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    1、传统作文之传统医学英语小作文传统作文之传统医学英语小作文传统作文之传统医学英语小作文传统医学英语小作文【篇一:英语作文 医患关系】 医患关系作为社会系统的重要组成部分,在创建互助友爱的卫生环境中起着先导性和基础性的作用。但当前医患关系却不容乐观,因社会,伦理道德等因素的影响,各种医患矛盾正在成为阻碍构建和谐社会的主要问题之一。近年来,医患关系的紧张引起了人们的普遍关注。为了让医学回归“医本仁术”的本性,缓解紧张的医患关系,我有以下几点看法。 as an important component of the social system ,physicianpatient relationship

    2、 plays a guiding and fundamental role in creating a harmonious healthcare environment 。however ,due to certain social ,ethical and moral factors ,the current physicianpatient relationship is not favorable ,and various contradictions in physicianpatient relationship are becoming barriers in building

    3、up a harmonious society 。in recent years ,the tense relationship between doctors and patients has caused extensive concern 。in order to enable medicine return to its“merciful”nature and relieve the tension of relationship between doctors and patients,therere several points as follows 。 首先,重建医患信任。信任是

    4、建立良好医患关系的基础。第二,加强医患沟通。医生与病人的有效沟通与交流是诊疗实践的重要技术,它在对病人病情的认识,治疗和康复中都起着十分重要的作用。第三,通过建立积极的医院形象包括医疗服务,质量和环境来发展新型的医患关系。医院必须尽可能提高医务人员技术水平和业务素质 ,确保医疗安全。第四,倡导健康的医院文化,促进医德医风建设。最后一点,弘扬中华民族传统医学人文关怀的优秀思想,开展具有人文精神的“人性化服务”:尊重、关爱、服务病人。 first ,reestablish doctorpatient trust relationship 。trust is the basis for constr

    5、ucting a good physicianpatient relationship 。secondly ,strengthen the communication between doctors and patients 。communication between doctors and patients is the important skill for learning sickness ,treatment and rehabilitation 。third ,develop new harmonious physicianpatient relationship by crea

    6、ting positive hospital image of medical service ,quality and environment 。hospitals should try their best to increase the medical skills and occupational qualities of their staffs to assure the safety of medical work.。fourth ,initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style 。fi

    7、nally ,advance and eich the ideology of chinese traditional medical humanities concern 。it should develop humanistic service ,which includes respecting ,caring for and serving the patients 。 化解医患矛盾,构建和谐医患关系,不仅需要医患双方的努力,还需要社会的支持。同样,社会也应把医患关系的构建作为自身健全发展的一个重要任务。 to relieve physicianpatient conflicts an

    8、d construct a harmonious physicianpatient relationship need not only the efforts of both sides but also the support of the society 。similarly ,the society should regard the building of physicianpatient relationship as a significant task in selfimprovement and development 。【篇二:医学英语写作】3、要符合逻辑、重点突出 4、要

    9、结构合理,用完整句表述 5、要行文流畅 第二章 标题(title) 一、标题二、副标题三、英、汉标题特点的比较 四、冠词的省略五、标题中常用名词的搭配 六、标题中常用介词的搭配 七、几种常用的标题句式 一、标题 title (一)名词性标题(二)完整句标题(三)疑问句 (一)名词性标题 标题一般由一个名词或若干并列的名词,加上必要的修饰语构成,一般没有谓语成分 laboratory diagnosis of sars sars的实验室诊断 haemorrhagic cholecystitis 出血性胆囊炎 alcohol use, myocardial infarction, sudden c

    10、ardiac death, and hypertension 饮酒、心肌梗塞、心源性猝死及高血压病 surgery for infective endocarditis 感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗 left ventricular function before and following surgical treatment of mitral valve disease 二尖瓣病变手术前后左心室的功能变化 感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗 (1)只在标题开头的第一个单词的首字母大学,收尾句不用句号 (2)标题中每个词的首字母都大写,只有某些虚词才小写,句尾不用句号。某些需要小写的虚词,指的是冠词、3

    11、个字母以内的连词和介词,4个字母以上的,如with, from, during , after, against, during ,between 仍需要大写。 词组型标题词组型标题是由一个或数个单词或词组单独地、并列地或按偏正关系排列组成. 按其组成关系又可分为以下三类 单一概念标题多概念并列标题 多概念偏正标题 单一概念标题,是由一个不可再细分的、具有完整概念的单词或词组构成. 由于这些单词或词组是文章所讨论的唯一对象,即文章标题的中心词.因此,英译标题时可以直接对译. 创伤性血胆症 traumatic hemobilia中华肝胆外科杂志, 2004, 10(7);颅底软骨肉瘤 chond

    12、rosarcoma of the skull base中华神经外科杂志, 2003, 19(6). 多概念并列标题,由两个或两个以上具有独立完整概念的词组并列组成. 由于词或词组之间没有说明或被说明、修饰或被修饰的关系,而是无主次的并列关系. 因此,英译标题时可按表达各个概念的词或词组的先后顺序译出. 例如:催乳素和免疫系统prolactin and immune system中华内分泌代谢杂志, 2004, 20(6); 嗜铬细胞瘤病人的临床特点及围术期麻醉管理clinical features of pheochromocytoma and anesthetic management du

    13、ring perioperative period中华医学杂志, 2002, 82(8). 多概念偏正标题,由多个具有独立、完整概念的词或词组构成. 而其中有一个受其它词或词组所修饰、限制或说明. 这个被修饰、限制或说明的词或词组就是文章标题的中心词,它位于标题末,与修饰、限制或说明它的词构成偏正关系. 多概念偏正标题是科技论文标题中最常见的一种,它又可分为并列偏正结构标题和递进偏正结构标题. 并列偏正结构标题是以联合词组充当标题中心词的定语. 英译标题时,可按顺序译出各并列成分,并置于中心词之后. 例如:泮托拉唑三联与奥美拉唑三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的对比研究 comparison of pa

    14、ntoprazole and omeprazole- based triple therapy regimens in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection中华医学杂志, 2002, 82(18)递进偏正结构标题以偏正词组充当标题的中心词. 定语中的各组成部分总是前一个修饰后一个,层层相叠,最后作为一个整体来限定代表标题重心概念的中心词. 英译标题时,代表标题重心的中心词置于题首,定语中的各组成部分,在多数情况下,按由小到大,由近到远的次序排列. 例如:抑郁症患者红细胞儿茶酚氧位甲基转移酶活性的研究 the erythrocytes ca

    15、techol o methyl transferase activity in patients with depression中华精神科杂志, 2005, 38(3); (二)完整句标题 医学论文标题一般都是名词性标题。有的医学杂志,如美国的 journal of the national cancer institute 甚至规定标题不得写成完整的句子。但是,在其他英美医学杂志中,仍可以看到标题为完整句,只是句尾没有句号。如:dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer 胆固醇饮食- 人类结肠癌的协同致癌因素 c

    16、ytochrome b is present in neutrophils from patients with chronic granulomatous disease 存在于慢性肉芽杂红患者嗜中性白细胞里的细胞色素把b (三)疑问句 标题也可以是疑问句。疑问句标题尾一般有疑问号,如有疑问副词或疑问代词,也可不用疑问句。 如:home or hospital births? 在家分娩还是住院分娩? genetic damage form diagnostic radiation ? 诊断性放射检查能否导致遗传性损害? what to look for rib fractures and h

    17、ow 肋骨骨折时应检查什么及如何检查? is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad? 治疗临界型高血压是利是弊? are potassium supplements for the elderly necessary? 中年以上的患者是否比须补钾? what does exercise mean for the menstrual cycle? 锻炼对月经周期有什么影响? 二、副标题 副标题往往用于突出论文某一方面的内容,如病例数、研究方法等。 正、副标题可用不同字体字号加以区别,也可用冒号隔开 (一)突出病例数 abdominal

    18、pain in the emergency room: a study of 176 consecutive cases 腹痛急诊176 连续收治的病例研究 surgical treatment of pancreatic pseudocysts: analysis of 119 cases 假性胰腺囊肿手术治疗 119例分析 (二)突出研究方法 diffuse pulmonary infiltrates in immunosuppressed patients: prospective study of 80 cases heparin therapy: a randomized prosp

    19、ective study diabetes after infectious hepatitis: a follow-up study 免疫抑制患者弥漫性肺浸润前瞻性研究80例 肝素疗法前瞻性随机研究 传染性肝炎继发糖尿病患者随访调查 (三)突出重点内容 diabetes mellitus: new diagnostic criteria digitalis therapy in practice : correlation between clinical evaluation and plasma digoxin concentration aorto-arteritis: chest x

    20、-ray appearance and its clinical significance 糖尿病诊断的新标准 洋地黄疗法的实际应用地高辛血浆浓度与临床疗效的关系 大动脉炎胸部x线表现及其临床意义 (四)表示同位关系 哌唑嗪一种新的治疗高血压的血管扩张剂 乳腺癌组织中的癌胚抗原一种有用的预后指标 prazodine: a new vasodilator used for treatment of hypertension carcinoembryonic antigen in breast-cancer tissue: a useful prognostic indicator (五)提出疑问

    21、句 drug regulation: evolution or revolution? chronic abdominal pain: a surgical or psychiatric symptom? 药物调节:进化还是革命? 慢性腹痛是手术症状还是精神症状? (六)表示长篇连载论文各分篇的主题 physical and chemical studies of human blood serum: a study of normal subjectsphysical and chemical studies of human blood serum: ii . a study of 29c

    22、ases of nephritis 人类血清的理化研究:i正常人的研究 人类血清的理化研究:ii. 29例肾炎患者的研究 (七)说明研究时间 a collaborative study of burn nursing in china: 20022006 a collaborative study of burn nursing in china: 20022006 endoscopic varicose sclerosis: one year clinical experience 中国烧伤护理综合研究: 20022006 曲张静脉内镜硬化疗法:一年临床经验研究 exercises 1. 将

    23、下列标题改为带有副标题的格式 1) a light and electron microscopic study of two cases of primary sarcoma of the heart 2) experimental study of laser surgery of the liver 3) a report of60 cases of primary vaginal carcinoma 4) clinical analysis of 55 cases of subacute thyroiditis5) a study of 127 cases of deafness du

    24、e to noise trauma 6) a review of 37 cases of diffuse malignant mesothelioma of the pleura 7) clinical, angiographic, and myocardial scintigraphic observations on unstable angina pectoris 8) fifteen years experience with carcinoma of the pancreas 9) experiences in the treatment of 50 cases of vascula

    25、r injuries 10) physiopathologic mechanisms for jaundice and cirrhosis 将下列完整句标题改为名词性标题 1) angiodysplasia is a cause of colonic bleeding in the elderly 2) thyroid cancer is a late consequence of head-neck irridation. 3) coronary heart disease: overweight and obesity are risk factors 4) prostaglandins

    26、serve as mediators of inflammation. 5) ferritin serves as an index of bone marrow stores. 6) high uric acid serves as an indicator of cardiovascular disease 7) pernicious anemia is a risk factor for cancer of the stomach 8) inferior vena cava obstruction is a complication of prostate cancer 三、英、汉标题特

    27、点的比较 (一)study of, report of 等词的使用 (二)带 as 的句式 (三)带 and 的句式 (四)病例数的处理(五)汉语标题中几个常用词的翻译 (一)study of, report of 等词的使用 18世纪,科技论文中可以 some thoughts on? a few observations on? 现代科技论文study of? 、investigation of?、 a report of? 也不多见 标题越来越趋向简短扼要。 如:ultrasound in the diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice 超生诊断胆汁郁积性黄疸

    28、 cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients 血液透析患者的心血管病变 toxic effect of benzene on leucocytes 苯对白细胞毒性作用的研究 clinical efficacy of disopyramide in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias 双异丙吡胺治疗心律失常的疗效观察 studies on the diuretic effects of etozolin in heart failure 乙氧唑啉对心力衰竭患者利尿效应的研究 an angiographic

    29、and clinical study of coronary collateral circulation 冠状动脉侧枝循环的血管造影与临床研究 (二)带 as 的句式 在需要用表语(或同位语)的概念时,常用带as 的句式 pernicious anemia as a risk factor for cancer of the stomach gastrocolic fistula as complication of benign gastric ulcer (三)带 and 的句式 表相互关系的意义时,可用and来表示 viral hepatitis and medical profess

    30、ions malignant hypertension and cigarette smoking (四)病例数的处理 在我国医学论文标题,为吸引读者注意,往往将病例数置于正标题中 1. 779例气道异物的治疗 2. 系统性红斑狼疮80例分析 在国外,病例数大多置于副标题中。 3. 软骨肉瘤附26例报告 4.输血后肝炎60例报告 5. 55例亚急性甲状腺炎临床分析 the treatment of 779 cases of foreign bodies in the air passage analysis of 80 cases of sle chondrosarcoma : report

    31、of 26 cases posttransfusion hepatitis : a report of 60 cases subacute thyroiditis: clinical analysis of 55 cases 有时根据英文标题不列出病例数这一特点,在英译时可将病例数不译。 慢性胃炎分类探讨(附71例分析) evaluation of classification of chronic gastritis 肾下腹主动脉瘤39例治疗经验 experience in the treatment of infra-renal abdominal aortic aneurysm (五)汉

    32、语标题中几个常用词的翻译 1. “探讨” discussion , evaluation , approach, study, investigation 如1)实验性肺功能不全的探讨 2)中西医治疗肝炎的探讨 3)亚临床肝癌诊断问题的探讨 4)心源性猝死51例临床病理探讨 5)原发性肝癌临床诊断的探讨 6)脑血管病1000例临床分析及若干问题探讨 discussion on experimental pulmonary insufficiency an evaluation of treatment for hepatitis by combined traditional chinese

    33、and western medicine an approach to diagnosis of subclinical liver cancer sudden cardiac death: clinicopathologic investigation of 51 cases on clinical diagnosis of primary carcinoma of liver cerebral vascular disorders: clinical analysis of 1000 cases “体会” experience 1) 818例糖尿病患者治疗体会 2)治疗革兰氏阴性杆菌菌血症的新体会 3)全胃切除治疗贲门癌的体会 exp


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