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    1、高三词汇手册OPobject vi. say that one is not in favor of ; protest不赞成,反对 vt. give as a reason for opposing 提出作为反对的理由词组 object to + n. / doing 反对,反对做展开 objection n. disapproval, opposition 反对oblige vt. compel 迫使词组 be much obliged to sb. for sth. = be very grateful / thankful to sb. for sth. 因谋事对某人很感谢 be ob

    2、liged to do 被迫,不得不做展开 obligation n. being forced or required to do sth. 义务observe vt. watch carefully; obey 观察,遵守词组 observe (sb. / sth.) do / doing观察(某人/某事)做了/ 在做 observe the traffic regulations 遵守交通规则 observe Christmas 庆祝/过圣诞节 observation n. 观察,注意occasion n. particular time; opportunity 场合,时机词组 on

    3、such an occasion 在这样场合下 on occasion 有时 take this /that occasion 借这 / 那个机会展开 occasional adj. 偶尔的 occasionally adv. 偶尔地occupation n. employment 工作,职业,是较正式的用法。指长久性所从事的职业。辨析 career n. 生涯,职业,指以谋生为目的的职业生涯, 如:follow a career.profession n. 职业,尤指受过高等教育及专门训练的职业,如:the teaching professionjob, work n. 工作,最普通的用语。

    4、 job是可数名词,而work是不可数名词occupy vt. have possession of 占据;占有词组 occupy oneself with / in 忙于(某事) be occupied in / with忙于(某事),正在做(某事)occur vi. (occurred; occurred occurring) happen; come into ones mind; exist 发生;被想起;出现,存在词组 sth. occurred to sb. 某事被某人想起例句 It occurred to sb. that 被某人想起 Misprints occur on eve

    5、ry page. 每页存在印刷错误。辨析下面的句子: An idea occurred to me. 我有了一个主意。 An idea hit me. 我有了一个主意。 An idea struck me. 我有了一个主意。 I hit on an idea. 我有了一个主意。展开 Occurrence n. 发生的事(可数);发生(不可数)offer vt. n. put forward; provide 提出;提供词组 offer to do (主动)提出要做某事 offer a suggestion 提出建议辨析 offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb. (主动

    6、)给某人某物 supply sb. with sth.= supply sth. to sb. 供给某人某物 provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物once adv. one time 一次 conj. as soon as, when 一旦词组 at once 立即,马上 all at once 突然 once a day 每天一次 once again=once more 再一次 once in a while 偶尔 once upon a time 从前 Once heard, the song can never be fo

    7、rgotten. Once stages, the play must be a great success. oneself pron. ( used when people in general cause and are affected by an action )自己;亲自词组 (all) by oneself = on ones own 独自 to oneself 独自享用,专用 of oneself 自动 for oneself为自己 between ourselves 不足为外人道,不可向外传 in oneself 就其本身来说,本人 not be (feel) oneself

    8、 身体不舒服only adv. no one or nothing else 仅仅;只有词组 the only child 独生的孩子 only too 非常 If only 但愿(句中动词要用虚拟语气)例句 I shall be only too pleased to come. 我将非常乐意来。 He went to the company only to be told that he was dismissed. (unexpected result) 动词不定式表示意料之外的结果 If only I were a bird! 我如果是一只鸟就好了!If only I had take

    9、n his advice. 我要是听他的话就好了。If only he would stop talking! 但愿他停止讲话就好了!Only once was he beaten for his dishonesty. 他只有一次因不诚实被打。Only by working hard can we succeed in everything. 只有通过努力,我们才能一切成功 注: Only + 副词/ 介词短语/ 状语从句 + 助动词 + 主语(Only用于句首,修饰状语, 主语和谓语要倒装。)如果only后面不是状语,则不用倒装。如: Only Mr. Smith knows this.

    10、只有Smith知道这事。open adj. allowing things or people to go or be taken in, out, or through; not closed开着的,开放的; v. become open; be opened 开,打开词组 opening speech 开幕词 the opening ceremony 开幕式 opening remarks 开场白 in the open air 在露天里,室外 in the open 公开(地) with open arms / an open hand 热情地(欢迎) be open to 容易受到(诱

    11、惑,批评等);愿意考虑, 可以(查看,参加)例句 Any boy is open to temptation. 任何男孩容易被诱惑。 I am open to your suggestions. 我愿意考虑你的建议。展开 openly adv. 公开地, 坦率地 opening n. 开口处operate vi. perform a surgical operation 实行手术,开刀 vt. work; control开动;管理词组 operate the machine 开机器 operate the factory 管理工厂 operate on sb. 为某人作手术 operation

    12、 n. 手术opinion n. belief or judgment 意见;看法词组 in ones opinion 据某人看来 have a good / high / poor, etc opinion of对印象很好/坏等,认为很好/坏等例句 I havent much of an opinion of him. 我对他印象不怎样。opposite n. thing that is as different as possible 对立面,对立物 adj. having a position on other side 对面的,反对的 adv. on the other side of

    13、 facing 在对面,对过词组 on the opposite side of the street 在街对面 in the opposite direction 朝相反的方向 opposite to 在对面;和相反例句 His house is opposite to mine. 他的房子在我的对面。 Hot is opposite to cold. 热的反义词是冷。She says one thing but means the opposite. 她说的是反话。The hotel is opposite the church. (prep.) 旅馆在教堂对面。order n. way

    14、in which people or things are placed; conditions in which everything is carefully and neatly arranged次序;整齐;秩序 vt. request sb. to bring ( food, drink, etc); arrange; command叫(菜饭饮料等);整理;命令词组 in order that 以便(跟从句) in order to do something为了做某事; in order 按顺序,井井有条,处于良好状态 out of order 坏了,不合规定 in good orde

    15、r 处于良好状态 place an order for sth. with 向订购某物展开 orderly adj. 整齐的,有秩序的ordinary adj. normal, usual 普通的,平常的,指平淡无奇,不特殊。词组 ordinary people 普通人 (暗指平淡和平庸)辨析 common adj. 普通的, 常见的,指某一事物常见,不足为奇。还有“共同的”和“共有的”之意。common disease 常见病 common knowledge / sense 常识; have something in common; general adj. “普通的,一般的”,指普通存在

    16、于人和事物之中较少例外,有“普及,大众化”之意。a general idea大致了解; a matter of general interest普遍感兴趣的事;in general一般的,大体上average adj. “平均的,一般的”,指处于中等平均状态: the average age(平均年龄)other adj. different from 别的,其他的词组 each other 互相 every other day 每隔一天 more than 超过 none other than 不是别人,而是one after another / the other 一个接一个地,相继 th

    17、e other day 前不久有一天 someor other 某一个,哪一个 for some reason or other 因某种原因 other than 除了 rather than 而不是 辨析 others 指不定的“其他/它人或物(复数): We must think more of others. 我们要多想想别人。Some, others有的,有的Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor. 有的擦窗户,有的擦地板。 the others表示在一个范围内的其他全部 The dictionary is better th

    18、an the others on the shelf. 这本词典比书架上其余的好。 the other 两者中的“另一个” He has two nephews. One is a doctor, the other is a steel worker. 他有两个侄儿,一个是医生,另一个是钢铁工人。 another 另一个人或物 To learn is one thing, to teach is quite another.学是一回事,教是另一回事。out of lacking sth.; without .缺乏;没有词组 out of sympathy 出于同情心 out of curio

    19、sity 出于好奇心 out of sight 看不见 out of danger 脱险 out of fashion 不时兴 out of order 坏了 out of date 过时 out of work 失业 run out of money 用完钱了outdoor adj. existing in the open air户外的 反义词:indooroutdoors adv. in the open air, out of doors 在户外展开 反义词:indoors 同义词:outside, in the open airover adv. ended 结束词组 over an

    20、d over (again) 一再地,反复地 all over 浑身,全部,整个 (all) over again 重新 be all over 全完了 over here 这边 over there 在那边discuss sth. over lunch 吃午饭时商议某事例句 We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea. 我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天。owe vt. recognize as the cause or source of sth.; feel gratitude in return for a service, favour etc. 把归公

    21、于,应感谢词组 owe sb. sth. 欠某人某物 owe sth. to sb. 应归功于,都亏得展开 owner n. 物主,所有人 ownership n. 所有制 owing adj. 欠着的,未付的 owing to 由于 同义词: thanks to 由于 because of 由于pace n. single step in walking or running; speed (一)步,步速词组 keep pace with 跟上pain n. physical suffering or discomfort caused by injury or disease 疼痛,痛词组

    22、 go to great pains to do努力做,下工夫做 take pains to do费事做,下工夫做 in pain 疼痛,痛苦 with pain 疼痛地,痛得例句 Im wounded and in pain. 我受伤了,很痛。 The boy was crying with pain after he broke his arm.男孩胳膀摔断后痛得直哭。part n. some but not all of a thing or number of things; role played by an actor in a play, film, etc; piece or

    23、component of a machine 部分;角色;零件词组 play a part in 起的作用 take part in 参加 part of 的一部分 parts of speech 词类 for the most part 大部分,在大多数情况下例句 A sense of humor is part of a healthy personality. 幽默感是健康个性的一部分。participate vi. take part or become involved 参加词组 participate in 参与,参加展开 participation n . 参与 particip

    24、ant n . 参加者particular adj. relating to one person or thing; special, exceptional 特定的;特殊的 n. detail 详细情况(多用复数形式)词组 be particular about 对挑剔 in particular 特别是,特别地 go into particulars 细谈辨析 peculiar adj. 奇怪的,独特的 指具有一个人或一件事物所特有的、不同于同类所有其他人或事物的特征。 Each persons fingerprints are peculiar to himself. 每个人的指纹都是

    25、独一无二的particular adj. 特别的,与general 相对。 强调其单一性,含有个别的意思。 I have nothing particular to do this afternoon. 今天下午我没有什么特别的事要做。展开 particularly adv. 特别;尤其pass vt. give sth to sb by handing it to him; go past; achieve the required standard in a test传递;经过;通过(考试、检查等; vi 经过; n. 通行证;通过词组 pass away 过去,去世 pass by 从旁

    26、经过;不理,回避 pass on 传递,传授 pass down 传下来; mention sth. in passing 顺带提到例句 He passed the park. 他经过了公园。 It had passed through various stages of development. 它经过了发展的不同阶段。The place was well guarded, and you couldnt get in without a pass. 此地严加防范,凭证进入。展开 past prep. 过;经过; adj. 以前的,过去的; n. 过去,以前In the past two y

    27、ears I had seen him little. 在过去两年里我很少见到他。 The boy rushed past us. 这男孩从我们身旁冲过去了。 In the past I had many jobs. 过去我做过很多工作。 passer-by n. (过)路人 (复数passers-by)pat v.& n. (patted patted patting) tap gently, 轻拍, 轻打词组 pat sb. on the shoulder / back 拍某人的肩 / 背pattern n. model, design, arrangement of lines, sha

    28、pes, colours, etc 模式,图案,花样词组 sentence patterns 句型pay vt. hand over the amount of sth 支付;付钱给;给报酬vi. give money 付款 n. money paid for regular work 工资,薪水词组 pay the bill / doctor 付帐单 / 医生的费 pay a call / visit to 访问,拜访 pay attention to 注意 pay back 偿还pay the fine; pay the fee; pay for 付的钱 pay off 偿还掉,付掉 pa

    29、y sb. by the hour 按小时给某人付酬辨析 pay 普通用语,可笼统地指salary和wage 等定时领取的工资,也可指军队的津贴。不可数名词。 His pay went up every year. salary 指脑力劳动所获得的工钱,通常按年计算。可数名词或不可数名词。 He is earning a pretty good salary at the bank. wage 指体力劳动所获得的工钱,通常按时计算。可数名词,它的复数形式wages后习惯谓语动词也可用单数。Wages is low in this steel plant. 指工资薪水多少时,这三个名词都用hig

    30、h和low来表示,salary还可用big, large, small来修饰。peace n. state o f freedom from war or violence 和平词组 at peace 处于和平局面,宁静 at peace with 和和平相处,make peace (with) (和)讲和,和解 peace of mind 心理安宁展开 peaceful adj. 和平的,安宁的people n. persons, nation, race人们(为复数形式,指一个人用a person),人民,民族例句 The Chinese people are hardworking. 中

    31、国人民勤劳。The Chinese are a hardworking people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。permit vt. allow, give permission for 允许;许可词组 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事例句 Well play football weather permitting. = Well play football if weather permits.天气允许,我们将去踢足球。展开 permission. n. 允许;准许 with ones permission 在某人的允许下persevere vi. continue trying to do


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