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    1、学年度第二学期初三英语第一次模拟考试2008学年度第二学期初三英语第一次模拟考试卷试题卷一、听力部分(计20分)听小对话,选择图片(共5小题,计5分)( )1. What time does the plane arrive in London? A. B. C.( )2. What kind of ticket does the man want to book? A. B. C. ( )3. What kind of present shall we give to Taiwan? A. B. C.( )4. What is Mr King wearing? A. B. C. ( )5.

    2、How can the girl get to the bookshop? A. B. C. 第二节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。( )6. Why do they want to open the window? A. Its too hot. B. Its too dark. C. The air isnt fresh.( )7. What does the man want to do? A. Buy a dictionary. B. Borrow a dictionary. C. Lend a dictionary.( )8. Where is the drugst

    3、ore? A. On the bridge. B. Near a hospital. C. On Bridge Street.( )9. Who is the woman? A. A tourist. B. A park staff member. C. A map seller.( )10. Which store does the man like better? A. Deans Supermarket. B. Dailys Department Store. C. Deans Department Store.听长对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分)听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11至第1

    4、2两小题。11 Where does the woman want to go?AThe bus station.BThe supermarket.CThe museum.12 Which bus can take the woman there?A. No. 7 bus.B. No. 3 bus.C. No. 11 bus.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13至第15三小题。13 They are talking about a new_.AinventionBbookCmap14_ coat is made of cotton. AThe mansBThe womans CMiss Turne

    5、rs15 The mans coat is made of _.ApaperBwoolCsilk听短文,回答问题(共5小题,计5分)16There is only one_ in most families according to the passage.AchairBchildCclock17The writer thinks that parents usually try to do _ for their children.AeverythingBnothingCsomething18First, students should respect (尊重)_in the writers

    6、 idea.Aparents and classmatesBparents and teachers Cteachers and classmates19The writer thinks it very important to be _ with others. AfriendlyBhappyClucky20The writer hopes that students can_ with everyone around them.Amake good decisionsBmake telephone callsCmake friends笔试部分(计90分)、单项选择。(共15小题,计15分

    7、)21. China is _ old country with _ long history.A. the; a B. an; the C. an; a D. a; an22. Hurry up! _ you will miss the train.A. And B. So C. But D. Or23. -Where is the bookstore? -Take the elevator _ the second floor and turn left. And the bookstore is _ the furniture store and the drugstore.A. at;

    8、 next to B. at; between C. to; between D. for; next for24. -Time is money. -But I think time is _ money.A. as important as B. so important asC. more important than D. the same as25. My mother suggested that I _ sorry to my good friends.A. say B. to say C. saying D. should to say26. Clean up your bed

    9、room once a week, _?A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. have you27. Why dont you get _ to read while you are on holiday?A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing28. This is a _ boy and he is _. A. 15-year-old; 15 years old B. 15-year-old; 15-year-old C. 15 years old; 15 years old D. 15 year

    10、s old; 15-year old29. There arent many pandas _. We should think of ways to protest them.A. leave B. leaving C. leaves D. left30. Im feeling _ tired. A. kinds of B. kind of C. a kind of D. kind for31. He gave up _ two years ago. Thats to say, he is a non-smoker now.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D.

    11、 smoked32. Nearly three quarters of the earth _ covered with water.A. has B. have C. is D. are33. It will be easy for you to find my house if you _ by taxi tomorrow.A. comes B. come C. will come D. came34. That is the factory _ we are going to work in.A. which B. where C. in which D. what35. She is

    12、_ girl that everybody likes her.A. such clever B. so clever C. such clever a D. such a clever. 完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。In front of my daughter Sindu was a bowl of noodles. She didnt eat anything, because she 36 noodles. “Sindu, darling, 37 a few please, or your m

    13、om will be 38 .” “OK, Dad. I will eat, just 39 .” Then Sindu said, “Dad, 40 I eat them all, will you give me 41 I want?” “Yes, no problem.” 42 she finished the food. Then she came up to me and said, “Dad, I want to have my hair 43 !” “Sindu, I dont want you to lose your hair. 44 for something else.”

    14、 I said. “But Dad, you said yes!” So Sindu had her hair cut. She looked beautiful. I shouldnt be so 45 before. On Monday morning, I dropped her at her school. Just when we stopped, a boy got out of a car, and shouted, “Sindu, please wait for me!” Guess what? The boy had no hair, 46 . Then a woman go

    15、t out of the car and said, “Sir, your daughter is great. This boy is my son Harish. He has cancer.” She was 47 . “Harish lost all his hair because of his 48 . Sindu cut off her hair to 49 him feel less different. She is a special girl.” I stood for a while, then said to myself, “My dear daughter, yo

    16、u teach me 50 great the love is!”36.A. likes B. hatesC. enjoys D. has37.A. drinkB. smellC. tasteD. eat 38.A. angryB. boringC. gladD. excited39.A. littleB. a little C. fewD. a few40.A. ifB. becauseC. untilD. though41.A. wheneverB. whereverC. however D. whatever42.A. SadlyB. HardlyC. SlowlyD. Luckily4

    17、3.A. coloredB. cleanedC. cutD. washed44.A. Ask B. WantC. Call D. Leave 45.A. worriedB. funnyC. happyD. terrible46.A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. well47.A. laughingB. jumpingC. thinkingD. crying48.A. hobbyB. friendsC. illness D. father49.A. askB. makeC. wantD. see50.A. howB. whatC. whyD. where. 阅读理解(共15小题,

    18、计25分,其中第51-55每小题1分,第56-65每小题2分)阅读下面短文,并做短文后的题目,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(A)As we know, some children live in the countryside, and some live in the city. Their lives are a little different, but they also have many of the same dreams.In the countrysideIn the cityWays of going to schoolOn fo

    19、ot or by bikeBy bus or carTeaching toolsRecorders (录音机)and radiosDVD, TVs, recorders, radios, loud- speakers , CAIEyesightLess than 45% are near-sighted.(近视)About 75% are near-sighted.After-class activitiesPlaying with ballsEnglish corners and other school clubsHomeworkHomework can usually be finish

    20、ed at school.Homework never ends.Chores(杂事) to doWashing, cleaning, farming, looking after younger sisters or brothers, cookingUsually no choresFamilyBig familiesSmall familiesDream jobsTeachers, drivers, scientists, nursesScientists, doctors, computer programmers, managers56. The survey was done am

    21、ong the _ between the countryside and the city. A. parents B. students C. teachers D. drivers57. The children in the city usually do _ according to the survey. A. cooking B. cleaning C. washing D. no housework58. About _ of children in the countryside have good eyesight, while _ of children in the c

    22、ity have good eyesight. A. 55% ; 25% B. 45% ; 25% C. 45% ; 75% D. 55% ; 75%59. Which is NOT mentioned in the survey? A. Homework. B. Subjects. C. Dream jobs. D. After-class activities60. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the survey?A. A classroom in the countryside often has TV sets. B. C

    23、hildren in the countryside often join the school clubs. C. Children in the city often have much homework to do. D. Children in the city often have big families.(B)When I was looking for a Christmas present for my daughter in a toy store, a nicely dressed little girl, with some money in her little ha

    24、nd, was looking at some beautiful dolls. When she saw a doll she liked, she would ask her father if she had enough money. He usually said yes.At the same time, a boy, with old and small clothes, was looking at some video games. He, too, had money in his hand, but it looked no more than five dollars.

    25、 Each time he picked up one of the video games and looked at his father, he shook his head.The little girl had chosen her doll, a very beautiful one. However, she noticed the boy and his father. She saw the boy give up a video game with disappointment and walk to another corner of the store.The litt

    26、le girl put her doll back to the shelf and ran over to the video game. After she talked to her father, she paid for the video game and whispered(耳语) to the shop assistant.So the boy got the video game that he wanted for freehe was told it was a prize from the store. He smiled happily, although he fe

    27、lt it was so incredible.The girl saw all this happen. She smiled, too. When I walked out of the store to my car, I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that. I would never forget their short talk. “Daddy, didnt Grandma want me to buy something that would make me happy?” He said, “Of co

    28、urse, she did.” “Well, I just did!” With that, the little girl started skipping towards their car happily.51. The story happened in a _.A. school B. toy store C. cinema D. computer room52. The boy _.A. wore new and nice clothes B. had much money in his handC. was from a poor family D. wanted to get

    29、a doll very much53. The underlined word “incredible” most probably means “_” in Chinese.A. 难以置信的 B. 令人兴奋的 C. 感到绝望的 D. 荒谬可笑的54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story? A. The little girl was kind and helpful. B. The video game was a prize from the store.C. The writer paid for the video

    30、 game for the boy.D. The boy bought the video game himself from the store.55. What does the sentence “Well, I just did!” mean?A. I just did something for the boy and he would be happy.B. I just bought a nice doll for myself and I would be happy. C. I just bought a present for Grandma and she would be happy.


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