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    1、英语选择题答案1. With what is Walton obsessed?B. Reaching the North Pole2. Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the form of a frame story that starts one character wring letters to his sister. Who is that characterB. Captain Robert Walton3. To whom does Walton address his letters?B. Margaret Savill

    2、e4. What region of the world is Waltons intended area of exploration?D. The Arctic5. What was Waltons ambition before turning to exploration?. To be a poet.6. What is the subtitle of Frankenstein?B. Or, The Modern Prometheus7. Where is the writer, and why is he there?B. He is in the Arctic, explorin

    3、g unknown regions.8. At the beginning of the novel Robert Walton says that he has committed himself to a voyage. This could be an example of what?B. An emphasis upon the individual as master of his fate and fortune.1. What poem does Walton quote from before setting sail?The Rime of the Ancient Marin

    4、er2. What thoughtless act does the ancient mariner regret?C. Shooting an albatross with his bow and arrow for no reason3. How old is Walton at the beginning of the story? B.284. Why doesnt the lieutenant marry the woman he loves?D. She is in love with another man.5. What kind of Waltons need isnt sa

    5、tisfied?A. Friend1. What danger does Walton encounter while sailing?A. Sheets of ice2. What is the name of Waltons sister?D. Margaret Saville3By whom this letter will reach England from Archangel?A. A merchantman4. What season is it when Walton writes this letter?B. Summer5. What kind of accident ha

    6、ppens to their ship?C. both A and B1. What is Waltons profession?C. An adventurer and sea captain2. Where does the expedition find Victor Frankenstein?C. On a floating piece of ice in the ocean.3. How does Walton meet Victor?C. Walton finds Victor on the northern ice and nurses him back to health.4T

    7、o whom did Victor Frankenstein tell his entire story?B. Robert Walton5. To where Waltons expedition was headed when he meets the gigantic figure and the emaciated Victor? B North Pole6. How does Walton describe the demeanor of the man he rescues?A. Full of grief7. How does Robert feel about Frankens

    8、tein?D. He likes Frankenstein, and hopes they will become friends.1. The marriage between Victors parents comes about after _.B. the death of Beaufort2Elizabeth Lavenza is _.D. a cousin of Victors adopted by the Frankensteins3. Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, was born in which city?

    9、C. Naples4. Victor Frankensteins mother was the daughter of Beaufort, a friend of Victors father. Who is the mother of Victor Frankenstein?A. Caroline Beaufort5. While growing up, what did Victor and his adopted sister call each other?A. Cousin6. An unusual gift presented to young Victor by his pare

    10、nts is _.B. Elizabeth7. Who is Beaufort?D. All of the above8. The Frankensteins family home is in _.D. Geneva, Switzerland1. Henry Clerval is _.C. Victors closest childhood friend2. Victors initial interest in science is sparked at age 13 when he reads _.A. the works of Cornelius Agrippa3. Who was V

    11、ictor Frankensteins closest friend? A. Henry Clerval4. What sort of studies did Victor immerse himself in when he was young?D. Alchemy5. What natural phenomena influenced Frankenstein? C. It was lightning.6. What kind of stories has Henry Clerval always liked growing up?A. Romantic and heroic storie

    12、s.1. Who encourages Victor to pursue his interest in modern science? C. Professor Waldman.2. What University did Victor Frankenstein attend at the age of 17? C. Ingolstadt.3. Ultimately, Victors schooling results in his obsession for _. A. knowledge4. How does Victors mother die? C. She catches scar

    13、let fever from Elizabeth.5. Caroline dies peacefully with the assurance of _. D. a union between Elizabeth and Victor6. Which of the following is not one of the alchemists whom Victor studies in his adolescence?B. Lucretius.7. What two major events happened to Frankenstein when he was seventeen?C. H

    14、is mother died and he went to the university at Ingolstadt to study.1. Armed with scientific knowledge, Victor decides upon the artificial creation of _.A. a human2. How often does Victor visit his family while in school?D. Never.3. Victor (the scientist) tells Walton (the explorer) of his happy chi

    15、ldhood and kind, indulgent parents. How does Victor repay his familys devotion and love during the years he spends away at Ingolstadt University ?D. Victor is too consumed by his science studies and his desire to penetrate the mysteries of life and death to give time to family.4. Having successfully

    16、 discovered the means to generate life, Victor, dizzy with possibilities, sets about to manufacture a human being. Why is his creation so large?B. Because Victor wishes to speed the process of construction, which would otherwise be slow due to the difficulty of working with tiny structures.5Victors

    17、creation was made up of _. D. different human and animal body parts6. In which University Victor Frankenstein develops the technique to reanimate the dead tissues which ultimately leads to the creation of the monster?University of Ingolstadt.7. Where do the body parts used to assemble the monster co

    18、me from? B. Graves.1. While at university, what idea captivates Victor?D. The secret of life.2. Clervals original purpose in coming to the University is to _. D. study3. After Victors Creature comes alive, Victor looks at him and _. D. all of the above4. What type of illness afflicted Frankenstein t

    19、he day after he completed his creation?D. He became ill with a fever and delirium for several months.5. Who takes care of Victor when he falls ill after creating the monster? B. Henry6. The horror Victor feels at the creatures movement can be defined as_.B. a dream crashing into reality7. How long d

    20、id Victor spend on making his first creature?B. He spent over two years.1. What disturbing news does Victor receive in a letter from his father?A. His brother has been murdered.2. Where did Frankenstein see the creature?D. Frankenstein saw him just outside the gates of Geneva as he was returning hom

    21、e.3. When Victor meets up with his creation in the mountains, how much time has passed?D. Two years.4. Who was accused upon the death of William?C. Justine Moritz.5. What piece of incriminating evidence is found in Justines pocket?D. A locket.6. Why is Justine accused of murder?B. The picture of Car

    22、oline is found in her dress7. Who was the creatures first victim?C. William Frankenstein.8. Who does Victor blame for the deaths of William and Justine?D. The creature.1. Why does Justine say she confessed?D. She had to for the priest to absolve her before death.2. What happened to the accused perso

    23、n?B. The accused person confessed under pressure, and was convicted and hanged.3. What was Frankensteins state of mind after the trial and its conclusion?C. He was filled with remorse for all he had done.4. Who believed that Justine was innocent?B. Victor and Elizabeth.5. Who are the first hapless v

    24、ictims to Victors unhallowed arts?A. William and Justine.1. After Justines condemnation, in order to mitigate his guilt and sadness, Victor _.C. wanders the mountains and valleys.2. Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief?D. He traveled to the Apine valley and the village of Chamounix.3. What does

    25、Victor consider, as he sails alone at night?C. Suicide by drowning.4. At this point, what does Victor fear the most? B. That the creature will kill again.5. What could redeem Victors soul from woe?D. Nothing1. Why does Victor remain in the creatures cave to hear his tale?B. He hopes to hear that the

    26、 creature was not responsible for Williams death.2. Where does Victor first have a conversation with his monster?D. In a hut on a glacier near Montanvert.3. What does the creature say made him a fiend?B. Misery4. When Victor and his creature meet, how does the creature describe his feelings?D. Miser

    27、able beyond all living things.5. Why, when they meet to talk, does the creature not kill Victor?B. He doesnt want to, because he wants something from Victor.6. Where did Frankenstein meet his creature?C. They met at the summit of Montanvert.7. What did the creature want of Frankenstein?D. He wanted

    28、Frankenstein to listen to the account of his life so far.窗体顶端1. How does the creature burn his hand?窗体底端窗体顶端C. Sticking it in the remains of a campfire窗体底端窗体顶端2. How long had the creature been at large before finding Victor?窗体底端窗体顶端D. 2 years窗体底端窗体顶端3. How does the creature say he felt when he was f

    29、irst brought to life?窗体底端窗体顶端D. Overwhelmed by sensations窗体底端窗体顶端4. How does the creature learn social norms?窗体底端窗体顶端A. Observing a family.窗体底端窗体顶端5. Where did the creature take shelter?窗体底端窗体顶端C. He stayed in a lean-to attached to a cottage窗体底端窗体顶端6. Walton is the first narrator in Frankenstein. Wh

    30、o are the other two?窗体底端窗体顶端C. Victor and the Creature 窗体底端窗体顶端窗体底端窗体顶端1. How does the monster learn to speak?A. By listening to Felix teach Safie his language窗体底端窗体顶端2. What does the monster think causes Felix, Agatha, and De Lacey to be unhappy C. Poverty.窗体底端窗体顶端3. When does the monster realize h

    31、e is ugly?窗体底端A. When he looks in a pool 窗体顶端4. The monster stops stealing the cottagers food because he_.窗体底端C. realizes they need it窗体顶端5. Which of the following was not an observation made by the creature about the De Laceys? D. They were very happy in spite of their situation.窗体底端窗体顶端1. How did the creature lear


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