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    1、大学英语四级词汇训练500题2大学英语四级词汇训练500题2test 2 1 this ind f ediine has the per t _pisnasplash bresist adpt dup2 he is easil _ s i d nt lie t tal ith hiadefended baffrded reated dffended3i a _ t believe that he nt e ba t see his ife againainlined bpuzzled apanied dperfred4befre u ail this letter, u shuld he ag

    2、ain hether u have _ it r ntasun bsighed sught dsealedafter taling fr nearl ten hurs, he _ t the gvernents pressure at lastaexpressed bielded dereased dapprved6 hands and feet ere _ ith ld as i aited fr the busa liff bstill stiff dsti7this prble is bend his abilit and he an nt _ itaslip bpa gain dslv

    3、e8hen u bu the spare parts fr ur ar, tr t get the _ nes fr the authrized dealeragenuine bgenerus genius dgentle9if u use _, u an get a higher qualit pitureaax bshae gse dslides10h _ this untr, the peple r the president? this questin is nt eas t anserafrightens bdiffers displas dgverns11this ear ur u

    4、niversit des nt have an _ t ntinue the internatinal student exhange prgraafuntin bfundaental funeral dfunds12h is the patient being _ n?apainted bperated tied dfethed13ar is _ f usi but i a ntapause badventure graatial dfnd14this an has been prved _ f urderaguilt bspil flash durius1the internatinal

    5、situatin is ver _ in the iddle eastadeliius bperfet deliate dperent16even thugh he ne that i shuld stud, he still _ e t g t the viesaregnized bextended persuaded dunexpeted17e _ that it ill tae anther fur nths t finish this planagrant bestiate unil dhe18he read the paper several ties but be still _

    6、se printers errrsaverled bignred ntied dutlined19she ften tals ith a _ appearane but in fat she is alas telling liesatid bsinere rship derr20if the students an nt supprt theselves during their stud in universit, the a as fr a student _ fr the gvernentaenu bspn lan dbnd21english has bee a uniatin _ f

    7、r peple fr different untriesaerit bstrea enent dediu22during the eight ears ar, an peple _ their bld fr their untrashed btepted reserved ddevted23u have greatl _us hat u have dne is nt hat u tld us abut several ees agadisappinted bdeserted larified dppsed24befre u begin riting ur paper, please rite

    8、-_ first then e an have a better idea abut hat u are ging t tal abutaan rigin ba detail an exaple dan utline2if u as h i plan t stud in the united states, the nl anser is that it is a _ fr e ahapter beren haber d hallenge26a _ plitial and eni situatin is ver iprtant fr the develpent f an untrastain

    9、bstable peaeful dpin27the finanial supprt is deided nt nl arding t ur gre sre, but als arding t ur _ in llegeaperfrane bpli sart dstateent28the rld trade enter is ften alled a _ building, beause it is ade up f t idential buildingsa alie bfl tin dfrer29it is ipssible fr us t _ suh a diffiult tas ithi

    10、n the liited tieafuel bfrn fulfill dfrst30please d nt _ hen sebd else is talinga intend binterpret interupt dinvest31as a ander, u shuld nt _ the sldiers t unneessar dangeraexpress bexplde eplit dexpse32this nespaper ften _ the gvernents pinin, nt the publi pininaaffets breats reflets dregnizes33alt

    11、hugh in great danger, the unded still did nt ant t _ fr the frntafeedba bbaard ithdra ddeparture34this vie has a _ ending u an nt iagine h ill be illed finalladraati briginal nsiderable dteple3during the graduatin _, the president gave a nderful pening speehaevlutin bsign individual deren36the dg _

    12、the rabbit but uld nt ath itaeased bhained heed dhased37if ur letter is ver eight, u ust pa fr the _aexess bexeed heed dhased38in the lass the teaher ased the students t _ their bad habitsaeaen bit vere dvertae39hen u stud in the united states, usuall u have t bu ur n health _ainsurane bexpense evid

    13、ene dpaent40hlate and ie-rea have different _afavur bfavurites fever dflavurs41this is an _ that ill nt be easil frgttenaipat baadei insult dalternative42please _ e fr rudeness i reall d nt n the ust herea engage bfrt exeute dfrgive43ater and air are _ t huan beings e an nt live ithut theaharbur bfu

    14、ntin definite dessential44hen the airplane taes ff, the passengers are tld t _ their seat beltsafuntain bfix tight dfasten4this is nt hat e ased u t d u an nt get re pa fr the _ raing bdevie tired dextra46 thrat is _ i annt spea an reasre bpurhase gl dfaint47an ears ag, a lt f fatries ere _ fr big i

    15、ties t the untainus areas in ase f aratransferred btransfred transitted dtransprted48he said in his letter that he uld _ se phtgraphs but i uldnt find anthing in the envelpeaase bduble enlse dnnsense49an english rds are _ fr latinadisplaed bspread lst dderived0i feel _ t sa that i an nt believe hat he saidaanted bbserved bliged dandered答案:1b 2d 3a 4d b 6 7d 8a 9d 10d 11d 12b 13d 14a 1 16 17b 18a 19b 20 21d 22a 23a 24d 2d 26b 27a 28 29 30 31d 32 33 34a 3d 36d 37a 38 39a 40d 41 42d 43d 44d 4d 46a 47a 48 49d 0d


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