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    1、届宝山区高考英语二模高清打印版/II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word t

    2、hat best fits each blank.As entrepreneurs(创业者), we had a vision, we realized it, and now we (21) (run)our own companies. But the dream can damage our “work-life balance.”When the success of the company rests on your shoulders, youve always got an excuse to put (22) else on hold.What Ive learned (23)

    3、 (face) the demands of start-up company and a young family over the past couple of decades is that sometimes the best way to solve the work-life balance problem is to think small. Make a handful of lifestyle corrections (24) , individually, may not sound all that exciting, but taken together can pre

    4、vent you from getting too tried.Heres my list of life hacks that will help prevent exhaustion: Work from home one day a weekFew thing give you a more grounded, in-control feeling than getting things done in your own space and at your own pace. Instead of leaving the office (25) (clear) my head over

    5、a Starbucks coffee, I can fold the laundry, and cut back on evening housework.Not to mention, working is pajamas is one of lifes (26) (underestimate) pleasures. Pencil in time for exerciseIt really bothered me (27) with the demands of company and family, my tennis game was going down the drain. That

    6、 may sound unimportant, but it wasnt to me, (28) it was a meaningful part of my life outside of work. To get some balance back in my life, I rearranged my schedule. Two mornings a week, I woke up an hour (29) (early) to work out with a tennis coach. If sports arent your thing, try yoga or that hobby

    7、 that you always loved but let go of after starting your business. Learn something new, outside the officeIt can draining to always be the person whos supposed to have the answers as a business leader. Its surprisingly liberating to be an on the other side, (30) (absorb) knowledge without the pressu

    8、re to perform or to always be right.Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.While I was jumping rope, my phone took a fall to the hardwood floor which

    9、 created multiple cracks on my screen. However, the music kept 31 , so all as well - or so I thought.Thirty minutes later, I could see only one-tenth of my screen while the rest was pitch-black. The next morning, I decided not to go to the phone store for 24 hours, I felt a(n) 32 sense of calm that

    10、day, which led to my not going for one week. One week ended up becoming 60 days without my smart-phone.Here are three 33 I noticed and why you may want to consider a smart-phone detox( 戒除期)yourself: Youll become boredWhile in line at a Starbucks, I noticed how every individual had their head down, e

    11、yes fixed on their smart-phone. With nothing to distract myself with during the waiting period, I became bored, and my mind 34 through all sorts of topics.Boredom is 35 something we avoid at all costs. However, boredom is the perfect way to make a(n) 36 on a business idea or project. When you enter

    12、a state of boredom, ou allow your mind to relax and escape from the realities of today to the infinite 37 of tomorrow. Youll be able to dramatically reduce your “work” hoursA study found that adults ages 18 to 33 38 their smart-phones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes.As I learned during my e

    13、xperiment, placing some distance between myself and my device helped me fall into deep work more easily.By not having my smart-phone, my distraction time went down and thus my hours of work were spent more efficiently and effectively. On numerous occasions, I found myself 39 what to do with the afte

    14、rnoon since I had already completed my high-impact tasks for the day. Your mental well-being will receive a boost(提高)Obviously, without a cellphone, I experienced a lack of 40 news and comments. While that helped cause a dramatic boost in my mental well-being, the biggest reason for it was truly con

    15、necting to people.III. Reading Comprehension Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? If you were like

    16、 most children, you probably let your imagination run 41 . Maybe you dreamed of flying into space or being a famous chef. Then perhaps over the years, your dreams became more 42 . Or you might have given up on some altogether.If thats the case, then todays the day for you. January 13th is Make Your

    17、Dreams Come True Day. If youve been 43 fulfilling your dreams, this is the day to make a fresh start.Its important to dream because dreams can give us the 44 to succeed in life. Dreams inspire and motivate us. The great thing about dreams is that theres no 45 to accomplish them right away. They migh

    18、t take a few years or they might take a lifetime to 46 . The important thing is that youre 47 working toward your dream. And the best way to do that is by setting goals.What is the 48 between a dream and a goal? Its been said that dreams are the final destination; goals are the stops along the way.D

    19、reams can be very 49 . But the steps you take to reach them should be very 50 . Your dreams state what you want, but goals explain how youll get there. That makes goal seting a necessary step in 51 your dreams.Many successful people have spoken about dreams. Former U. S. Secretary of State Colin Pow

    20、ell stressed the 52 of working for our dreams. “A dream doesnt become reality through magic: it takes sweat, 53 and hard work. “Author Les Brown reminded us that dreams have no 54 limit. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.If youve been dreaming about doing something fo

    21、r years, start today. Write down yourdream, and 55 your goals. Then youll be on your way to making your dreams come true.41. A. fastB. highC. wellD. wild42. A. colorfulB. amazingC. realisticD. attractive43. A. putting offB. taking offC. getting offD. paying off44. A. opportunityB. directionC. energy

    22、D. access45. A. pressureB. doubtC. senseD. need46. A. seekB. achieveC. explainD. design47. A. reallyB. almostC. alwaysD. hardly48. A. conceptB. similarityC. comparisonD. difference49. A. unrealB. generalC. changeableD. flexible50. A. specificB. abstractC. commonD. complicated51. A. imagingB. avoidin

    23、gC. reachingD. believing52. A. processB. benefitC. consequenceD. importance53. A. bloodB. determinationC. intelligenceD. loyalty54. A. ageB. extraC. spaceD. normal55. A. transferB. convertC. establishD. devoteSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several

    24、 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage your have just read.(A)In 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper

    25、to an online group that discussed cryptography(密码使用法). That paper described a process that would use cryptography to create a secure electronic cash system, now known as acryptocurrency( 加密货币). Person to person payment could be made online using a sharednetwork of computers instead of a bank or othe

    26、r financial institution. Each deal could happen very quickly. The shared network of computers would also serve as the means to prove those deals safely. Getting rid of the need for a centralized banking system would open up the possibility for anyone to become part of the digital economy.Today, ther

    27、e are well over a thousand different cryptocurrencies. Most are still trying to be feasible global payment system like Bitcoin. They are held back by problems affecting the entire cryptocurrency industry.One issue is weak security on cryptocurrency websites where users either store their electronic

    28、cash in virtual “wallets” or exchange one kind of electronic cash for another. In recent years, clever thieves have broken into many of these websites and stolen electronic cash. The websites are struggling to protect their users from such thefts.Another problem is the large number of fake cryptocur

    29、rencies that are advertised on the internet. The advertisements invite internet users to visit websites offering new cryptocurrencies. Many visitors are persuaded by the websites to buy their cryptocurrencies using actual money. Later, the webistes disappear along with the victims money. In response

    30、 to this problem, companies like Facebook and Google are limiting cryptocurrency advertising on their websites.56. What does the article explain about Satoshi Nakamoto?A. Satoshis background in international baking and investmentB. Satoshis grave doubts about the true value of cryptocurrenciesC. Sat

    31、oshis close partnership with suspicious financial institutionsD. Satoshis contribution to the development of the digital economy57. According to this article, what is true about numerous cryptocurrency webistes?A. They and their users have been robbed.B. Theyve revealed the identities of their users

    32、.C. They reward their users with coll prizes.D. They arrange recreational events for users.58. What does the article indicate about the cryptocurrency industry?A. Its had to lay off lots of workers.B. Its celebrating a profitable year.C. Its facing some serious challenges.D. Its set a very high moral standard.59. According to this article, why are Faceboo


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