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    1、河北省承德实验中学届高三上学期期中考试英语河北省承德实验中学2018届高三上学期期中考试英 语时间:120分钟,满分:150分第卷第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30 分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5 分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What did the woman like doing during the holiday?A. Sunbathing B. Visiting museums C. Going

    2、 shopping2. Where is David now?A. In his office. B. In a repair shop C. In a stadium3. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a library B. In a bookstore C. In a classroom4. How did the woman hear about the wedding?A. She received the invitation.B. She got Bettinas call.C. She ran across Sally

    3、.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The price of a coat. B. The womans skin C. The mans wife第二节 (共15 小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6.7题6. What does the woman sugg

    4、est doing?A. Going to the gym. B. Having a cup of coffee. C. Taking a walk7. What does the woman think of going to the museum?A. Relaxing B. Interesting C. Boring.听第7段材料, 回答第8. 9题。8. Why does the woman make the call?A. To change a flight B. To book a flight C. To check her flight9. When will the wom

    5、an arrive at the airport?A. By 6:00 a.m B. By 7:00 a.m C. By 9:00 a.m 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student B. Employer and employee C. Interviewer and interviewee11. Why does the woman only give the man eight seconds? A. She is very busy. B. She

    6、doesnt like the manC. She has decided on another person.12. What shows that the man is careful? A. The way he took off his hat when he came in. B. The way he cleaned his shoes at the door. C. The way he cleaned his fingernails.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13. What is the womans problem? A. Her MP4 player broke

    7、 down. B. She has a pain in the neck. C. She is short of money.14. How did the man get his ipad? A. From the Internet.B. From a computer shop.C. From a second-hand market.15. What does the man suggest the woman do with her MP4 player? A. Throw it away B. Repair it. C. Sell it.16. What can we learn f

    8、rom the conversation?A. The man likes reading books on the iPad.B. The woman may buy an iPad online.C. The womans MP4 play is of poor quality.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Why did the speaker help the boy?A. The teacher asked her to do so.B. He was her good friend.C. She was afraid of him.18. How did the b

    9、oy cheat in exams first?A. He wrote his notes on the wall.B. He put his notes in the toilet.C. He hid his notes under the desk.19.What did the boy ask the speaker to do one day?A. Show her paper to him.B. Help him move his desk.C. Write a composition for him.20. How did the teacher feel about the sp

    10、eaker in the end?A. Proud B. Satisfied C. Sorry.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)第一节: (共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AThere are a few fascinating island countries in the world that are definitely worth visiting. And there is something adventurous, exotic and romantic

    11、 about visiting an island country. Take a look at the following beautiful island countries in the world, which everyone should certainly visit at least once in a lifetime.MaltaMalta is a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea and it has a rich history and culture. There are ama

    12、zing sky-high cliffs to climb, remarkable temples to explore, mysterious hidden bays, and lots of wonderful places to go diving. In fact, there are plenty of interesting things to see and to do in Malta, and this island country has something for everyone. As for the historic part, Malta has incredib

    13、le architecture, great walled cities, and many underground tunnels to explore.The PhilippinesOne of the most beautiful and best island countries in the world is the Philippines. Its actually a geographically brilliant place worth visiting at any time of the year. The Philippines contain over 7,000 i

    14、slands, and all of them are beautiful and unique in their own way. There are many wonderful tourist attractions including the Tubbataha Reef, Mayon Volcano, the Chocolate Hills and many more. The country also offers plenty of interesting activities for you to experience, such as diving, climbing, ca

    15、mping, hiking, bird watching and many others.AustraliaAustralia is an amazing continental, island country, which everyone should visit at least once in life. It􀆳s often identified as a great diverse country as it has a rich culture, fantastic wildlife, nice people, and a lot of fun and inte

    16、resting things to see and to do.The MaldivesNot only is the Maldives one of the most beautiful island countries, it is also one of the most popular honeymoon destinations. Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is made up of an entire series of incredible ancient coral reefs that g

    17、rew up along the sides of ancient volcanoes. There is a magnificent ocean, with fascinating beaches and luxury resorts (圣地). If you are looking for the best honeymoon destination, the Maldives will be perfect for you.21.An architect may first visit.A. Malta B .the Philippines C. Australia D .the Mal

    18、dives22.If you are wildlife activists, you will perhaps go to.A. Malta and the Philippines B. the Philippines and AustraliaC .the Maldives and Australia D. Australia and Malta23.If you are ready for a wedding trip, your first choice is likely to be.A. the Philippines B. Australia C. the Maldives D.

    19、Malta24.The main purpose of the passage is to.A. tell visitors how to book in advanceB. supply visitors with the information of some island countriesC. show visitors the importance of the island countriesD. offer visitors some trip tips for these countriesBBob, a dad, faces a problem. His 8-year-old

    20、 daughter, Rachel, played soccer for one season, and now wants to drop out (退出). She says its no fun for her because shes not as experienced as the other girls.Bob wonders if he should insist Rachel give soccer another try. Bob sees sports as a great opportunity for his daughter to spend some social

    21、 time with other girls.Insisting that Rachel play another season of soccer isnt a good idea. If kids play simply because their parents want them to play, theyre engaging in Other- Motivated sports activities instead, parents need to make sure that kids are willing to play because they want to take p

    22、art in sports.Parents can do this by making soccer or basketball fun. For example, Bob could play soccer with Rachel and her friends. Rachel may get more enjoyment from soccer if she takes part in sports. In addition, parents should talk to their children when the kids are concerned about not being

    23、as good as the other players. In this case, Rachel seems to want to be one of the better players on the team. Bob might encourage Rachel to pay more attention to the fun, and tell her making mistakes is all a part of learning.Kids often stop playing a game after making a mistake. Again, its importan

    24、t for parents of these children to ensure theyre not forcing the kids to perform well. Moms and dads need to tell kids theyre not expected to be perfect, which will instead increase a childs desire to be “perfect”or the “best” on the team.25. Rachel lost interest in soccer because .A .she didnt want

    25、 to be a player in the futureB. she disliked her fathers training methodC .she felt that she performed worse than othersD .other girls had persuaded her to drop out26. Why did Bob encourage Rachel to play sports?A. To improve her health condition.B. To ensure some social activities with others.C. To

    26、 develop her athletic ability.D. To make her used to failures in sports.27. If children do Other-Motivated sports, it means that . A .they play sports just to satisfy others B. they want to do other enjoyable sportsC .its a bad idea to let children do sports early D .its natural that they hope for a

    27、 better sport28. The author holds the opinion that . A. what matters is to be happy in the activityB. children should try not to make mistakes C. parents should help children avoid mistakes D. children always need to be expected too muchC March 21 has been declared World Sleep Day, a time to recogni

    28、ze and celebrate the value of sleep. Many sleep experts hope it will be a wake-up call.According to a 2013 poll (民意调查) by the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 4 in 5 Americans dont get as much sleep as they should during the workweek. On average, adults are thought to need at least eight hours of s

    29、leep a night, although some can manage with less and some wont do well without more. But the survey found that, on workdays, only 21% of Americans actually get a full eight hours of sleep, and another 21% get less than six.To many of us, the thought of spending more time sleeping is, well, a big yaw

    30、n.(哈欠) On the other hand, the thought of being smarter, thinner, healthier and more cheerful has a certain appeal. And those are just a few of the advantages that can be ours if we consistently get enough sleep, researchers say. Also on the plus side: Were likely to have better skin, better memories

    31、, better judgment, and, oh, yes, longer lives.“When you lose even one hour of sleep for any reason, it influences your performance the next day,” says Dr. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Center.A study published last year found the same to be true even of children. When kids aged 8

    32、 to 12 slept for just one hour less for four nights, they didnt function as well during the day.But sleeping has an image problem.“We see napping or sleeping as lazy,” says Jennifer Vriend, a clinical psychologist in Ottawa, Canada, and the leading author of the study with children. “We put so much emphasis on diet, nutrition and exercise. is in the back seat.” In fact, she add


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