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    1、写作强化1. Just as an old chinese proverb says,2. Aspire to inspire,until I expire !生命不止,奋斗不止。3. Simple as the picture is, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. p504. The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took effective measures to tackle this problem.问题如此严重, 是马上采取有效措施解决这个问题的时候了。5

    2、. It is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to curb and harness this urgent problem.6. In no country other than China, it has been said,is the problem of environment more serious.honesty 诚信 phenomenon 现象 cultrul7. There has been a heated discussion about a p

    3、icture in the newspaper. (万能开头句)8. The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening-up policy being carried out, bringing some problems at the same time, with the following one being the foremost.1.内容有话可说;避免跑题万能理由;万能例子内容趋同,先字后图 PS:常考话题:成功品质(03/04/07/08/12/1

    4、3) 环保类(99/00/11/旅游) 爱心和社会道德(01/05/11) 文化交流(02/10) 科技传播(98/09) 偶像崇拜(06) 健康话题(身心健康/宠物) 学校话题(课程/教师/生活/就业)二、形式的更具体要求1.分段2.段落安排3.永恒的三段论4.各段的句子数量和字数推荐2-4; 4-9; 3-430-60;100-120;30-60语言:句式复杂多变,用词多样。 p117p118 过渡词的使用2.结构(形式)第一段:描述图画(describe)第一句:万能开头句;(7、8) Rencently,this picture has triggered a heated discu

    5、ssion on the Weibo-the most influential social media China. Simple as the picture is, it demonstrates a common scene. 第二句:图画描述句;kk三步法:(一张图一句话,两张图两句话)先解读-再描述step 1: 确定中心对象在图中所在的位置(用完全倒装来表达)系动词:be,exist,walk,stand,lie,fly,swim,float,run万能位置:in the middle of the picture;in the sunshine;in the darknesss

    6、tep 2: 对中心对象的动作或状态进行描述(非谓语动词,非限定性定语从句)PS:可以多个位置并列,也可以多个动作状态并列。step 3: 对中心对象周围事物或中心对象的某一部分进行描述(用独立主格来描述)配图文字:1.不处理;2.用谚语,用独立主格写入上一句。(., with a line going like this:_(直接翻译)_)PS:如图所示(As is shown above, )图画描述练习第三句:总结句;(3)As is shown above, behind the lost and found counter sits an old lady, waiting for

    7、the owners of the lost articles, with lost items put on the shelf behind her, among which are love, reponsibility, sympathy, conscience and the like, used to be valued by all of us.(49字)句型:复数名词,among which are A,B and C, and the like (列举句型)名词:定语(adj,adv)As is shown above,in the river dangerously flo

    8、ats a paper boat, symbolizing the moral training, containing some bread and fruit, which is symbolic of food safety.symbolizing. .which is symbolic of. 象征着.As is shown above, in front of a football, representing unqualified products, stands a man , symbolizing the misleading ads, aiming to shoot the

    9、 pruducts to the cstomer, who is almost completely vulnerable.As is shown above, on the ground and in front of the basin kneels an adult man, putting his hands into the water and washing feet for his aged mother, who is smiling and looking at her dear son , with a line going like this: love for mom

    10、starts with caring her feet.As is shown above, in the middle of the picture happily run a lot of youngsters,rushing to the donation box from all directions, tring to contribute their love to the people in the need of help.As is shown above, in the middle of the picture and on the road stand a group

    11、of people, hesitating to move on, intimidated by three big pits facing them, the fake commodities and medicines and the high price of healthcare.As is shown above, in the middle of the picture and on the computer screen stands a so-called famous and influential star,hawking a medicine, boasting its

    12、magic function and exaggerating that it can cure all diseases, with a caption reading that: celebriy endorsement.As is shown above, on the road helplessly lies a little girl,knocked down by a running-away car , eagerly anticipating assistance from others, with a lot of peoplearound her whose love an

    13、d conscientiousness have lost ignoring her tragedy,wandering away ruthlessly.第二段:阐释寓意(Interpret)第二段写作策略:段落展开的方法1.科学论据法(积累组织、机构的名字) (1).,suggests a survey (2)According to a survey. (3)According to one of the latest surveys conducted by a certain international organization,.(列举数字) (4)According to the

    14、latest survey, money spent on pets in the city of Beijing is as much as $1,000,000,000,which can feed all the Janpanese in the world for a whole year. (5)Money spent on sth is as much as . Money spent on srh has reached as much as. Money earned/collected/raised is as much as. 2.举例法(积累个人例子) (1) .,for

    15、 example,. .,for instance,. (2) someone perfecly exemplifies 主题,I argue. Barack Obama,us president,the excellent embodiment of American dream,who went through unusualgrowth history,achieved his own glorious accomplishment and gained far-ranging support,perfectly exemplifies the characteristicdemonst

    16、rated above-independence,I argue. (3) Take sb for instance.It is 主题 that helps sb achieved his glorious personal accomplishment and .(成就) P93 (4) 各种举例的套话:P58(背)3.虚拟语气法(对论点进行强调)如果没有改革开放的政策,我们可能根本吃不到麦当劳或者肯德基。were there no reform and opening-up policy,we would never taste the McDonalds or the KFC. were

    17、 there no the Hope Project, those children would never taste the precious knowledge.were there no sth , sb would never do sth(主题) (用于正面主题的描述)If the situation were to continue as it is, we would pay the high price. If the situation were to continue as it is, our future generations would not bother to

    18、 think of excuses for us.写作练习:希望工程1.Our socirty has been filled with a variety of examples of love,with hope project being the foremost. convincing说服力2.In the west of China exist some families,being so poor that hardly can they support their childrens education.3.Pathetic as they are, people coming

    19、from all walks of life began to help them, which is so called Hope project.4.,suggests survey第三段:评论/举例(comment or example)第三段的写作策略评论: 1.正面话题 2.负面话题正面话题:第一句:取其精华,去其糟粕 第二句:如何面对; 第三句:展望未来。第一句:It is imperative that the essence be absorbed and the drawbacks be neglected. during this process, especially i

    20、n the times of knowledge explosion, when the news, facts, opinions even rumors have been bombarding us from every corner of the world.(万能时间状语)第二句:In view of the complexity of such an issue/phenomenon,we must treat it socially,economically and culturally.第三句:Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healt

    21、hy atomsphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.主体 can enjoy 对象 (根据文章而定)负面话题:第一句:背诵句4 第二句:句群(解决方案) 1.背诵句5 2.专家学者想办法: (1)In this issue, reseachers,scholars,and experts are expected to work out up- to-date solutions to sth. 3.大众提升意识 (2)For ano

    22、ther thing, the general public is supposed to enhance their awareness that.科学论据法的展开:(媒体)China Daily interviewed(survey) four pople from four pofessions - a surgeon,a lawyer,a civil servant and steel worker. The survey discovers that all of them are of the idea that +(主题很重要 或主题很有害). According to a su

    23、rvey conducted by China Academy of Sciene(CAS)/China Academy of Social Science(CASS) .+ 结论(定语从句+比较级结合) Those who +动词(主题相关动词)are more likely to +动词(11个方向的动词),compared with those who do (are) not. 对于平行展开法的提升:1. More than (对肯定进行强调)This is more than a challenge.这不只是一个挑战 The world wide web is more than a

    24、 form to get up-to-date,concrete and accurate annd vivid information, but an instructive mode of entertainment as well.2. Far from being (对否定的强调)It is far from being a challenge,China is still far from being a world economic leading nation.3. Contrary to a popular assumption 和流行的看法不同Contrary to a po

    25、pular assumption,China is still far from being a world economic leading nation.背: Contray to a common belief with our sustainable development facing many drastic threats,environmental preservation should have priority over economic growth.4.双重否定的使用It is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfacti

    26、on in any job.背:These days,it is not uncommon that many graduates will elect being a civil servants as their top choice when hunting a job for many clear advantages (e.g., secured position,stable income or better social welfare).Not surprisingly,students who are under constant stress in their studie

    27、s may suffer from psychological problems or even commit crimes.5.Anything but : 否定的强调 Nothing but : 肯定的强调5. Be 动词被替换Be=has been well received asBe well considered asBe well seen asBe well deemed asBe well regarded as文艺复兴 renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci 莱昂纳多达芬奇Thomas L. Friedman 教授 the author of best s

    28、eller The World Is Flat: A Brief history of the Twenty-First Century.6.Not the least (最高级)(可以作为主题句)Not the least of the factors that make for success in any field of endeavor is (主题)7.并列动词的使用Pihsical exercise can shield us from damaging effects brought by sedentary lifestyle,and stressful wroking co

    29、nditions and prevent us from collapsing in front of a screen every night.8.连接三个以上的动词Do A,doing B and thus doing C.9. Not only.but also.连接动词Not only will they accumulate their wealth, but they also will fit into the society.10.连接三个以上名词的方法Not only A,but aslo B,and such benefits(problems)as C and D. P5

    30、210.In terms of (就什么方面而言)The world will be changing constantly in terms of technology and the internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today.(主题)will give them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life.11.Admittedly.Neverthless.(尽管.但是.

    31、)Admittedly, as a source of entertainment, advertisements are very popular among children. Nevertheless,they may give young viewers some misleading impression.11. While/whereas(表示转折)While some people link happiness to welth and material success,others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships.13.Even though(尽管)The cost of traveling, even though it is at present increasing due to an economic slow-down globally, is still relatively affordable to many people.14.Sth is not restricted to.,but is also evident among.(.并不只是局限于.也很明显)


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