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    1、广东省东莞市中堂镇六校届中考英语三模试题九年级英语测试卷一、听力理解 (本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共30小题,共30分)A听句子( )1. What has he bought? A B C( )2. What would the boy like to eat? A B C( )3. What does Jack like doing in his spare time? A B C( )4. What is Gina doing? A B C( )5. Where will we go after class? A B CB听对话 听第一段对话,回答第6小题( )6. How muc

    2、h did the dog cost? A. $118 B. $189 C. $109听第二段对话,回答第7小题( )7. What is Mike? A. A teacher B. A student C. A writer听第三段对话,回答第8小题( )8. What is the boy doing? A. He is listening to music B. He is doing his homework C. He is repairing his radio听第四段对话,回答第9小题( )9. What does the man want to drink? A. Someth

    3、ing cold B. Tea C. Coffee听第五段对话,回答第10小题( )10.What does the woman want to do? A. She wants to prepare supper B. She wants to stay at home C. She wants to eat out.听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题( )11. Where is Mr. Smith going? A. To the cinema B. To the park C. To the hospital( )12. Whats wrong with Jack? A. He has

    4、 got a headache B. He has got a stomachache C. He has got a toothache听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题( )13. Why does the woman want to go to the museum?A. Because there are many famous paintings on show.B. Because there are many famous people there. C. Because she has to study paintings( )14. What is the man going

    5、 to do after school? A. To do his homework B. To look after his sister C. To look after his mother ( )15. Who is ill? A. Tonys mother B. The mans mother C. The womans motherC听独白 听第一篇独白,请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。独白听两遍。( )16. Li Hong was _ four years ago. A. shy B. serious C. careless ( )17.

    6、 Li Hong was afraid to _ in the English classes. A. recite texts B. answer questions C. write compositions( )18. Li Hong began to show interest in English _. A. five years ago B. at the age of 16 C. after going to middle school. ( )19.Li Hong learnt English by _ in her free time. A. reading English

    7、stories B. listening to English songs C. going to the English corner( )20. Li Hong hopes to _ in the future. A. teach English B. study abroad C. travel abroad 听第二篇独白,请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。独白听两遍。( )21. They start from _. A. the first floor B. the second floor C. the fourth floor ( )22.

    8、They can see _ on the second floor. A. technology in the old days B. inventions in different centuries C. modern inventions in the 20th century( )23. They can have a drink _. A. on the first floor B. on the second floor C. on the fourth floor( )24. _ is the most helpful way to find more information

    9、about the museum. A. Searching the Internet B. Asking the guide for help C. Buying books or magazines.( )25. The speaker is a_. A. guide B. teacher C.workerD听填信息 你将听到的是一篇介绍Mike梦想学院的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。Mikes Dream School Facilities(设施)It has a dancing room, a _26_ field, a greenhouse and so on. Schoo

    10、l hours The students spend _27_ hours at school every day.Subjects There are interesting lessons about beauty, _28_ and Chinese chess. LunchThe school can _29_ all kinds of food for the students to choose from and eat more happily.Teachers and students The teachers are excellent and the students are

    11、 _30_.二、单项选择(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )31.Edward and William are brothers. There is _uncommon similarity between _ two boys. . A. an, B. an, the C. a, D. a, the ( )32. South Koreas plan to deloy Thaad(萨德) influenced badly the _ between South Korea and China. A. agreement B. relationship C. research D.

    12、requirement ( )33. -What do you often do _ classes to relax yourselves?-We often do some running or listen to music. A. in B. through C. between D. among( )34. Sally picked a basket of strawberries. She only took two and left _ to her mom.A. another B. others C. the other D. the others ( )35. Jack i

    13、s still working to high standards _ he has made great achievements. A. until B. if C. though D. because ( )36. Setting up a national reading day is discussed _ because this could make more people pay attention to deep reading and Chinese traditional culture.A. easily B. widely C. bravely D. safely(

    14、)37. -There will be some special courses in our school. Why not _English drama?-Great! Its a good way _ spoken English and performing skills.A. choose, practicing B. to choose, to practice C. choose, to practice D. to choose, practicing( )38. - I _ my homework when the lights in my room went out las

    15、t night. -What a night! I was in the lift and had to stay there for two hours. A. did B. have done C. will do D. was doing( )39. -These problems are too hard to _. Could you please give me some suggestions?-There are many ways. The most important is to have a careful plan.A. hand out B. work out C.

    16、carry out D. find out ( )40. -Is it _cheaper and _enjoyable to travel by train than by plane?-Yes, I think so.A. very, very more B. even, a little C. quite, much more D. much, far more( )41.-May I play computer games for a while? -No, you _. You have to finish your homework first. A. mustnt B. shoul

    17、dnt C. neednt D. wont ( )42. -Where is your brother? -Oh, he _ the library. He _there with my sister this morning. A. has been to, went B. has gone to, went C. has gone to, has been D. has been to, has gone( )43. -What did Max just say to you? - He would like to go shopping and he wondered _. A. whe

    18、n did I have time B. that I could go with him C. where I will spend the weekend D. if I would like to go with him( )44. Lucy wont come to the party if she _.A. didnt invite B. wont be invited C. doesnt invite D. isnt invited( )45. -The firemen did all their best to put out the fire. -_ excellent fir

    19、emen! A. What B. What an C. How an D. How三、 完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Once upon a time there lived a wise king who wanted to marry off his favourite daughter. He wondered how he could find the right person. Finally, the king had an _46_. He decided to hold a contest to decide which gentleman would ac

    20、hieve this great honor. The king ordered that anyone _47_wanted to marry the princess must report to the palace. To win his daughter, a man must fill up a whole room with a light thing very quickly. The first brave man arrived at the palace. He brought bags full of feathers(羽毛). With great _48_, he

    21、started to fill the large room with feathers, but time ran out and he failed. The next day, _49_ young man tried to quickly fill the room, this time with beautiful silk. Time ran out again, and he left the palace _50_. The contest went on day after day. _51_ contestants hoped to pass the test but no

    22、 one _52_. The king began to lose heart. Wasnt anyone in the kingdom qualified(有资格) to marry the beautiful princess?One day, a young man arrived at the palace empty- handed. The king wondered how this man planned to win the contest. Entering the room, the young man _53_the lights. He reached into hi

    23、s pocket, got a small _54_ and lit it. In no time, the light filled the whole room. The king was very happy because he had found the perfect match for his lovely daughter. To get through a problem, sometimes we must _55_ the way were thinking about it. We need to re-educate ourselves by looking at t

    24、he problem in a different way. ( )46. A. opinion B. impression C. idea D. opportunity ( )47. A. whom B. who C. which D. why( )48. A. confidence B. doubt C. shame D. sadness ( )49. A. the other B. another C. any other D. other( )50. A, disappointedly B. happily C. excitedly D. freely( )51. A. Hundred

    25、 B. Hundred of C. Hundreds D. Hundreds of( )52. A. success B. succeeded C. successful D. successfully( )53. A, put off B. put up C. put out D. put down( )54. A. candle B. ice C. stone D. gold ( )55. A. follow B. change C. turn D. make四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A Notice(Monday)DIRECTIONS: Each stude

    26、nt will be on a team of three classmates. The teams task is to work together on a storybook project. Each team will choose a favourite storybook. One student will be chosen to dress the storybook covers(封面). The other two students will dress like characters in the storybook.HOW TO MAKE A STORYBOOK C

    27、OVERS? Cut two large pieces of cardboard(硬纸板). They will be used as the front and the back covers of the storybook. Paint one side of each cardboard yellow or blue. Paint the name of the storybook black and it should be in huge, clear letters. Make small holes in the top of the cardboard. Use rope t

    28、o tie the front and the black covers together. ATTENTION: Bring the clothes and the storybook covers before eight oclock on Friday morning. Get dressed before classes start.PRIZE:Well elect the best three of all the works and award the three teams a prize. The first prize: a storybook for each stude

    29、nt. The second prize: a pencil case for each student. The third prize: a bookmark for each student. Please go to monitor for more information. Just do it, everyone! ( )56. There will be _ student(s) on one team. A. one B. two C. three D. four( )57. The name of the storybook should be painted _. A. b

    30、lue B. white C. yellow D. black( )58. When will the storybook project be examined? A. On Monday morning B. On Monday afternoon C. On Friday morning D. On Friday afternoon( )59.How can you make a storybook cover?1 Make small holes in the top of the cardboard. Use rope to tie the front and the back covers together.2 Cut two large pieces of cardboard3 Paint one side of each cardboard yellow or blue.4 Paint the name of the storybook black and it should be in huge, clear letters.A. B. C. D. ( )60. Whe


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