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    2、习要点和考核目标第一编英国概况 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Introduction: The United Kingdom1.A complicated country with a complicated name2.The effects of its imperial past3.A member of the European Union4.A multiracial society5.Remarkable class, regional and economical differences6.Si

    3、gnificant role of LondonChapter 1: Great Britain1.A cultural and economic dominance of England2.Invasion from the Roman empire3.Settlement of the Anglo-Saxons4.William the Conqueror5.Parliaments dominance over the throne6.Physical features of Scotland7.A cultural division between highland and lowlan

    4、d8.The battle of Bannockburn9.Independence of Scotland for 300 years10.Union with England in 170711.A strong Scottish identity12.A brief introduction of Wales13.A history of invasions14.Wales unification with the UK15.Campaigns for independenceChapter 2: Northern Ireland1.Physical features of Northe

    5、rn Ireland2.Economy of Northern Ireland3.The Home Rule Bill4.The Easter Rising of 19165.The Sinn Fein Party6.The religious conflicts between the Irish and the British7.A partition of Ireland in 19218.Civil Rights Movement9.The presence of British soldiers on Northern Ireland since 196910.IRAs violen

    6、ce in the 1970s11.Bloody Sunday12.The collapse of the power-sharing13.Cooperation between the British and Irish governmentsChapter3: The Government of the United Kingdom1.King Egbert2.Divine right of kings3.The civil war4.Charles I5.Roundheads6.Magna Carta7.The Great Council8.William of Orange9.The

    7、Bill of Rights of 168910.The Cabinet11.The prime minister12.George I13.The Constitution14.The power and the functions of the Parliament15.The roles of the monarch16.The house of Lords17.Life peers18.The House of CommonsChapter 4: Politics1. The importance of general elections2. The formation of the

    8、government3. Vote of no confidence4. The electoral campaigns5. The procedure of general elections6. The Conservative party and the Labour party7. The Liberal Democrats8. The National Health Service9. Margaret Thatcher10. John Major11. Tony BlairChapter 5: The UK Economy1. The privatization in the 19

    9、80s2. The main sectors of the UK economy3. Primary industries4. Secondary industries5. Tertiary/service industries6. Agriculture7. Energy production8. The offshore oil industries9. The manufacturing industry10. The city of London11. The London Stock Exchange12. The aerospace industry13. ConcordeChap

    10、ter 6: British Literature1. Early British literature concerned with Christianity2. Beowulf3. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer4. The stories of King Arthur and his knights5. The development of drama in the Renaissance6. William Shakespear7. Characteristics of the Romance writers in the 19th c

    11、entury8. The Brontes9. Charles Dickens10. Sir Walter Scott11. Robert Louis Stevenson12. Characteristics of the twentieth century literature13. Modernism14. Postmodernism15. Joseph Conrad16. Virginia Woolf17. D.H. Lawrence18. E.M. Foster19. George Orwell20. John FowlesChapter 7: Sports in Britain1. P

    12、opular sports in Britain2. The FA and the FA Cup3. Wimbledon4. Equestrianism5. The Grand National6. The Royal Ascot7. Hunt saboteursChapter 8: British Holidays and Festivals1. Christmas and its traditions2. The Boxing Day and its traditions3. Easter4. Ramadan5. Trooping the Colour6. Bonfire Night (G

    13、uy Fawkes Night and the traditions7. Hogmanay8. Halloween and the traditionsChapter 9: British Education System1. The purpose of the British education system2. The relationship between education and social class3. The influence of the church on schooling4. Comprehensive school5. Grammar school6. The

    14、 national Curriculum7. Public school8. Open UniversityChapter 10: British Society: Housing, Class and Race1. Owner-occupation2. Four main types of British home3. Class system in the British society4. Upper middle-class and lower middle-class5. The hereditary aristocracy6. Oxbridge7. Life peers8. Eth

    15、nic relations in BritainChapter 11: British Foreign Relations1. Active in setting up the United Nations2. Foreign policy influenced by its history and geopolitical traits3. A parliamentary democracy4. Relations with other countries and organizationsChapter 12: The British Media1. Popularity and func

    16、tions of the media2. British main newspapers3. The tabloids4. The broadcast media第二编澳大利亚概况 Australia1. Land, people and history2. The political life3. Economy4. The cultural and social life第三编新西兰概况 New Zealand1. Land, people and history2. Political system, education and economy第四编美国概况 The United Sta

    17、tes of AmericaChapter 1: American Beginnings1. Two immigration movements to the Americas2. American Indians3. Discovery of America4. The heritage of the settlement of Virginia5. The influence of Puritanism on American culture6. Lord Baltimore and his feudal plan7. Quakerism8. The heritage of the Hol

    18、y Experiment in American culture9. The causes and major leaders of the American Revolution10. The Declaration of IndependenceChapter 2: The Political System in the United States1. The Articles of Confederation2. The making of the US Constitution3. The three branches of the federal governments1. 4. C

    19、hecks and balances5. The Bill of Rights6. Political partiesChapter 3: American Economy1. Samuel Slater2. Eli Whitney3. Industrial Revolution in America4. Corporation5. Service industries6. Stock7. Agribusiness8. Migrant workersChapter 4: Religion in the United States1. American history and religious

    20、 liberty2. The US Constitution and religion3. Protestants and Catholics in the US4. Religious diversity5. Characteristics of American religious beliefsChapter 5: American Literature1. Famous writers in the US and their major works2. Transcendentalists3. The naturalists4. The “Modern Movement” in poe

    21、try5. The “Lost Generation”6. The Harlem Renaissance7. The “Beat Generation”8. Black writers and women writersChapter 6: Education in the United States1. The goal of education2. Different educational laws for different states3. Several levels of schooling4. curricula for students5. The complex syste

    22、m of higher education6. Varieties of colleges and universities7. Trends in degree programs8. The Servicemens Readjustment Act9. Affirmative action programs10. nontraditional studentsChapter 7: Social Movements of the 1960s1. Greensboro “sit-in”2. The Civil Rights Movement3. Martin Luther King, jr.4.

    23、 The Anti-war Movement5. Free Speech Movement6. The Counter Culture7. Womens Liberation MovementChapter 8: Social Problems in the United States1. Racial problems2. The black “underclass”3. Poverty, drug abuse and crime4. The abuse of power by government and corporations Chapter 9: Technology in Amer

    24、ica1. American system of production2. John H Hill3. Cyrus H McCormick and mechanical reaper4. The Stevens5. Samuel F B Morse6. The Pony Express System7. Alexander Graham Bell8. Thomas Alva Edison9. Frederick Winslow Taylor10. Henry Ford11. Robert Hutchings Goddard12. Household inventions in mid-20th

    25、 century13. Television and PC14. Use of nuclear energyChapter 10: Scenic America1. The Grand Canyon2. Yellowstone National Park3. Disneyland4. The National Monument5. The Gulf of Mexico6. The Everglades7. Niagara FallsChapter 11. Sports in America1. Super Bowl2. AFC3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NFC The National Le

    26、ague and the American League Home run NBA East Division and West Division Chapter 12: Early American Jazz 1. Jazz music 2. New Orleans jazz 3. Louis Armstrong 4. Ragtime music 5. Count Basie 6. Boogie Woogie 第五编 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 加拿大概况 Canada The country and its people The government and politics The Canadian economy Canadian literature International relations


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