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    1、高一英语完形填空专项训练100附答案高一英语完形填空专项训练100(附答案)一、高中英语完形填空A B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的1 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 最佳选项。Its amaz ing how one dollar can cha nge the culture of a school.We have a _ school of about 30 stude nts. It is reallyfull of 2 and pressure as most of the kids get good3 and try to be the best on es. Its

    2、good except that a lot of us middlekids felt really 4 . We got the feeling that we were so selfish its every man for 5 . 6 , my friend and I set out to find a way to7 the culture. We thought doing things for others was the only way to8our depressi on( 沮丧)about school.On the first day of school we pu

    3、t a 9folded into aheartinto one of the leaders lockerswith a pieceof paper that10,Buy yourself a sn ack. We hoped to11small giftsevery day. We did nt know the 12it would have.People we nt 13over it and every one was talk ing aboutwho it might be doing the acts of kindn ess and 14 should do someth in

    4、g too. It is so much fun to see the 15thanks board say in g: Tha nks to whoever started.11. A. give upB. give awayC. give inD. give off12. A. problemB. opi nionC. effectD. attitude13. A. wildB. sadC. angryD. peaceful14. A. regrett ingB. disagree ingC. doubti ngD. decid ing15. A. tearsB. pai nC. smil

    5、esD. terror16. A. happ in essB. selfish nessC. kindn essD. sadness17. A. by accide ntB. as usualC. in surpriseD. on purpose18. A. bringB.cheerC.speedD. hold19. A. spreadB. referC. reactD. take20. A. ig noredB. concernedC. con fusedD. depressed【答案】 (1) A;(2) C;( 3)A;( 4) C;( 5) 1D;( 6) C;( 7) D;(8)A;

    6、( 9)C;( 10) B;( 11)B;( 12) C;(13) A;( 14)D;( 15) C;( 16)C;(17) D;(18) B;( 19) A;(20) D;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者用一张一美兀的钞票改变了整个校园的风气。学校里呈现出人人做好事的好现象。(1) 考查形容词。句意:我们有一所大约 30名学生的小型学校。“小的”;“大的”;C. lovely “可爱的”;D. terrible “糟糕的”。根据下文“ of about 30 students ”可知,这所学校规模很小。故选 A(2)考查名词。句意:它真的充满了竞争和压力,因为大多数孩子都取得了好成绩,

    7、并试 图成为最好的 学生。A. confidence “自信” ;B. determ in ation “决心” ;C. competition “竞争”; D. difficulty “困难”。根据下文“ and pressure 下文 as mostof the kids get good 3 and try to be the best ones. ”可知,这个学校是充满竞争和压力的。故选 Co(3 )考查名词。句意:它真的充满了竞争和压力,因为大多数孩子都取得了好成绩,并试图成为最好的学生。“分数” ;B. books “书” ;C. results “结果” ;D. teachers

    8、 “老师”。根据下文“ and try to be the best ones ”可知,这里的大部分孩子们的成绩都很好。故选 Aoin terested “感兴趣的”;B. satisfied “满意的”;C. pressured “有压力的”;embarrassed “尴尬的”。根据上文“ It is really full of most of the kids get good 3 and try to be the best ones.前面的那种现象是很好的,只是学校的中等生会感到很大压力。故选(5 )考查代词。句意:我们感到自己很自私 每个人都为自己着想。人”;B. yourself

    9、 “你自己”;C. nothing “没有东西”;D. himself2 and pressure as”可知,这里是指CoA. others “其他“他自己”。根据D.(4 )考查形容词。句意:这很好,除了我们中间的很多孩子感到很有压力。A.A.D. In上文“ We got the feeli ng that we were so selfish ”可知,此处指每个人都只为自己 着想,every man对应的反身代词是 himself。故选D。(6)考查介词短语。句意:作为回应,我和我的朋友开始寻找改变这种文化的方法。In return “作为回报”;B. In charge “负责”;C

    10、. In response “作为回应”;an ger 愤 怒地”。根 据my friend and I set out to find a way to cha nge the culture ”可知,这里是指作为对这种文化现象的回应。故选 C。(7) 考查动词。句意:作为回应,我和我的朋友开始寻找改变这种文化的方法。 A.realize 意识到”; B. enrich 使丰富”;C. swap 交换”;D. change 改变。根据下文学校里呈现出人人做好事的好现象,可知这里是指作者和朋友着手寻求办法,来改变学校的那种文化现象。故选 B(8) 考查动词短语。句意:我们认为为别人做事是解决我

    11、们对学校的沮丧情绪的唯一方法。A. deal with 解决”;B. live with 忍受”;C. come up with 提出”; D.keep up with 赶上。根据语境可知,这里是指解决我们对学校的沮丧情绪。故选 A。(9 )考查名词。句意:开学的第一天,我们把一张折叠好的美元和一张写着“给自己买点零食”的纸,放进了一个领导人的储物柜里。 A. paper “纸张”;B. gift “礼物”; C.dollar “美元”; “票”。根据上文“ Its amaz ing how one dollar can cha nge theculture of a school. ”可知,

    12、这里是指一张一美元的钞票。故选 C。(10) 考查动词。句意:开学的第一天,我们把一张折叠好的美元和一张写着“给自己买点零食”的纸,放进了一个佼佼者的储物柜里。 A. wrote “写着”;”(书面材料上)写着”;C. told “告诉”;D. printed “印刷”。这里是指附上一张纸条,纸条上写着为自 己买一份点心。故选 B。(11) 考查动词短语。句意:我们希望每天送出一些小礼物。 A. give up “放弃”; B.give away “赠送”;C. give in “屈服”;D. give off “发出”。根据下文“ smallgifts every day ”可知,这里是指作

    13、者和其他人每天都计划给别人赠送一些小礼物。故选B。(12) 考查名词。句意:我们不知道它会有什么影响。A. problem “问题” ;B.opin io n “观点”;C. effect “影响”;D. attitude “态度。根据常识可知,作者也是第一次这么做,所以不知道它会有什么影响。故选 Co(13) 考查形容词。句意:人们为之疯狂,每个人都在谈论谁可能在做善事,并决定他们 也应该做些什么。“野生的”;“伤心的”;“生气的”;“和平的”。根据下文“ every one was talk ing about who it might be doing the acts of kindn

    14、 ess and14 that they should do someth ing too. ”可知,这里是指人们都沸腾起来,人人都想知道到底是谁做的好事。短语 go wild over sth. “对某事狂热起来”。故选 A。(14) 考查动词。句意:人们为之疯狂,每个人都在谈论谁可能在做善事,并决定他们也应该做些什么。“后悔”;“不同意”;“怀疑”;“决定”。根据下文“ that theyshould do someth ing too ”可知,这里是指大家决定他们也应该做些什么。故选 D。(15) 考查名词。句意:现在看到每个人脸上的笑容真是太有趣了! A. tears “眼泪”;B.

    15、pain “痛苦”;C. smiles “微笑”;D. terror “恐怖”。根据 “It is so much fun ”可知,这里是指看到每个人脸上都有笑容是一件很开心的事情。故选 Co(16) 考查名词。句意:现在,许多人也开始分享善意:巧克力棒、饼干和故意留在自动售货机上的钱。A. happ in ess “幸福”;B. selfish ness “自私”;C. kindn ess “友 善”;D. sadness “伤心”。根据下文“ And lo ts of notes are on the thanks boardsay in g: Tha nks to whoever sta

    16、rted. ”可知,这里是指很多其他人也开始与别人分享友善行为。故选 Co(17) 考查介词短语。句意:现在,许多人也开始分享善意:巧克力棒、饼干和故意留在自动售货机上的钱。A. by accide nt 意外地”;B. as usual 像往常一样”; C. insurprise 吃惊地”; D. on purpose 故意地”。根据下文 And lots of notes ar e onthe tha nks board say in g: Tha nks to whoever started. ” 可知,这里是指那些做善事的人故意把巧克力、饼干或钱留在自动售货机上。故选 D。(18) 考

    17、查动词短语。句意:现在,我很希望有机会去学校为人们喝彩。 A. bringup 提出,抚养”; up 欢呼,喝彩”; up 加速”;D. hold up 举起。这里是指我很希望有机会去学校为人们喝彩。 cheer sb. up 固定短语,“为某人喝彩”。故选 B。(19 )考查动词。句意:我希望那些友善的行为可以传播到其它学校。 A. spread “传播”;“参考”;“反应”;D. take “带走”。这里是指作者希望那些友善的行为可以传 播到其它学校。故选 Ao(20)考查形容词。句意:如果有人在学校里正在因为学习压力而感到沮丧的话,我完全建议做些善事。A. ig nored “被忽视的”

    18、;B. con cerned “关心的”;C. con fused “困惑的”;D. depressed “沮丧的”。根据上文“ We thought doing things for others was the only way to 8 our depressi on( 沮丧)about school. ”可知,这里是指如果你正在为学习压力而感到沮丧的话,作者建议不防做一些善事。故选 Do【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,代词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行 分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,

    19、从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was five foot ten and weighed betwee n 340 and 360 poun ds; the exactnumber depended on whether you took my weight before or after one of my big meals. I knew that I n eeded to 1 At every 2 , just make sure that at least half your plateis full of fruits and

    20、3 . And my doctor suggested I start with20 minu tes of easy exercise twice a day. Someth ing you can enjoy, like tak inga walk. And I suggest that you go to 4 a dog.A dog is a good part ner, she said. Plus, you live in an apartme nt,which means the dog has to be walked. So you walk your dog twice a

    21、day, andthat will be your 5 . Ive n ever owned a dog. What about a cat I asked.Have you ever see n anyone 6 a catMy friend Casa undra said she had the 7 dog for me. Therehe was: a large black-a nd-white dog with a big round body. He looked up at meand the n 8 his head with a clear look of 9 . Like,

    22、Really This loser I suppose I looked at him the same way.had suggested. Peety weighed 75 pounds whe n a healthy11forhim was more like 50 pounds. But on ourfirstwalktogether,Peetytook thelead. We made it halfway dow n the12andthe n came back.Luckily for me, he did nt walk very fast. You could13hear m

    23、yfootsteps on the sidewalk as I 14each leg forwardthump,thump, thump, like the gia nt from Jack and the Bea n Stalk. The next day wemade it to the 15 of the block. Soon he would16 me around the block.Over the n ext weeks, Peety kept 17 harder and harder onthe leash( 束缚 ).There were times whe n I cou

    24、ld nt 18 , eventhough rd dropped five pounds a week 19 I started the pla ntbased eati ng and walk ing.We walkedtogether for n earlyfive years,until Peetydied ofcancer.Hed come into my life, and simply by being here, he 20me. Andin that mome nt, 1 felt like the two of us could have done anything1. A.

    25、 liste nB. changeC. eatD.con ti nue2. A. mome ntB. schoolC. mealD.cross3. A. meatsB. chicke nC. vegetablesD.bread4. A. shelterB. touchC. followD.calm5. A. surpriseB. shortco mingC. comma ndD.exercise6. A. petB. loveC. loseD.walk7. A. stra ngeB. meanC. perfectD. grateful8. A. poin tedB. droppedC. off

    26、eredD.nodded9. A. disappo in tme ntB. appreciati onC. exciteme ntD.determ in ati on10. A. highB. slowC.deepD.hard11. A. surveyB. itemC. weightD.mi nd12. A. mou ntainB. riverC. roadD.block13. A. actuallyB. luckilyC. flue ntlyD. extremely14. A. swungB. con trolledC. relaxedD.matched15. A. startB. endC

    27、. partD.cen tre16. A. beggedB. liftedC. struckD.lead17. A. pulli ngB. flyi ngC. dancingD. blowi ng18. A. settle dow nB.keep upC. give inD.set out19. A. unl essB. beforeC. si neeD.whether20. A. trappedB. judgedC. buriedD.rescued【答案】 (1) B;(2) C;( 3) C;(4) A;( 5) D;(6) D;( 7)C;( 8)B;( 9)A;( 10)B;( 11)

    28、C;( 12) D;( 13)A;(14)A;( 15) B;( 16)D;( 17)A; (18)B;( 19)C;(20)D;【解析】 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者因为超重,听从了医生的建议,每天通 过遛自己的狗 Peety 一起减肥的故事。( 1)考查动词。句意:我知道我需要改变。 A. listen “听”; B. change “改变”; C. eat “ 吃 ” ; D. continue “ 继 续 ” 。 根 据 上 文 “ I was five foot ten and weighed between 340 and 360 pounds; the exact num

    29、ber depended on whether you took my weight before or after one of my big meals. ”可知作者体重超重,结合下文医生给出 的建议可知作者需要作出改变来减少体重。故选 B。(2)考查名词。句意:每顿饭,确保你的盘子里至少有一半是水果和蔬菜。 A. momen“t 时刻”; B. sc hool “学校”; C. meal “一餐”; D. cross “交叉”。根据下文 “ at least half your plate ”可知是指吃每顿饭的时候,故选 C。(3)考查名词。句意:每顿饭,确保你的盘子里至少有一半是水果和

    30、蔬菜。 A. meats 肉”;B. chicken 鸡肉”;C. vegetables 蔬菜”;D. bread 面包”。根据 上文 fruits and 可知医生告诉作者每顿饭盘子里至少有一半是水果和蔬菜。故选 C。( 4)考查名词。句意:我建议你去狗狗收容所。 A. shelter “收容所”; B. touch “接触” ; C. follow “ 跟随 ” ; D. calm“ 冷静” 。 根据 下文 “Plus, you live in an apartment, which means the dog has to be walked. ”可知医生建议作者去收容所领养 一只狗来将遛狗当做自己的锻炼。故选 A。( 5)考查名词。句意:你每天遛狗两次,这就是你的


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