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    1、新目标版英语八年级下册Unit9HaveyoueverbeentoamuseumSectionB精编新目标版英语八年级下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?(Section B)一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 (1)This place is very dangerous. You should go to a s_ place. (2)They are from India. They are I_. (3)Im sitting c_ to Mary. (4)The childrens favorite seaso

    2、n is s_ because they can fly kites in the field. (5)The little girl f_ to speak before the public. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。2、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1)This is a _ question so you can _ solve (解决) it. (simple). (2)He is a _ (Japan) student. (3)It was 12 oclock at night, but he was still _(wake). (4)It was really excitin

    3、g _ (see) the movie in such a way. (5)There are many _ (visit) in the amusement park. (6)At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a _ (nature) environment. (7)I think its the best time _ (travel) in spring. (8)She seems _ (win) the match. (9)There are five _ (thousand) workers at that fac

    4、tory. (10)Three fifths population of this city _ (be) from other cities. 三、用sleep, sleeping, asleep或sleepy填空。3、用leep, sleeping, asleep或sleepy填空 (1)I didnt sleep well last night, so Im feeling _ now. (2)Dont make a noise. Grandpa is _. (3)I was too excited to go to _. (4)The teacher found Tom _ in cl

    5、ass. (5)He was so tired that he fell _ at his desk. 四、根据所给提示,在空格中填写适当的单词,使句子完整、正确。4、根据所给提示,在空格中填写适当的单词,使句子完整、正确。 (1)You can ask for help _(无论何时)you need it. (2)The children had _(已经)been asleep when I got home. (3)Thomas Edison had made more than one thousand _(发明)in his life. (4)After so many _ (ye

    6、ar) practice, Li Na becomes a well-known tennis player. (5)Nobody thought my sister drawing. She learnt it by _ (her).2 五、从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。5、从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。amuse, fox, especial, wake, temperature(1)Of all the subjects, he _ likes English. (2)The _ will fall below zero

    7、 after the heavy snow. (3)Nancys daughter is _ at seven every morning. (4)How many _ can you see in the picture? (5)I have never been to an _ park before. 六、单选题6、My parents often tell me _ too much junk food because its bad for my health. A、not eatingB、not to eatC、eatingD、to eat7、All the Chinese peo

    8、ple must work hard _ China Dream. A、to realizeB、realizeC、realizingD、realized8、He will say hello to his friends from _ countries. A、speak EnglishB、say EnglishC、English speakD、English-speaking9、You can go to the 24-hour shop _ you want. A、whoeverB、whateverC、wheneverD、however10、Whats wrong? You look un

    9、happy.One third of my books _ missing. A、haveB、wasC、isD、are11、Do you have any problem _ foreigners? A、talk withB、talk toC、to talking aboutD、talking with12、After the Asian Games, _ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. A、thousandB、thousandsC、thousand ofD、thousands of13、_of our classma

    10、tes are good at basketball. A、Three quartersB、Three fourthC、Third fourD、Third fourth14、Have you ever _ Mickey Mouse? A、hear ofB、hear aboutC、heard ofD、heard15、Do you know _ unyi or not tomorrow? A、whether are they leaving forB、whether they are leaving forC、if they are leaving forD、if are they leaving

    11、 for16、The island is quite hot all year round, because its _ the equator. A、nextB、close toC、far fromD、behind17、Do you know which country has a _ population, Japan or India? A、fewerB、largerC、moreD、less18、Your father is sleeping. Youd better not _. A、to wake him upB、wake up himC、wake him upD、to wake u

    12、p him19、It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _ to bed too late. A、goB、wentC、will goD、have gone20、The mountain I visited last Sunday isnt very _. Few _ go sightseeing there. A、tourist, touristsB、touristy, touristC、touristy; touristsD、tourist; tourist七、根据汉语意思完成句子。21、根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1)你尝过

    13、这种巧克力吗? _ you _ this kind of chocolate? (2)这儿一年到头都很暖和。Its warm here _ _ _. (3)一方面,我想去参加聚会,但是另一方面我应该学习。 On the one hand, I want to go to the party, but _ _ _ _ I should study. (4)动物园跟商店靠得很近,你不会找不到的。 The zoo is quite _ _ the shop, and you wont miss it. (5)到目前为止,我们班接近三分之二的学生参加了体育俱乐部。 So far, nearly two

    14、 _ of the students in our class have _ the PE club. 八、短文填空22、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示补全文中所缺的单词。 Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Traveling with kids is good f_them. They can find new interests. Travel makes information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks or

    15、d_experiments in the lab. While traveling, they learn h_to deal with new situations, and communicate with other people. They learn patience, because sometimes i_takes a long time to get to some exciting or interesting places. Ive been traveling since I was seven years old. For me, to stop traveling

    16、would be like taking something a_from my soul (灵魂). I cant live without traveling and I wouldnt be who I am if I dont travel. Some people think its h_to travel after having kids. But in my opinion, when people become parents, it doesnt m_they couldnt travel any more. My children have been traveling

    17、since they were three weeks old. Bringing a new life into the world comes with many responsibilities (责任) and Id love to be a good mother. One of my duties is to e_my children. Im so thankful that my parents took me on family trips when I was y_. Ive learned that the outside world is more colorful t

    18、han the little one I was living in. Of course, I want to pass these travel e_on to my children. I value the memories I have traveling with my children. Im sure they will always remember them in their lives. 九、书面表达23、书面表达假如去年寒假你和你的同学一起去香港旅行,请根据提示写一篇短文描述一下你们的经历,80个单词左右。短文开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。提示 Hong ong; by

    19、 plane; tall buildings; shops; souvenirs; the Avenue of Stars, Ocean ParkLast winter holiday, I traveled to Hong ong with my classmates. 答案解析部分一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1、【答案】(1)safe(2)Indians(3)close(4)spring(5)fears 【解析】【分析】考查单词的拼写,题目较为基础。(1)该题考查的是dangerous的反义词,即safe,句意是这个地方是危险的,你应该去一个安全的地方,因为place是名词,故用形容

    20、词修饰,故答案为safe。(2)该题考查的是India相关单词,句意是他们自印度,所以他们是印度人,注意主语是they为复数,故答案为Indians。(3)该题考查的是固定短语sit close to .意思是和.挨着坐着,故答案为close句意是我正坐在Mary旁边。(4)根据because they can fly kites in the field可知他们可以在田野里放风筝,故孩子们最喜爱的季节为春季,故答案为spring。(5)该题考查的是fear to do sth.意思是害怕做某事,因为主语为the little girl为单数名词,故实义动词用第三人称单数fears,故答案为f

    21、ears,句意是这个小女孩在公众面前害怕说话。 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 2、【答案】(1)simple;simply(2)Japanese(3)awake(4)to see(5)visitors(6)natural(7)to travel(8)to win(9)thousand(10)are 【解析】【分析】考查单词用法,注意单词的词性;题目基础,但个别题易出错。(1)该题考查的是simple意思是简单的,词性为形容词,修饰名词,simply意思是简单地,词性是副词,修饰实义动词,因为句中question问题是名词,故用形容词simple修饰,solve是动词,故用副词修饰,故用simp

    22、ly,故答案为simple,simply。(2)该题考查的是Japan相关单词,Japan意思是日本,其形容词是Japanese日本的,修饰名词,student意思是学生,为名词,故用形容词Japanese,注意首字母大写,句意是他是一名日本学生。(3)该题考查的是wake的相关单词,wake是实义动词,意思是醒,其形容词是awake,与be动词连用,属于系表结构,but he was still _(wake)。句中有was,故用形容词awake,句意是晚上12点了,他仍然醒着。(4)该题考查的是固定结构It 加be加形容词加to do sth.意思是做某事怎么样,注意to不能省略,因为句子

    23、中没有to,所以必须加to,故答案为to see,句意是用这样一种方式看电影真是令人兴奋。(5)该题考查的是visit的名词即visitor,因为many后面加可数名词复数,故答案为visitors。(6)nature意思是自然,词性是名词,其形容词是natural,意思是自然的,修饰名词,句中environment环境为名词,故用形容词natural,句意是在撒哈拉沙漠,你可以在自然环境下看到这些动物。(7)该题考查的是固定结构It 加be加名词加to do sth.意思是做某事的.,这里的 its the best time to do sth.意思是做某事的最好时间,注意to不能省略,句

    24、中没有to,故答案为to travel,句意是我认为春天是最好的旅行时间。(8)该题考查的是固定短语seem to do sth.意思是看起好像做某事,注意to不能省略,句中没to,故答案为to win,句意是她看起好像要赢这场比赛。(9)查的是数词的表达,即基数加thousand/hundred,意思是几千或几百,注意千和百用单数,故答案为thousand,句意是在那个工厂里有5000个工人。(10)的是be动词的单复数,因为句中含有主语表示人口的百分之几、几分之几时,谓语动词用复数,因为主语是Three fifths population ,含有分数,故用复数are,句意是这个城市五分之三

    25、的人口自于其他城市。 三、用sleep, sleeping, asleep或sleepy填空。 3、【答案】(1)sleepy(2)sleeping(3)sleep(4)sleeping(5)asleep 【解析】【分析】考查单词词义辨析及固定用法,题目容易。(1)查feel的用法,feel为系动词,后面加形容词,asleep睡着的,熟睡的为形容词,sleepy昏昏欲睡的,为形容词,句意是昨晚我没睡好,所以现在我感到昏昏欲睡,故答案为sleepy。(2)查的是现在进行时be doing结构意思是正在做某事,句意是不要制造噪音,爷爷正在睡觉,故答案为sleeping;(3)查的是固定短语go t

    26、o sleep意思是去睡觉,故答案为sleep,句意是我太兴奋了以至于难以入睡。(4)定短语find sb. doing意思是发现某人正在做某事,故答案为sleeping,句意是老师发现汤姆正在课上睡觉。(5)查固定短语fall asleep意思是睡着,故答案为asleep,句意是他如此累以至于他在他的课桌上睡着了。 四、根据所给提示,在空格中填写适当的单词,使句子完整、正确。 4、【答案】(1)whenever(2)already(3)inventions(4)years(5)herself 【解析】【分析】考查单词的拼写,题目较基础。(1)无论何时是whenever,句意是无论何时你需要它

    27、,你可以寻求帮助。(2)已经是already,句意是当我到家时孩子们已经睡着了。(3)发明是invention,但是要注意单复数,因为前面数量超过一千了,故用复数,故答案为inventions,句意是托马斯爱迪生一生制作了一千多种发明。(4)many后加可是名词复数,故用years,又因为practice是名词,故用years的名词所有格,即years,句意是在多年的练习后,李娜成了一名出名的网球运动员。(5)该题考查的是固定短语by oneself 意思是自己,故用her的反身代词herself,句意是她自学画画。 五、从方框内选出单词,用其适当形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 5、【

    28、答案】(1)especially(2)temperature(3)awake(4)foxes(5)amusement 【解析】【分析】考查单词词的用法,注意单词的词性。(1)根据题意可知所有科目中他尤其喜欢英语,especial意思是尤其的,是形容词,修饰名词,句中like是实义动词,用副词修饰,故用especial的副词especially。(2)根据题意可知在大雪之后温度将要降到零度以下,故答案为temperature。(3)根据题意可知楠西的女儿每天早上七点醒,因为句中含有be动词is,故用wake的形容词awake,构成系表结构。(4)how many后加可数名词复数,fox的复数需要

    29、加-es,因为以-x结尾,故答案为foxes,意思是在图片上你可以看到几只狐狸。(5)该题考查的是固定短语amusement park意思是娱乐公园,故用amuse的名词amusement。 六、单选题 6、【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查tell的用法,告诉某人做某事是tell sb. to do sth.,告诉某人不要做某事是tell sb. Not to do sth.,故先排除A、C,根据题意我的父母经常告诉我不要吃太多垃圾食品,因为它对我的身体有害,故排除D,故答案为B。 7、【答案】A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词/动词不定式的用法,即to do 不定式表示目的,to不能省略,句意是所有中国人必须努力工作目的是为了实现中国梦,故答案为A,这里的to realize China Dream表示目的。 8、【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查固定搭配/短语辨析,说英语是A.speak English为动词短语固定搭配,故排除B、C,D. English-speaking意思是说英语的,词性是形容词,修饰名词,因为句中cou


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