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    看电影学英语 Enchanted.docx

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    看电影学英语 Enchanted.docx

    1、看电影学英语 Enchanted看电影学英语 Enchanted 魔法奇缘-Woman: Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia,once upon a time: 从前 magical: 魔法的 kingdom: 王国很久很久以前,在一个叫Andalasia的魔法王国里,there lived an evil queen.evil: 邪恶的 queen: 女王,王后住着一个一个邪恶的女王。Selfish and cruel,selfish: 自私的 cruel: 残酷的她自私又残酷。she lived in fear

    2、 that one day her stepson would marry,fear: 害怕,唯恐 stepson: 继子 marry: 结婚她很害怕有一天她的继子将会结婚,and she would lose her throne forever.throne: 王座,王位那她就会永远失去王位。And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true loves kiss.do all in ones

    3、 power: 全力以赴,竭力 prince: 王子 prevent: 阻止某事 special: 特殊的 maiden: 少女 true love: 真爱所以,她竭尽所能去阻止王子与那个可以分享真爱之吻的少女的相遇。-Birds: Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue?statue: 雕像Giselle,,Giselle,用这个装在你的雕像上怎么样?-Giselle: Oh, This Will be perfect. Thank you.perfect: 完美的哦,这简直太完美了,谢谢。-Birds: Youre welcome.

    4、不客气。-Pip: Come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together heremook: 期刊式书,杂志式书【书呆子】快点快点!好了,你们各位,行动起来!我们现在这里有张脸需要拼起来。while its still ingrained in her subcranium.ingrained: 根深蒂固的趁现在她脑中的印象还算清晰。-Giselle: Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream.lovely: 可爱的,令人愉快的哦,Pip,这真是个美丽的梦。We were hol

    5、ding hands and dancing, and.hold hands: 手牵手我们手牵着手,跳舞-Rabbit: Oh! And these for the eyes.哦!这些用作眼睛。-Giselle: Blue? Oh, how did you know?蓝色的?哦,你们怎么知道的?And they sparkle just like his. Mm!sparkle: 使闪耀,使发光它们这么闪亮,就和他的一样!OK. There we go.好的,让我们放上去。Yes! Thats it!太好了,就是他了!-Pip: OK. Yeah, yeah!好的。好。好。Floors you

    6、rs, honey.舞台为你准备好了,亲爱的。-Giselle: Presenting my one true love.present: 呈现,展示向你们展示我的真爱。My prince. My dream come e true: 实现我的王子,我的梦想实现了。Oh, my goodness!my goodness: 天哪哦,天呐!-Pip: Whoa, whoa. What? Whats the problem?怎么,怎么,什么?有什么问题?-Giselle: I didnt give him any lips.lip: 嘴唇我没给他装上嘴唇。-Deer: Ooh! Does He ha

    7、ve to have lips?哦!他一定要有嘴唇吗?-Giselle: Of course.of course: 当然当然。When you meet the someone who is meant for you当你遇到一个对你来说很有意义的人, -Giselle: “Before two can become one, theres something you must do.”“当两人融为一体之前,有件事你必须要做。” -Rabbit: Do you pull each others tails?pull: 拉,拽 tail: 尾巴互相拽尾巴吗?-Bird: Do you feed

    8、each other seeds?seed: 种子互相喂种子吃吗?-Giselle: No.不。 -Giselle:“There is something sweeter“是更甜蜜的事Everybody needs每个人都需要Ive been dreaming of a true loves kiss我一直梦想着真爱之吻And a prince Im hoping comes with this我希望有个王子可以带来真爱之吻Thats what brings那将会带来Ever-afterings so happy从此以后永远的快乐And thats the reason we need lip

    9、s so much这就是我们为什么这么需要嘴唇For lips are the only things that touchtouch: 触摸因为嘴唇是唯一会接触的部分So to spendspend: 花费所以要花费A life of endless blissendless: 无止境的 bliss: 福佑一生无止境的祝福Just find who you love只为通过真爱之吻Through true loves kiss.”找到你所爱。” -Giselle: If were going to find a perfect pair of lips,如果我们要找到一副完美的嘴唇。Were

    10、 going to need a lot more help.我们还需要更多帮助。 -All: “Shes been dreaming of a true loves kissdream of: 梦想“她在梦想一个真爱之吻And a prince shes hoping comes with this他希望有一个王子可以带来真爱之吻Thats what brings ever-afterings那将会带来从此以后永远的So happy快乐So happy永远的快乐Thats the reason we need lips so much这就是我们为什么这么需要嘴唇For lips are th

    11、e only things that touch.”因为嘴唇是唯一会接触的部分。” -Giselle: “So to spend a life“所以要花费Of endless bliss一生的无止境的祝福Just find who you love只为通过真爱之吻Through true loves kiss.”找到你所爱。” -Edward: Look out below!look out: 小心小心下面!Look out below!小心下面!-Nathaniel:Amazing, sire.amazing: 令人惊讶的太了不起了,陛下。Your tenth troll this mont

    12、h.troll: 巨魔,巨怪这是您这个月捉到的第10个巨人了。Oh, I love hunting trolls.哦,我喜欢狩猎巨人。Big trolls, little trolls. Trolls, trolls, trolls.大巨人,小巨人,巨人,巨人,巨人sorry.抱歉。-Toll: Oh, thats OK.哦,没关系。-Edward: Ah, trolls are fine to pass the time, Nathaniel,pass the time: 打发时间,消磨时光啊,巨人用来打发时间还行,Nathaniel。But. but my heart longs to b

    13、e joined in song.long to: 渴望但是但我的心渴望在歌声中融入 -Edward: “Ive been dreaming of a true loves kissdream of: 梦想,梦见“我一直梦想着真爱之吻And a.”还有” -Giselle: “. prince Im hoping我希望有个王子Comes with this”带来它” -Edward: do you hear that, Nathaniel?你听见了吗,Nathaniel?-Nathaniel: Me? No. No, I hear nothing.我?没有。我什么也没听见。Nothing.什么

    14、也没有。-Edward: Oh! I must find the maiden that belongs to that sweet voice.maiden: 少女 belong: 属于 哦!我一定要找到这个拥有这甜美声音的少女。-Nathaniel: Oh, No! Come back, sire.哦,不!回来吧,陛下。No, youre hallucinating!hallucinate: 使产生幻觉不,这是你的幻觉!-Edward: Ride, Destiny!走吧,Destiny!-Nathaniel: Oh!哦!Oh, pooh. Oh, no. No. This isnt goo

    15、d.哦,天呐,哦,不,不,这不是好事。All these years of troll chasing, trying to keep him from ever meeting a girl.chase: 追赶这些年一直追逐巨人,努力让他不要遇见一个女孩。Oh, the queen. No, shes not going to like this.哦,女王。不,她不会希望看到这个。 -Edward: “True loves kiss”“真爱之吻”-Troll: “True loves kiss”“真爱之吻” -Edward: Oh, you shall not prevail, foul t

    16、roll. That maiden is mine!prevail: 战胜,获胜哦,你不会得逞的,卑劣的巨人。那个女孩是我的!-Pip: Honey, do you really think your dream boy exists?exist: 存在亲爱的,你真的相信你的梦中男孩儿存在吗?-Giselle: Oh, Pip. I know hes out there somewhere.哦,Pip,我知道他一定在哪里存在着。-All: Eye! Eye! Eye-Eye.眼睛!眼睛!眼眼睛。-Giselle: I. I What?我我什么?-Troll: I eat you now.我现在

    17、要吃了你。-Pip: Everybody, scatter!scatter: 分散,散开大家快散开!-Troll: Gotcha. Huh?gotcha= get you抓到了,啊?Hey! Thats cheating!嘿,你作弊!I supposed to eat you.suppose: 想我应该要吃了你的。-Pip: Oh, no you dont, you big lug.lug: 笨蛋,笨家伙哦,不你做不到的,你这个大傻瓜。Wow, I got to lay off the nuts.lay off: 停止使用我应该少吃点坚果的。-Troll: Girl yummy.yummy:

    18、美味的东西女孩,美味。-Edward: Fear not, fair maiden. I am here.别害怕,美丽的女孩。-Giselle: Whoa!哇!-Pip: Gotcha!抓到你了!-Giselle: Whoa!哇!Oh! Pip!哦,Pip!-Pip: Just hang on, honey. Im going to.hang on: 坚持住,握住不放 honey: 宝贝坚持住,亲爱的。我会-Giselle: Oh, my gosh.哦,天呐。Its you.是你。-Edward: Yes, its me.是的,是我。And you are?你是-Giselle: Gisell

    19、e.Giselle。-Edward: Oh! Giselle! We shall be married in the morning.哦,Giselle!我们应该在早晨结婚。 -Edward: “Youre the fairest maid Ive ever metfair: 美丽的“你是我见过最美的女孩You were made.”你是被创造来”-Giselle: “to finish your duet”“完成你的二重奏的”-Both: “And in years to come well reminisce”reminisce: 回忆“几年以后我们会回忆起”-Edward: “How w

    20、e came to love”“们是怎样相爱的”-Giselle: “And grew and grew love”“然后越来越相爱”-Both: “Since first we knew love”“从一开始我们通过真爱之吻Through true loves kiss”知道爱” -Narissa: Oh, so this is the little forest rat哦,这就是那个森林小老鼠。who thinks she an steal my throne.steal: 偷,窃取她以为可以窃取我的王位。Never!永远不可能!-Giselle: Oh! Excuse me. I am

    21、so sorry.哦!抱歉,我很抱歉。Oh! Am I late?哦!我迟到了吗?-Nathaniel: No, miss.没有,小姐。-Giselle: I do hope Im not late.我真的希望没有迟到。-Nathaniel: Just in time.in time: 及时时间刚刚好。-Giselle: Oh, Thank goodness.哦,谢天谢地。-Pip: Hey, honey, wait up!wait up: 等一下嘿,亲爱的,等等!We arent done with you yet.你还没打扮好。-Nathaniel: No! Ah!哦!啊!-Giselle

    22、: Oy!嘿!Oh! Thank you.哦,谢谢。-Birds: Youre welcome, Giselle.不客气,Giselle 。-All: Youre getting married!get married: 结婚你就要结婚了。-Pip: Oh, and what do we look like, garbage?garbage: 垃圾,废物哦,我们看上去像什么,垃圾吗?Close the door on me!在我面前关上门!-Nathaniel: lf youll allow me.allow: 允许如果你能允许我-Giselle: To think that in a few

    23、 moments that Edward and I.有一点时间想想Edward和我-Nathaniel: Yes, Yes.是的,是的。-Giselle: that He and me. that we.他和我我Oh, my.哦,天呐。-Narissa: Oh, what a lovely bride.bride: 新娘哦,真是个可爱的新娘。-Giselle: Thats very kind of you,谢谢您。But I really.但我真的-Narissa: No, no!不,不!Granny has a wedding gift for you.wedding: 婚礼,结婚老婆婆有

    24、个新婚礼物送给你。-Giselle: Thank you.谢谢你。But I really should be going. You see, Im going.但我真的该走了,您看,我正要-Narissa: This is a wishing well, dear.那儿有个许愿喷泉。-Giselle: Oh!哦!But all my wishes are about to come e true: 实现但我所有的愿望已经快要实现了。-Pip: If I ever see that fat mooks face again, Im going to.mook: 期刊式书,杂志式书【书呆子】如果

    25、我再看到那个胖子的脸,我就-Giselle: I really do have to go.我真的该走了。-Narissa: But a wish on your wedding day.但就在你的大喜日子许个愿。Thats the most magical of all.magical: 有魔力的那是最神奇的喷泉。Just close your eyes, my darling, and make your wish.make wish: 许愿闭上眼睛,亲爱的,许个愿。Thats right. Thats right. Lean in close.lean: 倾斜,依靠好的,好的。靠近点。A

    26、re you wishing for something?你许愿了吗?-Giselle: Yes, I am.是的。And they both lived happily ever aft.他们两个将永远快乐地-Pip: Help! Edward! Prince Edward, we need help!救命啊!Edward!Edward王子,我们需要帮助!-Nathaniel: Where, my most adored queen, where did you send her?adore: 崇拜,爱慕去哪儿了,我最崇敬的女王,你把她送到哪里去了?-Narissa: To a place

    27、where there are no happily ever afters.去到没有“永远快乐地生活下去”的地方。-Giselle: Oh! Oh.哦!哦。Oh!哦!What is this?这是什么?-Man: Get out of the street!快走开!-Giselle: Oh!哦!-Audience: Oh! Whoa!哦!哇!-Man: Lady! Are you crazy? Now you have to pay for all of this.crazy: 疯狂的 pay for: 赔偿小姐!你疯了吗?现在你要把这全部的钱赔给我。-Giselle: Im sorry.

    28、Excuse me. I was wondering if one of youwonder: 想知道,疑惑对不起,请问有没有人kind people might direct me to the castle?direct: 指导,指点好心指点我去城堡的路?Oh!哦!-Man: Hey, watch it, will you?嘿,看着点,知道吗?-Giselle: Grumpy!Grumpy!-Man: Jeez, lady. Are you for real?for real: 认真的Grumpy!天呐,小姐,你是真人吗?-Giselle: I think so. Oh, wait! Wa

    29、it!我想是的。哦,等等!等等!Where are you going? Please, if you could just point me to the castle?你去哪里?拜托,你能不能指点我去城堡的路?Im supposed to be at the ball to wed my true love,supposed to be: 本应如此我该在舞会上的,嫁给我的真爱。Prince Ed. Oh! Edward!Edward王哦!Edward!Edward?Edward?Oh! Edward!哦!Edward!Edward?Edward?。Oh, no.哦,不。Oh! Hello, old man! Oh!哦!你好,老人家!哦!Hello.你好。May I sit with you?我可以和你坐在一起吗?Im very tired, and Im scared.scared: 害怕的我很累,也很害怕。Ive never been this far away from home before,我从没离开家这么远过,and Im not sure at all where I am.我也不确定现在我在哪里。If somebody coul


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