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    1、河北大学继续教育学院题库河北大学继续教育学院题库大学英语2说明:专科学习大学英语1、专升本学习大学英语2,各分两学期授课,应安排两次考试。高起本先学习大学英语1,后学习大学英语2。Unit1(p14)IV. Spell the following words with the help.1 e_ a. absolutely necessary ; vitally necessary2 s_ n. that which has mass and occupies space3 s_ a. important ; of consequence ; having or expressing a me

    2、aning4 w_ n. a contented state of being happy , healthy and prosperous5 e_ n. gases ejected from an engine as waste products6 c_ v. to change the nature , purpose , or function of something7 r_ n. a process in which one or more substances are changed into others8 d_ v. to obtain ; to come from9 c_ n

    3、. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual10. e_ n. the state of being put into a situation in which something harmful of dangerous might affect youV. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text.1.He explained that his delay was d to a

    4、n accident.2.For every action there is an equal and opposite r .3.This is one of the most s studies of the subject4.This garden has the best collection of native plants. In a ,of contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.5.The paint came off as the result of e to the rainVI. Fill in the blan

    5、ks with the proper words and expressions given below . changing the form if necessary.essential damage to refer to- as- release consequencederive phenomenon suffer from convert supply with1.We copper and silver good conductors.2.Here patience is .3.The company the children in the mountain area a lot

    6、 of books.4.These are very common now.5.These English words from Greek.6.The storm caused untold the farmers production.7.The region continues to serious pollution.8.How do you iron into steel.9.Climate change could have serious for Africa.10.The harmful substances into the environment.VII. Word bui

    7、lding. 根据构词法,英语单词可以为简单词、复合词、派生词。其中,派生词是由词根加派生词缀(前缀和后缀)构成。词根是派生词的基础,同一词根加不同的词缀可以表示不同的意义和不同的词性。大多数前缀不影响词根的词性,而仅对词根的意义加以修饰,表示否定、相反、相背、贬低、程度、时间、方位等意义。大多数后缀不改变词根的基本意义,而是改变词性。后缀-en可以加在一些形容词之后使原来的词性动词化,例如: bright(明亮的)brighten(点亮,变亮,使-光彩起来) sharp(锋利的) sharpen(使-变得锋利)Now add en to each of the words below and

    8、 then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words. sharp_ deep_ high_ bright_ short_ broad_ wide_ quick_ dark_ long_1.John glanced at his watch and his pace2.The road into an imposing avenue last year3.His expression when I mentioned the money4.The gap between income and

    9、expenditure has to 10%5.They are talking about the working week6.The bad news their view of the situation7.Its an opportunity for young people to their pencils before the test8.The teacher advisers pupils to their pencils before the test9.The director users music to all their pencils before the test

    10、10.The days as summer approachedVIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1.Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live .Trees and followers can supply us wit

    11、h fresh air and beautiful view.Now you try:这家公司的任务是向周围的住户供应煤气。_他们向受洪灾区(the flood-stricken area)的人们提供了食品援助。_2.This type of population is sometimes referred to as “black carbon ”population .He is referred to as a living Shakespeare.Now you try:他们称他是一位政治家。_-那些在办公室工作的人被称为“白领(white collar)”工人。_3.These ca

    12、n take part in further chemical reactions once they are in the atmosphere ,forming smong and acid rain .Once you start ,you will never give up .Now you try:钱一旦花光了,我们就回不了家了。 _ 一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销。 _4.Only through the efforts of scientists ,business leaders ,legislators ,and individual can we reduce the a

    13、mount of air pollution on the planet.Only in a big city was it possible to buy a new wheelchair.Now you try :孩子们只有在长大了之后,才能明白父母的辛苦。_ 我们只有在山顶上才能看到整座城市的美景。_5.This challenge must be bet by all of us in order to assure that a healthy environment will exist for ourselves children.Nothing can assure perma

    14、nent happiness.Now you try:他向我保证他已经完成了。_ 我可以向你保证这消息是可靠的。 _ IX. Translate the following sentences into English.1.我们为顾客提供各种优质商品。_2.应该采取适当的措施保护当地的环境和历史。_3. 只有用这种方式,你才能从你的错误中吸取教训。 _4. 在大城市,空气污染是个大问题,尤其是在发展中国家。 _5. 此外,为了解决污染问题,我们应该限制私人轿车的数量而增加公共汽车的数量。 _X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1

    15、.Each of these problems has serious effects on our heath and well-being as well as on the whole environment ._2.It is caused by chemical reactions between pollutants derived from different sources ,primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions ._3.In many countries in the world ,steps are be

    16、ing taken to stop the damage to our environment from air pollution ._4.Cities are often centers of these types of activities ,and many suffer from the effects of smog ,especially during the warm months of the year._5.Researchers have investigated outdoor air pollution and have developed standards fo

    17、r measuring the type and amount of some serious air pollutants. Unit2 (P41)IV. Spell the following words with the help.1.s_ n. the state of being free from danger or injury.2.e_ a. able to accomplish a purpose 3.r_ v. to make stronger 4.a_ n. the process of adapting to something (such as environment

    18、al conditions )5.a_ a. enough to meet a purpose 6.d_ n. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune .7.r_ n. recovery or preservation from loss or danger 8.c_ n. an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty9.l_ v. to decrease in size ,extent ,or range 10.r_ n. an established line of tra

    19、vel or accessV. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text.1. These plants will not s_ without sun .2. Please discuss whether these proposals are f_.3. Theres a life vest under your seat for water e_.4. They make a quick r_ to his inquiry.5. People often f_

    20、 on building relationships with others that they forget the essential first step: being friends of themselves.VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below . changing the form if necessary.route profit suspend incentive in total distribute incapable of rather than rescue e

    21、scape1.The citys road system is _handling the current volume of traffic .2.If the corporation wants to increase its _,it must reduce operating expense.3.The construction of the bridge _due to the snowstorm. 4.Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the _changes ,but we

    22、,indeed , feel their passion for China and the Olympics .5.In general most workers were in favor of a(n)_scheme offering financial rewards .6.A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge _rather than occupational training .7.The _ workers attention is

    23、now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food .shelter and drinking water for the survivors.8.He hides behind door or creeps under a table to _from his enemies.9.He sometimes employs students to _ samples of their products .10.This years Asian oil demand _will amount

    24、to 582,000 more barrels of oil a day .VII. Word building.后缀-ify 可以加在形容词或名词等之后,使原来的词性动词化,例如: simple(简单的) simplify(使变得简单) beautiful(美丽的) beautify(使变得美丽)Now add -ify to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words.pure_simple_beautiful_test_ju

    25、st_dignity_magnitude_notice_identity_clarity_1.This report tends to _the risks involved.2.The manager is going to _the workshops inner decoration .3.Try to _your explanation for the children .4.You will _of any changes in the system .5.I cannot _him with the name “physician”.6.Im in charge here ;I dont have to _myself to you .7.Can you _that you


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