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    1、五年级英语下册第六单元对话课教案doc五年级英语下册第六单元对话课教案 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:main scene lets start a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:woods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即

    2、ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:catching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看到的动作猜:“theyre.”

    3、b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students. he is watching his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of birds and animals.

    4、the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs to group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用yes,they are. / no, the

    5、y arent.进行回答。4. lets talk.a. 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片,如:mike and wu yifan , sarah and amy , 教师提问:who are they?让学生回答:they areb.教师把catching butterflies的短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:guess. what are they doing ? 引导学生用are they?猜。然后教师把不同的短语卡片面朝下分别贴在每组人物的下面,板书句子并教读。c.请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,老师问:are they .? 老师引导其他学生回答。老师注意要选择容易用

    6、动作表现的短语。学生理解规则后,让学生四人一组,两人表演,另两人闭着眼睛猜。d. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:what is it? ,引导学生回答its a tree . 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说:what is it now? its a woods. 教师板书并带读woods,学生跟读单词。教师在小树林里画两个人,问:where are they? ,引导学生回答:they are in the woods. 学生学说句子:where are they? theyre in the woods.2019-03-26 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:main scene lets sta

    7、rt a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:woods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。

    8、教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:catching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看到的动作猜:“theyre.” b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students. he is watching

    9、 his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of birds and animals. the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what

    10、 is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs to group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用yes,they are. / no, they arent.进行回答。4. lets talk.a. 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片,如:mike and wu yifan ,

    11、sarah and amy , 教师提问:who are they?让学生回答:they areb.教师把catching butterflies的短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:guess. what are they doing ? 引导学生用are they?猜。然后教师把不同的短语卡片面朝下分别贴在每组人物的下面,板书句子并教读。c.请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,老师问:are they .? 老师引导其他学生回答。老师注意要选择容易用动作表现的短语。学生理解规则后,让学生四人一组,两人表演,另两人闭着眼睛猜。d. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:what is it? ,引导学生

    12、回答its a tree . 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说:what is it now? its a woods. 教师板书并带读woods,学生跟读单词。教师在小树林里画两个人,问:where are they? ,引导学生回答:they are in the woods. 学生学说句子:where are they? theyre in the woods.2019-03-26 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:main scene lets start a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够

    13、听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:woods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学

    14、过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:catching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看到的动作猜:“theyre.” b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students. he is watching his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师

    15、展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of birds and animals. the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs t

    16、o group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用yes,they are. / no, they arent.进行回答。4. lets talk.a. 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片,如:mike and wu yifan , sarah and amy , 教师提问:who are they?让学生回答:they areb.教师把catching butterfli

    17、es的短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:guess. what are they doing ? 引导学生用are they?猜。然后教师把不同的短语卡片面朝下分别贴在每组人物的下面,板书句子并教读。c.请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,老师问:are they .? 老师引导其他学生回答。老师注意要选择容易用动作表现的短语。学生理解规则后,让学生四人一组,两人表演,另两人闭着眼睛猜。d. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:what is it? ,引导学生回答its a tree . 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说:what is it now? its a woods. 教师板书并带读woods

    18、,学生跟读单词。教师在小树林里画两个人,问:where are they? ,引导学生回答:they are in the woods. 学生学说句子:where are they? theyre in the woods.2019-03-26 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:main scene lets start a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:wo

    19、ods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:ca

    20、tching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看到的动作猜:“theyre.” b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students. he is watching his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having

    21、a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of birds and animals. the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs to group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2

    22、学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用yes,they are. / no, they arent.进行回答。4. lets talk.a. 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片,如:mike and wu yifan , sarah and amy , 教师提问:who are they?让学生回答:they areb.教师把catching butterflies的短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:guess. what are they doing ? 引导学生用are they?猜。然后教

    23、师把不同的短语卡片面朝下分别贴在每组人物的下面,板书句子并教读。c.请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,老师问:are they .? 老师引导其他学生回答。老师注意要选择容易用动作表现的短语。学生理解规则后,让学生四人一组,两人表演,另两人闭着眼睛猜。d. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:what is it? ,引导学生回答its a tree . 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说:what is it now? its a woods. 教师板书并带读woods,学生跟读单词。教师在小树林里画两个人,问:where are they? ,引导学生回答:they are in the woods. 学生

    24、学说句子:where are they? theyre in the woods.2019-03-26 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:main scene lets start a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:woods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词

    25、及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:catching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看

    26、到的动作猜:“theyre.” b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students. he is watching his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of bir

    27、ds and animals. the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs to group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用yes,the

    28、y are. / no, they arent.进行回答。4. lets talk.a. 课前,教师在黑板上贴好四至五组人物图片,如:mike and wu yifan , sarah and amy , 教师提问:who are they?让学生回答:they areb.教师把catching butterflies的短语卡片面朝下贴在第一组人物的下面,说:guess. what are they doing ? 引导学生用are they?猜。然后教师把不同的短语卡片面朝下分别贴在每组人物的下面,板书句子并教读。c.请两名学生上台,一起做一个动作,老师问:are they .? 老师引导其

    29、他学生回答。老师注意要选择容易用动作表现的短语。学生理解规则后,让学生四人一组,两人表演,另两人闭着眼睛猜。d. 教师在黑板上画一棵树,问:what is it? ,引导学生回答its a tree . 然后,教师再画一些树并介绍说:what is it now? its a woods. 教师板书并带读woods,学生跟读单词。教师在小树林里画两个人,问:where are they? ,引导学生回答:they are in the woods. 学生学说句子:where are they? theyre in the woods.2019-03-26 五下u6a2(对话课)教学内容:mai

    30、n scene lets start a lets talk lets play c good to know 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。2、能够听、说、认读句型are they?yes, they are / no, they arent ,并能在情景中正确运用。3.能听、说单词:woods 教学重、难点: 句型“are they ? yes, they are./no, they arent.”,并能在情景中进行应用。动词及动词短语的现在进行时的表达,即ing形式 。教学准备:录音机、磁带、人物图片(mike and wu yifan, chen jie and

    31、 sarah)、教学挂图、头饰。教学过程:一、preparation1.教师播放p68 lets chant 部分。学生跟着说唱,并且鼓励孩子边说边做动作。2.教师出示前面学过的动词图片或动词短语的图片,学生朗读。3 .a. 游戏“哑剧猜谜”。请一名学生上来面向其他学生,然后教师向其他学生出示一张短语卡片,如:catching butterflies。其他学生根据卡片上的短语坐动作。老师问:“what are they doing?”站在前面的同学根据看到的动作猜:“theyre.” b. 在上一环节最后,教师和站在前面的学生一起看其他学生说:i am watching my students

    32、. he is watching his classmates. 教师板书并示范朗读:watching classmate, 学生跟读。二、presentation1. 教师展示lets start 部分的挂图。教师介绍:look! zhang peng and his classmates are having a field trip. they are divided into two groups. one is the group of birds and animals. the other is the group of plants. lets see what they are doing.教师问:what is zhang peng doing? 引导学生回答:he is watching a fish.教师说:so, he belongs to group a.教师指导学生将zhang peng的名字写进a组的名单里。学生两人一组或四人一组,进行问答练习。请几位学生汇报讨论结果。2学生打开课本p71,老师播放录音,学生听录音、选择。3. 教师可以就画面提问,引出本课的重点句型:are they ?引导学生用


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