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    1、中考英语二轮复习第11讲词语运用专题2018中考英语二轮复习第11讲词语运用专题词语运用 【知识点睛】 义务教育新课程标准对词语运用试题的界定: 要求初中毕业生能够理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义;能够了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;能够根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;掌握单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的使用等。 词语运用命题特点: 近几年,河南省中考英语词语运用题,保持了应用性、探究性、综合性和时代性的特征,着重考查了学生的基础能力、综合能力和书面表达能力。词语运用题主要考查学生对知识应用的熟练程度,对语言的迁移能力和对语言信息的综合处理能力。 题材:故

    2、事、文化习俗、科普小品、体育等。 考察范围:介词、动词、形容词、连词、代词、名词、数词、习惯表达等,既注重语法知识和习惯用语的考查,又加强对篇章结构的理解,同时强调了写的成分。(具体见考点分布表) 河南中考英语词语运用题考点分布表: 年份 分类2016201520142013201220体记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文 词数239230204192152话题讲述了当今社会人们把太多时间放在智能手机上,却忽略真实生活中的人和事的现象讲述了一种当前最受欢迎的心形手势高中的学生在奥克兰的机场卖咖啡的故事讲述了一个“以其人之道,还治其人之身”的故事迈克尔杰克逊的经历和演唱生涯人生价值 考点分布(

    3、分值)名词222221 代词动词333322 形容词22/212 连词111/1 介词/1/副词1/2121 数词/1/11 (一)重点考查单词拼写、语言基础知识,在考查词汇的同时考查读与写的能力。这就要求考生首先要把握住短文的主旨大意,答题时除了考虑词法、句法,还要研究语篇中句子的结构、衔接和连贯等问题。 (二)以上表格显示词语运用主要考查包括名词、动词、副词、连词、代词以及介词等,基本包括所有词类。文体方面主要是以记叙文为主。今年河南省中考英语词语运用试题可能会延续以前的考查模式,设空时仍然会以名词、动词、形容词等实词为主,副词等其他的虚词也会有所涉及。 (三)重视句子之中或句子与句子之间

    4、的联系,侧重所给词的变化,如名词、动词、数词、代词、形容词等形式上的变化。 (四)试题选材符合考生的书面表达水平,文体偏重记叙文,以故事类的话题为主,短文内容贴近学生的学习和生活。词数在200左右。短文共设10个小题,每空一词,第一句话一般不设空,试题力求答案的唯一性。 词语运用注意事项 形式、词法、句法、基础知识 词语运用试题的做题步骤: 1、跳过空格,通读全文,了解大意。 2、复读全文,确定语义,判断词形。 3、利用语境,确定词形。 4、复读全文,验证答案。 词语运用的关键: _ _定词: _ 2. 变形: a._ b._ d._ 一、定词 _ 用方框内所给的词或短语进行填空,两项多余。

    5、various similar with care familiauble ddicines depends on machines gToday Im going to talk about raAre you _ w? Theyg and exciting places! Many kindworlds plants and animals livaHowever, raare _ nowthey are disappearing very fast becauare cut down or burnt every day. As a result, _ animals and plant

    6、s are dying ouaybe you have never been to a rawhy should you_? Raaant to evThey aant becaulaaake oxygen. We need oxygen to breaRaalso hell the weather. Ware cut down, it _Besidquaur _lants. Malants can be found only in raTa lot that we have not learnt about raIf we _ them, we will never find ouIur f

    7、uture _ saving the raWe must tellle how important raaat they will stop doing haWe muaw. We have to act now to save our onl二、变形 _ a. 动词_ “Whaboy doing?” I asked myself and looked closely. “_ (pick) up aground.” When he _ (stand) up, we saw eaI asked_ (need)He replied, “No. Thats okay.” Fad look, Sud

    8、thaust _ (cry) for a longThey _ (live)2000. Ta German proverb that says, “Frienda plant that must be _ (water).” The book written by Lu Xun _ (sell) well. _ (think) abou(联系) between words may help youbany children are left aluntryside. Lets try our best _ (help)Would you please give me as many _ (su

    9、ggest) as possible? The window _ (break) bday has been mended. Dont you see a boy _ (run) towards us? b. 形容词副词_ The shark got her left arm, and hurt her _ (bad). Luckild her best and swam baland. He felt _ (true)what he said. This kindastes very _ (well). Her little dog died yesterday. This made her

    10、 very _ (happy). Awho is _ (honest) always tells ldidnt give up her dream of becoming a surfer, but she had to practice _ (hard) than ba Yun, head of Alibaba_ (rich)world. Theres not much _ (d)betwwo mobil名词_ Allgn _ (thief) have been caugAll parents worry abou_ (child) suDo you know the girl?a frie

    11、nd of my _ (sister). Tally _ (humor). It makes all of us laugh a lI want to learn how to eat _ (health). d. 数词_le speak English as a _ (two) languagTwo _ (five)udur class are league membThey glibrary _ (one) a w代词_asked the Glp _ (they)abby is reading comic books, what about _(you)? Tt _ (g) wrong w

    12、u介词连词 【精讲精练】 A 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 The Great Wall is known aghth wondworld. Every year thousands of touall over the worldvlace of 1_aLast Saturday I wGreat Wall 2_ds. It was a sunny day. On our way up, we saw many volug ordun. They helped the elders wbags, 3_urists and answered peop

    13、les quThough they are very 4_, they didnave a rest. We were deeply moved when we sawust at thawe saw 5_ little boy standing alone and crying. We went over and asked what 6_Fanswer we knew that he couldnt findWe told_ about it and then we tried to guch wwumber he gave us. Twutes 8_urned up. Wawwas ve

    14、ry excited and thanked 9_ with teaThat day wld the beauGreat Wall, but also felt the wa0_ evan reach out a helping handworld around us will be more and more harmonious (和谐的). 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ B 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词) Frank was a curious boy. Taw an hourglass (沙

    15、漏), he wondered what it waHaid, “An hourglass is mad_11_ of 8. The sand is put in ad, and runs through a small hol_12_. It taand exactly an hour to run through.” Frank w_13_ the little stream of sand. He was i_14_, because it would not run faster. “La” said he. “It is lazy, and will never get throug

    16、h.” “It will, Son,” said“The sand moves little by little, but it moves allWhen you look at the handlock, yougo very s_15_, buvWhile you are at plaand is r_16_, grain by grain. The handlock are moving, second by second. At nigandurglass has run through twelvThe hour handlock has moved a_17_ its great

    17、 face. This is becauworking every minute. They d_18_ how muave to do and how long it will tado it.” Now, Frankwantedlearn a littlbut he said, “I can never learn i_19_.” Haid, “Study allN_20_ask how long it will take to learn it.” Frank followeds advice. He studied line after line, very busily; andan

    18、d a half houwly. 11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 aal have life wellusual wild Animals aant in Indian culture and are treated in a special way. For example, a lot of elephants arent 21_. They are domesticated (驯养的). They arent kept abut as working animals. Every wo

    19、rking elephant 22_ its owAn elephant andware both young, and they grow up together. In falaulephants 23_ perhaps 40 years. Llephants wving heavy 24_ ware cut dowgive ridu25_ people during celebrations and festivalake excellent calephading the6_ and giving them a bath adworking da27_ special animal i

    20、n Indiaw. Cows ad animals, 28_ they arenalledd, although people do ulIndia you caws walking around towns andand nobod29_ them. Idowddlad, people 30_ drive around them! Do youg? 21. _ 22. _23. _ 24. _25. _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _30. _ 【参考答案】 【知识点睛】 词语运用的关键:定词 变形定词:动词、名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词、连词、冠词、感叹词 2. 变

    21、形: a. 动词:时态、语态、非谓语动词、词性变化等 b. 形容词/副词:词性变化、反义词、级别变化等名词:单复数、名词所有格、词性变化等 d. 数词:基数词序数词变化、单复数等代词:单复数、反身代词、(人称代词)主宾格、形物代/名物代、(不定代词)肯否含义等 一、定词 (动词、名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词、连词、冠词、感叹词) familiauble, various, with care, gets, medddepend二、变形 a. 动词时态、语态、非谓语动词、词性变化等g;stood2. needed3. have cried4. have lived5. wateredll

    22、s7. Thinkinglp 9. sugg0. bunning b. 形容词副词词性变化、反义词、级别变化等 12. badluly 14. good 15. unhadardd名词单复数、名词所有格、词性变化等 20. thieves 21. childrens 22s 23. humorous24. healthily d. 数词基数词序数词变化、单复数等 2d 22代词单复数、反身代词、(人称代词)主宾格、形物代/名物代、(不定代词)肯否含义等 2lves 29. yours 30. anything 【精讲精练】 A篇2. wd 5. aappened 7. worry8. later 9. us 10. If B篇ape 12. middle 13. watchedalow/slowlunning 17. around20. Nev篇 21. wild 22. has 23. life 225. ca26. well27. Another 28. so 2l 30. usuall


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