-Yes, I have _packed.A. yet,yet B.already,already C.already,yet D.yet, already 4. We are trying _ the manatees.A.save B.to save C.saves D.saving5. Restaurant owners have _(know) how

    6、 _(make)food6. They can help you _(compare)two different products.7. An ad can _(lead) you _(buy)something you dont need at all.8. _(make) things easier, some people would rather just _(give)money.9. I _(not lock) the garage yet.10. I _(do) it in a minute.11. Its your job _(wash) the dishes.12. Why

    7、_ you _(wear) a coat? Its not suitable for this hot weather.1-4为选择,5-12用动词的适当形式填空。Step 4 课堂小结巩固本节课复习内容,组内讨论互查。一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时 主动语态过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时 被动语态现在完成时过去完成时make 的用法: make +adj. make sb. do sth, Sb +be +made+to do sth.作业Take notes about what they think difficult and important.新目标复习备课九U10-12教学设计 2

    8、010-12-04 10:39:10 阅读30 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 九Units 10-12教学目标:1. 复习Units 10-12 单词,短语,语言点及语法。2. 能够灵活运用复习内容,解决实际问题。3. 培养学生良好的自学习惯,指导学生科学的学习方法。教学方法:小组合作互助学习。教学过程:Step 1 WordsAsk students to review the words of Units 10-12 by themselves, then check up the following words in class:n.- relative,magic,custom,knife

    9、,rubbish,symbol,folk,napkin,shampoo,drugstorev.-marry,lend,wonder,lead,strick,point,experiment,kiss,bow,typeadj.-embarrassed,fresh,uncrowded,proper,relaxed adv.-normally,gradually pron.-whose prep.-beside,towards Step 2 Phrases Let students write the following phrases by themselves, then check up th

    10、e answers in pairs and memorize them:到时候by the time 发出响声go off 跑掉run off 准时on time 出故障break down 出席show up 愚人节April Fools Day 激起set off 卖完sell out 一片a piece of 装扮dress up 交上hand in 握手shake hands 顺便拜访drop by 毕竟after all 发出令人不愉快的声音make a moise 特地做某事go out of ones way to do sth. 使某人感到宾至如归make sb. feel

    11、at home 餐桌礼仪table manners 习惯于be/get used to 自学learn by oneself / teach oneself 到达get to / arrive in/at 结婚 get married 挨着next to 在之间between and 右拐turn right 计划做某事make plans to do sth. 第一次见面meet for the first time 过得愉快have a good/great/nice time / enjoy oneself / have fun 某一方面in a wayStep 3 Language p

    12、oints and grammarTell students to work in groups, find out the language points and grammer in Units1-3. Then do the following exercises:1. Could you please tell me _?A. where are the restrooms B. where the restrooms are C. the restrooms are where 2. Do you know _some shampoo?A. where can I buy B.whe

    13、re can buy C. where I can buy 3. Can you tell me _ the post office?A. how can I get to B.how to get to C.how I can get 4. By the time I _(get) outside, the bus _(leave).5. When I _(get) home, I _(realize) I _ (leave) my keys in the backpack.6. We decided _ (talk) to some students about why they go t

    14、here.7. I prefer _(be)outside.8. Watertown is a great place for the family _(take)a vacation.9. Parents will spend many happy hours _(walk) through the museum.10. Youre supposed _ (bow) in Japan.11. You should _(ask) what you are supposed _(wear).12. We usually plan _(do)something interesting, or go

    15、 somenwhere together.1-3为选择,4-12用动词的适当形式填空。Step 4 课堂小结巩固本节课复习内容,组内讨论互查。作业Take notes about what they think difficult and important.新目标复习备课九U7-9教学设计 2010-12-04 10:36:54 阅读27 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 九Units 7-9教学目标:1. 复习Units 7-9 单词,短语,语言点及语法。2. 能够灵活运用复习内容,解决实际问题。3. 培养学生良好的自学习惯,指导学生科学的学习方法。教学方法:小组合作互助学习。教学过程:Step

    16、1 WordsAsk students to review the words of Units 7-9 by themselves, then check up the following words in class:n.- sight,tower,church,advertisement,pleasure,century,support,v.-consider,translate,provide,continue,establish,coach,repair,imagine,fetch,inventadj.-educational,touristy,lively,blind,deaf,a

    17、ncient,sour,wooden,homelessadv.-especially,below,prop.-including,towards,Step 2 Phrases Let students write the following phrases by themselves, then check up the answers in pairs and memorize them:不紧张take it easy 通常in general 数以千计的thousands of 尽快的as soon as possible 乐意做某事be willing to do 相当多quite a

    18、few 梦想dream of 坚持hold on to 打扫干净clean up 使高兴起来cheer up 分发hand out 推迟put off 建立set up 想出think up 与(父母等)相像take after 修理fix up 张贴hand out 要求ask for 发放give out 成功work out 帮助(某人)解决困难help (sb) out 立即at once 用来做be used for 错误的by mistakes 根据according to 偶然的by accident 落入fall into 这样in this way 与相撞knock into

    19、 某一天 one day/ some dayStep 3 Language points and grammarTell students to work in groups, find out the language points and grammer in Units1-3. Then do the following exercises:1. Where would you like _?A. visit B. to visit C.visiting 2. I hope _ Niagara Falls some day.A. see B.to see C.seeing 3. He l

    20、ooks sad. Lets _A. cheer up him B.cheer him up C.cheer he up 4. When _ the car _?A. did invent B.was invent C.was invented 5. For you next vacation, why not _(consider)_(visit) Paris?6. There are many things _(do) there.7. _(travel)around Paris by taxi can _(cost)a lot of money.8. We need _(come) up

    21、 with a plan.9. Do you know when the basketball _(invent)?10. He decided _(taste) the hot mixture.11. Id like to trek _ the jungle.12. Where would you like to go _ vacation?13. Paris is the capital _ France and is one _ the liveliest cities in Europe.14. I hope you can provide me _ some information

    22、_ vacations.15. Could you please give me some suggestions _ vacation spots?16. I am similar _ my mother.17. Ill send you a photo _ Lucky.18. Who was the TV invented _?1-4为选择,5-10用动词的适当形式填空,11-18用正确的介词填空。Step 4 课堂小结巩固本节课复习内容,组内讨论互查。1. 牢记并正确运用动词词组。2. 被动语态的构成及用法法。作业Take notes about what they think diff

    23、icult and important.新目标复习备课九U4-6教学设计 2010-12-04 10:34:29 阅读21 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 九Units 4-6教学目标:1复习Units 4-6 单词,短语,语言点及语法。2能够灵活运用复习内容,解决实际问题。3培养学生良好的自学习惯,指导学生科学的学习方法。教学方法:小组合作互助学习。教学过程:Step 1 WordsAsk students to review the words of Units 4-6 by themselves, then check up the following words in class:n.- r

    24、esearch,circle,listener,shelf,owner,neighbor,finger,ocean,heart,photographv.-represent,cover,hurt,refuse,offer,interview,pretend,prefer,taste,increaseadj.-medical,knowledgeable,correct,helpful,final,honest,adv.-downstairs,possiblypron.-whatever,herself Step 2 Phrases Let students write the following

    25、 phrases by themselves, then check up the answers in pairs and memorize them:如果将会怎么样what if 根本不notin the slightest 足够的plenty of 与相处get along with 使失望let dowm 想出come up with 出版come out 属于belong to 用光use up 关掉turn off 对某人很适合suit sb. fine 说实在的to be honest 对有害be bad for 与保持距离stay away from 意见一致be in agr

    26、eement 在公共场合in public 立刻right away/now / at once 在前面in front of 对很友好be friendly to 想出think of 各种各样的different kinds of 使想起remindof 对很重要be important to 多年来over the years 一定去做be sure to do 展览on display / on show 寻找look for 团聚get together 照顾take care of / look after 保持健康keep/stay healthy/keep in good he

    27、althStep 3 Language points and grammarTell students to work in groups, find out the language points and grammer in Units1-3. Then do the following exercises:1. What _ you do if you had a million dollars?A. will B. do C.would 2. If I _ you, Id take a small present.A. am B.was C. were 3. It must _ Car

    28、la.A. belong B.belong to C.be 4. I love singers _ write their own music.A. which B.who C.whose D.whom5. I dont know what _(wear).6. My parents wont let me _ (have) a dog.7. Maybe you should _(get) a amall pet.8. I prefer music that _(have) great lyrics.9. I listened to a CD _(call) Heart Strings.10. He _(make) some great movies over the years.1-4为选择,5-10用动词的适当形式填空。Step 4 课堂小结巩固本节课复习内容,组内讨论互查。1. if引导的条件状语从句和虚拟语气有什么区别?2. 表示猜测的情态动词有哪些?用法有什么不同?3. 定语从句的关系代词有哪些?分别怎样用?作业Take notes about what they think difficul


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