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    中考英语分块总复习题 书面表达强化练习17篇附答案.docx

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    中考英语分块总复习题 书面表达强化练习17篇附答案.docx

    1、中考英语分块总复习题 书面表达强化练习17篇附答案2015年中考英语分块总复习 书面表达强化训练书面表达强化训练(1) 在日常学习和生活中,你一定得到过很多人的帮助和关爱,此时此刻你会有很多感谢的话要说。请根据下面所给的提示用英语写一篇短文。提示:1.感谢的人:亲人、老师、同学 2.感谢他们的原因:生活方面、学习方面 3.对他们的美好祝福。要求:1.内容包括所给提示; 2.写作中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;80词左右。 4.文章开头已给出,不计入词数。In my life, I get lots of help and love from many

    2、 people. Now, I want to express my thanks to them. First, 书面表达强化训练(2)今天是父亲节。假定你是李华,请给你的美国朋友John写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与父亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下: 表述你与父亲间的情感; 为父亲制作一张卡片; 帮助父亲做点事; 陪父亲散步等。 注意:1. 词数80-90; 2请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥; 3邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear John,Its Fathers Day today. Its a special day, isnt it? What your plan f

    3、or Fathers Day? Im looking forward to hearing from you. Yours,Li Hua 书面表达强化训练(3)假如你是王明,你将代表学校参加市级中学生英语演讲比赛。演讲的题目是 We should help parents do housework. 请你用英诰写一篇演讲稿。 要点提示:现 象你常做的家务你的体会和看法许多学生懒惰,不愿做家务。 修理床铺 浇花 打扫房间 倒垃圾 (至少两点)参考词汇: lazy, chores, make the bed, water flowers, clean the room, take out the

    4、trash, relaxing, interesting, proud, pleased, duty要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥; 2. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名。Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! Im Wang Ming. Its my honor to give you a speech. My topic is “We should help parents do housework”. Thats all. Thanks for your listening!书

    5、面表达强化训练(4)在来宾市开展“2+1”特色教育活动中,你是怎么做的。请根据内容提示,用英语写一篇短文。内容提示:每天早上做早操. 每天课外活动时间打球、唱歌、跳舞. 每天至少运动一小时 我擅长.参考词汇: do morning exercises play basketball/ping pong dance sing songs have at least.for sports every day be good at/do well in win要求: 1.语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;2.书写工整、规范;3.根据所给内容和参考词汇,可适当发挥;4. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;5.

    6、 词数:80词左右。文章的开头己给出, 不计入总词数。Students all take an active part in Laibin Two and One Special Education Acitivities in our school.Every morning, I 书面表达强化训练(5)假如你叫李明,最近你和你父母就”周末学生该不该与同学外出活动”进行了讨论。现在请你以Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? 为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文.Your parents ideasYour ide

    7、as1.go over lessons1. -2.have a good sleep2. -3.help parents do housework 3. -注意: 1.开头部分已写好,你只需接着写. 2.所写内容必须包括表格中他们的想法和你的至少三个想法. 3.词数:80个左右.Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends? Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends o

    8、n weekends. 书面表达强化训练(6) 假如在英语课上,老师请你们就“Lucky Money(压岁钱)”这个话题分组进行讨论,但你认为同学们对“Hobbies(爱好)”更感兴趣,建议老师更换话题。请你根据下面的提示和要求,写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你的理由。提示:(1) Why do you like talking about hobbies?(2) Whats your reason for not talking about lucky money? 要求:(1) 发言稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2) 发言稿中不得涉及真实的人名、校名和地名。开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3) 词

    9、数:80左右。参考词汇: ones own hobby, a proper topic (合适的话题), personal, unhappyBoys and girls,I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is Thats all. Thank you for listening!书面表达强化训练(7)俗话说:“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到各种困难,因此,我们会需要他人的帮助;但同时,我们也要学会帮助他人。其实,帮助他人就是在帮助自己。请你结合身边的事例,以

    10、“帮助”为话题,用英语写一篇短文。注意:无需写标题,开头已经给出,但不计入总词数;文中要结合你帮助别人或别人帮助你的一件事例;文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息;词数为80左右。As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. In our daily life, we will meet with a lot of trouble. 书面表达强化训练(8)请以“My Dream”为题写一篇英语作文,供英语课上交流。DreamI want to be Reasonsbe interested inWays to achieves my d

    11、reamwork hard at schoolfind out how successful people did it注意:1、短文必须包括三部分内容,需要陈述理由(2条)和方式(3条)2、表中右栏信息仅供参考,也可自由发挥;词数80个左右My Dream 书面表达强化训练(9)安全对每个人都很重要。请根据以下信息内容提示,写一篇关于校园安全的英语小短文。提示: 1. 体育锻炼2. 上下楼梯 3. 交朋结友4. 食品卫生 要求: 1.语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯; 2短文可以适当发挥;但要包含以上要点。 3词数:8090词。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Safety has become t

    12、he focus to us all. How to be safe at school is especially important to us students. 书面表达强化训练(10)三年快乐而充实的初中生活结束了,你将进入高中(中职)学校学习。展望未来,你对高中(中职)生活充满期待。请以“I Expect My School Life”为题,写一篇90词左右的短文。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。要求:(1)内容要点:生活、学习环境(餐厅,图书馆,运动场);师生、同学关系;生活多彩、学业进步;补充一点自己的想法。(2)文章不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;要点齐全,语言通顺,意思连贯

    13、,书写规范,可以适当发挥。(3)提示词:get along with;colorful(adj.);knowledge;habit I Expect My School LifeI will study in a high school soon. Everything is new to me. 书面表达强化训练(11) 著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“ Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长都有着举足轻重的作用。请你根据以下信息提示,结合自己的观点,以“Reading Makes a Full Man” 为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,表达

    14、你对阅读的看法和计划。要求:句子结构准确,要点齐全,内容合理,篇章结构连贯。书面表达 (满分15分)Reading Makes a Full Man 书面表达强化训练(12)近20年来各方面调查表明青少年体质的下降令人担忧。请你以How to keep healthy为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,说说你的看法和建议。要求:主要包括以下内容,可以适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 1. 体质下降的原因; 如:eat too much junk food , have too much homework, 2. 合理的健康建议。如:some useful advice, should do mo

    15、re exercise, eat a balanced diet(饮食平衡), enough sleepHow to keep healthy Nowadays students physical fitness is declining(体质下降) year by year. I think there are some reasons. 书面表达强化训练(13)请你根据下表中所提供的信息以“Learn to express thanks”为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。背 景1.认为上中学时吃好穿好是应该的;2.走向社会后没有感恩意识。学会感恩1.感谢社会提供良好的教育机会;2.感谢父母供养自己

    16、上学;3.感谢老师传授知识;4.感谢朋友的支持与鼓励。参考词汇:enter society 进入社会, sense of thanks 感恩意识, behavior 行为要求:1.短文应包括所提供的所有内容,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译;2.演讲稿中不得出现真实的人名、地名及能够透露你个人身份的信息;3.词数:80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, boys and girls!The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”. In the future, we should never forg

    17、et our society, parents, teachers and so on. At present, we should study harder in order to make our world more beautiful. Thank you for your listening! 书面表达强化训练(14)某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为How to keep good relationship with parents的征文活动。请你根据以下要点,写一篇90词左右的英语短文参加此次活动:1.父母规矩太多、过于强调学习成绩、不理解自己等问题;2. 你对这些问

    18、题的看法;3. 你与父母保待良好关系的做法。How to Keep Good Relationship with Parents 书面表达强化训练(15)安全对于每个人都很重要。中学生年龄较小,学生安全更是人们关注的焦点。请根据以下提示,写一篇关于学生安全的作文。 内容提示:1. 交通安全:遵守交通规则,不闯红绿灯2. 食品安全:吃健康食物,不吃垃圾食品3. 活动安全:进行体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己,不私自下河游泳要求:1. 词数:80词左右。正文开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 作文应包含所有要点,可适当发挥。3. 文中不能出现真实的人名、地名和校名。参考词汇:焦点:focus 遵守: obey

    19、 交通规则:traffic rulesSafety is very important to everyone. 书面表达强化训练(16)最近,“中国式过马路”成为网友热议的话题。下面的漫画反映了部分中国人闯红灯过马路的现象。请根据漫画内容用英语写一篇词数80左右的短文。内容要求:1. 描述漫画内容,并对该现象作简要评议;2. 提出至少两点“安全过马路”的建议。提示词(可选用):a group of, cross, sidewalk, obey the rules, traffic lights, be careful Keeping Safe on The Roads 书面表达强化训练(17

    20、)假设你是李明,本周班会上, 你将代表老师用英语通知学生本周日参加一次敬老院的公益活动。 要点如下: 1.星期天早上8:30在校门口集合,乘公共汽车前往;2.给老人们赠送班级礼物;3.打扫卫生,整理房间;4.唱歌、跳舞、讲故事、聊天,给老人们带去快乐;5.活动很有意义,希望积极参与;注意:词数 80左右, 书面表达的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Notice 书面表达强化训练参考答案 书面表达强化训练(1)In my life, I get lots of help and love from many people. Now I want to express my thanks to the

    21、m. First, I want to thank my parents. They provide a happy life for me. They do much for me and give me so much love. Second, I want to thank my teachers. They are always busy doing their work. When I have problems with my study, they are so patient and helpful. Third, I want to thank my classmates.

    22、 They make me feel less lonely. I will remember the days we play and study together.Thank you, my parents, my teacher and my classmates. I hope you are in good health and have a better future.书面表达强化训练(2)Dear John, Its Fathers Day today. Its a special day, isnt it? I think we should do something to s

    23、how our love for our fathers on this special day. My father and I are good friends. Whenever I meet with difficulties, he is always there, ready to help me. Today I will make a beautiful card for him, with my thanks and best wishes on it. Then I will help him wash the car this afternoon and cook his

    24、 favorite food in the evening. Besides, Ill take a walk with him after dinner and then play chess with him, for he likes it very much. I m sure hell be very happy. Whats your plan for Fathers Day? I m looking forward to hearing from yon.Yours,Li Hua书面表达强化训练(3)Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! Im Wa

    25、ng Ming Its my honor to give you a speech. My topic is We should help parents do housework. Now many students are too lazy to do housework. But I think we should help parents do some housework because they are busy with their work and tired after work. I often help my parents do many chores. In the

    26、morning, I will make the bed and water flowers. They are relaxing and interesting In the evening, I often clean the room and take out the trash. When 1 see the tidy room, I feel proud of myself. My parents are pleased with me. I think its our duty to help our parents with some 书面表达强化训练(4)Students al

    27、l take an active part in Laibin Tow and One Special Education Acitivities in our school.Every morning, I do morning exercises after the second class, and then play games, play ping pong, sing songs or skip rope. In the afternoon, I can do different kinds of outdoor activities, such as playing basket

    28、ball and running. Sometimes I also draw, sing, dance, have a speech and so on. We have more time to have sports and we have at least one hour for sports every day. Now I do well in playing the piano. I won the first prize in our school last month. In these activities, I am happier and happier. Whats

    29、 more, I can study much harder.书面表达强化训练(5)Recently Ive had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends on weekends. My parents think that teenagers should stay at home to go over their lessons. And they should have enough time to have a good sleep. In the me

    30、anwhile, they should help their parents do some housework. In my opinion, we teenagers should go out with our friends for fun so that we can relax more. And we can also share ideas with each other. In this way we can learn something from each other.Whats more ,we can also take some exercise together to keep fit and study better.书面表达强化训练(6)I think talking abou


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