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    2、标签:卓桌美语,Diven教你说美语,新鲜热词,高频英语,英语学习1.听清楚! Listen closely!Amanda- Listen closely!Dont do that again!Paul- Okay, I wont do that again.Diven注释:Listen closely!2.你买股票了吗? Do you own any stocks?Paul- Do you own any stocks?Jack- Of course, and in fact some of them are flying through the roof!Diven注释:stocks 股票

    3、。Diven特别提示:flying through the roof 指股票行情“飙涨”。3.简单 simplicity When I was young, happiness was simple; now that Ive grown up, simplicity is happiness.(引用)Diven注释:小时候,幸福是件很简单的事;长大后,简单是件很幸福的事。Diven特别提示:请注意英语的词性区别:simple 和simplicity。4. 我很快会习惯的。Ill get used to it in no time. Yuki- Hey, Paul, have you been

    4、 used to the life here in Japan?Paul- Not yet, but I think Ill get used to it in no time.Diven注释:Ill get used to it in no time.我很快会习惯的。Diven特别提示:in no time 等于soon。5. 都差不多。Its the same thing. Paul- Which is better in your mind?Diven-Its the same thing in my mind.Diven注释:Its the same thing. 都差不多。Diven

    5、特别提示:in your mind 表示某人的想法。6. 你在担心什么?Whats on your mind? Diven- Yuki, You look quite upset now, could you tell me whats on your mind?Yuki- Thank you for your asking!Its about my family.Diven注释:Whats on your mind? 你在担心什么。7. 心不在焉!I wasnt on my mind.Jenny-Sorry, I missed that.I was not on my mind just n

    6、ow.Diven- Youd better take a rest for a while.You look tired.Diven注释:I wasnt on my mind. (我)心不在焉!Diven特别提示:注意比较:in ones mind 表示“某人的想法”。on ones mind 一般会指“某人担心的事情”。not on ones mind 则表示“心不在焉”8.生意兴隆! a booming businessPaul- I wish you a booming business!Diven- Thank you!Diven注释:a booming business 生意兴隆。9

    7、. 自找苦吃! You get what you asked for! Frank- I shouldnt have eaten so many hamburgers, my stomach hurts bad now?Harvard-You get what you asked for!Diven注释:You get what you asked for! (你)自找苦吃。Diven特别提示:You get what you asked for! 也可以说成You asked for it!。10.总统辩论 presidential debate The third presidential

    8、 debate is coming up on Oct. 22.Diven注释:第三场总统辩论将在10月22号开始。Diven特别提示:be coming up 即将到来。Diven教你说英语10-俚语风暴(四)“放鸽子”怎么说?本期主题:俚语风暴(四) 1. 放鸽子 no-show I waited my girlfriend for almost an hour, but she turned out a no-show. I really had a cow.Diven注释:no-show 没有出现,没有露脸。出现,露脸可以表达为,show up。Have a cow 在Diven教你说

    9、英语-俚语风暴(三)中有介绍,不记得的同学赶快去复习一下吧!2. 被放鸽子 be stood upI was stood up by Paul yesterday. When I found him and asked him why today, he told me he had totally forgotten our date.Diven注释:date 一般指男女之间的约会。如果是商务约会,一般可以使用appointment和engagement。3. 忙的不可开交 be up to ones neckIm really up to my neck in work. Would yo

    10、u mind lending me a hand?Diven注释:up to ones neck 是一种形象的表达方式。表示事情多的像洪水猛兽,快要漫过人的脖子了。非常形象吧!4. 淡定 Dont have a cow!You look terrible. Theres nothing serious. Dont have a cow.Diven注释:Dont have a cow. 其中,cow可以理解为“母兽”。抱着一个母兽在怀里当然不能淡定。这个表达很形象。“淡定”的拓展说法:chill out 别激动! Take a chill pill。吃颗定心丸吧!5. 人气 popularity

    11、The actors popularity is rising.Diven注释:popularity 表示人气。过气、过时的人或物是 a has-been;东山再起是 a comeback.6. 宅男宅女 homebodyA homebody is a person who prefers to stay at home and seldom goes out.Diven注释:第一,宅男宅女叫 homebody, 或者 shut-in; 第二,一天到晚坐在沙发上看电视的人叫 couch potato;第三,说脑子要发霉了,就是Your brain will rot!7. 赘肉 spare ti

    12、reNo girl wants that spare tire. Its their worst enemy!Diven注释: 第一“赘肉”在美语里叫 extra meat on the bones; 第二,形容腰上的赘肉,可以说 spare tire; 第三,腰间肥肉的另外一种说法是 love handles.8. 美男子 metrosexual manMetrosexual men live in big cities, know all the trendy places in town and pay great attention to their appearances.Diven

    13、注释: 第一,注重打扮的“花样美男”是 metrosexual men; 第二,紧跟流行时尚是 be up-to-date on the hottest fashion; 第三,领导时尚的潮人叫 trend setter!9. 一夜成名 be famous overnightThe singer Li daimo became famous overnight through The Voice of China.Diven注释:第一,to become famous overnight,一夜成名;第二,to be an instant hit, 火速窜红;第三:to catapult to

    14、fame, 就是“一炮而红”!10. 平头百姓 an average JoeJoe is a very common name in English country, so if you mean one is an ordinary person, you can say he is an average Joe”.Diven注释:第一、“平头百姓”在美语里叫 an average Joe; 第二、还可以说 just another face in the crowd; 第三、不同寻常则叫 stand out from the crowd! Diven教你说美语12-俚语风暴(五) “相亲”

    15、怎么说?本期主题:俚语风暴(五)1. 相亲 go blind dateDiven went a blind date and made a hot chick his girlfriend last week.Diven注释:a hot chick 辣妹。chick表示少女,少妇。没有任何对女性的歧视意味。2. 社交能力 networking skillsTo fresh graduates from college, its very important for them to take time to work on their networking skills.Diven注释:fres

    16、h graduates 指“刚毕业的大学生”。3. 人脉connectionPaul is a well-connected guy in local.Diven注释: 人脉connection;人脉广 well-connected。4. 打酱油 rubberneckingDont ask me, I dont have a clue about all this, I was just rubbernecking.Diven注释:网络潮语“我只是个打酱油滴!”,听听由Diven翻译的最地道的美语版本吧: I dont have a clue about all this, I was jus

    17、t rubbernecking. 5. 堵车 bumper-to-bumper trafficPaul was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic for almost three hours. Thats enough to drive him crazy.Diven注释: bumper 是指“汽车保险杠”,bumper-to-bumper 意思是“保险杠挨着保险杆”,这种情况当然只有“堵车”的时候才会发生喽。6. 连环车祸 pileupGuess what I saw on the way to work! A eight-car pileup accide

    18、nt right in front of my face.Diven注释: Diven出门一般都蹭Paul的车坐,他车技很棒,所以Diven从不担心会发生pileup(连环车祸)。7. 牛逼ballinHow can you finish that difficult task in such a short time? I can hardly believe it! Youre just ballin!Diven注释: “你真牛”的表达方式有很多:You rock! / Youre awesome!/ You rule!/ Youre ballin! (褒义);Youre cocky!(贬

    19、义)。8. 海选 open auditionDiven - If I had participated in The Voice of China , I would have got eliminated in the first round, the open audition.Rita -You bet! Your singing kills!Diven注释:如果Diven这种“杀人歌唱家”参加“中国好声音”首轮海选惨遭淘汰,也是必然中的必然啦!注意,“淘汰”可以用 get eliminated 表达。“顺利通关”可以用 make the cut to the next round 表达

    20、。9. 内定出局 be rigged to get eliminatedThere remains some dispute about whether the singer Li daimo is rigged to get eliminated from The Voice of China. Diven注释:“中国好声音”选手李代沫是否被内定出局成谜!注意,“争论”可以用 dispute 表达。另外补充: “潜规则” unspoken rules ;“幕后操作” pull the strings from behind the scenes。10. 扫兴 a wet blanketDiv

    21、en went to play board game with his best friends yesterday. He is no good at board game, but he tried hard to learn to play it under his friends help and in the fact he didnt let himself be a wet blanket to his friends .Diven注释:请注意“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”所代表的时态含义和使用规则。“桌游” board game 。另外,“令人扫兴的事情”还可以表达为 a pa

    22、rty pooper ,它的反义词“开心果”则可以表达为 the life of the party 。Diven教你说美语-XX百科:一个广受欢迎的介绍中国特色词汇的美语表达方式的栏目。主要介绍一些风趣幽默,贴近生活,紧跟时尚的“新鲜热词”。Diven用他高超的翻译技巧,将中国的时尚热词“一个不剩”的转换成最in(潮),最cool(酷),最authentic(正)的美语表达方式。Diven用他那独特而“轻松俏皮”的讲解风格使人感受到前所未有的学习乐趣。他提供的学习内容也十分“实用”,学习者随时都可将学到的知识运用到实际生活中。Diven教你说美语13-俚语风暴(六)“经济适用男”怎么说?本期

    23、主题:俚语风暴(六)1. 蹭吃蹭喝 freeloaderIt is common to see freeloaders blending into big parties to pig out foods and drinks in America. Diven注释:除开“蹭吃蹭喝”freeload,还有更神奇的“蹭睡”,当你临时到朋友家睡一觉,就是“蹭睡”crash。例如:Paul crashed for the night at my home yesterday.保罗在我家蹭了一晚。2. 流言 gossipGossip is informal conversation, often ab

    24、out other peoples private affairs.Diven注释: 第一,闲聊八卦,或者传流言蜚语,都可以用gossip;第二,八卦媒体是tabloid;第三,狗仔队,是复数名词 paparazzi!3. 真命天子Mr. RightMr. Right” refers to the perfect man for a girl.Diven注释: 第一:对某人产生好感,to develop a crush on someone;第二:女孩子的真命天子, Mr. Right; 第三:灵魂伴侣,soul mate。4. 来电 having chemistryDiven and his

    25、 girlfriend are good at creating romance to keep having chemistry between each other. That is why they can live such a happy life for so long.Diven注释: 第一,来电可以用chemistry 或者sparks;第二,和某人交往是to see someone;第三, 爱情是盲目的,说Love is blind.5. 拜金女 gold diggerShe wasnt the gold digger or opportunist the newspaper

    26、s made her out to be.Diven注释:dig 是动词“挖掘”,gold digger 一般指“掘金女郎”,也就是我们通常说的“拜金女”。6. 败家子 spendthriftGold diggers love spendthrift best.Diven注释:拜金女最爱败家子。7. 经济适用男 budget husbandBasically speaking,Diven obviously will be a budget husband for any girl with a refined taste.Diven注释:说起2012最潮的网络电视用语“经济适用男”,简直是为

    27、Diven量身定制的嘛。呵呵,Diven厚颜无耻造了这个例句显然是想为自己打个“征婚广告”,因此主编觉得非常有必要翻译一下:基本上来说,对任何一个高品位的女孩来说,Diven都显然算的上个“经济适用男”。Diven特别学习提示:为保证译文的“信,达,雅”,译者常常会将原文的语序颠倒,以使译文更加符合规范,更加饱满的传达出原文含义。这也是翻译学习者最难适应的地方之一,想成为优秀翻译的同学要多做这种语句颠倒的翻译练习。8. 口头斥骂 tell someone offIve written a few times about one of President Obamas favorite litt

    28、le tactics-taking opportunities to insult and tell off people to their faces in circumstances where they cant hit back or even respond without breaking protocol or looking like a jerk.(例句来源:WSJ)Diven注释: tell someone off 就是我们常说的“训斥某人”。另外,可以表达为give someone a piece of ones mind ,意为“直言不讳的斥责别人”。9. 火爆脾气 s

    29、hort fuseGiven Amandas short fuse, wed better avoid letting her cope with the important clients.Diven注释: “火爆脾气”可以表达为:short fuse 或者 fiery temper。10. 别往心里去 Dont take it personally.Paul- Our manager told all staff off this morning just because one of us was late for two minutes.Diven-That happens all t

    30、he time. Just dont take it personally.Diven注释:That happens all the time.“那是常有的事情。”(常用于安慰他人的不幸遭遇)。另外,“别往心里去”还可以说成 Never mind/ Dont care / forget it。今天的学习到此为止。Lets call it a day. Have fun!IM DIVEN. THANK YOU FOR BEINGWITH ME.注意:以上作为例句的所有原文、译文均属Diven原创,版权所有。欢迎转载以供学习交流之用,但禁止用于任何商业目的。Note: All texts and

    31、translations for example use are originally created by Diven. All rights reserved. Transshipment from &to anyone is welcomed but any form of commercial use should be avoided.友情提示:本栏目每日更新一次。如果觉得栏目内容不错,请果断转载吧,你的支持是对作者们辛勤劳动最大的肯定。Diven教你说美语全体编者将努力向上,争取创造出更有品位、更有风格的英语知识分享栏目。Diven教你说美语XX百科:是一个介绍中国特色词汇的美语表达方式的栏目。介绍的内容均是一些风趣幽默,贴近生活,紧跟时尚的“新鲜热词”。Diven用他高超的翻译技巧,将中国的时尚热词“一个不剩”的转换成最in(潮),最cool(酷),最authentic(正)的美语表达方式。Diven用他那独特而“轻松俏皮”的讲解风格让学习者感受到了前所未有的学习乐趣。他提供的学习内容也十分“实用”,学习者随时都可将学到的知识运用到实际生活中。Diven教你说美语14-俚语风暴(七)“权衡利弊 怎么说?本期主题:俚语风暴


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