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    1、新概念英语课堂笔记8Lesson 8 Competition竞争1,激烈的竞争fierce/tough/bloody competition 市场上竞争激烈,有很多大的竞争者There is a lot of competition in the market。We have several major players. 随着竞争变得激烈,没有那个企业能够躲过价格下调的压力 As the competition heats up, no company is immune to the pricing pressure. 竞赛contest (体育,学习)competition竞争竞争中我第一

    2、 I came first in the competition/contest.2,compete with/against sb for sth与竞争为了好几个公司在抢合同Several companies are competing/fighting (against each other) for the contract 很多人在角逐这个重要的岗位。Many are competing/fighting for the position.Run for 角逐 “竞选”。 compete for竞选总统Hilary Clinton is running for the presiden

    3、cy很多人在竞选委员会的一个职位Many candidates are running for /competing for a position in the committee.*against 针锋相对,对抗灰蒙蒙的天空下是一座黑乎乎的山A dark mountain lies against the gray sky 顶风骑车ride against the wind 争分锋夺秒的工作work against time 顶着压力工作work under pressure.*neat 1, 安排或排列整齐的= tidy a tidy /neat room/garden干净整洁的房间/花园

    4、打扫完毕,房间整洁亮堂after the cleaning, the house looks shiny and neat/tidy again *家务能够增加生活情调 doing housework adds to the flavor of life/adds flavor to life.种花种草/养养宠物也能增加生活情调Gardening/keeping a pet adds to the flavor of life./ adds flavor to life. 烧饭能够增加生活的情调Cooking adds to the flavor of life/cooking adds fl

    5、avor to life. 2, Neat=tidy(人)打扮收拾干净的 他是一个很干净整洁的年轻人,洁白闪亮的牙齿,没有长指甲,也没有奇怪的味道。He is a neat/tidy young man: brilliant teeth, no long nails, no strange smells. (neat可表示牙齿,tidy不行)Path 小路1, 富有情趣的曲径 interesting winding paths通向山顶的一条秘密小径 A little secret path leading to the top of the mountain Road (leading)to

    6、sth 通向-的道路 发展的道路the road to development 康庄大道The road to prosperity 中国人民正迈步在康庄大道上The Chinese people are marching forward on the road to prosperity. 我们现在正在成功之路上,这条道路虽然不同于你所走的,但是目标却一样We are now on a road to success, a road quite different from yours, but leading to the same goal。 2, keep sb to the narr

    7、ow and straight path 让某人循规蹈矩让某人循规蹈矩Get sb back onto the right track 让某人走上正轨pool水洼,水坑 1, puddle水洼 pond小池塘 宁做鸡头,不做凤尾I would rather be a big fish in a small pond 在乡下,以前没有什么道路,雨天之后路上坑坑洼洼In the countryside, they did not have proper roads. After heavy rainfalls, there were puddles and pools everywhere. 2,

    8、 一滩水或其他液体车子抛锚,很快积了一滩机油。The car broke down and soon a pool of oil gathered under it.受害人躺在一滩血泊之中the victim lay in (a pool of) blood.(The victim of the accident 车祸受害人)夫妻离开家好几天了。桌子上积累了一层灰The couple has been away for several days, and dust has gathered on the table3, 为了同一个目标提供金钱和资源. = put together我们两人都无法

    9、独立运作这个公司,那么我们把资源和关系集中起来用吧。Neither of us can run the company separately. So lets pool our resources and relations 集思广益,探寻更好的解决方案we need pool our ideas (for a better solution.)我们需要集思广益We need brainstorming.裁判们正在碰头以得出最后结论The judges are putting their heads together to reach a final conclusion. the text

    10、Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.Most 1, 最高级的表述2, very very 见到你我非常激动I am most excited to see you. 苏堤或是白堤太迷人了I find this place most fascinating.(心旷神怡)我收到了一件特/极不寻常的礼物 I received a most unusual present on my birthday.Nearly 与almost1,Nearly=almost几乎,差不多,差点儿她跌了一跤,差点把脖子跌断了she fell and

    11、 almost/nearly broke her neck 饭差不多好了Dinner is almost/nearly ready. 差不多该走了its nearly/almost time to go*break ones back 累死累活过去农民们累死累活在地里劳作,但只能勉强糊口In the past, poor farmers broke their backs working in the field but barely made enough to feed themselves. *2, almost用于No, nobody, nothing, none, never之前;

    12、not + nearly 说了一大堆,但是几乎啥都没说.他绕不到点子上.He talked a lot but said almost nothing. He simply couldnt hit the pointNot nearly 相差很远,远远少于,we arent nearly ready for the exam远远没有作好考试的准备I am not nearly ready for a marriage and the family responsibilities 远远没有准备好结婚,承担家庭责任。 Enter (sb) for 1, 参加,比赛或考试我参加跳高比赛 I hav

    13、e entered for the high jump. 老师为他报名参加考试The teacher entered him for the exam. Attend 参加会(meeting, conference, party), 礼(wedding婚礼,, funeral葬礼, ceremony礼仪)2, enter a dark room不加INTO 进入决赛enter the final, enter the semi-final (半决赛)Chinas WTO entry中国加入世贸组织entrance(建筑物的入口) the entrance to the theatre/hall

    14、剧院/大厅的入口national entrance exam 高考中国加入世界贸易组织后,更多的外国企业在涌入中国,而上海及其周边地区是他们的最佳选择After chinas WTO entry, more and more foreign companies are pouring into china. Shanghai and the neighboring cities are their best choices成千上万的学生埋头于学习之中, 没有快乐,没有体育,没有娱乐,什么都没有。三年的黑暗之后,最艰难的竞争来了。Those tens and thousands of stude

    15、nts bury themselves into their study,no fun, no sports, no recreation and nothing. After three years of darkness, they finally come to the national entrance exam, the toughest competition in their life. win & beat1, beat sb 打败某人(游戏,竞赛) defeat sb 打败 (表示战争,选举等,程度较深)战争中日本被打败了Japan was defeated in the w

    16、ar. 2000年世界杯中国队战胜了美国队。In the 2000 world cup final, the Chinese girls beat the US team. 杭州是国内外旅行者最实惠的城市之一。从休闲的角度来说,杭州也是无与伦比Hangzhou is one of the best bargains for travelers at home and abroad. For leisure, its also hard to beat. *国内外的游客tourists at home and abroad国内外公司Companies at home and abroad. 全世

    17、界的人民People from around the world. 来自全世界的企业Companies from around the world. 香港是国内外游客的钟情之地,从购物的角度将,香港也无与伦比HK is one of the best places /choices for visitors at home and abroad/from around the world. For shopping, it is hard to beat. 萧山是国内外投资者的理想场所,从投资环境的角度来说,萧山也无与伦比Xiaoshan district of hangzhou is one

    18、 of the best places/ destinations(目的地) for business people. For investment environment, its also hard to beat杭州外国语学校是全省家长和优秀学生的理想选择,从环境和氛围的角度来讲,这里也是人们梦寐以求 Hangzhou foreign language school is one of the best choices for parents and excellent students. For the environment and atmosphere, it is most de

    19、sired。 美国得天独厚,地大物博,最重要的是人民有创造的智慧和开拓的勇气。The American nation is uniquely favored by the god. They have a great land, the natural resources,and above all, the wisdom to create and the courage to pioneer Win sth在中获胜中国队赢得了2000年世界杯the Chinese girls won the 2000 world cup final.中文的“赢得”都可用win赢得尊敬爱戴win respe

    20、ct and affection.质量赢得广泛认可the good quality wins wide acceptance帅哥赢得芳心无数that cute guy wins many hearts.帅哥轻易的赢得了她的芳心The cute guy won her affections easily *借代的地道性隆美尔是德国军队中最优秀的人才之一 Rommel is one of the best military minds in Germany他是中国最厉害的学者之一He is one of the best academic minds in china. 他是中国的大师之一He i

    21、s one of the master minds in china. 齐白石是中国艺术领域的大师Qi Baishi is one of the master hands in chinas art field.(master hands 绘画,雕刻)巧舌如簧,字字珠玑He has an eloquent tongue 他爷爷相当有个性his grandfather is quite an extraordinary character对于西方人来说,这个听起来很奇怪.To the western ears, this sounds quite strange. 京剧在年轻人看来依然很有吸引力

    22、The Beijing opera still sounds wonderful to the young ears Larger than Joes 花园比乔的大1, 我的鞋子比你的鞋子脏 my shoes are dirtier than yours.如名词复杂,通过如下形式达到效果中国的人口比美国的人口要多得多the population of china is much bigger than that of the USA.如名词中心语是复数,that变those. 上海人比杭州人拥有更多的机会,但是生活的压力也更大People in shanghai have more oppor

    23、tunities and more pressure than those in Hangzhou 2, By and large 大体上大体上说那个公司对我不错By and large the company has been pretty nice to me. Work hard:1, 努力工作,努力学习,努力奋斗-看在钱的份上,我必须努力工作I have to work hard for the sake of money. 看在以往的情份上,给我打个电话for old time sake, please give me a call 为了这个家,要努力工作,I have to wor

    24、k hard for the sake of the family . 为了前途,要好好的学习for the sake of my future/career, I have to work hard. 2, 努力工作几天后,我们最后提前完成任务After days of hard work, we finally finished the task ahead of time. 几年的努力工作之后他们存了足够多的钱,还清了债务After years of hard work, they saved up enough money and paid off their debts. *Pay

    25、back 还回来,归还pay back the money还钱报仇的时候到了Its pay-back time nowWe are in your debts 我们欠你的债/情Pay off the bank loan 还清银行贷款Mortgage 抵押贷款按揭= the bank loan and the monthly interests *3, hard-working工作辛苦的,努力的diligent勤奋的,勤勉的(更侧重学习) industrious 勤劳的(民族)中国人民勤劳好客 the Chinese people are hospitable and industrious 智

    26、商加上一点点的勤奋就能让你与众不同A little bit intelligence and a little bit hard work will make you outstanding /different =A little intelligence and diligence will set you apart. 思路要开阔,行动要踏实Think big and do small. Grow VS plantGrow rice, vegetables种植水稻/蔬菜天那,你蓄胡须Oh, Jesus, you are growing a beard.情感方面的增加可以用grow 恐惧在

    27、内心深处增长 fear grows in your heart当我看到她的眼神变得柔弱时,我的信心来了When I saw her eyes softened, my confidence grew. 生意/市场可用grow经过那么多的合作,我们的友谊在伴随着业务成长We have done a lot of cooperation; our friendship is growing with the business.中产阶级人数在增加,奢侈品市场也在增长The population of mid-class is growing; the market of luxurious good

    28、s is growing too Not grow on trees金钱不易获得不要乱花钱,钱来之不易 dont splash money about, it doesnt grow on trees. 不要花钱如流水dont spend money like water. Plant trees植树Plant 植根一些坏的广告在我们年轻人心中留下了堕落的价值观Some bad ads may plant corrupt values in the minds of the young. Some bad ads may plant in the minds of the young corr

    29、upt values. 他四十岁左右,已经快要秃顶了he is around 40, and already has little hair left on the top of his head. Over a pool 横跨 there is a bridge over/across the river河上有座桥over 动态介词车消失在山背后the car disappeared over the hill越过别人肩膀上看报纸read newspaper over ones shoulder. Look over sbs shoulder看着某人背后*(at the back of th

    30、e mountain 静态At the foot of the mountain 山脚下宝石山后是西湖The west lake lies at the back of the Jade Hill浙江大学依宝石山而建 Zhejiang university sits against the Jade hill Zhejiang university is built against the Jade Hill.这个小区背山面湖This community sits against the mountain and faces the lake *A:Where are you? 你们在那里?B

    31、:I am just across the street. 就在街对面 街对面有一个大楼There is a building across the street. 当他睁开眼睛,看到房屋对面的墙上的钟若隐若现When he opened his eyes, he could see the clock on the wall across the hall fading in and out. 醒来看到一个人在他面前,若隐若现。When he opened his eyes/came to himself he could see a man before him fading in and out.Work 工作, 抽象,不可数这个工作又脏又累This is hard and dirty work我有很多活要干 I have a lot of


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