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    1、英语写作方法示范讲解写作Writing I. Structure of CET-4 composition 开篇的写法写好文章或段落的开头很重要。一般来讲, 文章开头既要写出文章的主题,又要能够引起读者阅读的兴趣。不同的文章开头的方式不同, 常见的有以下八种:引语法(Quotation)、设问法(Questions)、数据法(Figures and statistics)、背景法(Relevant background information)、定义法(Definition)、主题句法(Topic sentence)、比拟法(Analogy)、列举法(Listing the main item

    2、s)。一、引语法(Quotation):指通过在开头段引用一些与主题相关的名人名言、成语或谚语等来开始一篇文章。引语法可应用于各种文体。E.g.: As the proverb says, “No one knows the value of health until he loses it.” In other words, nothing is more valuable than health.It is clear that health is the foundation of ones future success. Now that we know that health is

    3、the resource of our energy, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. (Health) It is known to all that life is short. School life is still shorter. We can obtain many a thing more than once, but we cannot get back the lost time even on

    4、ce. An old saying goes, “Art is long, but life is short.” We have only limited time to learn unlimited knowledge. (Make the Most of Our School Days)A proverb says, “Time is money.” But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Because when money is spent, we can earn it back; but when ti

    5、me is gone, it will never return. Thus we must value time. (The Value of time)二、设问法(Questions): 只用提出问题的方法来引出文章的主题,以激起读者的兴趣。设问法可用于各种文体。What Is SuccessWhat is success? Different people might give different answers to this question. Some people think that one is successful if he can make a great deal o

    6、f money. Other people think that success means holding an important government post. Still others consider one who has got a high academic title as success.However, I do not think that money, power, or status is the symbol of success. In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in ones

    7、speciality, making contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people.To become successful men in the true sense, we should be both perseverant and industrious. We should keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to success. If

    8、we follow these principles, we can certainly achieve success in the future.三、数据法(Figures and statistics)数据法就是用数字或数据开头来引出文章的主题。数据法多用于描写文、说明文和议论文。Honesty: Is It Going out of Style?According to a recent poll, 61% of American high school students have admitted to cheating on exams at least once. It cann

    9、ot be argued that such a response may not mean much. Children today seem to be glued to the silver tube called television. By kindergarten age (five years old), the average child who started watching television at age three will have consumed 5,000 to 8,000 hours of television a year, and watched mo

    10、re than 30,000 commercials per year.四、背景法(Relevant background Information) For so long as there have been liars, there have been attempts to find the truth. Those on trial in ancient China were made to chew rice powder while testifying. If the powder was dry when the suspect spat it out, he was judg

    11、ed guilty because it was assumed that nervousness over telling lies had dried that saliva in the suspects mouth. 五、定义法(Definition)Self-confidenceSelf-confidence means trust in ones own ability. As a very important psychological quality, it brings your creative power to play, arouses your enthusiasm

    12、for work and helps you overcome difficulties. When asked for the secret of her success, Mme. Curie answered: “My success lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular.” Self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed. It is self-confi

    13、dence, rather than genius and extraordinary ability, that inspires you to cope with any arduous task. With self-confidence, the goal you intend can be reached, and so can the hard nut be cracked. Some people find most of things impossible, saying: “It is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “I am n

    14、ot cut out for it.” In many cases, there are only lame excuses. When our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, and everything we are laying our hands on is spoilt.On Patriotism Patriotism means the love of ones country. It makes one ready to sacrifice ones life for ones country and t

    15、o do many other deeds which can bring benefits to the people. The effect is very great when it is exercised by all the people of a country. It makes a country strong, and her history glorious. It also improves a mans character and secures for him a widespread fame. To love our country, to work so as

    16、 to make her strong and rich, to support her government, to obey her laws, to pay fair taxes into her treasure, to treat our fellow-citizens as we wish to be treated ourselvesthis is to be a real Chinese patriot. If the people of a country are not patriotic, the country must be very weak. History te

    17、lls us how some countries of ancient times were, owing to a lack of patriotism, conquered by other peoples and how the peoples of the conquered countries were made slaves under the yoke of their victorious masters.六、主题句法(Topic sentence)On Happiness Happiness is easy to find and easy to miss. It depe

    18、nds on the way you look at life. It is true for most people that, for most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you do not enjoy getting up and studying, and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you are not going to be very happy. If someone b

    19、ases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amount of money, a flawless lover or spouse or an American passport, that person is not going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the garden, a drink or a n

    20、ap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness.七、比拟法(Analogy) A traditional story describes a foolish man lifting a rock too heavy for him and having his own feet squashed. Hitler was like that foolish man, but he was different in that, before he destroyed himself, he destroyed mi

    21、llions of other people. Have you ever crossed a steam by stepping on the stones? It surely is a wonderful experience to walk across a steam of turbulent current without getting wet. In doing so, however, it is important to choose the stepping stones. If there are enough stones and the distance betwe

    22、en each two stones is not longer than a mans stride, you can be sure of your steps. If the gaps are too wide, or if some of the stones do not have a solid foundation, you should look before you leap, or you would fall into the water. Putting your ideas across to other people is just like stepping ac

    23、ross the stream. The words, idioms and grammar points are the stepping stones. If you have a solid foundation of everything, it would not be difficult to put your ideas across, and you would appreciate your own ideas being understood and accepted by your audience. On the other hand, the deficiencies

    24、 in your language learning are the big gaps between the stones. Your have to be very careful if you dont want to fall into the water of ineffectiveness or of being misunderstood by your audience.八、列出文中要讨论的主要内容法(Listing the main items)简单列出扩展段要论述的主要内容,使读者对整篇文章有个概括的了解。例如:Learner DifferencesAlthough lan

    25、guage learners share some common language learning principles, individual variations can never be ignored. In fact, it is these individual variations that may be able to explain the phenomenon that some language learners are very successful in their learning, while others can never manage to grasp w

    26、hat they should grasp. The influential factors in terms of learner differences can be manifold. Among them, I would like to discuss, in this paper, the factors associated with personality, cognitive style, age, and learner strategies. These factors, I think, have significant implications for second

    27、and foreign language learning. 扩展段的写法扩展段是一篇文章的主体段。文章的主题在扩展段展开,常用的展开段落的方法有下面九种:列举法(Listing)举例说明法(Examples)因果关系法(Cause and effect)定义法(Definition)分类法(Classification)比较对照法(Comparison and contrast)时间顺序记叙法(Time order)空间顺序描述法(Space order)过程描述法(Process description)一、列举法(Listing) 列举法是指在主题句之后列举一些足以支持主题句观点的具体细

    28、节。这种具体细节一般是事实描述、数据、例子等。一般来讲, 所列举的具体细节按照重要性递增的顺序排列。列举法常常和举例法结合起来使用。列举法常用的过渡词有以下几组。一般要相对呼应,不混用。1. First, second, third, last2. firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally3. the first , the second , the third , the last4. to begin with/ to start with/ in the first place, then, next, in addition (to),besides, a

    29、lso, moreover, furthermore, what is more, finally运用列举法展开段落的写作模式如下:Topic sentence Detail 1Detail 2Detail 3, Concluding sentenceWatch TV FootballWatching a football game on television may seem like the easiest thing in the world. However, like the game of football itself, watching a game correctly is

    30、far more complicated than it appears. First is the matter of the company. The ideal number of people depends on the size of your living room. Also, at least one of your companions should be rooting for the opposite team. Theres nothing like a little rivalry to increase the enjoyment of a football ga

    31、me. Next, you must attend to the refreshments. Make sure to have on hand plenty of everyones favorite drinks, along with the essential chips, dips, and pretzels. You may even want something more substantial on hand, like sandwiches or pizza. If you do, make everyone wait until the moment of kickoff

    32、before eating. Waiting will make everything taste much better. Finally, there is one last piece of equipment you should have on hand: a football. The purpose of this object is not to send lamps hurting from tables or to smash the television screen, but to toss around outside during half-time. If your team happens to be getting trounced, you may decide not to wait until half-time.二、 举例说明法(Examples) 举例说明法是指用具体的事例来阐述主题句中的中心思想,举例说明法常与列举法结合使用。使用这种写作方法要注意所选事例应与文章主题密切相关,具有典型性和代表性


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