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    1、山西省康杰中学届高三英语考题一新人教版康杰中学高三五月份考题英语(一)第卷(选择题,共115分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分共45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical_ as well.A. responsibilities B. experiences C. opportunities D. performances22.Life is filled wi

    2、th challenges. As we get older, we_ realize that those challenges are the very things.A. seem to B. come to C. wish to D. try to23.To my disappointment, my parents didnt _ up at the appointed hour.A. wake B. make C. turn D. build24.They are_ laborers who know how to spread the height of the rocks th

    3、ey carry.A. ambitious B. potential C. energetic D. experienced25.I never forgot the meaning _ the little empty box set on my desk.A. in B. on C. behind D. towards26.There wont be anybody_ who can carry a large box the way those men do.A. leaving B. left C. leave D. to leave27.The girl was offered ma

    4、ny presents by her boyfriend, half of _ wonderful.A. who B. whom C. which D. them28._my flowers to worry about, I decided to look for a young man to take care of them.A. With B. Because C. For D. Since29.The construction of Xian Metro line 3 will start in 2020,_ is of great value to the whole citize

    5、ns.A. where B. what C. which D. whose30.To our disappointment, it was _ made him so upset_ wasnt known by us.A. that; that B. what; that C. what; who D. that; who31.In the picture, between two closely-located buildings_ a big tree.A. grow B. grows C. has grown D. have grown32.Did you have any troubl

    6、e with the shopkeeper?_to speak of, in my opinion.A. No B. Neither C. None D. Nothing33.We know her great success is _ by talent as by energy.A. not so much B. so not much C. much not so D. so much not34.This car is of good quality . If it _ break down within 2 years, we would repair it for free.A.

    7、would B. should C. could D. might35.Hes succeeded in many scientific fields. However, his wife is an ordinary woman, _?A. is she B. isnt she C. doesnt he D. hasnt he第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It is good that young men should begin at the beginning and o

    8、ccupy the least important positions. 36 of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility placed upon them at the very beginning of their 37 . They were 38 to the broom, spending the first hours of their business lives 39 the office.And here is the basic 40 of success, the great

    9、secret: 41 your energy, thought, and capital (资本) wholly on the business in which you are 42 . Having begun in one line, determine to fight it out on that 43 , to lead in it, adopt every 44 , have the best machinery, and know the most about it.The companies which fail are those which have 45 their c

    10、apital, which means that they have scattered their brains, 46 . They have investments in this, or that, 47 the other, here, there, and everywhere. “Dont put all your eggs in one basket” 48 all wrong, I tell you. “Put all your eggs in one basket, and then 49 that basket”. Look round you and take 50 ;

    11、 men who do that do not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry 51 many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He 52 carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is 53 to fall down. One 54 of the American businessman is lack of concentration.R

    12、emember: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket. As Emerson 55 , “no one can cheat you out of final success but yourselves.”36.A. None B. Few C. All D. Many37.A. business B. end C. career D. promotion38.A. allowed B. forbidden C. forced D. introduced39.A. taking out B. sweeping out C

    13、. going out D. sending out40.A. preference B. attitude C. condition D. existence41.A. concentrate B. contribute C. apply D. relate42.A. supplied B. engaged C. judged D. trapped43.A. place B. occasion C. row D. line44.A. improvement B. secret C. opportunity D. business45.A. gathered B. used C. dislik

    14、ed D. scattered46.A. too B. either C. also D. yet47.A. so B. and C. or D. but48.A. is B. are C. have D. has49.A. know B. feel C. look D. watch50.A. order B. notice C. interest D. action51.A. much B. such C. too D. very52.A. who B. how C. which D. whose53.A. possible B. probable C. likely D. portable

    15、54.A. fault B. word C. weakness D. motto55.A. tells B. says C. mentions D. talks第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题3分,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe traditional teaching and learning process in China is constantly being challenged by educational reformists trying to create somet

    16、hing better. One such effort has been happening since the beginning of this term at Cuiyuan Middle School. They have implemented so-called research type learning, an obligatory (义务的) course added by the Ministry of Education.As a pilot of the new course, all 600 Senior One students chose the 152 res

    17、earch topics. The research type learning, which is based on students independent thinking and creation, targets the students overall (全面的) development and forging application ability.The results of the research is not that important, said Ma Yuxuan of the school, adding that it is the participation

    18、and the process that really matter. Ma and her other group member finally decided to investigate students ideal professions as their research topic after an hour long discussion. The research topics of class five are closely related with reality. Their investigations cover juveniles weight and healt

    19、h, air pollution and environmental protection, Hakka culture, and drug prevention. One student called Zhang Ked said that the research type learning developed students ability, strengthened their competitiveness for the future, and shared the same objective as the annual college entrance examination

    20、. An investigation by Beijing Normal Universitys research institute on students creativity indicated that Senior Two students in China showed a low creativity. A comparative study showed that Chinese students creativity is far below that of their counterparts in Britain. The reason, as Hu Weiping, w

    21、ho is responsible for the investigation, was the great differences in teaching methods between the two countries.56.Whats the possible meaning of the underlined “implemented ”in the first paragraph?A. met with B. carried on C. done with D. tested out57.Form the passage we know the new course will_.A

    22、. choose the 152 research topics to make a studyB. consider completely students developmentsC. study students growth and ideal professionsD. need an investigation to prove right58.According to the students named Hu Weiping, we can conclude that _.A. Chinese students are worse than British onesB. Chi

    23、nese teachers are worse than British onesC. Chinese teaching methods are worse than British onesD. Chinese students creativity are as good as British studentsBAlmost everyone loves trees, but do you know that tree can help sick people recover faster?Its true. According to the International Society o

    24、f Arboriculture (树木培植), hospital patients have been shown to recover faster when they are given a view with trees. Also, while trees certainly benefit any landscape, whether lining streets, decorating urban areas, or growing naturally in the forest, they are actually important in our daily lives.Tre

    25、es improve the quality of the air around us by absorbing dust and other particles(颗粒物). Their leaves also absorb harmful gases before we have a chance to take them in. They also protect us from the sun, rain, hail(冰雹), and snow, which can quickly damage unprotected homes. Even better, they often cle

    26、an oxgiygen for us to breathe.Trees make economic sense. A home surrounded by trees costs less to cool and heat. Neighborhoods with trees are often several degrees cooler in summer than those in similar climates that dont have trees. In winter, trees can keep houses warmer by blocking strong winds.

    27、Also, less water is needed to water grass and gardens in tree-shaded areas where the sun isnt constantly shining.Besides that, trees can further improve privacy, block unpleasant views, and increase the value of your home. Unfortunately, these days, construction projects tend to wipe out all the tre

    28、es in an area before creating new neighborhoods and buildings. Thats more important than ever to plant a tree in your community.59.The best title of the passage is about_.A. planting a tree in your community B. planting a tree in your familyC. improving peoples privacy D. improving peoples life60.Tr

    29、ees change the quality of air because_.A. they can protect us from natural disastersB. they can take in much dust and other particlesC. they often clean oxgiygen for us to breatheD. they are of great importance in our daily life61.According to the passage, we know that _ is wrong.A. trees can offer

    30、people a good place to coolB. trees can make people get warmerC. trees can bring people many benefitsD. trees are likely to be damaged by peopleCJack sits in the coffee bar that looks at Jaffa Street listening to the sad, sad music playing on an old tape recorder. “ Oum Khalsoum”, says one of the ot

    31、her men sitting in the coffee bar to nobody in particular. “ This is Oum Khalsoum singing”. Jack takes another sip of sweet mint(薄荷) tea and nods in agreement without saying anything. His uncle lives in Egypt, and every time he visits him, he tells him the story of how he saw the well-known singer at one of her concerts in Cairo in 1970, not long before she died. The song


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