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    1、全国区级联考山东省威海市高区届初中学业水平模拟考试英语试题244133绝密启用前【全国区级联考】山东省威海市高区2017届初中学业水平模拟考试英语试题第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、阅读单选Teenagers cant afford to buy expensive gifts. So what do you do if you want to give gifts to the important people in your life? In fact, you dont have to spend much money on holiday gifts. There are ma

    2、ny cheap ways to do that. Here are some make-it-yourself gift ideas to try:To your mom and dad:You can clean the room, sing a song or write a letter to your mom and dad. You could also draw a picture if you like.To your teacher:Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy a teacher a h

    3、oliday gift. Some kids would like to give their own gifts. You can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside. You might even write down the favorite things youve learned in the teachers class this year. It will make the teacher feel happy.To the kids who need a friend:The holidays are a good

    4、time to think about people who are lonely. Maybe there is someone in your class who doesnt seem to have any friends. Try to do something for this person. It could be giving a Christmas card or just chatting with him or her. Its a small thing, but it could mean a lot to him or her.1According to the p

    5、assage, teenagers dont have to _ their parents as a gift.Asing a song to Bdraw a picture for Cbuy an expensive gift for2If you want to send your teacher a card, what will you write in it?AWays to improve your grades.BThe names of the students you dont like.CSomething youve learned in the teachers cl

    6、ass.3Which of the following is Not True?AYou should spend much money buying gifts for your teacher.BChatting with a classmate who has few friends is also a good holiday gift.CA small gift during holidays may mean a lot to someone who feels lonely.4You might see this passage in a _.ANotice Bscience b

    7、ook Cschool newspaper5Whats the best title for the passage?AMaking Friends by Giving GiftsBMaking Holiday Gifts by YourselfCHow to Save Money during Holidays【答案】1C2C3A4C5B【解析】试题分析:本文介绍了学生可以自己制作礼物的一些方法。学生可以自己动手画一幅画,唱一首歌或写一封信送给父母,学生可以写一些关于自己今年在课上学到的东西的信送给老师,还可以送一张卡片或者与同学聊聊天作为送给同学的礼物。1C细节理解题。根据Teenager

    8、s cant afford to buy expensive gifts.和In fact, you dont have to spend much money on holiday gifts.可知青少年们不必给父母买贵重的礼物。故选C。2C细节理解题。根据You can send a nice card with the words of thanks inside. You might even write down the favorite things youve learned in the teachers class this year. 可知,可以寄一张卡片,里面有些感谢的话

    9、,甚至可以写下你今年在老师课堂上学到的最喜欢的东西。所以答案选C。3A细节理解题。联系上下文,文中有“Sometimes students put their pocket money together and buy the teacher a holiday gift.”意思为:有时,学生们可以把零用钱放在一起合买一件节日礼物给老师。即不必花太多的钱给老师买礼物。所以选A。4C推理判断题。本文主要讲述的是学生可以自己制作礼物,他们可以画一幅画,唱一首歌或写一封信送给父母,学生可以写一些关于自己今年在课上学到的东西的信送给老师,还可以送一张卡片或者与同学聊聊天作为送给同学的礼物。可能是在学校

    10、报纸上看到的,故答案选C。5B标题归纳题。纵观全文,本文主要讲述自己动手制作节日礼物的事情。故本题选B。We are often asked to make a speech in life. Most of us are afraid of it and dont do a good job. Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one.First of all, find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find

    11、out as much as you can about your audience. Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Then try to arrange your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible. Never forget your audience. Don

    12、t talk over their heads or talk down to them. When you are giving your speech, speak slowly and clearly, look at your audience and pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience chances to think over what youve said. Just remember: be prepared, know your subject and your audience sa

    13、y what you have to say and be yourself so that your ideas will bring you and your audience together.6“Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech.” means that while preparing your speech, you must _.Aput your shoes away and put on theirsBtry on their shoes to see if they fit youCtry to th

    14、ink in the way as they do7When he is giving his speech, the speaker should _.Alet his eyes rest on the subjectBfollow the audience step by stepCface the audience in a natural way8During the course of a speech, it is not right for a speaker to _.Athink nothing of the audience Bspeak in a clear voice

    15、Ctake a short stop at times9What does the underlined word “pause” mean in the passage?Alisten Bstop Cchoose10Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?AHow to Remember the AudienceBHow to Pick out the Topic for a SpeechCHow to Improve Your Speech【答案】6C7C8A9B10C【解析】短文大意:文中作者介绍了演讲的一些技巧,尽可能找到

    16、所有关于演讲主题的东西;尽可能找到关于你的听众的信息;尽可能多用举例,使你的演讲清楚而容易理解;说得慢一点、清楚一点,看看你的听众;让你的观众有机会想想你说过的话只要记住:准备好,了解你的主题和听众,说你要说的,做你自己,这样你的想法才会让观众产生共鸣。6C细节理解题。根据文中的第一段Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech可知 当你演讲时,要设身处地的为观众考虑,故答案是C。7C细节理解题。根据文中的第二段When you are giving your speech,speak slowly and clearly,loo

    17、k at your audience and pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience chances to think over what youve said可知 给观众几秒钟时间让他们知道你说了什么,故答案是C。8A细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Never forget your audience. Dont talk over their heads or talk down to them

    18、.”可知,作为演讲者来说,不从观众的角度考虑是错误的,故答案为A。9B词义猜测题。根据文中的When you are giving your speech,speak slowly and clearly,look at your audience and pause for a few seconds from time to time to give your audience chances to think over what youve said可知 给观众几秒钟时间让他们知道你说了什么,暂停,故答案为B。10C主旨大意题。根据文中的Here are some simple step

    19、s to make your speech a successful one (以下是一些简单的步骤,使你的演讲成功),可知短文主要介绍了演讲的一些技巧,也就是如何提高演讲技巧,故答案为C。点睛:阅读理解的考查题型主要有六大类:细节理解题,推理判断题,主旨大意题,词义猜测题,判断作者意图、态度、观点题和判断文章的基本结构题。其中,主旨大意题型旨在考查考生通过快速阅读获取语篇的中心思想的能力,以及辨别主要信息和次要信息的能力。要求考生运用逻辑概括能力,从文章的字里行间获取文章中的代表性观点和中心论点。主旨大意题是考生容易出错的题型之一,错误主要表现为:概括文章中心时以偏概全(只见树木不见森林),

    20、概括性不够,或者概括过度,超出了文本的内容,缺乏针对性。如第5小题,归纳文章的标题就是主旨大意题的一种命题形式。根据短文中的句子“Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one.”可以判断短文主要介绍了演讲的一些技巧方法,故答案选C。Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter,

    21、and their guide, Gavin Jones. The police said that they had disappeared during an adventure tour of Cape York Peninsula.This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the safety of the three missing people.The police said that the search had covered a wide area, but

    22、 the rain forest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain. Later on Chief Inspector (警官) Roger Fleet said, “The travellers had a radio with them. If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.”The three travellers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota c

    23、ar. They took a small dirt road that runs down to the Daintree River, a dangerous river full of crocodiles (鳄鱼). Chief Inspector Roger Fleet said the tourists wouldnt have got into trouble if they had stayed on the main road.A photo of Vicky and Tom was found by a policeman under the “Be Careful abo

    24、ut crocodiles” sign near the river. Why was the photo left behind? This is just one of the unanswered questions. Other questions are: Why was the photo left behind? Why was the Toyota parked and locked at the edge of the rain forest? The police said that the travellers had left a map of the area beh

    25、ind. Why? Why had someone drawn a cross on the point where the car is? Is this a sign? What does it mean? If anyone can give information or has seen these three young people, contact the local police in Cooktown.11This article is probably taken from _Aa newspaper Ba magazine Ca storybook12Which word

    26、 best describes the search of the three missing people?AHelpless BHard CSuccessful13Which of the following things wasnt found by the police?AA touring map. BA photo of the travellers. CThe travellers radio.14All the following are unanswered questions except_.Awhy they left a photo behindBwhy they ca

    27、me to this areaCwhy their Toyota was parked in the place15The article asks people to _.Ajoin the police in searching for the missing peopleBtell the police about the travellers ages and their appearanceCprovide information about the missing people【答案】11A12B13C14B15C【解析】文章大意:本文讲述的是三个旅行者迷失的故事。当地警方正在全力

    28、营救,同时也有很多的疑点,呼吁见到的人提供一些信息。11推理判断题。本文讲述的是当地警方正在全力营救三个迷失的旅行者,同时也有很多的疑点,判断短文很可能来自报纸上的新闻,故选A。12细节理解题。从文章中的句子“The police said that the search had covered a wide area, but the rainforest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain.”可知现在的调查陷入了困境,故答案选B。13细节理解题。从文章中的句子A photo of Vicky and Tom

    29、 was found by a policeman, Why was the photo left behind? The police said that the travelers had left a map of the area behind.可知只有The travelers radio没有被发现,故答案选 C。14细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中的句子“This is just one of the unanswered questions. Other questions are: Why was the photo left behind? Why was the Toyota

    30、 parked and locked at the edge of the rain forest?”可知,只有知道为什么他们来这个地区外,别的还有很多的疑点,故答案选B。15细节理解题。从最后一句“If anyone can give information or has seen these three young people,contact the local police in Cooktown.”可知,文章要求人们提供一些线索,故答案选C。阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Every year, wildfires(野火) destroy much forest land. home

    31、s are broken down, and thousands of people die. smokejumpers are stop helping to stop this.Smokejumpers are a special kind of firefight. they jump from planes into areas that difficult to reach by car or on foot. they race to put out fires as fast as they can.At a fire site, Smokejumpers first examine the land and decide how to fight the fire. their main goal is to stop fire from spreading. using basic tools such as shovels and axes, smokejumpers clear land of burnable material like plants and other dry material. they carry water with them too, but not m


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