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    1、七年级英语听力测试题七年级英语听力测试题听力部分(30分)A、Listen and choose what you hear.( )1、A、raining B、watching C、playing ( )2、A、Toronto B、Moscow C、Cairo ( )3、A、weather B、windy C、wearing ( )4、A、Im thing B、Im drinking C、Im looking ( )5、A between B、behind C、beforeB、Listen and choose the answers.(听录音,将答案填在横线上)5分C、听对话,回答问题。10

    2、分( )1、What day is it today A、Friday B、Saturday C、Sunday( )2、Where is the pay phone A 、Its next to the library B、Its next to the Supermarket . C、Its across from the Supermarket.( )3、Whats Jim doingA、read B、Hes watching TV. C、Hes playing computer game.( )4、What does Bill want to be in the future A、tea

    3、cher B、An actor C、A driver ( )5、Where are they talking I A、In the library B、on the street C、across from the school . D、Listen and choose .( )1、What does John do A、He is a teacher B、Hes a cook. C、He is a worker.( )2、What does he speakA、Chinese B、English C、A and B( )3、How does he think about his work

    4、A、Its exciting B、Its interesting. C、Its delicious.( )4、Does he like people to eat his foodA、Yes, he does B、No, he doesnt C 、Sorry ,we dont know.( )5、How so you think about his foodA、Its delicious . B、Its interesting C、Its cold.笔试部分I、从ABC中选出能与划线部分互换的选项。( )1、Do you like to sing and dance A、singing and

    5、 dance. B、sing and dancing . C singing and dancing.( )2、Im kind of busy.A、kinds of B、a little C、a lot .( )3、She works in a hospital. she isnt a doctor.A、is a nurse B、is a farmer C、works hard ( )4、Dont play in the street. It is dangerous.A、is interesting B、is exciting . C、 isnt safe.( )5、This is my p

    6、arent.A、father and mother B、father or mother C 、father with mother.选择( )6、The twins often stay _home _Sundays.A、in in B、at on C、in on D at in ( )7、Where _he come from He _from Beijing.A、is is B、do comes C、does comes D、do comes ( )8、_!Is there a bus _stop near here A、Hello B、sorry C、ok D、Excuse me .(

    7、 )9、I _have breakfast at 7:00 . but _ its 7:20 . Im having my breakfast.A、usually often B、often usually C、sometimes often D、usually now .( )10、What are the students doing some _books ,others _at the blackboard.A、are looking are reading B、are reading .are looking. C、are watching are looking D、are rea

    8、ding are looking ( )11、We are doing _A、our homework B、our homeworks C、her homework D、his homeworks.( )、12、There are many different _zoo animals .A、kinds B、kinds of C、kind of D、a kind ( )13、My sister and I_ doing _ homework now .A、are our B、am our C 、are ours D、is our ( )14、Come and work _the clothes

    9、 shop _a sales assistant .A、for for B 、for as C、at for D、in for( )15、My brother _a new sweater today.A、is putting on B、is wearing C、wears D、put on ( )16、My family often _some bread and eggs _breakfast.A、has to B、have for C、have to D、has for ( )17、Whats _doing A、him B、the boys C、your sister D、policem

    10、en( )18、What does he teach _.A、her B、his C、your D、their ( )19、One of _ _ up and answers the question .A、boys stand B、the boy ,stand C、the boys stands . D、the boys stand.( )20、Whats the weather like todayA、Its Sunday B、Its Sunny C、Its July 31st D、Its ford .完形填空(A) Rose _21_American .But now she is _2

    11、2_ in Beijing .She is_23_ at Middle school.She gets up _24_six every morning .After that ,she _25_ English .she _26_breakfast at seven oclock.Now its seven oclock in the morning .Rose _27_breakfast _28_her parents .Have another cake (蛋糕),Rose its only 7:10.her mother says _29_thank you ,Mum ,I must

    12、go now .Li Hua is waiting _30_at the bus stop , Goodbye .Mum .Goodbye ,Dad.( )21、A、is B、am C、are D、be ( )22、A、am B、live C、living D、are ( )23、A、studys B、studies C、studying D、study( )24、A、for B、on C、in D、at ( )25、A、reads B、read C、is D、reading ( )26、A、to have B、have C、has D、having ( )27、A、has B、is havi

    13、ng C、to have D、having ( )28、A、with B、and C、to D、for ( )29、A、Yes B、Not C、No D、Oh( )30、A、For I B、for me C、to I D、to me B.从栏中找出各句的答句。 ( )31、What a fine day today. A: Its warm and Sunny ( )32、What bad weather. B: Thank you .( )33、Whats the date today C: Its November 11th .( )34、Hows the weather at home.

    14、 D: Yes , its bad now .( )35、happy birthday to you ! E: yes , its Sunny but not very hot . 阅读理解。30分(1)Ted lives in a big city .Today hes very happy .its the first day of school .Ted to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He is going to meet his new teachers.Ted gets up early in the morni

    15、ng .He washes and puts on his new clothes .Look !He is having breakfast with his parents .Now ,he is ready for school.He goes to school by bike .He meets his friends outside the school gate .They are talking about something .Then the bell (铃声)rings .(铃响)Everyone runs to his or her classroom.( )36、Wh

    16、ere does Ted live!A、He lives in a small house . B、He lives in a big city . C、He lives on a farm.( )37、Does Ted want to go back to schoolA、No,he doesnt B、Yes ,he wants . C、Yes ,he does .( )38、Who does he want to see A、His friends B、His brother C、His father ( )39、Who is he having breakfast withA、His f

    17、ather B、His brother C、His parents.( )40、How does Ted go to school A、He goes to school by bus B、He goes to school by bike .C、He goes to school on foot .(步行)( 2 )根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。Mr Bill is going to the shops .He wants to buy some food for supper .He goes into the food shop and see a woman with ten chil

    18、dren .All the children are wearing the same clothes -white hates ,blue coats and black trousers . Are all the children yours Mr Bill asks the woman .yes ,they are .She answers .Do you always put the same clothes on then because we dont want to lose any of them .when they are with other children , it

    19、s easy to find them out ,And we dont want to take other children home by mistake (错误的)When other children are with ours ,Its easy to see them ,because their clothes are different ( )41、Mr Bill wants to buy some food for his children.( )42、The woman is the childrens mother .( )43、The woman and her ch

    20、ildren wear the same clothes .( )44、Its hard to find the children with the same clothes .( )45、Mr Bill wants to take other children home . (3)根据短文回答问题Books wantedDo you have many books that you no longer want I buy old and modern books .Open all day on Saturday. Mr Smith 13 lake street .46、Who write

    21、s the wanted ad 47、Whats the writers address 48、Can you see the buyer on Sunday 49、What kind of books does he want to buy 50、Can you sell food there 用所给词的适当形式填空。5分(每小题1分)51、This the _(begin in ) of the garden four ,52、He is very tired .He _(not want ) to do anything .53、Jack sits between Tom and _ (

    22、I)54、Kate _(have ) lunch at school now .She usually _ (have ) lunch at school.55、There are many _(policeman) on the street.句型转换6分(每小题1分)56、My father is from China.( 同义句 ) My father _ _ China .57、The action movie is exciting and interesting .(提问)_ do you _the action movie 58、My sister is talking to h

    23、er friend .(同上)_ _ your sister _ .59、The little girl can speak English (用French 改为选择疑问句)_to little girl speak English _ _60、Weather is like Beijing .What the in (连词成句)61、Does your brother want to be an actor (作答)_, _ wants to be a teacher .写14分A、看图写句子4分。每幅图写两句通顺的句子。doing swim_ do nurse _A、 根据下列提示介绍你

    24、的笔友,适当发挥。Name :Mike Brown . Nationality: the united kingdon .Age : 13 Favorite sports :swimming Sex: Boy Favorite color :Blue The date of birth : February 16 Favorite subject : Math Language : English Favorite movie : Harry pother听力材料及答案A1、watching 2、Toronto 3、windy 4、Im drinking 5、between (BABBA)B

    25、1、It lives in water .and its intelligent .2、It only lives in Australia and eats leaves .Its very cute .3、Its taller than any other animals.4、Its an animal that eats other animals .5、Its black and white all over the body .Its very lovely .It comes from china .1/B/dolphin 2/A/Koala bear 3/D/giraffe 4/

    26、C/tiger 5/E/pandCaC 1/ A:what day is today(C) B: Its Saturday todayA: oh. no. It was Saturday yesterday.(c)2/A:Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood(B) B: Yes, Its next to the super market ,across from the library3/W:Hi, Jim .Hows it going M: Great.(C) W:what are you doing M:Im playing computer g

    27、ames.4/M:Do you want to be a teacher in the future(B) W:Yes ,I about you,Bill M:I donts want to be a teacher,I want to be an actor.5/M:Is there a pay phone on Bridge Street(B)W:Yes .its near this shop.D Listen and choose.听短文选择正确答案。Dear Sir , Im a cook .I speak Chinese and English .I can cook Chinese

    28、 ,French and Italian food ,I like my work very much .Because its very interesting .I like delicious food. I like people to eat my dishes . John Smith. (1-5) BCBAA 笔试I (1-5) CBACB ( 6-10) BCDDD (11-15) ABABB (16-20) BCACB完型 21-25 ACCDA 26-30 CBACB 31-35 EDCAB 36-40 BCACB 41-45 FTFFF smith 47. Its 13 lake street. 48 No,we cant. and modern .books ,I cant. t want 54. is having has 55. policemen from like is doing or French s the weather like in Beijing ,he doesnt.


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