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    外研版九年级上册英语Module 7 Unit.docx

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    外研版九年级上册英语Module 7 Unit.docx

    1、外研版九年级上册英语Module 7 UnitModule 7 Great books Unit 1 Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.Step 1 Revision单词闯关1.讨论|;谈论 _ 讨论(名词) _2.思想家 _ 思考(动词) _3.有判断力的|;明智的 _ 4.影响|;作用于 _ 5.猜想|;推测|;相信|;认为 _6.众所周知的|;著名的 _ 同义词 _短语互译1.morethan _ 2.make sense _3.asas _ 4.顺便提一下 _5.加入|,参加 _ 6.把描述为 _Step 2 Language poin

    2、ts1. discuss /dsks/ v.讨论 【考点】discuss sth. with sb.和某人讨论某事。discuss sb./sth. 意为“讨论某人或某事”。 其名词形式为discussion|,常用结构为 have a discussion with sb. about sth.|,意为“与某人讨论某事”。eg: She will not discuss her goals. 她不愿讨论她的目标。典例精讲:I have something personal to discuss _ you.Aat Bin Cwith Dof2. review /rvju/ n评论vt.复查|

    3、;重新考虑|;复习|; 回顾|;评论review the situation 对形势重新加以研究review last weeks lessons 复习上周的功课 n. 回顾|;复习课|;评论a careful review of political events 有关政治事件的谨慎的回顾 典例精讲:汉翻英_. 学习英语最好的方法就是多复习。3. sense /sens/ n. 道理 【考点】make sense 合情理|,有意义|,一般不用于被动语态。例:So it seems to make sense to let more people join in the discussion.

    4、因此|,让更多的人参与到讨论中似乎是合情合理的。【重难点】与sense相关的短语make no sense无意义make sense of 理解|;明白make sense to sb.对某人有意义【拓展】 make sense意为“易理解|;合情理|;有意义”|,一般不用于被动语态。典例精讲:1. Does such homework _(有意义)? 2. It doesnt make _ to memorize lots of words if you dont know how to use them in daily life.A. effort B. difference C. se

    5、nse D. choice4. suppose /spz/ v. 猜想|;相信|;认为|;推测 suppose that 表推测|,假定|,假如|,认为。eg:I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。suppose用于祈使句中|,表示“要不”。eg:Suppose we go for a swim.要不我们去游泳吧。suppose 名词 to be 表示“认为是”。eg:Many people suppose him to be over 50. 许多人认为他50多岁了。be supposed to do sth.应该做某事|,相当于should。eg:You

    6、 are supposed to do exercise every day to keep in good health. 你应该每天锻炼保持身体健康。典例精讲:Youre supposed _ something happy and lucky to others on New Years Day. (湖南湘潭)Ato say Bsaying Csay4You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.Asuggested Bsupported Ct

    7、aught Dsupposed5. influence v影响|;作用于 例:Were still influenced by Confuciuss thoughts. 我们仍然被孔子的思想影响着。【考点】influence作及物动词|,意为“影响|;作用于”。influence还可以作名词|,常用搭配为give/have an influence on|,意为“对有影响”。例:Lu Xuns works gave a strong influence on Chinese literature. 鲁迅的作品极大地影响了中国文学。典例精讲:(乌鲁木齐)The Belt and Road For

    8、um for International Cooperation which was held in Beijing on May 5th had a very deep _(影响) on almost all the countries.6. But I think Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. 但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家兼思想家|,而非作家。 【考点一】(1)describeas意为“把描述为”。例:The youth are described as being 18 to 1

    9、9 years old. 据描述|,年轻人的年龄在十八九岁。【考点二】(2)more B than A是固定搭配|,意为“与其说A不如说B”。在该结构中|,肯定more后面的内容|,而否定than后面的内容。例:Lu Xun is more a writer than a thinker. 与其说鲁迅是一位思想家|,不如说他是一位作家。【拓展】1. more than 可放在数词之前|,意为“超过|;不止|;以上”|,用于此意义时可与 over 互换使用。例:Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is cove

    10、red by water. 整体说来|,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖。 2. more than 可放在名词之前|,表示“不只是|;不仅仅”。 例:Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不只是用于建筑。 3. more than 用于形容词或副词前|,作“非常|;十分”解|,与 very 同义。例:She is more than careful in doing things. 她做事非常细心。 In class|, he listens more

    11、than attentively. 在课堂上|,他听讲十分认真。4. more than 意为“与其不如”|;“是而不是”|,常可与“ rather than ”或“ not so much as ”互换使用。例:Success is more hard work than good luck.成功来自于努力|,并非好运。【考点三】(3)“a teacher and thinker”意为“教育家兼思想家”|,指一个人|,作主语时|,谓语动词用单数形式|;而“a teacher and a writer”意为“一名教师和一位作家”|,指两个人|,作主语时|,谓语动词用复数形式。典例精讲:1(潍坊

    12、)成功来自努力|,而非好运。(morethan)(翻译句子)_2. The teacher and writer _ doing morning exercises at this time yesterday.AisBwas Care Dwere3. Li Na is _ a sportswoman. She is also a symbol of success.Amore than Bnot more than Cno more than Donly7. By the way|, what do you think of Mark Twain|, the great American w

    13、riter in the nineteenth century?顺便问一下|,你认为19世纪伟大的美国作家马克吐温怎么样? 【考点一】(1)by the way在句中常用作插入语|,意为“顺便提一下|;顺便问一下”|,通常位于 句首|,引出另一个话题或起补充说明的作用。例:By the way|, have you found your lost keys? 顺便问一下|,你找到丢失的钥匙了吗?By the way|, I have something to tell you. 顺便说一下|,我有事情要告诉你。【考点二】What do you think of?意为“你觉得怎么样?”用来询问对

    14、方的观点或看法|,其同义句型为“How do you like?”或“How do you feel about?”例: What does she think of her English teacher?How does she like her English teacher? How does she feel about her English teacher? 她认为她的英语老师怎么样?She thinks he is a bit strict. 她觉得他有点儿严厉。典例精讲:1. Do you miss Mr Chen? Yes|, I do. _|, have you ever

    15、 heard of him since he left? ABy the way BOn the way CIn the way DIn this way2. (随州)What do you think of talk shows?_. I watch them every week.AI cant stand them BI love them CI dont think so DI agree with you8. You must only use red paper for hongbao because red means luck.【考点】use sth.for sth.为了某物使

    16、用某物use sth.to do sth.使用某物做某事eg: People there used the grass for medicine. 那儿的人们用这种草做药。People there used the grass to cure the disease. 那儿的人们用这种草治病。used to do sth. 过去常常做某事|,意思是现在不做了|,主语常是人|,当然也可以是能实施动作的动物等。eg:I used to get up early and took an hours walk before breakfast. 我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时。be used

    17、 to doing sth. 习惯于做某事|,主语也通常是人|,但是也可以是能实施动作的动物等。“get used to doing sth.”相当于“be used to doing sth.”。 eg:He is/gets used to living like this. 他习惯了这样生活。典例精讲:We have_up early in order to catch the early bus. (兰州) Aused to get Bbeen used to getCused for getting Dbeen used to getting9. You cant be serious

    18、!你不是当真的吧!【考点】表示非常不相信对方的话。情态动词cant意为不可能|,表否定推测。eg:A:I will marry Mike next week. B:You cant be serious.You have only known him for two months.【重点】serious/sris/adj.严肃的|,认真的|;严重的“严重的|,非同小可”|,指问题或局势很危急或不易处理|,令人担忧和恐惧|,须认真对待|,引申可表示“重要的”|,指某事件需要人们认真思考。eg:They pose a serious threat to security. 他们对安全构成严重威胁。

    19、典例精讲:Is she_about wanting to sell the house?AseriousBreally Cseriously DcarefullyStep 4 Practice1. We must hold a _about whether the plan is good or not.A. introduction B. instruction C. discussion D. speaking2. Your application wont _until you complete the survey.A. accept B. receive C. be accepted

    20、 D. be received3.Every boy and girl_ the book and they each_to buy one.A. like|; want B. likes|;wants C. likes|; want D. like|; wants我们每个人都有自己的房间。We _have our own room.4. What you read _(infl uence) your thought.校长在会上说的话对她影响极大。What the headmaster said at the meeting _on her.5. |齐齐哈尔中考| Animals are o

    21、ur close friends. We are supposed _ them.A. to protect B. protecting C. protect6. His question was so difficult that I could hardly make any _of it at all.A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. idea这部电影没有意义。The movie_7. Where is my father|, John?He is _ to his office.A. by the way B. on the way C. in

    22、 this way D. to the way顺便问一下|,昨天你交家庭作业了吗?_|, did you hand in your homework yesterday?8. |绵阳中考| Hey|, July._?I need your help.A. Oh|, really B. Whats up C. How are you D. All right9. |重庆中考| A lot of trees _-around here every year|, and we can enjoy fresher air now.A. were planted B. are planted C. wi

    23、ll plant D. are planting I have a lot of_-(work) to do|, so I have no time to read Lu Xuns_ (work).10. He failed the exam again! What should I do|, Miss Wang?In my opinion|, your son is _ than stupid. A. quite lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. very lazier The singer and writer_from Guangdong.A.

    24、come B. are C. comes D. coming11. |河源中考| Is this kind of pet _a pet dog these days?A. as trendy as B. more trendier than C. much trendy than D. not so trendier as |遵义中考|The dish is delicious!Well|, at least its as _as the one I cooked yesterday.A. good B. well C. better12. |泰州中考| I feel stressed fro

    25、m time to time. Could you give me some advice?_sharing your worries with your parents?A. Why dont you B. How about C. Why not D. Would you likeStep 4 Homework一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. The fivestar red f_ is slowly rising in the sky.2. My favourite s_is summer because I can swim in the river behind my ho

    26、use.3.The summer v_is coming.Ill go to Shanghai with my parents.4. The Peking University was f_in 1898.5. November is the_(第十一)month of the year.二、用所给词的适当形式填空6. There are all_(kind) of flowers in the park.7. I live on the_(twelve) floor of the building.(贵州安顺)8.The mother wont go until her son _(come

    27、) back.9.As soon as they_(arrive) there|, they will go to the hospital.10.The young man _(live) alone since he graduated from college.(兰州)三、单项选择11. He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired|,_?(四川内江) Adoes he Bisnt he Ccant he Dcan he12. Look!Some people are having fun_in the river. Aswim Bto

    28、swim Cswimming Dswims13. If you want to get on well with your classmates|,youd better not think too much about yourself|,because a selfless(无私的)child is popular_ Asomewhere B. everywhere Cwhere14. In China and some other countries|,it is impolite to speak loudly_you are having a meal. Abefore B. while Cafter15I hope to see you again_next year. Aevery time Bsometime Csome times Dsometimes三、用所给词的适当形式填


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