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    1、英语专业本科论文茶花女英语专业本科论文茶花女 英语专业本科论文茶花女 An Analysis on Male-centered Consciousness in The Lady of the Camellias Acknowledgement In writing this thesis, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable sugges

    2、tions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for their kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is. Particularly, I am deeply indebted to Chen Ke, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. She carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious cr

    3、iticism. Her standards of academic excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience. Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: the Foreign Language Department, the University Li

    4、brary and its staff. An Analysis on Male-centered Consciousness in The Lady of the Camellias Abstract The Lady of the Camellias was a masterpiece of world literature and even was presented on the stage for many times. And as we all know, The Lady of the Camellias was the first foreign novel that ent

    5、ered our country. It played an important role in modern Chinese literature. It was a tragic love story between Marguerite Gautier, a prostitute and a young bourgeois, Armand Duval. Marguerite was not only a prostitute but also a beautiful girl with pure heart. She sacrificed everything she had for l

    6、ove, even her own life. This essay analyzed the tragic story of The Lady of the Camellias from the prospective of male-centered consciousness. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the author, the writing background, story itself, and other basic information; the second par

    7、t introduces the gender theory and male-centered consciousness which belongs to it; the third part analyzes the domination of Alexandre Dumas Filss male-centered consciousness on the Novel from different aspects, such as heroines identity, character, life experience, indication, womens thoughts, the

    8、 uneven relationship between woman and man, the authors narrative technique; the fourth part sums up the paper and puts forward its practical significance. The tragic ending of the heroine was due to a multitude of reasons. But the main reason should be the domination of male-centered consciousness

    9、on the society and peoples thought. We should realize that the male-centered consciousness impacted not only literature works but also every aspects of peoples life. Key Words: Gender theory; Male-centered Consciousness; The Lady of the Camellias 摘要 茶花女是法国亚历山大小仲马的代表作,是一部世界文学经典,曾被多次搬上舞台银幕。 这是部凝聚永恒爱情的

    10、小说,以女主人公玛格丽特的生活经历为主线,真实细致地描写了一位外表与内心都像白茶花那样纯洁美丽的巴黎风尘女子,为了自己不被认同的爱情而被命运遗弃。 众所周知,茶花女是第一部翻译过来的外国小说,在我国的近代文学史上也有举足轻重的地位。 本文将以茶花女为研究对象,从男性中心意识的角度解读茶花女的悲剧故事。 论文的第一部分主要包括小说的背景知识,其中包括亚历山大小仲马生平,作品简介以及写作历史背景知识。 第二部分主要介绍性别理论及其包括的男性中心意识。 第三部分具体解读亚历山大小仲马的男性中心意识在小说女主角性格、身份、社会经历及女主角的象征物茶花、女性思维、社会男女对等问题以及作者叙事策略等方面的

    11、体现。 最后,对小仲马及茶花女进行总结性的评价以及点出本文对现代人的启示。 小说中女主角的悲剧是多方面造成的,其中历史上长期存在的男性意识为主导的社会及人们的思想是其中一个主要原因,从这个角度来看茶花女的悲剧是必然的。 人们应意识到长久以来存在的男性中心思想不仅体现在文学作品中而且还渗透入人们生活和社会的各个方面. 关键词:性别论;男性中心意识;茶花女 Table of Contents Chapter Page 1 Introduction1 1.1 The Introduction to the Author1 1.2 The Introduction to the Background1

    12、 1.2.1 Social background1 1.2.2 Novels background2 2 Overview of Gender theory4 2.1 Gender Theory4 2.1.1 Gender theory in foreign area4 2.1.2 Gender theory in China4 2.2 Male-centered consciousness5 3 The Domination of Male-centered Consciousness on the Novel6 3.1The Domination of Male-centered Cons

    13、ciousness on the Heroine6 3.1.1 Heroines social identity6 3.1.2 Heroines character7 3.1.3 Heroines life experience8 3.1.4 Heroines symbol9 3.2 The Domination of Male-centered Consciousness on Social Culture9 3.2.1 Womens thoughts9 3.2.2 The uneven relationship between woman and man10 3.3 The Dominat

    14、ion of Male-centered Consciousness on Plot Setting11 4 Conclusion14 Bibliography16 1 An Analysis on Male-centered Consciousness in The Lady of the Camellias Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Introduction to the Author Alexandre Dumas Fils (1824-1895), an outstanding writer and playwright. He was a son

    15、of Alexandre Dumas, born in Paris, France, and he was also the illegitimate child of a dressmaker. When he was seven, his father legally recognized him and made sure that he received the best education, but still did not recognize Alexandre Dumas Fils mother as his wife. Alexandre Dumas Fils suffere

    16、d a lot in his earlier school life because of his illegitimacy. The cruel taunts and malevolence of his companions rankled through life, and left indelible marks on his personality. His mothers agony inspired Dumas Fils to write about tragic women. Most themes of Alexandre Dumas Fils were women, mar

    17、riage and family problems. His novel truly reflected the life of the capitalist society and emphasized the importance of moral values. The Lady of Camellias was the beginning of his fame and it was also his masterpiece which denounced the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality and also reflected the truth

    18、of the human, tolerance and respect between people, and the love of humanity. Such thoughts and feelings resonate with different people so they are generally welcomed. 1.2 The Introduction to the Background 1.2.1 Social background The story happened in The July Monarchy. The aristocracy held the Fre

    19、nch rule of power. The social conflicts were extremely acute. Free competition ruined some people and helped some people make a great fortune. The former lived a luxurious life but the latter lived a vagrant life. Country girl came from home to the city, such as Marguerite, just began to be chased b

    20、y bourgeoisies who spent billions of dollars and lived a luxurious life. In that kind of society, money was everything, even the interpersonal relations was measured in monetary. These beautiful young women were treated as playthings, but when they become old, they would be cold-shouldered aside, th

    21、us they became the victim of society. Marguerite said: “Our lives are no longer our own. We arent human being, but things. We rank first in their pride and last in their good opinion“ (The Lady of the Camellias, 2005, p.105). This complaint was of blood and tears. This was a tragic to the prostitute

    22、, Marguerite, and all the other people from underclass. Thousands of years of traditional male-dominated society, women had been living in the bottom of society. They did not have the rights to participate in politic. They had no right to be educated, no right to participate in social life, and no a

    23、bility to determine its own destiny. In this kind of society, men had all the authority of the position in the political, economic, legal, religious, educational, military, family area and so on. 1.2.2 Novels background The Lady of the Camellias told us a love story between Marguerite Gautier, a pro

    24、stitute and Armand Duval, a bourgeoisie. Armand fell in love with Marguerite and ultimately became her lover, convincing her to turn her back on her old life and live with him in the countryside. Then Armand s father showed up and ruined their life. Armand s father worried that the scandal created b

    25、y the illicit relationship may destroy his daughter s chance of marriage, so he convinced Marguerite to leave Armand. Nevertheless Armand didnt know the truth. Instead, Armand thought that Marguerite betrayed him. So Armand hurt her feelings in every way he could. Ultimately, Marguerite passed away

    26、with her love to Armand. When Armand finally found out the truth, it was already too late. Armand lived with regret in the rest of his life. The author used the technique of flashback to begin the whole story. Firstly, the novel gave us the death of the heroine, and then it told us the story from th

    27、e very beginning. In this way, the whole story became more vivid and appealing. With the technique, the author also created a feeling of suspense and made the story well-structured. In general, the language style of the lady of camellias was quiet natural and realistic. The whole novel had a strong

    28、sense of lyric and fluent language. Chapter 2 Overview of Gender theory 2.1 Gender Theory 2.1.1 Gender theory in foreign area Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex in the year of 1949. Since then, The Second Sex has been translated into forty languages and has become a landmark in the history

    29、of feminism. Simone de Beauvoir (1998) claimed that man fundamentally oppress woman by characterizing them, on every level. Man occupies the role of the self, or subject and woman is the object, the other. He is essential, absolute, and transcendent. She is inessential, incomplete, and mutilated. He

    30、 extends out into the world to impose his will on it, whereas woman is doomed to be the immanence, or the inwardness. He creates and invents; she waits for him to save her. This distinction is the basis of all Beauvoirs arguments. 2.1.2 Gender theory in China Lin Hong claims (2004) that since the ri

    31、se of the second wave of feminism in the 1970s, feminist scholars have challenged the existing knowledge-system. They not only found the womens absence in this system but also saw the patriarchal relation of male-centered culture in the process of knowledge production and the biased and fallacious p

    32、art of common sense which affected by the male-centered relation. They have done a lot of academic research. They criticized, deconstructed and reconstructed the male-dominated culture. In short, the Western feminist scholars saw gender as an institution, a power relation. The theory they built up i

    33、n the process of gender analysis gave us a lot of references. After the founding of the New China, a series of legislation and policies were established to eliminate sex discrimination. From that moment women changed their social status. But the traditional gender culture still had great influence on our modern life. Most time, it p


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