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    1、英语广东省清远市清城区学年高一上学期期末考试B卷广东省清远市清城区高一第一学期期末统考(B)卷英语试题(本卷满分150分,时间120分钟)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What would the man like?A. A cold drink. B. Sleeping pills. C. A cup of coffee. 2. Where is

    2、 the bus station?A. Opposite a stadium. B. Next to a car park. C. On the left of a bridge.3. What does the man dislike about the sweater?A. The price. B. The material. C. The color. 4. What does the man think of the course?A. Easy. B. Interesting. C. Difficult.5. What are the speakers mainly talking

    3、 about?A. A sports game. B. An animal. C. An actor.第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where will the woman put the table?A. In another room. B. Under the window. C. On

    4、the left of the sofa.7. What will the woman do next?A. Decorate the room. B. Buy a hamburger. C. Make some coffee.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Who will the woman eat out with on Sunday?A. Nora. B. Her parents. C. The man.9. What will the man do this weekend?A. Do some housework. B. Prepare for a trip. C. See a

    5、 doctor.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What probable relation is the man to Mr. Turner?A. His son. B. His boss. C. His secretary. 11. When is Mr. Turner scheduled for the interview with the woman?A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. Tomorrow morning.12. What will the man ask Mr. Turner to do?A. E-mail the w

    6、oman. B. Go to the womans office. C. Reschedule the appointment with the woman.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What problem does the man have?A. He has a high fever. B. He has a sore throat. C. He has a terrible cough.14. Why is the man worried?A. He cant sing tomorrow. B. The concert will be put off.C. He won

    7、t be accepted into the band.15. How long has the man had an upset stomach?A. Since yesterday afternoon. B. Since last night. C. Since this morning. 16. How many pills has the man taken?A. 12. B. 6. C. 4.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When is the rubbish collected?A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Friday.18.

    8、 What did the speakers next door neighbor forget to do?A. Take the rubbish out. B. Empty the rubbish bag. C. Put the rubbish bag away in time.19. What is left near the telephone?A. A box of old books. B. A library card. C. Some newspapers.20. What does the speaker ask John to do on the last day of t

    9、he month?A. Clean the washing machine. B. Return books. C. Pay the gas bill. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AiD Tech campsCamp Address: 910 E Hamilton Ave. Suite 300 Campbell, California 95008,USA Phone: (888) 709-8324This summer, encourage

    10、 the excellent in your child! At iD Tech Camps, students aged 7-17 can learn to code, design video games, engineer robots, model 3D characters, build websites, and print 3D models. Campers meet new friends, learn STEM skills, and gain self-confidence.Alexa Cafestem CampCamp Address: California, Colo

    11、rado, Georgia, Illinois Phone:(212) 796-8350This summer, encourage the excellent in your daughter. At Alexa Cafe, girls aged 10-15 discover technology in a unique environment that celebrates creativity, and philanthropy(乐善好施). Girls learn engineering principles, code games, design websites, model an

    12、d print 3D objects.A Water Planet Dolphin Therapy CampCamp Address:203 Greenwood Drive, Panama City Beach, Florida 32407, USA Phone: (850) 230-60301-week camp in Panama City Florida where children with Special Needs swim with dolphins. Water Planets dolphin therapy programs use the emotional impact

    13、of a dolphin meeting in his own environment combined with expressive art, massage, and music as a beneficial experience. iD Tech MiniCamp Address:a lot of places, California and more, USA Phone:(323) 287-5580This summer, encourage the awesome in your child! Weve full every half-day camp session with

    14、 tons of tech awesomeness. Kids aged 6-9 can discover programming, game design, or robotics. And with an emphasis on creativity and exploration, every camper becomes a maker of fun.21.What number had you better dial to make your kid(s) more confident?A. (888) 709-8324. B. (212) 796-8350. C. (850) 23

    15、0-6030. D. (323) 287-5580.22. Which camp is only for girls?A. iD Tech camps B. Alexa Cafestem CampC. A Water Planet Dolphin Therapy Camp D. iD Tech Mini23. What is the common advantage of the four camps?A. Low fees. B. Limiting age.C. Doing good to children. D. Focusing on skill training.BFrom gobbl

    16、ing(狼吞虎咽)down turkey to spending time with family to watching football, Thanksgiving is filled with traditions. But one of the most popularpulling the wishbonedates back centuries. The upside-down V-shaped bone is actually called the furcula(叉骨). It is a bone located between a turkeys neck and its b

    17、reast. Furcula means “little fork” in Latin. All birds have a wishbone. At Thanksgiving, the tradition is for two people to hold one end of the bone, make a wish,and then tug(用力拉). The winner is the person who ends up with the bigger piece. If you believe the legend, the winners wish will come true.

    18、 The practice of making a wish on a birds furcula dates back to the ancient Etruscans, a people who lived in what is today northern Italy. They believed birds were powerful and divine (非凡的)creatures. After killing a chicken, an Etruscan would leave the wishbone in the sun to dry. Passersby would pic

    19、k it up, stroke it for good luck,and make a wish. That is how the furcula got the name “wishbone.”The Etruscans passed the ritual (仪式)along to the Romans. Soon,the practice of making a wish on a chickens furcula became popular in ancient Rome. According to legend,it was so widespread that there were

    20、nt enough chickens or wishbones to go around. So the Romans began breaking the wishbone in two. Now, twice as many people could make wishes. Then the English picked up the tradition. In the 16th century, English settlers brought the practice to the New World. There, they found an abundance of wild t

    21、urkeys. So they started using a turkey furcula for their wishes. Today a wishbone tug-of-war is as much a part of Thanksgiving as is gobbling down turkey.24. What is the best title for the passage?A. Turkey Tug-of-War B. A Lucky TurkeyC. The New World D. The Stories of Thanksgiving25. What does the

    22、fourth paragraph focus on?A. How to dry the wishbone.B. The origin of this bone-pulling traditionC. The place where the ancient Etruscans lived.D. The practice of the ancient Etruscans making a wish on a turkeys furcula.26. Why did the Romans break the wishbone in two?A. To save money. B. To protect

    23、 chickens.C. To create an I-shaped wishbone. D. To give more people the chances to make wishes27. Where was a turkey tug-of-war probably served as a Thanksgiving tradition first?A. In America. B. In the UK.C. In ancient Rome. D. In northern Italy.CThe Enigma(谜)of BeautyThe search for beauty spans ce

    24、nturies and continents. Paintings of Egyptians dating back over 4,000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup. In 18th-century France, wealthy noblemen wore large wigs (假发) of long, white hair to make themselves attractive. Today, people continue to devote a lot of time

    25、 and money to their appearance.There is at least one good reason for the desire to be attractive: beauty is power. Studies suggest that good-looking people make more money, get called on more often in class, and are regarded as friendlier.But what exactly is beauty? Its difficult to describe it clea

    26、rly, and yet we know it when we see it. And our awareness of it may start at a very early age. In one set of studies, six-month-old babies were shown a series of photographs. The faces on the pictures had been rated for attractiveness by a group of college students. In the studies, the babies spent

    27、more time looking at the attractive faces than the unattractive ones.The idea that even babies can judge appearance makes perfect sense to many researchers. In studies by psychologists, men consistently showed a preference for women with larger eyes, fuller lips, and a smaller nose and chin while wo

    28、men prefer men with large shoulders and a narrow waist. According to scientists, the mind unconsciously tells men and women that these traitsthe full lips, clear skin, strong shouldersequal health and genetic well-being.Not everyone thinks the same way, however. “Our hardwiredness can be changed by

    29、all sorts of expectationsmostly cultural,” says C. Loring Brace, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan. What is considered attractive in one culture might not be in another. Look at most Western fashion magazines: the women on the pages are thin. But is this “perfect” body type for women w

    30、orldwide? Scientists answer is no; what is considered beautiful is subjective and varies around the world. They found native peoples in southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded overweight in Western cultures.For better or worse, beauty plays a role in our lives. But it is extremely difficult to desc

    31、ribe exactly what makes one person attractive to another. Although there do seem to be certain physical traits considered universally appealing, it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a single, uniform standard. Beauty really is, as the saying goes, in the eye of the beholder.28Peoples

    32、ideas about beauty _.A. have existed since ancient times B. can be easily describedC. have little influence on a persons success D. are based upon strict criteria29In Paragraph 3, the babies in the study _.A. were rated for their appearanceB. were entered in a beauty contestC. were shown photos of a group of college studentsD. were able to tel


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