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    1、常见替换英文单词与词组替换我做得英文单词与词组替换,是今年暑假上丁老师课程后总结整理出来的,再加上我平时看其他阅读资料挑取的。如有问题或是有新的替换,请大家帮忙贡献出来。内容还在不断更新中一、 单词(及在文中上下文)替换及搭配:1、员工(工人):people、worker、employee、staff2、汽车:motorcar、auto、automobile、3、工资: pay、income、wage、salary、payment、earning、paycheck、have a greener paycheck、4、通过(方式):by、though、via、by means of5、 Goog

    2、le:the search giant、the worlds largest search engine、the search champion、the defending champion、the California company、the public company上市公司、the NASDAQ-listed company、the blue-chip company蓝筹股、6、 President Bush:the US government、the Federal government、the Bush Administration、the Administration7、 Bec

    3、kham: one of the most recognized faces in the global soccer field8、 繁荣: boom、prosper、thrive、flourish、9、 Recover: revive、pick up、rebound / Recovery =revival10、Recession : slump、slide、slip、downturn、depression、11、fashion(方法):in a similar fashion、in a similar、in a similar manner12、trend:phenomenon、tende

    4、ncy、tide/irreversible trend、unstoppable trend、reverse the trend13、shift: change sth (fundamentally/dramatically/sharply/substantially)14、spot(v):see、catch、recognize、catch sight of、pick up. Ex. He has good eye for spotting mistakes.他识别错误的洞察力很强。15、spot(n):斑点,1)on the spot=at once/immediately、/2)at the

    5、 place of the action.在现场16、evidence:proofin evidence显而易见、ex. She was in evidence at the party. 他在舞会上很突出。17、somehow无论如何、不知怎么搞的:by some means、in some way、for some reasons unknown18、somewhat:a little19、relationship:Modify/improve + the relationshipterminate /stop/halt + the relationship consolidate巩固/

    6、establish建立 + the relationship resume/restore + the relationship20、endanger: jeopardize ex. Endangered species act/bill 濒危物种法案21、竞争力: remain/ enhance competitive 保持/提高竞争力、competitiveness =competitive advantage=competitive edge22、老年人:the old、the elderly、the aged、seniors citizens、people in their retir

    7、ement years、retiree23、cost: bear the cost/shoulder the cost承担成本、cover the cost=expense支付成本、shared cost 共同的成本、bear the intolerable huge cost、24、shared: shared/mutual/common goal25、critical(adj): criticize(vt)、critics批评家、criticism批评、Speak critically of 反义 think highly of 、be critical of/fromEx. At lea

    8、se sixteen armed policemen were killed,5 critically/seriously/severely/ 反义 slightly injured.26、average: The price averaged $15.=The average price was $15. 27、show:prove、demonstrate、indicate、reveal28、worsen:deteriorate ex. The worsening situation can be attributed to the rise in oil prices.29、over:ra

    9、ther than、instead of30、famous:prominent、distinguished、renowned、outstanding、top 、respected受人尊敬的respectable值得尊敬的人respectable-looking看起来值得尊敬(实际不是)31、be revealed: be disclosed、be exposed32、historically:from historical perspective33、 factor: element、ingredient. ex. The trend is driven by a couple of fact

    10、ors/elements/ingredients.= Several factors are the driving forces behind the tide/trend.34、however: nevertheless、nonethless35、declaration: proclamation36、diversity: variety37、a win-win situation/circumstance/case/occasion/climate/atmosphere/environment 双赢的局面38、stress: emphasize、place emphasis on、39、

    11、win/taste/score success 取得成功40、close/fill/plug/bridge the gap 弥补代沟、widen/narrow the gap、41、数位时代:digital/electronic age/times/period/era42、surplus:deficit43、 穷人:the economically disadvantaged、the poor、the economically less advantage、the needy、the underprivileged、people living below the poverty line、t

    12、he marginalized group urbanize、44、discard:abandon、forsake A for B、45、cultivate: train、nurture、foster、46、increase: pick up、47、reduce: trim、48、climate: mood、atmosphere、49、reward: return、50、system: mechanism、51、control:tighten ones control over sth 反 loosen ones control over sth、tighten the border 加强边防

    13、Were in control=were in charge 在我们的控制中。Were under control我们被控制。Lose control of sth反take control of sth52、 bill: act、initiative、measure、ex. draft bill草案、draft the bill 起草法案、veto the bill否决法案、sign the bill签署法案、pass the bill=the passage of the bill通过法案、foot the bill 埋单、anti-trust bill反垄断法、53、legislator

    14、:law-maker、legislation、legalized drugs合法化的毒品、54、 translate: translate into转化为、free translate意译、literal translate直译(注意与literary、literate、liberal的区别)、oral translation = Interpretation、55、interpretation: interpretation of dreams梦的解析、interpretation of legislation 法律上的解释、interpretation of genuine papers

    15、真题解析、56、offset:compensate57、really: truly58、manufacturers: maker、producers 59、购买力:purchasing/buying/spending + powerboost ones buying power 推动购买力60、consequently: as a consequence(一般跟不好的情况)61、endless: a large slice of62、Net-surfer: net citizen、netizennet caf网吧63、symbolize: be symbolic of64、flacoless:

    16、 perfect反义imperfect=flaw65、monitor: class president66、enough: adequate、sufficient、67、grab /grasp/capture/sizen this golden opportunity抓住这次大好良机68、sth is my No1/priority/top.69、positive阳性 反 negative阴性70、China:the country、the nation、the Middle Kingdom、the emerging country、this ancient land、this land、71

    17、、magnify: amplify72、企业: business、firm、corporation、company、enterprise、73、convey:communicate传达74、appealing: 吸引人的,上诉75、extend:prolong(时间上)76、notion: Challenge the long-held notion.挑战被人们长久所持有的观念。77、particular:be particular about = be selective about78、dweller: resident、inhabitant、ex. People inhabiting(不

    18、用living、dwelling、residing) the planet.79、robust: strongmuscular肌肉发达的、dynamic精力充沛的80、preach: advocate81、send: emit82、subjective主观的 反 objective客观的83、ship: vessel 84、收购:acquire85、technique具体的技术、 technology86、lasting: enduring 持续的87、settle: disposeunsettled dispute未解决的争议88、sacred: holy、solemn、89、 位于:lie

    19、、stand、locate(vt.)、situate(vt)、ex. An American team explored a temple which stands /lies / is located/is situated in an ancient city .90、sparse 反dense、ex. This area is sparsely populated. 反 The area is densely populated.91、under(prep、方位):beneath、92、reconstruct: restore、put together、piece together、93

    20、、privilege(好处): advantage ex. sacrifice ones privilege/advantage94、triumph: victory、over sb、95、philosopher: thinker96、columncolumnist syndicated columnist垄断性97、similarsimilarity98、adult = grown-ups、children = kids99、adolescent: teenage = people in their teens 二、词组替换:1、swarm into=flood into=surge int

    21、o Exhe increasing workers have flooded into urbans in China/A growing number of migrant workers are flooding into urban China.越来越多的民工正在涌入中国的城市。2、rural China 中国农村/corporate America、corporate America 美国企业界3、裁员:reduce the number of employee/staff、cut heads、fire、dismiss、discharge、lay sb off、give sb the

    22、sack、sack sb4、下岗工人:laid-off works5、解雇(委婉):ex. My boss told me find better job.6、In my opinion: on my personal level、from my perspective 7、发展中国家: underdeveloped countries、emerging countries、8、不充分的治疗:under treatment=inadequate treatmentunemployed=jobless失业的 underemployment 不充分就业9、合作:team with、in partn

    23、ership with、collaborate10、经济周期: business/economic cycle11、商界: business/economic circle、the business world、the business community、the corporate world12、disposable income可支配收入、irresistible temptation 无法抵制的诱惑13、in the possession of sb :in sbs position 归某人所有/ in possession ofsth 拥有某物(主动)/ take possessio

    24、n of 拥有14、成就感:sense of achievement/accomplishment/attainment/fulfillment15、归属感:sense of belonging 16、未完成的目标:unfulfilled objective17、大部分: most、most of the、the majority of、the bulk of 18、绝大部分:the great/vast/overwhelming majority of students= most students 19、while doing sth/句子 =whereas +句子、20、长远看来: in

    25、 the long term、in the long range、in the long run21、短期效果:results in the short run = its immediate results immediate reason、immediate boss顶头上司、take immediate/prompt moves、 22、普通人: the average man、the ordinary man、the average Joe(诸如张三李四)23、擅于:be good at、be well in、excel at、excellent、be specialized in、s

    26、pecialize in、be expert at、24、be marked by:be characterized by、be featured by25、be characteristic of:be typical of ex. He make a mistake which is typical of Chinese students.他犯了一个中国学生的典型错误。26、it reminds (sb) of a case: it serves as reminder of a case27、遵守: obey反disobey、abide by、comply with、conform to

    27、、observe、follow、28、wireless phone: hand-held phone29、at the rate of : at the speed/pace of 30、no question about: question that beyond 是毫无疑问的31、industry pays off: it pays to be industrious勤奋是有回报的32、be fund by: be financed by Launch a fund-raising campaign nationwide.发起一个全国范围内的筹款运动、33、decide on doing

    28、sth 反 decide against doing、advocate against反advocate for、34、raging across: prevailing across35、swelling population: soaring/explosive population、36、hate to: be unwilling to、be reluctant to 37、foster father:late father 已故的父亲38、对实施禁令:impose/put/place a total ban on sb/sth反 remove/cancel/lift a total b

    29、an on sb/sth、be banned from 被禁止39、focus on: concentrate on、fix on、center on、40、before a trail begins: preceding the beginning of a trail、 41、I agree with your view: I favor your view、I am in favor of your view、I support your view、I am supportive of your view、42、I share your view: I back your view、43

    30、、recognized sb as : regard sb as = think of sb astreat sb as对待某人是Have on sb as 把sb尊敬为44、get used to: be used to、be accustomed to、get accustomed to45、offer an answer:present an answer46、be closed related with: be closed associated with、be closed tied with、47、do harmful to:be injurious todo much harm

    31、to sb、do extensive harm to sb、 harmfulness、48、is smiling: is wearing a smile、is grinning、49、be immersed in: be absorbed in、be addicted to、indulge in50、know that: be aware thatbe acutely aware that敏锐地知道51、interact with:communicate with through interaction with与互动,交往、interactive feature互动性的特点52、 in response to: in reaction to 因果 ex. The authorities took swift actions in response to pressure from the public social status/social rank.53、ignoring the fact : losing sight of the fact54、for lack of adequate parental control: for inadequate parental control55、be se


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