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    1、405文献综述中国榨菜产业的品牌建设策略及对策优化文献综述中国榨菜产业的品牌建设策略及对策优化经过近百年的发展,品牌学已经是一门成熟的学科,文献也十分丰富,就本论文涉及到的主要参考文献来讲,可以归纳为以下几个方面:一、品牌的内涵 品牌的内涵十分复杂,营销大师菲利普科特勒(2001)认为品牌是一种名称、术语、标志、符号或图案,或是他们的相互组合,用以识别某个消费者或某群消费者的产品或服务,并使之与竞争对手的产品或服务相区别。从中可以了解到品牌是一种品牌标识。大卫爱格(1999)提出品牌就是产品、符号、人、企业与消费者之间的联结和沟通,是一个全方面的架构,牵涉到消费者与品牌沟通的方方面面。从中又可


    3、如果保持商品竞争的思想,而不是把战略调整到品牌建设上面,那么目前所拥有的优势也将变为劣势。毋庸置疑,世界已然是品牌的竞争,商品竞争迟早会被淘汰。东京大学的Lily Y. Kiminami、Yuichi Mizouchi 和Akira Kiminami(2003)认为为了使消费者能够识别农产品的安全性,农产品品牌建设是非常必要的。消费者也愿意为品牌产品支付额外的费用或者支付维持农产品质量安全的成本李光斗(2002)指出在这样一个日新月异的全球化时代,想靠祖传秘笈经营百年老店是行不通的。任何一个新产品的上市,都会被竞争者模仿,抄袭,甚至超越。我们面临的是同质化的时代,企业唯一的利器就是产品的品牌。

    4、张光辉(2002)认为农产品买房市场的形成和农业产业化的发展,使农产品市场竞争日益激烈,农产品品牌已成为农产品取得竞争优势的重要手段。树立农产品品牌观念、制定科学的农产品品牌策略、提供足够的农产品品牌保障制度是推动我国农产品品牌建设的重要因素。赵前程(2009)认为目前我国农产品创名牌主要的难点有:企业创名牌意识薄弱;农业科技人才匮乏;农业创名牌外部环境亟待改善;农业资金不足;农业社会服务体系尚未健全。三、打造强势品牌重要指标 凯文莱恩凯勒(2007)强调了打造强势品牌的八大指标:深入了解品牌的意义,以适当的方式营销适合的产品。确的品牌定位,凸显自身差异点,并强调共同点。发掘顾客尚未被满足的渴

    5、望或需求,提供超值的服务和产品。持续创新,让品牌和顾客始终保持关联性。建立品牌可信度,为品牌营造适当个性和形象。及时且不时地传递出一致的讯息。运用各式各样互补性的品牌要素,以及支持性营销活动。策略性地设计和执行品牌架构和品牌组合。四、品牌营销策略研究(1)品牌命名重要性索尼公司创始人盛田昭夫强调取一个响亮的名字,以便引起顾客美好的联想,提高产品的知名度与竞争力。它可能代表企业的文化,可能包含了产品的性能,也可直观表现产品。但是名字必须是美好的,容易记忆,独特的,积极向上的。位于加勒比海上的豪格岛在改为天堂之岛以前一直默默无闻。一个好名字是绝对是所有品牌开始之前最好的营销方法。 但是,起名不应“

    6、过头”,否则效果则适得其反。米勒公司出产的“莱物”(低度)啤酒就是个一般的产品名,它涵盖了所有的同类产品。于是,现在有了一大批其他种类的低度啤酒,从而使米勒公司失掉了把“低度”及与其相似的发音当做啤酒商标的专用权。 (2)品牌定位理论研究艾里斯(Al Riles)和杰克特劳特(Jack Trout)是定位理论提出的鼻祖。定位是你对产品在未来的潜在顾客的脑海里确定一个合理的位置,也就是把产品定位在你未来潜在顾客的心目中。按照杰克特劳特的观点可把品牌定位分为四个步骤依次是分析行业环境;寻找市场细分概念;找到支持点;传播和应用。(3)品牌延伸研究营销大师菲利普科特勒(2001)认为品牌延伸就是公司决

    7、定利用现有品牌名称来推出一个新品目。显然他未把产品线扩展视为产品延伸。凯文莱恩凯勒(2004)认为品牌延伸认为一个公司利用一个已建立的品牌推出一个新品牌。这其中可以看到两层含义:一是完全使用原来的品牌名;而是使用与原品牌名有联系的新品牌名。这就重点要指出延伸品牌与母品牌之间的关联度,美国市场营销学专家Aaker和Keller研究证实,只有当两产品被消费者视为有关联性,如开发相联系的产品、技术、服务、理念等,品牌延伸才会被得到认同。(4)品牌传播研究 “酒香不怕巷子深”的企业理念在当今已经不再奏效,优良的质量并不能保证产品的畅销。只有通过广告建立品牌形象才能深入消费者内心。广告可以说是品牌传播的

    8、基础,但是企业需避免走入以下几个禁区:广告诉求的对象与产品的目标消费者不一致。广告推广方式与产品特点不一致。广告推广组合和目标市场要求不一致。广告推广与终端建设步伐不一致。广告推广与产品市场生命周期不一致。四、品牌资产 (1)品牌资产含义 凯文莱恩凯勒(2007)注重指出了“品牌资产”这个概念,它是指品牌的价值和影响力,他直接关系到顾客对于一个品牌的忠诚度。品牌文字、图形如作改变,附属于品牌之上的财产将部分或全部丧失。从中可看出品牌融合于个产品、技术、服务、企业,它是所有的结合,又高于结合。品牌大师李光斗(2002)曾指出,一个名牌的品牌价值比一个国家的外汇储备还要多。(2)品牌资产包含的因素

    9、对于品牌资产众说纷纭,但是都表明品牌资产包含了更深层次的诸多因素,包括品牌名称、品牌标志物、品牌知名度、美誉度、品质认知、品牌忠诚度、品牌联想、为顾客提供的附加价值、为企业提供的价值等。企业应当高度重视品牌资产,它对提高消费者购买品牌的兴趣和可能性;保持和提高价格能力;增加抵抗竞争能力、提高品牌延伸能力作用巨大。 (3)品牌资产经营基本策略 有效的品牌资产经营,不仅可以为企业带来巨大的财富,更能够增加品牌自身的价值。品牌资产的经营主要通过内部自身不断地完善与积累,提升品牌价值和在外部市场交易中通过品牌联盟、品牌兼并、品牌特许等各种经营方式,实现品牌的不断扩张。外文文献原文Material So

    10、urce:Marketing Management Author:Philip KotlerBRAND DECISIONSBranding is a major issue in product strategy. On the one hand, developing a branded product requires a great deal of long-term investment, especially for advertising, promotion, and packaging. Many brand-oriented companies subcontract man

    11、ufacturing to other companies. Taiwanese manufacturers make a great amount of the worlds clothing and consumer electronics, but not under Taiwanese brand names.On the other hand, manufactures eventually learn market power lies with building their own brands. Japanese and South Korean companies spent

    12、 liberally to build up brand names such as Sony, Toyota, Goldstar, and Samsung. Even when these companies can no longer afford to manufacture their products in their homelands, the brand names continue to command customer loyalty.WHAT IS A BRAND?Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional mar

    13、keters is their ability to create, maintain, protect, and enhance brands. Marketers say that branding is the art and cornerstone of marketing. The American Marketing Association defines a brand as follows:A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identif

    14、y the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.In essence, a brand identifies the seller or marker. It can be a name, trademark, logo, or other symbol. Under trademark law, the seller is granted exclusive rights to the use of the brand n

    15、ame in perpetuity. Brands differ from other assets such as patents and copyrights, which have expiration dates.A brand is essentially a sellers promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits, and services consistently to the buyers. The best brands convey a warranty of quality. But a brand

    16、is an even more complex symbol. It can convey up to six levels of meaning:1.Attributes: A brand brings to mind certain attributes. Mercedes suggests expensive, well-built, well-engineered, durable, high-prestige automobiles.2.Benefits: Attributes must be translated into functional and emotional bene

    17、fits. The attribute durable could translate into the functional benefit I wont have to buy another car for several years. The attribute expensive translates into the emotional benefit The car makes me feel important and admired.3.Values: The brand also says something about the products values. Merce

    18、des stands for high performance, safety, and prestige.4.Culture: The brand may represent a certain culture. The Mercedes represents German culture: organized, efficient, high quality.5.Personality: the brand can project a certain personality. Mercedes may suggest a no-nonsense boss (person), a reign

    19、ing lion (animal), or an austere palace (object).6.User: The brand suggests the kind of consumer who buys or uses the product. We would expect to see a 55-year-old top executive behind the wheel of a Meredes, not a 20-year-old secretary.If a company treats a brand only as a name, it misses the point

    20、. The branding challenge is to develop a deep set of positive associations for the brand. Markers must decide at which level(s) to anchor the brands identify. One mistake would be to promote only attributes. First, the buyer is not as interested in attributes as in benefits. Second, competitors can

    21、easily copy attribute. Third, the current attribute may become less desirable later.Promoting the brand only on one benefit can also be risky. Suppose Mercedes touts its main benefit as high performance. Then several competitive brands emerge with high or higher performance. Or suppose car buyers st

    22、art placing less importance on high performance as compared to other benefits. Meredes needs the freedom to maneuver into a new benefit positioning.The most enduring meanings of a brand are its values, culture, and personality. They define the brands success. The Mercedes stands for high technology,

    23、 performance, and success. Mercedes must project this brand strategy. Meredes must resist marketing an inexpensive car bearing the name; doing so would dilute the value and personality Mercedes has built up over the years.BRAND EOUITYBrands vary in the amount of power and value they have in the mark

    24、etplace. At one extreme are brands that are not known by most buyers. Then there are brands for which buyers. Then there are brands for which buyers have a fairly high degree of brand awareness. Beyond this are brands with a high degree of brand acceptability. Then there are brands that enjoy a high

    25、 degree of brand preference. Finally there are brands that command a high degree of brand loyalty. Tony ORrilly, former CEO of H.J.Heinz, proposed this test of brand loyalty: My acid test.is whether a housewife, intending to buy Heinz tomato ketchup in a store, finding it to be out of stock, will wa

    26、lk out of the store to buy it elsewhere.Few customers are as brand-loyal as OReilly hopes Heinzs customers will be. Aaker distinguished five levels of customer attitude toward his or her brand, from lowest to highest:1.Customer will change brands, especially for price reason. No brand loyalty.2.Cust

    27、omer is satisfied. No reason to change the brand.3.Customer is satisfied and would incur costs by changing brand.4.Customer values the brand and sees it as friend.5.Customer is devoted to the brand.Brand equity is highly related to how many customers are in classes 3,4 or 5. It is also related, acco

    28、rding to Aaker, to the degree of brand-name recognition, perceived brand quality, strong mental and emotional associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships.Certain companies base their growth on acquiring and building rich brand portfolios. Grand Metropolitan

    29、acquired various Pillsbury brands, green Giant vegetables, Haagen-Dazs ice cream, and Burger King. Nestl acquired Row tree(U.K.), Carnation(U.S.), Stouffer(U.S.), Buitoni-Perugina(Italy),and Perrier(France),making it the worlds largest food company. Nestl paid $4.5 billion to buy Row tree, five time

    30、s its book value. Companies do not normally list brand equity on their balance sheets because of the arbitrariness of the estimate. But clearly brand equity relates to the price premium the brand commands times the extra volume it moves over an average brand.The worlds 10 most valuable brands in 199

    31、7 were(in rank order): Coca-Cola, Marlboro, IBM, McDonalds, Disney, Sony, Kodak, Intel, Gillette, and Budweiser. Coca-Cocas brand equity was $48 billion, Marlboros $47 billion, and IBMs $24 billion.High brand equity provides a number of competitive advantages:The company will enjoy reduced marketing

    32、 costs because of consumer brand awareness and loyalty.The company will have more trade leverage in bargaining with distributors and retailers because customers expect them to carry the brand.The company can charge a higher price than its competitors because the brand has higher perceived quality.The company can more easily launch extension because the brand name carries high credibility.The brand offers the company some defense against price competition.A brand name needs to be carefully mana


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