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    1、O.K.I am getting up.好了,我起床了。Good morning,Mom.早上好,妈妈。Good morning,Bo-Bo.早上好,波波。time时间;时候want要,想sleep睡;睡着a little一些地,少许longer更长久already既,已,已经quick快的,迅速的or否则,要不然will将late迟的;晚的 Lesson 5 After Getting Up第五课 起床以后Have you got up,Bo-Bo?波波,起床了吗?Yes,Mom.起来了,妈妈。Wash your face and brush your teeth.洗脸、刷牙。All rig

    2、ht.好的。What are you doing in the yard?你在院子里做什么呢?I am doing exercise.我在做操。Good!You can benefit by daily exercise.很好!每天做操会对你有好处。yes是,是的brush刷all right不错;好的,是do做,为,行exercise运动;锻炼yard庭院;天井good良好的,善良的benefit受益daily每日的,日常的 Lesson 6 Having Breakfast第六课 吃早餐Breakfast is ready,Bo-Bo.早餐准备好了,波波。I am coming.Whats

    3、 for breakfast today?来了,今天早餐吃什么?Bread,milk and hamburgers.面包、牛奶和汉堡包。Which do you prefer?你吃什么?Id like some hamburgers.It smells good!我吃汉堡包。真香!s time for school.Good-bye,Mom.我该上学去了。妈妈,再见。See you.再见。ready(用作表语)准备好的today今天hamburger汉堡包which(疑问代词)哪一个;哪些prefer宁可;更喜欢smell发出气味(口语)再见。Lesson 7 Having Lunch第七课

    4、吃午餐m hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了。Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗?Yes.Wash your hands first.好了。先去洗手。Whats good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的?Beef,eggs and tomatoes.牛肉、鸡蛋和西红柿。Are there any noodles?有面条吗?Yes.There is rice,too.有。还有米饭。Help yourself.自己盛吧。hungry空腹的,饥饿的first最初地;首先地beef牛肉noodle(常用复数)面条,鸡蛋面help oneself自用(食物等);自由取食 Lesson 8

    5、After Supper第八课 晚饭后Mom,the dinner is great!Thank you!妈妈,晚餐好吃极了。谢谢您!Now,lets go out for a walk.我们出去散散步吧。Thats fine.Lets go.走吧。Walking is good for health.散步有益于健康。Look,what beautiful trees those are!看,那些树多美呀!Yes.And how clean the air is!是的。而且空气是多么清新呀!s late.Lets go home.时间不早了,我们回家吧。OK.dinner正餐;餐great(口

    6、语)十分的;妙极了go行走;去;离去out出;在外health健康be good for.有益于look看beautiful美丽的air空气clean清洁的,干净的 Lesson 9 Doing Housework第九课 家务劳动Do you do any housework at home,Bo-Bo?波波,你在家做家务吗?Yes.I can help my mother do something.是的,我能帮妈妈做点儿事。What do you often do?经常做些什么呢?Make the bed,sweep the floor and wipe tables.铺床、扫地、抹桌子。W

    7、hat do you do at home?你在家做些什么呢?I often wash my socks.我常自己洗袜子。housework家务can能够;可以help帮助,援助something某事;某物often经常,常常make做,整理make the bed铺床floor地板wipe擦,抹;拭去 Lesson 10 In the kindergarten第十课 在幼儿园What are you doing,Bo-Bo?波波,你在做什么?Bo-Bo;I am putting up building blocks.我在搭积木。Lets play a game together.我们一起玩游

    8、戏吧。OK.Where is your musical doll?你的音乐娃娃呢?s in the box.在盒子里。Take it out and let it sing.拿出来让它唱支歌吧。Great!好极了!kindergarten幼儿园play玩;游玩put up建造,搭起building block积木game游戏,运动together一起地,同时地where(疑问副词)何处,何地musical音乐的;配乐的take out拿出,取出sing演唱;唱 Lesson 11 On the Way to School第11课 上学路上Hi!Are you going to school?你

    9、上学去吗?Yes.Lets go together.我们一块儿走吧。Shall we be late for school?我们会迟到吗?No,I dont think so.不,我想不会。The bus is coming.Hurry up!赶快点儿,公共汽车来了。s get on.我们上车吧。way路,道路school上学;学业;学校hi嗨(表示问候或用以唤起注意)shall(有询问别人的意思)须,可能no(用以表示否定的回答)不,不是think想,以为;考虑so这样地,如此地hurry赶紧;匆忙get on(使)上(车等) Lesson 12 At School第12课 在学校Teach

    10、er:What grade are you in,little boy?你上几年级,小朋友?I am in grade 1.我上一年级。What class are you in?你在哪一个班呢?I am in class 3.我在(三)班。Are you our English teacher?您是我们的英语老师吗?No.I am your maths teacher.不,我是你们的数学老师。I like maths.我喜欢数学。grade学年;年级little幼小的;小得可爱的class班,班级;(一节)课our我们的maths数学like爱好,喜欢 Lesson 13 A New Pup

    11、il第13课 一位新同学Good morning,teacher.老师,早上好。Good morning.Are you a new pupil?早上好。你是位新同学吗?Yes,I am.Welcome.What is your name?欢迎你。你叫什么名字?My name is Bo-Bo.我叫波波。Where do you come from,Bo-Bo?你是哪里人,波波?I come from Shanghai.我是上海人。How old are you?我多大了?m six.我六岁了。new新的welcome受欢迎的;欢迎name名字;姓名come from来自于;出生于how几何,

    12、多少old年岁的 Lesson 14 In Class第14课 在课堂上Class begins.Is anybody absent?开始上课。有人缺席吗?No.All are present.没有。全都到齐了。Right,attention please.好的,请注意。s learn a new lesson.我们来上新的一课。Turn to Page 2.翻开书第2页。Please read after me:Apple.请跟我读:苹果。s all for today.See you tomorrow,class.今天的课上到这里,同学们,再见。Good-bye.begin开始absent

    13、缺席的,不在的all全部,都present出席的attention注意;专心learn学,学习turn翻,翻转page(书本中的)页after仿照;依照over结束;完了See you tomorrow.明天见。Lesson 15 On the Playground第15课 在操场上Class is over.Lets go out to play,Li-Li.下课了。我们出去玩吧,莉莉。好。Shall we go to play ping-pong?我们去打乒乓球,好吗?No.I dont like it at all.不,我一点也不喜欢打乒乓球。Do you like tennis?你喜欢

    14、打网球吗?Yes,I do.I like it a lot.很喜欢。But I am not very good player.但是,我打得不太好。playground游乐场;运动场ping-pong乒乓球,桌球喜欢at all全然tennis网球a lot很多very很,非常player游戏者,运动者 Lesson 16 After School第16课 放学后Mom,Im back.妈妈,我回来了。Good boy.Hows school?好孩子。学校情况怎么样?We have Chinese,maths and English classes.我们上了语文课、数学课,还有英语课。And

    15、I am friends with Li-Li.而且我和莉莉是好朋友了。Is your homework finished?太好了!你的作业做完了吗?Yes.做完了。Have a rest.Im going to cook.休息一下。我去做饭。back回原地;在后面地如何,怎样Chinese语文;汉语be friends with.和成为朋友homework课外功课;家庭作业finish完成rest休息;睡眠have a rest歇会儿,休息一下cock烹调,煮 Lesson 17 Doing Homework第17课 做功课Is Li-Li at home?莉莉在家吗?Yes,come in

    16、 please.Im expecting you.在家,请进。我在等你呢。s do our homework together.我们一起做功课吧。Whose rubber is it on the table?桌子上是谁的橡皮擦?Li-Li;Mine.我的。May I use it?我能用一下吗?Of course.Here you are.当然可以。给你。Thanks.谢谢。expect期待,希望do ones homework做功课whose(疑问代词,who的所有格)谁的mine(I的所有格名词)我的may(可能)可以use使用,用,利用of course当然,自然Here you ar

    17、e.(口语)喏,给你Lesson 18 In the Car第18课 在汽车上Dad,why do you stop the car?爸爸,为什么停车?Dad;s the red light now.Its to stop the car.现在是红灯,车要停下来。And a green light is to let cars go.绿灯亮时,车辆才能通行。Oh,I see.噢,明白了。Bad:When cross the street,watch traffic lights too.横穿马路时也要注意看交通指示灯。I remember.我记住了。dad爸爸why(疑问副词)为什么,何故st

    18、op止住,停住light光;光线;光亮let让traffic交通,往来cross横过,越过remember牢记,记住 Lesson 19 Go to the Park第19课 去公园What day is today,Mom?今天星期几,妈妈?Today is Sunday.今天星期天。What is the weather like today?天气怎样呢?Very sunny.非常晴朗。s go to the park,OK?我们去公园,好吗?行。Wonderful!In the park I can run with the kite like this.太棒了!在公园里我可以像这样牵着

    19、风筝跑。day日,(一)天weather天气,气象像,如,跟一样go to the park去公园wonderful奇妙的;极佳的run跑,奔like this像这样 Lesson 20 In the Park第20课 在公园Look,there is a fountain by the lake.看,湖边有个喷泉。s very beautiful.真美呀。And there are many flowers around the fountain.喷泉周围还有很多花。What flowers are they?那些是什么花呢?They are roses.是玫瑰花。How do you li

    20、ke the park?公园里好玩吗?I think its good.我觉得很好。The flowers are out.The birds are singing.花儿开了,鸟儿在歌唱。How happy I am!我快活极了!by在旁around在周围rose玫瑰;玫瑰花How do you like.?你认为怎么样?be out开放happy幸福的;愉快的 Lesson 21 At the Zoo第21课 在动物园Look,is that a peacock?看,那是只孔雀中吗?Yes.How beauiful its feather is!它的羽毛多漂亮呀!Are they hors

    21、es?这些是马吗?No.They are zebras.不,这些是斑马。Where are monkeys?猴子在哪儿?In the trees.在树上。Which animal do you like best?你最喜欢哪种动物?The giraffe and the panda.长颈鹿和熊猫。peacock(雄)孔雀its(it的所有格)它的feather羽毛;翎毛animal动物best最;极giraffe长颈鹿 Lesson 22 Weather第22课 天气What is the weather today?今天是什么天气?s gloomy and it looks like rain.阴天,像要下雨了。So I cant go swimming today.那么今天我不能去游泳了。Go to swim when it clears up.等天晴了,再去游。You can read books at home.你可以在家里看书。I have some shopping to do now.我去买点儿东西。Take an umbrella with you.您带把伞去。gloomy阴暗的;令人沮丧的look like看起来像是,好像swim游,游泳go swimming去游泳clear变晴朗


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